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..A Joshua and Caleb Generation Rising in Ireland; Joshua’s Call..!

Good Morning Friends,..

…I wanted to share what God was saying to me while in prayer this morning concerning what I see God doing in our Nation…and about hearing the Call to Raise up a Prophetic Joshua Company of Shofar Warriors…

…So Prophetically, we have heard God saying,….that He is raising up a Joshua and Caleb Generation in this hour in Ireland,..Sons and Daughters of a ‘different Spirit’…those that will enter into their Kingdom Inheritance,..and equip and enable others to do the same…

…This Joshua and Caleb Generation will be an Army of Victorious and Courageous Warriors, who have learned to be fully dependent on the Spirit of God for Supernatural Victory over the enemies of God…

…I prophesied recently that Nations have now Entered into a Second Exodus and that it’s Time to Enter in and Take full possession of the Promised Land…

…In Exodus we see a powerful prophetic parallel which I believe speaks to our time,…

..We see that there is a fierce Battle raging,..and Moses was standing over-looking the Valley below where the Battle was unfolding and he needed support for his hands which needed to stay raised, because as long as his hands were raised, Israel would take more ground and secure the Victory!!

…Now At that same time,..Joshua was being prepared to succeed Moses,…; there was a handing over of the Baton in the realm of the Spirit,…there is a supernatural dimension and divine transaction taking place,..again this speaks to what is now happening in our time…

…Then the LORD said to Moses, “Write this in a book as a memorial and recite it to Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven.”

…We then see Moses build an altar unto the Lord and he names it…”The LORD is My Banner”…!

..Moses then says, “The LORD has sworn; the LORD will have War against Amalek from generation to generation”’ (Ex 17:14-16).

..Friends,..We are in a Time of War for Divine Restore,…But I see God Raising up a Mighty Joshua Company in this Season that will need to know the Name of God as, Jehovah-Nissi…; The Lord our Banner..The Lord our Victory..!

…’Banners’ always speak prophetically to a time of War,…and God is Promising us in this hour of great Battle that “He will be our Banner of Victory as we go forth to contend for the Destiny of this Nation and the next Generation”….

“His Banner” will enable us to overcome…and we will surely see the Ruling Powers of Amalek utterly destroyed…

..I submit to you that in order for us to possess the land of Promised Inheritance and defeat the satanic forces, God must begin to form and fashion a Mighty Joshua Company, army of fierce Forerunners that will take the Kingdom by force…

…God is moving strategically and powerfully…and God is looking for those that will Go,..those that will Say,..”Send me”…; God’s commission in this hour is to possess the good land (Josh. 1:10-15).

…”Every place on which the sole of our foot treads God has given to us, even as He has promised”; every inch we must possess, is ours to enjoy as a good land.

…What is the Significance of a Prophetic Joshua Company…well, in prayer,..I was taken to,..

..1 Samuel 10…when Saul has an encounter with the Company of Prophets…they were the “Unknowns”…their names were never even mentioned in this passage,..but clearly this Prophetic Company had a ‘special and intimate relationship with God’ and each one of them possessed a strong gift of Prophecy,..

…Ha!! what a powerful picture, I believe this speaks of God raising up ordinary people to do extraordinary things in these unprecedented days…

..God is raising up a Mighty Prophetic Company of Joshua’s and Caleb’s for Kingdom Advancement in this hour,..and He’s not forming and fashioning “superstars”,..but He is moving mightily among ordinary people, like you and me…

..”But for the Grace and Presence of God”…in our lives we could accomplish nothing,..; He Calls us a Peculiar People who have been given an extraordinary set of supernatural gifts in which to accomplish great things for His Glory…!

…Continuing to Look at,..1 Samuel 10,…we see a Mighty Prophetic Company of the Unknowns and the Ordinary,..where God pours out His Spirit upon them and the Bible says,…
“They came along with their lyres and tambourines, prophesying as they went…; But when Saul and his servant meet this Prophetic Company, they too begin to prophesy.

…As Samuel had foretold Saul, “The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person” (1 Samuel 10:6).

…In other words,..a Powerful Corporate Anointing comes upon this Prophetic Company of Ordinary and Unknowns…including Saul,…and the Spirit of the Lord moves powerfully upon them in the Gift of Prophesy…and as a result Supernatural Transformation takes place in the midst of them…

…I submit that God is now raising up and Sending forth a Mighty Prophetic Joshua Company in these days,….and just as the Prophet Samuel prophesied..”The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you (Saul) and you too will prophesy and will be changed into a different person” (1 Samuel 10:6).

…Listen!…God is raising up a Mighty Joshua Company of Shofar Warriors that will Sound the Sound of Distinction that will not only Awaken the deep Sleepers,…but as you Come together in Unity and in one accord with Vision and Purpose a Corporate Anointing will come upon you and you will Prophesy,..and as you Prophesy…the “THE SAULS IN OUR MIDST,…AND THE WALLS OF DIVISION AND POLITICAL SECULARISM IN OUR NATION”…will Come Crashing down,..and Great Transformation and Kingdom Reformation will begin to take place in our Nation…!!

..Please Keep praying concerning what God is Birthing in our Nation…Pray for God to reveal His Battle Blueprints and that the Joshua Warriors would hear the Call and Come together to Take Back the Gates…!!

..A Joshua and Caleb Generation Rising in Ireland; Joshua’s Call..!

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