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Early this morning as I entered my prayer hut,..I was not long into prayer when suddenly a strong spirit of Intercession came upon me with the Spirit of Prophesy and I heard these words;

…”Oh Great Britain how your Greatness shall continue to be diminished until you have truly turned and returned to your Covenant Foundations,…; I Say,…Do not be Like a dog that goes back to eat its own vomit but rid yourselves of that which has caused defilement and disease and purify and consecrate yourselves before Me,…

…I Say to you again, Oh Great Britain how your Greatness shall continue to be diminished and the Glory on the Crown upon your head shall continue to tarnish and fade away until you have turned your face towards the Light of the Sun/Son that made you Great in the first place…

…Oh Great Britain,..How far you have fallen and how much further you shall fall if you do not heed the Voice of My Spirit that Calls unto you this day,…to turn,..and Return in true Repentance….

..I Say to you Oh Prodigal Nation,…You Shall surely eat with pigs and you shall be stripped of your Royal Garments until naked you stand before the eyes of the World,..For surely I tell you that which has been hidden and concealed in darkness shall be brought into the light and full exposure will bring forth a great revealing and uncovering to the ungodly alliances,…corrupt handshakes and dark dealings done under the table….

…I Say Again to you Great Britain Come out from Among them before it’s too late,…for the Titanic that is the New Europe is on a Collision course with utter destruction,…

…Listen!…and See!…For the dark Clouds are rising in the East a Great Storm is brewing on the horizon,..I Call you Oh Great Britain, to Break Away,…Break Away,…Break Covenant with the Harlot that rides the Bull for surely I tell you that this Babylonian structure and System is about to Fall and it shall never Recover”…!!


Veronika West


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