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Cut the Umbilical Cord – by Victor Mitchell

Cut the Umbilical Cord – by Victor Mitchell

I was taken by the Spirit into a womb, and I saw a child with the umbilical cord around the neck of the child. And the Spirit of the Lord…

Cut the Umbilical Cord – by Victor Mitchell

Roz Mitchell

Cut the Cord

I was taken by the Spirit into a womb, and I saw a child with the umbilical cord around the neck of the child. And the Spirit of the Lord said to me lift off this cord, for the past wants to kill the child.

Its time to birth this child, but the enemy has desired to end the life of this generation and commit it to the grave, where there is no hope, or destiny or life.
As I fell to my knees and cried out to the Lord, the child began to go down the birth canal and was birthed.
But watch and pray for the enemy wants to keep the umbilical cord attached to the child, to limit, restrict, and control the child’s movements.
Take My sword of the Spirit and severe this unholy umbilical cord, that tries to bring death and limitations to the child that has been birthed.
For the placenta that had nourished and feed the child while it was in the womb, now wants to kill and destroy the child, so that is become like the placenta dead and putrid.
You say don’t cut the cord, the baby will die, but I saw as the Sword of the Lord came down upon this umbilical cord the sword was covered with fire. Instead of the child bleeding to death which the past wants, life came in and flourished and abounded in every area of life.
Yah is severing the things of the past, that doesn’t want to be given up freely, but as the sword of the Lord came and cut the umbilical cord and sealed it with the fire of the Spirit life and wholeness came and purified the child.
Speak to your destiny and calling for the Lord is not limited, nor does He control, but has given you freewill. Come now says the Lord and submit your will to Mine, laying it upon the altar and be consumed by the Fire of the Lord, that brings freedom and liberty.

Cut the Umbilical Cord – by Victor Mitchell

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House of Issachar – High Days & Holy Days

House of Issachar – High Days & Holy Days

We all know that our English word Holiday was originally a ‘holy day’; but what, or rather who, made one day more special or set apart than another? – Holidays…

House of Issachar – High Days & Holy Days

Roz Mitchell

the tribes gathering to feast
the tribes gathering to feast
the tribes gathering to feast

We all know that our English word Holiday was originally a ‘holy day’; but what, or rather who, made one day more special or set apart than another?

Holidays were in fact God’s idea.  He created all that we know in 6 days, and then He ceased from work Genesis 2:1-2

“And so the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their heavenly lights. By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because on it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.”

God did not need to rest, but He chose to do so; and He included this advice to Moses at Mount Sinai when He said “Remember day 7 and set it apart as holy”, and then in Leviticus 23, Moses recorded that Day 7 – the Shabbat, from Sheba, the Hebrew word meaning ‘seven’ – would be a special holy feast day.  God told Moses to earmark the day on his calendar as special, along with certain days that were significant on God’s calendar.

We all have dates that are special to us in our calendars – birthdays and anniversaries which we pencil into our diaries and try to avoid unnecessary work so that we can celebrate and spend time with those we love.  God’s calendar is no different – though Moses would have had no idea at that time of the significance of those particular days and festivals in world history when he repeated the instructions to God’s people.

Leviticus 23 contains all of the relevant details of the Feasts of the LORD, and it is important to note that these were, and are, the Feasts of the LORD – not simply the Feasts of the Jews, or the Feasts of Moses – they were decreed to be Feasts of the LORD for all time!

Leviticus 23:4 “These appointed times/feasts/Moedim of Yahweh (are) holy/sacred assemblies that you shall proclaim at the appointed times/Moedim”

Leviticus 23:14 “… it shall be an enactment/a statute forever”.

This same phrase ‘huqqat owlam’ – ‘a statute forever’ is repeated in verses 14, 21 and 31 of Leviticus 23.


Why do we put dates in our calendars?  Either to remember and commemorate something special such as a birthday or anniversary – or because we have an appointment and plans that we do not want to miss.  The Feasts of the LORD are no different.  It may seem strange at first, but these special holy days – and several of them were week long events, would mark out God’s redemptive plan throughout the generations and the plan is still to fully unfold on the world stage.  For more than 1700 years, since the rule of Emperor Constantine in Rome, the Church has tried to dissociate itself from its Jewish roots, and over time, the Jews have created many additional fast and feast days, but the truth remains that the 7 feasts listed in Leviticus 23, along with the weekly 7th day – are special times, set apart on God’s calendar, for believers to take time away from work, to eat together, and observe God’s redemptive plan as it unfolds.

Generally speaking, the Feasts can be understood as the spring feasts of: Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits which all take place within a week of each other.  Fifty days after the First Fruit offering was made there would be another feast – known as the Feast of Weeks or Shavuot which did not have a specific name in Leviticus 23, but it would become the date when God revealed His glory and truth to the people at Mount Sinai as He instructed them in how they should live.  The Greek word for ‘fifty’ is ‘Pente’ and Shavuot became known as Pentecost in the Greek speaking world.  We often speak of Pentecost as though it began when the tongues of fire descended upon the believers, however Pentecost was the name that Greek speaking Jews would use to describe a Feast that had been celebrated since the time of Moses, and that was the very reason the believers ‘happened’ to be in Jerusalem to experience this incredible phenomena. Acts 2:1-3

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.  And suddenly a noise like a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.  And tongues that looked like fire appeared to them,  distributing themselves, and a tongue rested on each one of them.  And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different tongues, as the Spirit was giving them the ability to speak out.”

Pentecost does not mean ‘the day the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit’ – Pentecost means ‘fifty’ – as in the 7 weeks plus 1 day after the Feast of First Fruits when those observing the Feasts of the LORD would gather to see what He would reveal concerning His redemption plan!

The final 3 Feasts occur in the autumn and they are Yom Teruah, which is the Feast of Trumpets, the 10 Days of Awe culminating in Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and the Feast of Tabernacles which is known as Sukkot in Hebrew.


Since Passover begins on the evening of Monday 22nd April 2024 I would like to spend some time demonstrating the significance of this annual Feast as it will help us understand the notion that certain days are more important or holy than others.  Our western mindsets are so focussed on an alternative calendar based around the ‘holy days’ of Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday that we can easily miss the specific Feasts of the LORD recorded in the New Testament.

John 12:1-13

“Six days before the Passover, Jesus therefore came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.  So they gave a dinner for him there. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those reclining with him at table. Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said, “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it. Jesus said, “Leave her alone, so that she may keep it for the day of my burial.  For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me.”

When the large crowd of the Jews learned that Jesus was there, they came, not only on account of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead.  So the chief priests (that’s the corrupt inner circle of the Sanhedrin) made plans to put Lazarus to death as well, because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus.  The next day the large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!”

The bold highlight is mine, but John was equally clear in highlighting that six days before Passover, Mary anointed Jesus with oil at Bethany and on the following day Jesus entered Jerusalem, along with Lazarus who had been raised from the dead, and the disciples – five days before Passover.

There are several key points that I would like to address:

  1. Why was the timing significant?
  2. Why was Jesus riding on a donkey?
  3. Why did Jesus cleanse the Temple before Passover?


According to Torah, lamb selection day was 5 days before the Passover and families would choose their lamb for the Passover sacrifice on this very day – see Exodus 12:1-13.  According to John’s account as we have just read, it was 5 days before the Passover as Jesus entered Jerusalem, and God the Father made a choice for His sacrificial lamb!

Questions 2 and 3 will take a little more time to explain.

The phrase ‘on a donkey’ is not as common as you might expect to find in the Bible!   The expression is found only once within the Torah – and that is in the book of Exodus 4:20 – just after Moses had his encounter with God at the burning bush.

Exodus 4:19…

Now the LORD God has said to Moses in Midian, “Go back to Egypt, for all the men who sought to kill you are dead” (bearing in mind Moses had fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian guard and he had been a shepherd for the past 40 years – so it was time now for Moses to return and lead his people to freedom).  Exodus 4:20 “So Moses took his wife and sons, put them on a donkey, and headed back to Egypt.  And he took the staff of God (which represented his authority and his anointing) in his hand.

When Moses returned to Egypt, he asked Pharaoh to let God’s people go.  We are familiar with the Ten Plagues culminating in the Plague of the First Born when first born sons would escape death if an unblemished male lamb was sacrificed and its blood was daubed on the sides and top of the doorframe.

There was always a heightened expectation that a 2nd Moses would come to free the people from captivity at Passover.  Moses had returned to Egypt from exile riding on a donkey so it had become an annual tradition to tie up a donkey at one of the gates in the expectation that the Messiah would arrive and have need of it!   Just as Moses, the first Messiah had arrived in Egypt riding on a donkey, Jesus would enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey, a humble righteous anointed king, a chosen Lamb.  Incidentally, Moses, or Mosheh as he is called in Hebrew, shares the same root as Ha Moshiach – The Messiah, as Jesus/Yeshua is known in Hebrew, Yeshua Ha Moshiach: Yeshua = ‘Yah saves’; and Ha Moshiach = the Anointed One.

The chief priests were not happy, and they had good reason to be concerned.  Upon entering the city of Jerusalem, Jesus headed straight for the Temple!

Have you ever thought about why Jesus thought that the week before Passover was the appropriate time to cleanse the Temple?  Matthew, Mark and Luke all record that Jesus emptied the Temple courts after His triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  It was one of His last acts before the eventful night in the Garden of Gethsemane – in fact only one miracle is recorded after the cleansing of the Temple and that was the healing of the centurion’s ear which took place there on the Mount of Olives.

Matthew 21:9-12  “The crowds that went ahead of Him and those that followed were shouting “Hosha-na to the Son of David.  Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD.  Hosha-na in the highest!’  When Jesus had entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, ‘Who is this?’ The crowds replied, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee”.  Then Jesus entered the Temple Courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there.  He overturned the tables of the money changers and those selling doves.  And He declared to them, “It is written, my house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers!”.

John, however, records in chapter 2 that at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry a similar cleansing took place straight after water was turned into wine at Cana in Galilee, John 2:11-16

“This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and revealed His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.  After this He went down to Capernaum, He and His mother, and His brothers and His disciples; and they stayed there a few days. The Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And within the temple grounds He found those who were selling oxen, sheep, and doves, and the money changers seated at their tables. And He made a whip of cords, and drove them all out of the temple area, with the sheep and the oxen; and He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables;  and to those who were selling the doves He said, “Take these things away from here; stop making My Father’s house a place of business!”

Essentially we have:

1st miracle – at Cana in Galilee, closely followed by the cleansing of the Temple on the week before Passover – as recorded in Matthew, Mark and Luke.

The 2nd cleansing of the Temple on the week before Passover, as recorded by John, followed by the final miracle in the Garden of Gethsemane.

We can see a pattern developing – but why here at the Temple, and why now on the week before Passover?

The Jewish people understood the significance of the annual calendar and the Feasts of the Lord that have been long-forgotten by His Bride, the Church.  Until the Bride is waiting expectantly, aware of the significance of dates in God’s calendar, she is like the unwise virgins who knew that the Groom would return for His Bride but they had neglected the preparation of their oil lamps so that they could greet Him.

To this day, the first 5 books of the Old Testament, the books which are known as Torah because they contain all of God’s instructions and guidelines for His people, are read publicly every year.  The Torah is divided into weekly passages that are known as Parasha, and every year the same Parasha is read at Passover, and then the following chapter is read every year on the week after Passover etc.

This week is the week before Passover and it is known as Shabbat HaGadol – meaning the Great Sabbath, and a certain passage from Leviticus is read.  It would have been the exact same passage that would have been read the week when Jesus performed His first miracle at Cana before entering Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, and it would have been ringing in the ears of the chief priests too as Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time three years later.

Leviticus 14

“The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “When you enter the land of Canaan (that is Israel), which I am giving you as your possession – if you find mould…..the owner of the house must go and tell the priest “I have seen something that looks like mildew in my house.  The priest is to order the house to be emptied before he goes in to examine the mildew, so that nothing in the house will be pronounced unclean.  After this the priest is to go in and inspect the house…. On the seventh day the priest shall return to inspect the house.  If the mildew has spread on the walls, he is to order that the contaminated stones be torn out….Then they are to take other stones to replace these and take new clay and plaster the house.  If the mildew reappears after the stones have been torn out and the house scraped and plastered, the priest is to go in and examine it and, if the mildew has spread in the house, it is a destructive mildew; the house is unclean.  It must be torn down!”

God had decreed in the Book Of Leviticus that if a house had disease in its very walls, then a priest must come and empty the house, examine the disease and ensure that contaminated stones are removed and replaced.  If the disease reappears the priest must return, declare the house to be unclean and see that it is torn down!  How much more for the House of God!

This instruction was not an obscure detail that fitted the story – every Jew in Jerusalem would have been within earshot of this Torah reading and those within the Temple courts would have been in no doubt that Jesus was declaring judgement on the chief priests and elders responsible for permitting the corruption and disease within the Temple walls!  God is a gracious God and for a further 37 years the Temple remained standing before being destroyed in AD 70.  For 37 years large numbers of Jews recognised Jesus as the long awaited Messiah, while others continued to make their own sacrifices at the Temple.  AD 70 the Temple was destroyed and for almost 2000 years there has been nowhere suitable for Jews to make their sacrifices – but Jesus was the perfect sinless spotless sacrifice.

I don’t believe that it is just an interesting story – God cares about the appointed times and seasons within His calendar.  They are a focal point to remember and celebrate God’s faithfulness, but they also point us towards future events that are unfolding before us.  They are dates with significance, and times for Gods people to come together and lean in to see what God is doing.  We can continue to celebrate chocolate eggs and colourful bunny costumes, or we can take our place and be history makers for the Kingdom.

Written By Roz Mitchell…(Rooted and Grounded Ministry)

House of Issachar – High Days & Holy Days

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Naphtali Devotional : Casting Aside the Veil

Naphtali Devotional : Casting Aside the Veil

 Casting Aside the Veil  – Imagine, for a moment, the threshold of a magnificent Throne room, Not one of Earthly Kings, adorned with cold stone and echoing silence, but a…

Naphtali Devotional : Casting Aside the Veil

Roz Mitchell

 Casting Aside the Veil 
Imagine, for a moment, the threshold of a magnificent Throne room, Not one of Earthly Kings, adorned with cold stone and echoing silence, but a realm bathed in celestial light, pulsating with love and whispered promises. This, friend, is the invitation extended to you every moment – to walk boldly into the throne room of God and sit at His feet. The image might evoke awe, even trepidation. Is your heart pure enough? Are your words eloquent enough?
But the beauty lies in this truth: you are not invited for your merit, but for His love. The veil separating you from the Divine has been torn, not by your hand, but by the sacrifice of Christ. So, step forward, unafraid. Leave behind the burdens you carry, the anxieties that grip you. At the entrance, surrender them to the gentle mercy that washes over you, a cleansing rain erasing every doubt. Now, enter.
The first thing that might strike you is the light. Not a harsh glare, but a warm luminescence that seeps into your very being, revealing both the beauty and brokenness within. Don’t flinch from the light – it is here you find healing, the blemishes transformed into brushstrokes of grace. Next, a melody fills the air, a symphony woven from countless voices, each raised in praise and adoration. Join them, sing your own song, a simple offering from your heart. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just sincere. In this chorus of love, your unique voice adds to the tapestry of worship. And then, there He is. Seated on the throne, not in distant majesty, but with an outstretched hand beckoning you closer. Fear melts away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of belonging.
You are not judged, but welcomed, embraced by the very essence of love. Hesitantly, you approach. The throne isn’t cold stone, but a warmth that radiates around you, drawing you in. And finally, you kneel, not in submission, but in reverence, in the sacred space between humility and awe. Here, at His feet, the world shrinks away. Time loses its hold. You are bathed in His presence, a boundless ocean of compassion and understanding. Pour out your heart, your joys and sorrows, your fears and dreams. He listens not with judging ears, but with a heart overflowing with love. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Share your deepest longings, the questions that keep you awake at night. In this sanctuary of grace, even your doubts find solace.
His silence is not an absence of response, but an invitation to listen deeper, to the whispers of truth stirring within your soul. As you sit there, a quiet knowing washes over you. You are loved, unconditionally, fiercely. Every imperfection, every misstep, fades in the light of His acceptance. He sees you not as the world does, but as His beloved child, worthy of His love and grace. This is not a one-time event, but a continuous invitation. The throne room is always open, the light always beckoning. Whenever you feel lost, afraid, or simply need a moment of peace, remember: you have a place at His feet. Leave the throne room transformed. The burdens you brought in feel lighter, replaced by a newfound strength and peace. The love you received spills over, touching the lives of those around you. You become a beacon of hope, a testament to the transformative power of His presence. So go forth, friend, and walk boldly into the throne room of God. Let His love fill you, transform you, and empower you to live a life overflowing with His grace. Remember, the invitation is always open, waiting for you to return, to sit at His feet, and bask in the radiant light of His love.
Written By Linda G Bennett

Naphtali Devotional : Casting Aside the Veil

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Simeon Devotional Day 22 : A Special Treasure by Victor Mitchell

Simeon Devotional Day 22 : A Special Treasure by Victor Mitchell

1 Peter 2 v 9   “But you are a Chosen race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of…

Simeon Devotional Day 22 : A Special Treasure by Victor Mitchell

Roz Mitchell

A special treasure...

1 Peter 2 v 9  

“But you are a Chosen race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.”

That phrase ‘own possession’ in the Aramaic is the word  sēgullâ meaning ‘a shut up, special treasure [royal treasure], possession and guarded wealth’; and this is how Abba Father sees us.

We are HIS Special Royal Treasure, Sons and Daughters, His Heirs. He guards and protects every single one of us for we are His possession, as in Exodus 19:5-6: “Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then shall you be My own possession among all the peoples, for the earth in Mine; And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priest’s and a holy nation.” 

 It is not some figment of your imagination, or some type of brainwashing that you are being told, that you are “Chosen to be a Royal Priesthood,” and this is by the One and only, that spoke the universe into being creating the sun, moon, and stars, you, and me as well!   

Because we have asked Jesus Christ to come into our hearts as our personal Lord and Saviour, The BLOOD of Yeshua Hamaschiah (Jesus the Messiah) has been shed for our sin, which covers our lives today, that we can and do walk in His unction and authority. 

I pray today that you would walk out, in the fullness of His grace, and that you would walk holy and upright, you say that is not for today, sure no one can live a holy and pure life, get a grip why don’t you.

Well strangely you should say that the Word of God says in 1 Peter 1:15-16 “But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in your behaviour.   

…Because it is written, YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.”

Whoops, no getting out of that one is there?

We are called to take God’s word and apply it to our lives, it is not about learning about it, trying it, looking at and studying it, it is all about BEING what Father has called us to be in Him.  We walk out our lives with the Father, learning how to fulfil our destiny and calling and living out the way Father has called us to live, as His children, knowing that we are His special treasure and possession. 

Simeon Devotional Day 22 : A Special Treasure by Victor Mitchell

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Simeon Devotional Day 21 : God Restores by Lisa Morrison

Simeon Devotional Day 21 : God Restores by Lisa Morrison

”And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm…” —Joel 2:25 – Now let us look at this…

Simeon Devotional Day 21 : God Restores by Lisa Morrison

Roz Mitchell

I will restore what the locusts have eaten
”And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm…”
—Joel 2:25
Now let us look at this more closely at what the scripture means and how God restores.
I’ve been doing a lot of research and the word canker means mould or a growth. The canker worm does not just destroy the tree it destroys the seed which means next year’s harvest will not grow either. They destroy everything in their path! The word locust comes from the root word ravah which literally means to progressively grown stronger in abundance of number, strength or authority. It is spelled Resh, Beit, and Hei.  These letters and their order indicate that when a multitude of difficulties come upon us, it drowns out the voice of God.
The cankerworm is Yeleq which is spelled Yod, Lamed, and Qof and means to lick, lap or devour. The letters and their order indicate a loss of hope.
The canker worm literally licks away your hope. The caterpillar in Hebrew is chasel and means to devour.  This is spelled Chet, Samek and Lamed and indicates fear. The caterpillar devours you with fear.
The palmerworm in Hebrew is gazem which means to cut off.  The word is spelled Gimmel, Zayin and Mem and indicates sorrow or grief.
The devil may use the locust against us and try to drown out the voice of God. He may send the cankerworm to discourage us and cause us to lose hope, or the caterpillar to devour us with fear and the palmerworm to fill us with such grief and sorrow that we are cut off from all the good that life has to offer.
However, if we repent, God will bring restoration, peace and healing to change to all that was destroyed by the devil.
Written By Lisa Morrison

Simeon Devotional Day 21 : God Restores by Lisa Morrison

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Simeon Devotional Day 20 – He Who Forms The Mountain by Roz Mitchell

Simeon Devotional Day 20 – He Who Forms The Mountain by Roz Mitchell

For behold, He who forms the mountains and creates wind and declares to man His thought and makes the dawn darkness and who treads on high places of the earth,…

Simeon Devotional Day 20 – He Who Forms The Mountain by Roz Mitchell

Roz Mitchell

As a mother bird feeds her young

For behold, He who forms the mountains and creates wind and declares to man His thought and makes the dawn darkness and who treads on high places of the earth, Yahweh God of hosts is His name.


I must admit that I when I first read an English translation of this verse I was aware of the reference to God forming the mountains and creating wind but I overlooked the seemingly insignificant detail that God shares His thoughts with man!


Many translations say that He ‘declares’, but the Hebrew word used is ‘nagad’ which means to talk ‘face to face’ – not an announcement or statement or declaration; but one-to-one, intimately, personally; and most certainly nothing to do with ‘nagging’ though our English word is probably derived from the Hebrew when you think that Noah’s sons were told to go forth and multiply throughout the earth!


Nagad is derived from the Hebrew root word Nun-Gimel which means to touch gently – as when we hear the deep resonate chords of a certain piece of piano music, or when the warm rays of sunlight enter through a window.  God is not limited or restricted to any one form of communication.  He knows what and how we need to hear His voice.


But what is God’s ‘thought’ that He gently reveals to man?  This particular word for ‘thought’ is quite unique since it is only found here in Amos 4 – so we cannot compare the use with any other context.  Bible lexicons and dictionaries note that ‘Seach’ (pronounced Seeck) can mean to meditate or swim or sweep which might see hard to link in our thoughts.


Looking at the root word ‘to think’ from which a ‘Seach’ or ‘thought’ is derived we have the idea of something difficult or unpalatable that has been chewed over to reduce it down to something that we can swallow.  Think of a mother bird feeding its young.  That is how Father God wants to share a thought with us – He wants us to receive His perspective on that difficult situation, the awkward relationship, the challenge in the workplace that feels insurmountable, the health scare that ‘could’ be sinister, or benign.  He knows the beginning from the end.  He knows the number of our days and the enemy will not take us one minute sooner than what God has ordained if we lean into Him and allow Him to share His thought for us with us.


There is another element to this word – the idea of creating a new way of thinking that is a fortress of protection for the future.  If we allow God to shape our thoughts by listening to Him and leaning in, then it will result in a safe place of protection; but if we allow our thoughts to wander, or we listen to the enemy propaganda then our thoughts will become more like a dungeon than a fortress!

We may prefer to use the word ‘meditate’ but the Hebrew word expands the word ‘meditate’ into a picture of breaking down hard or difficult situation into something which is more palatable and which will ultimately protects us.  Chewing it over, breaking it down and using the experience to bring maturity.  As we allow God to speak to us, to share His thoughts with and touch us; He brings clarity and understanding to our situations – not simply for now, but a one-to-one experience and encounter that will create stability and strength for us in the days ahead.

Simeon Devotional Day 20 – He Who Forms The Mountain by Roz Mitchell

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Reuben : A Fire Shall Light In This Land by Ernie Simms

Reuben : A Fire Shall Light In This Land by Ernie Simms

A Fire shall light in this land, My Fire shall spread. My Fire shall break forth and burst through, My Fire shall be unstoppable. – ..My Fire shall cover this…

Reuben : A Fire Shall Light In This Land by Ernie Simms

Roz Mitchell

My Fire shall spread...

A Fire shall light in this land, My Fire shall spread. My Fire shall break forth and burst through, My Fire shall be unstoppable.

..My Fire shall cover this Nation, saith the Lord.

…And I say unto you, people will come running to catch the fire.  And I say, I will go across the border, and I shall spread My fires in the South of Ireland, because they will be hungry.  And when they see what is happening, they will want to be a part of it.

Whether they have known much about Me or not, they will See it’s the Fire of Life. It’s the Fire of God and they will want to become a part of it.


…And I say unto you many outbreaks all over Ireland shall rise, and there shall be fires all over,…

…I say unto you I have even connected some to the Hub over this last while and they shall carry the fires from their Hubs in the south of Ireland also, especially around the bottom end and on up the side.

And I say unto you, the people will run to them and they will fill the houses, fill the buildings whenever they have to get buildings, and things will spread too!


…My fire will spread, as well as the spreading of the Gospel. And I say miracles, signs and wonders shall break out. Many will be healed delivered and set free.


…And I say this is the Time for Ireland.….

Ireland is going to be on FIRE….And I say Ireland shall be the talk of the world where many are spoken about for wars and rumours of wars.

…But Ireland will be spoken about the Fire of God.

And I say unto you move forward in these days, move forward do not hesitate in anything, do not hold back but I say advance, because I shall place My fire upon each one of you. So carry My fire.


…You are My fire carriers saith the Lord,…and open up different things in different places and ignite that fire and ignite those people and the fire will spread and spread and spread. So rise up My people in these days and do not fear or worry because no government, no police, nothing will stop you when they see the fire! I say they will run, they will run saith the Lord,…

And you will go and you will see the people lighting up.


…They will light those fires and they shall spread like wildfire in Australia. I say it will just burn and burn and burn and the people will be coming forth with great testimonies. Great messages and great visitations, great visitations because I will visit many, I will visit many and they will have visitations to speak of and as they speak of the visitations, people will get saved on the spot at the testimonies.


…So I say I am going to see many saved and poured out in many different ways in the days ahead. So get ready, prepare yourself to move and to get fired saith the Lord because it is coming.

Prophetic Word by; Ernie Simms from House of Reuben 13th January 2024

Reuben : A Fire Shall Light In This Land by Ernie Simms

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Simeon Devotional Day 17 : In The Shadow of His Splendour by Linda G Bennett

Simeon Devotional Day 17 : In The Shadow of His Splendour by Linda G Bennett

Imagine, if you will, a majestic throne – not fashioned of earthly materials, but carved from radiant clouds, shimmering with the brilliance of a thousand suns. Upon it, seated at…

Simeon Devotional Day 17 : In The Shadow of His Splendour by Linda G Bennett

Roz Mitchell

Imagine, if you will, a majestic throne – not fashioned of earthly materials, but carved from radiant clouds, shimmering with the brilliance of a thousand suns. Upon it, seated at the epicenter of all creation, rests the Almighty, cloaked in majesty beyond our earthly comprehension. This is the throne of God, a canvas upon which His glory is eternally painted.

Yet, our God is not a distant king, enthroned in cold and sterile splendour. His glory, while awe-inspiring, is not a blinding light that obliterates, but a symphony of love that resonates through every fibre of His being. It weaves its way down from the celestial heights, bathing His throne in a halo of warmth and compassion. For God’s glory is not about Himself, but about the immensity of His love for His creation, which includes every one of us.

Picture waves of His love rippling outward from the throne, like golden threads woven into the tapestry of His glory. They stretch across galaxies, embracing every star and whispering through the darkest voids. They descend to cradle our fragile planet, washing over mountains and meadows, penetrating the deepest oceans and reaching into the bustling hearts of cities. This love is not an abstract concept, a mere word whispered in ancient texts. It is tangible, a force that moves with the gentle breeze rustling through leaves and the fierce wind sculpting mountain peaks. It is in the sunrise that paints the sky with fiery hues and the quiet miracle of a newborn’s breath. It is in the unyielding strength of a parent’s love, the comfort of a friend’s embrace, and the whispered prayer that carries us through the darkest night. We stand, small and humbled, in the shadow of His splendour. Yet, He invites us closer, not with a king’s summons, but with a father’s outstretched hand. We are not mere subjects before His throne, but children welcomed into His embrace.

The tapestry of His glory, woven with threads of love, is our inheritance, an invitation to step into the warmth of His presence. In the quiet moments of our lives, in the joy and the sorrow, the triumphs and the failures, we can seek the shelter of His throne. His glory may dazzle, but His love draws us near. It invites us to bask in the radiance of His grace, to find forgiveness in the depths of His compassion, and to experience the transformative power of His presence.

So let us step forward, not with trepidation, but with hearts overflowing with gratitude. Let us bask in the warmth of His love, woven into the very fabric of His glory. For in the shadow of His splendour, we find not only awe, but belonging, purpose, and an unconditional love that transcends all understanding. In His presence, we are not lost specks in a vast universe, but cherished children embraced by the King of Kings, forever loved in the tapestry of His glory.

Simeon Devotional Day 17 : In The Shadow of His Splendour by Linda G Bennett

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House of Simeon Devotional Day 16 : Confidence In The Call by Brad Molsberry

House of Simeon Devotional Day 16 : Confidence In The Call by Brad Molsberry

Hello Ireland’s Destiny Hub! Below I’d like to introduce Brad Molsberry, one of the teachers at our prophetic school at FireHouse. I think you will enjoy his word (and poem!)…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 16 : Confidence In The Call by Brad Molsberry

Roz Mitchell

When you feel ill-equipped for the situation...

Hello Ireland’s Destiny Hub!
Below I’d like to introduce Brad Molsberry, one of the teachers at our prophetic school at FireHouse. I think you will enjoy his word (and poem!) on having confidence in God’s ability to help us.
Angela Meer

Last year when I was preparing for my first prophetic innovation class I was having some doubts.  It will be my 3rd year teaching an Innovation lab class, but I just didn’t feel prepared this year.  I kept feeling like I had nothing. I was asking for verses and topics, and I had some vague direction, but I just wasn’t convinced I had what I needed for the class to go well.

Once the class started we were talking about unity and being one with Jesus.  It started to flow and the class ended up being 2 hours of revelation, stories, and verses bouncing between everyone. It was the best class I’ve had in 2 years by far.  Later that week I was talking with some friends who lead worship and they said they had a similar experience of not feeling prepared, and then Holy Spirit intervening and having the best worship set they’ve ever had.

So when you feel unprepared for what he has asked of you.
The one who has began a good work in you is faithful to complete it.
Your rest is in him, and the rest of what you need is already within you.
Trade your self doubt for his confidence in you.
You were called before you were born.
You were approved before you knew of his goodness.
You are deemed righteous, because of what he did.
You are worthy of the call because of his power of grace.
You will come out of the place of doubt and fear.
You are coming into the knowledge of his goodness and power.
He has called you to peace.
So enter that peace.
He is waiting for you to come and sit.
And let Jesus be enthroned in your heart
That you will be one with him.
Ask Holy Spirit
What exchange do you want me to make when it comes to confidence?

Verse References
Philippians 1:6  And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
Luke 17:21 Nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.
Colossians3:15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
Psalms 139:13-14 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works!

House of Simeon Devotional Day 16 : Confidence In The Call by Brad Molsberry

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House of Simeon Devotional Day 15 : Be Still and KNOW That I Am God by Chris G Bennett

House of Simeon Devotional Day 15 : Be Still and KNOW That I Am God by Chris G Bennett

Editor’s note… Yesterday (Day 14) Una and John spoke on Psalm 46:10 “Be still…and know that I am God”.  You might wonder if Chris’ word today resulted in some way…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 15 : Be Still and KNOW That I Am God by Chris G Bennett

Roz Mitchell

Psalm 46:10

Editor’s note… Yesterday (Day 14) Una and John spoke on Psalm 46:10 “Be still…and know that I am God”.  You might wonder if Chris’ word today resulted in some way from yesterday’s devotional – it did not!  Chris emailed this word to us almost a week ago – but due to us endeavouring to honour everyone who has submitted in date order, both devotionals were received several days ago!  God’s timing is perfect and when He speaks the prophets hear…

A brief encouragement to tarry in the Lords presence. “I just want you to be still”, says the Lord,

..As in, Be still, and know that I am God! When you are not still, you are doing. When you are not still, you are moving. When you are not still, you are not listening, you are not quiet, you are too busy to focus upon Me!”, says God.

In this season, the Lord is calling all His people to come quietly into His presence. He is calling us to slip behind the veil and into His presence. Then just like Mary, we can sit at His feet and listen while He speaks to us…

In Jeremiah 33:3, the Word of God says, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” He calls us now to call to Him and then just listen as He answers us.

At this time, the Lord is preparing us for great spiritual warfare. It has already started of course, but in this coming season, it will reach a great crescendo of unprecedented proportions.

…The enemy will war on us both individually and corporately trying to confuse and deflect us.

..But the Lord calls us to come into His Presence – away from the noise of battle – in order for Him to give us His battle plans, and His directions so that we may be, and remain, Victorious.

So, the Lord is calling His prophets, His intercessors, and all who will stand with Him against the hordes of hell, “Come to Me. Rest in Me.”,…

He says, “Let Me give you My words of encouragement and warfare. Let me anoint you for the battles that lie ahead. Let me show you My plans and together we shall stand and defeat all of Satan’s plans and tactics.” “COME TO ME. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.….

How else will you be able to receive My peace that passes all understanding? How else will you preserve your energy for those battles which lie ahead?

This coming season is one of heavy spiritual warfare. COME TO ME. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.” CGB

House of Simeon Devotional Day 15 : Be Still and KNOW That I Am God by Chris G Bennett

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