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House of Zebulun & Dan; Gold and Job..!
House of Zebulun & Dan; Gold and Job..!

House of Dan

House of Zebulun & Dan; Gold and Job..!

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24Jan 25


This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025. I heard The Spirit say,  ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’…

House of Zebulun and Hse of Dan; Democratocracy

House of Dan

House of Zebulun and Hse of Dan; Democratocracy

More Recent Posts

24Jan 25


This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025. I heard The Spirit say,  ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’…

House of Zebulun & Hse of Dan; Kingdom Finance WarRoom 4th Turning!

House of Dan

House of Zebulun & Hse of Dan; Kingdom Finance WarRoom 4th Turning!

More Recent Posts

24Jan 25


This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025. I heard The Spirit say,  ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’…

…House of Zebulun; Kingdom Mindset War Room..!

House of Dan

…House of Zebulun; Kingdom Mindset War Room..!

More Recent Posts

24Jan 25


This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025. I heard The Spirit say,  ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’…

House of Dan; “Chameleon Snakes: Unmasking the Spirits of Deception!

House of Dan; “Chameleon Snakes: Unmasking the Spirits of Deception!

As I woke up this morning, I was immediately taken in the Spirit, up over the land of Ireland… …I looked down over the land, and it was covered with…

House of Dan; “Chameleon Snakes: Unmasking the Spirits of Deception!

House of Dan

As I woke up this morning, I was immediately taken in the Spirit, up over the land of Ireland…

…I looked down over the land, and it was covered with snakes that changed colour and shape.

…Then the vision began to expand from Ireland to Scotland, Wales, and England, then to Europe, then to the United States of America, and to Africa and the rest of the world…

These snakes spread into all the corners of Society, as I focused on the snakes, I saw big ones, small ones, thick ones, thin ones, vipers, constrictors, rattle snakes, poisonous ones, camouflaged ones, and they were moving and shifting from place to place, multiplying, and spreading out whichever way they went…

But what shocked me was, they began shedding their skins,..and I heard words thunder out across the Heavens, “Watch out for These Chameleon Snakes.”..

…I saw that the snakes changed their colour, and even adapted their shape to suit the environment that they moved in and out of, having influence over all their spoil.

When someone got a little bit above themselves, or didn’t keep to the agenda, there was a snake assigned to either bite, stun, squeeze, paralyse, or hypnotise them, from speaking or voicing their opinions, hence they were kept in check and controlled…

These chameleon snakes or chameleon Spirits, felt safe, hidden, secure, camouflaged, blending into the background of life, yet in plain sight, where they do the most harm, seizing on those opportunities that arise, biting their prey, lulling them into a false sense of security, to pleasing their master Satan…

..He comes as an angel of light, he changes strategies, lulling to sleep the children of the Lord. He is the head chameleon snake, who demands complete obedience to his ways alone. His cohorts of demonic snakes only further his goal, by influencing Presidents, Dictators, Kings, Queens, Emperors,  Prime Ministers, Governors, Mayors, Politicians, Church leaders, decision makers and any other Leader who tries to lead people into a Godly direction.

..These chameleon spirits will do anything to bring about wreck and ruin, forcing their mandate, whether subvertly, gently, or in your face because they don’t care for you as individuals, they see you as pawns or puppets serving the purpose of their master Satan.

Then saw these demonic snakes infiltrated all classes of society, rich, poor, young  old, north, south, pro-abortion pro-life, pro-government,..anarchist, hillbilly, or redneck, pro this pro that, these chameleon spirits are behind everything that is before you..

These snakes that I saw, where going in a directional stream, they had an agenda, being coordinated, with orders coming from one place to bring dis-order and dis-unity into the thoughts and lives of the peoples who live in Continents, Nations, Islands, Principalities, Dominions and in all the neighbourhoods on earth.

Bringing wave after wave of turmoil, through Stock Market hypes and shocking failures, through wars, through trade embargoes, where foods products go through the roof, price rises for water, electricity, oil, and gas continue to sky rocket with no one able to control these hikes, through hates crimes, and gender correctness, through mistrust and misuse of funds, promoting their master’s agenda in government, in politics and people’s lives, to force Yahweh’s creation to promote his ultimate goals.

…Father says, “I am coming to reveal the dodgy and underhanded deals, the illegal bribes, the back handers, the ropy handshakes, the influential power structures of corrupt political and dictatorial government’s and public figures, no one will be left untouched by Yahweh’s Revelations as HE uncovers those who dress up like sheep, but are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing.

..They will do anything to further their public image, they have conspired and joined themselves with these demonic spirits, nothing will be to deprave, for nothing which is done in secret will be hidden no longer, says the Lord.”

“Remember what I have spoken in My Word”,..says the LORD,…”that I will come first to My House and bring judgment, will I not come and clean up My own Body, the Bride of Christ, My Ecclesia?”…

1 Peter 4:17 “For it is time for Judgment to begin with the Household of God:”

..”For that which has been planned and circulated and schemed behind closed doors is being exposed and revealed, and brought into the Light”, says the Father.

…”Those things which have healthy structures and sound teachings will be revealed as the lusts and desires of the demonic spirits. For the sole purpose of these people, they want to increase their own wealth, their own knowledge and wisdom, leading them far astray from the destiny and purpose of the LORD…

..”For I AM opening up the doorways,…(the Daleth is the 4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet),…in this Season that have been hidden and overgrown, misrepresented, and misinformed…Know that My Word says in Matthew 24:24 ‘For false Christ’s and false prophets will Arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect”..

..I began to see that these demonic chameleon snakes, who arrogantly hiss, and rule and reign in the demonic realm, blending into the backgrounds of people’s lives who have their influence, being taken for granted..

They ply their trades with ingenious and devious ways in which they communicate to people, Governments, and Nations, putting these individuals over a barrel, and causing them to depend on them for new fresh wisdom, which are lies, manipulation and coercion, a mixed concoction of self, self, self, to get what they want no matter the cost no matter the amount of lies said to try and cover up…

..This is opposite of what the Ecclesia is all about, the Body of Christ, called to walk out in the power and majesty of the Ruach Holy Spirit, we are Called and Chosen to yield and allow Him to have His way our lives.

As believers of Jesus Christ, follow His teachings depend on His Words that speaks life, freedom, and deliverance to us as individuals, to walk in the Authority of Christ…Enabling us as His children to walk uprightly, with Integrity in our Lands, and Nations where the Lord has placed us to dwell…

…You have been Chosen by the Lord, not because of your good looks, or your intellect, or your bubbling personality, but simply because you have humbled yourself, and have come to that place of need. You have asked Yeshua HaMoschiach to become your Lord and Saviour.

..In 1 Corinthians 1:27 “But God has chosen the foolish things of this world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of this world to shame the things which are strong”…

..The systems of this world want to control, separate, divide, and conquer, each one has as its focal point a Chameleon Spirit behind each one, stirring these demonically motivated spirits, that cause mindsets comparisons, striving, envy, lusts, hatred and bitterness and lack, to be better than the next person and on it goes, with its whirlwind of chaos, looseness, depravity and failure ever present at the heels of Nations.

Yeshua speaking in Luke 4:18-21 says it like this, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor: He hath sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at LIBERY them that are bruised, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

Wow! Yeshua, Jesus, has come to set you free….Hallelujah!

..The enemy comes to entangle you, trip you up, cloud your mind, distort your Calling, and your Destiny…

Remember, Yeshua HaMoschiach has set you FREE…!

…Yes it was for, “FREEDOM that Christ set you free” Galatians 5:1,..Whom the Son sets free is free indeed”…

…Let that sink into your heart today, marinate in those words, not with your Mind but with a contrite heart,…Stop and ponder what it means to “be free in CHRIST” not looking or walking again after your old ways or thoughts, having your focus and attention fixed on Jesus,..

•He is your source of help

•He is your wisdom

•He is your strength for the days that you live in…

Ask for Wisdom, Ask for Understanding, and while we are here Ask Jesus for His Discernment, so that you can look to Jesus the Author and finisher of your faith,..

…He is the Aleph and Tav, the Beginning, the strength, the Chief of our lives, and the End of everything that we do,..

…He’s the Mark, a Sign, and the Seal of the Covenant…

…The Fathers fulfils All of His Covenants,…He is the same yesterday, today, and forever He never changes,..that is your focus and purpose…

…Those Chameleon Spirits are out there doing their utmost to change this way and that, changing their yes to no, and their no to yes, bringing confusion, doubt, and turmoil…; James 4:3 “You ask and do not receive, because to ask with the wrong motives, so that you may spend it on pleasures.”

…Ask for the Lord for the deep secrets to be revealed, and the Mysteries of the deep shall be seen of the Lord…For in the days that are ahead, where these demonic snakes seep into every nook and cranny of human life….Its time to roll up your sleeves and be ready to deal with the slime and gunge that this demonic world will try and throw at you,..the LORD will be your Light, and as you lean into HIM,…He will be the One who brings Revelation,..Discernment and Answers for the days that you live in…

..Get ready, for the Father to bring forth His Light, shine on these, that the seals that have been sealed up for such a time as this are broken Open and revealed to the Children of the LORD…

…Have your hearts Consecrated and Holy, come before the Lord, with broken and contrite hearts, as He opens and reveals what is, and what was, and what is about to take place on the earth…

..It is time for the Clarion Call of the Lord to be sounded from the rooftops, workplaces, valleys, and mountain tops, stand strong in the Might of the Lord, being clothed with His majesty, to Advance the Kingdom of heaven on the earth.

..Begin to Reclaim which has been eroded, take back that which has been watered down and diluted…

Stand upon The WORD, who became flesh, and dwelt among you, let the LIGHT of Jesus shine through you to reveal the hidden things of the enemy and those Chameleon snakes, who attempt to pervert the course of Righteousness and Justice…

Stand and Reclaim, Take back what the enemy has stolen,…Occupy till the LORD comes, Let Him Rule and Reign in Righteousness in and through you as His vessel on the earth today…

..”Be filled with His Love and Grace, having no agenda’s or plans except for Yeshua, and allow His discernment to freely flow through you to see, as you partner with Him”, says the Lord.

…Whom the Son sets FREE is free indeed,…that is your Mark, which is the Seal of His New Covenant, with which He has sealed you coming from the Father.

…When the enemy comes knocking at your door…Remember,..You are Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by the BLOOD of YESHUA HAMOSCHIACH..!

Written By; Victor Mitchell

House of Dan; “Chameleon Snakes: Unmasking the Spirits of Deception!

More Recent Posts

24Jan 25


This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025. I heard The Spirit say,  ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’…

Image of goblet repaired with gold representing the 12 Tribes

House of Dan – Victor Mitchell : The Broken Goblet

Yahweh speaks through our senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing, and taste; they all come together in our minds and understandings that brings some kind of picture, a sense, or a…

House of Dan – Victor Mitchell : The Broken Goblet

House of Dan

Image of goblet repaired with gold representing the 12 Tribes
Image of goblet repaired with gold representing the 12 Tribes
Broken Goblet painted by Victor Mitchell
Image of goblet repaired with gold representing the 12 Tribes

Yahweh speaks through our senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing, and taste; they all come together in our minds and understandings that brings some kind of picture, a sense, or a feeling that Yahweh speaks to each of us as individuals.  When you take time with Yahweh, ponder, and meditate upon Him and His word, revelation, insight, and discernment begins to be revealed. Yahweh speaks to us differently, for we are a peculiar people, and a royal priest hood and a holy nation. 1 Peter 2:8-9. 

Some receive visions and dreams, some have feelings, and some get words, and many more. So, Yahweh speaks differently to each one of us, we do not have a monopoly on just hearing from Him, as if everyone else is wrong. Yahweh asks Jeremiah, “son of man, what do you see?” Jeremiah 1:11 & 13,  “you have seen well” said Yahweh. 

Take 5 minutes and ask Father God to show you what He is speaking to you about this goblet, write it down, and after 5 minutes, be ready to share what Yahweh has given you, remember this it short and to the point, God showed me this, this, and this. S.S.S. Short, sharp, and straight to the point.  Some might just see a coloured goblet; while others might see something else. 

The way I would describe it is this, you have a large gemstone ring in your hand, you see it from one perspective, yet others see it from a quite different angle, so they get a different angle of view and perspective. So that together we all bring a fuller picture.  It is also a bit like the Havurah, when Jewish people come together to discuss Torah, they may all have different mind sets and points of view, but they all have something to bring to the table.  The word was never meant to be studied in isolation.  

Please do not be intimidated by this exercise, it is intended to open your mind and understanding to how prophetic artisan’s flow and function.  Imagine you have before you a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  It is great when ALL the pieces are there, BUT when there are some missing pieces, it can be difficult to view the complete picture, no matter how big or how small you think your thought, feeling, idea, or word might be, you and I are the puzzle in YHWH’s hands.  So, if you do not show up with your one word or thought, and someone else does the same, the now disjointed picture is hard and difficult to look at.  It says in 1 Corinthians 14:26 “I say, therefore. My brethren, that whenever you gather, whoever among you has a Psalm, let him speak, or whoever has a teaching, or whoever has a revelation. Or whoever has a language, or whoever has a translation, let ALL things be done for edification.”  This is like when we prophesy, it is in part, why? Because we as individuals at this moment in time can only see part of the puzzle.  We need the rest of the Body or Tribes coming together as one voice, one heart, and one mind for the purposes and destiny that Yahweh has placed upon us.  We must all function the way Yahweh has called us to operate!  If you are a door knocker, do not try to be the letter box, if you are a keyhole, do not try to be the door hinge, be WHO you are called to be in the Body and Bride of Yeshua Hamaschiah. 


What the Lord spoke to me regarding this painting. 

The enemy declares that you are fragile, easily  broken, and continually weak.   He laughs, he mocks, he grinds his teeth at you and  causes a doublemindedness to be released through his mocking and his taunts, as he causes the spirit of the MAGPIE to be released. Grabbing the light that is in us and trying to suppress and hide it do that it becomes non-effective.   The broken goblet, which was once useful, is now a pile of rubbish, the enemy scoffs and taunts you right into your face, that you are a pile of unwanted rubbish, he certainly does not mince his words. Ready to be taken away, not fit for purpose, discarded and ready to be thrown on the scrapheap of life as a failure, screaming his words, “you’re a failure, you’re a mistake, you’re useless, you’re weak, you’re hopeless”, and on and on and on he goes, it seems to be never ending, but why?  He doesn’t want you to come into the destiny, calling, and purpose that Yahweh has called you to live out, he fears who you are, and what you will become, so the devil; your enemy tries anything and everything at his disposal to stop you from fulfilling your GOD GIVEN DESTINY.  

The broken glass pieces serrated, cut, damage, and hurt when we try to pick them up; yet left in this state they are fit for nothing.  In Japan there is a method called Kintsugi, it translates – joining with gold. When something that was precious was broken, in Japan, the people would take the broken pieces to a goldsmith and ask him to guild it back up to its former state using precious metal. This practice started around the 15th century. Kintsugi is the general concept of highlighting or emphasizing imperfections, visualizing mends, and seams as an additive or an area to celebrate or focus on, rather than the absence of or missing pieces.  No matter how broken you are, God is eager to do His Kintsugi work in you. Let Him bring His wholeness in you through you turning to Him in repentance and faith. 

Yahweh takes our brokenness which our enemy taunts and derides us with, and with HIS precious Glory and Majesty and the BLOOD of YESHUA HAMASHIACH, Yahweh gives us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that we might be trees of righteousness the planting of Yahweh.  The MAGPIE hates anything that is shiny, or anything that reflects light. It will go around and gather up anything that is shiny, not because it likes or loves the shiny stuff, but it is frightened of and terrified of the LIGHT, being reflected from these objects. The devil hates vigorously the LIGHT; the True LIGHT of Yeshua, shining and flowing through our lives, and will try and try and try to dull our light, cover, or even try and snuff our light out.


There are twelve pieces of broken glass, which speaks of the twelve tribes of Israel, assorted colours, different shapes. When Canaan was divided amongst the tribes, some got big portions, some got small portions, some got mountains, some got plains, but they all had to enter the land, and possess it to claim their inheritance. The gold that surrounded them was the unity of having the same father, and they were all brothers.  The gold that surrounds each piece of broken glass is uniquely formed, around each piece of broken glass, covering over the rough and sharp edges that could slice and cut. The gold brings protection and togetherness and a oneness, divided yet one. As the gold is offered up to each piece of glass the gold overlaps the edges to bring a strength and dependence on each other. Even though each piece of glass is different in dimensions, shape, and colour; when they come together there comes a diversity and multi-faceted layers of strength, harmony, unity, and oneness. 

When the goblet is made as one and all the pieces are fixed into place by the gold, you are able to see all the colours shining beautifully, but then it is raised up the YHWH’s LIGHT that shines upon it and through it, were before there were 12 different coloured glass pieces, now with Yahweh’s radiance shining through they all become clear and transparent, able to see what is contained within the goblet, ha “taste and see that Yawheh is good.” Psalm 34:8   Yahweh Adonai, holds everything together and through the gold of His Glory brings forth HIS splendour and majesty through this broken vessel, we are the broken vessel, that He uses, to manifest His truth through. 


House of Dan – Victor Mitchell : The Broken Goblet

More Recent Posts

24Jan 25


This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025. I heard The Spirit say,  ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’…

A wheel within a wheel

A wheel within a wheel

The central wheel has 12 spokes speak of the twelve Tribes of Israel and the twelve gemstones that are on the breastplate of the Levitical High Priest .  The spoke…

A wheel within a wheel

House of Dan

The central wheel has 12 spokes speak of the twelve Tribes of Israel and the twelve gemstones that are on the breastplate of the Levitical High Priest .  The spoke are held in place by 2 rims representing the Apostolic and Prophetic.  The Apostolic and Prophetic bring stability and strength to the whole wheel and cause the wheel to move forward in whichever direction is required at the time.

The wheel moves as one, bringing about heavens agenda for earth’s destiny; correlating what is in the heavenly realm, bringing interpretation and a practical outworking upon the earth.

The 12 spokes are the 12 tribes which function as 12 houses of worship and prayer ensuring that the callings and blessings which were identified in the 12 sons/tribes of Jacob/Israel are represented within the Hub.

When each spoke yields itself to the central Hub there is balance and freedom of movement.  The spokes cannot be forced, coerced, or persuaded into the Hub without causing stress fractures thereby weakening the strength of the Hub.  When the spokes are the right shape, the right fit and the size they yield themselves to the Hub and the spokes become balanced and in sync with the Hub, fulfilling the role that was created for them, then there is strength and power for the wheels to rotate and move in motion and time with the LORD, and all of the wheel’s components are able to move forward as one unit,; functioning as one.

It’s not about the Hub, it’s about functioning as the wheel within a wheel.  The Hub simply serves the purpose of trying to keep everything in alignment.  The Hub facilitates the spokes so that each spoke can ‘shine’ and fulfil its unique destiny and calling.

A wheel within a wheel

More Recent Posts

24Jan 25


This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025. I heard The Spirit say,  ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’…

When the 12 tribes come together in pure worship

When the 12 tribes come together in pure worship

When the 12 tribes come together in pure worship, we become aware of the angels mingling with our worship, and the glory of the Lord fills the atmosphere.  It produces…

When the 12 tribes come together in pure worship

House of Dan

When the 12 tribes come together in pure worship, we become aware of the angels mingling with our worship, and the glory of the Lord fills the atmosphere.  It produces a hunger and an expectancy for the miraculous as we have a sensitivity to recognize His hand in the everyday.  It is about focusing on Yeshua, being presence based, and having a Kingdom mindset, rather than performance based.  There is no platform, it is not about ‘me’. 

When we come together in this way YHWH’s divine order comes forth.  People from every tribe and tongue, young and old will be led by the Spirit of YHWH to become His vessels carrying His glory, presence, and anointing.

 Each person and colour represents a tribe of Israel, and that tribe being set apart for service in the house of the Lord, whatever that looks like.  No-one stands out or shines brighter but as they come together there is an increase of, and a mantling of, and an equipping of YHWH’s divine order.

Just as when the tribes encamped in the Promised Land, 3 went to the front, 3 to the left, 3 to the right, and 3 to the rear; but all faced the Tabernacle of Meeting.  While each of the tribes is independent, they are united because they are a family in covenant with God, woven in and throughout one another.

You may also see a crown for Yeshua, formed by angels, as He is enthroned in our worship.  As we lift up and yield to Holy Spirit, and say “come have Your way in us and through us” the angelic realm becomes open to the eyes of our understanding, giving us discernment in all that we do for Him

When the 12 tribes come together in pure worship

More Recent Posts

24Jan 25


This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025. I heard The Spirit say,  ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’…