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House of Naphtali; Two Poignant Dreams that Speak to the Hour..!

House of Naphtali; Two Poignant Dreams that Speak to the Hour..!

TWO DREAMS; Jan Smith. ..In the first dream I saw a needle and thread….It instantly reminded me of Veronika’s Word a Stitch in Time saves 9, and also the gift…

House of Naphtali; Two Poignant Dreams that Speak to the Hour..!

House of Naphtali

TWO DREAMS; Jan Smith.

..In the first dream I saw a needle and thread….It instantly reminded me of Veronika’s Word a Stitch in Time saves 9, and also the gift that has been received from Oregon. (See picture of posted Gift from Oregon)..

..The needle was gold in colour and sat on a purple square velvet cushion like a royal possession. The thread in it was red.

It then started to sew and it appeared to be sewing a circle which I thought was odd.

…The sticking was not neat it was a struck here and there in horizontal and vertical lines but it made up a circle.

..Then I saw another circle and another until it made up an Olympic symbol of 5 circles intertwined. The circles were made up of different colours, purple, red, yellow, blue and white.

I felt like it was 5 different Nations that God is sewing together in an Olympic form. (5) is the number of Gods Grace…And the stitches represented the different people and characters and gifting and that’s why they were all different….I felt like it was Sheep Nations were being sewn together.

The Second Dream was very short…

…I saw the giant Angel from Revelation,…It has one foot in the Sea and it brought the other foot down in China.

…China came crashing down and the effects of it rippled out into the rest of the world.

Prophetic Interpretation…

The dream speaking to the Stitch in Time Saves Nine (9) is extremely significant for the hour,…the number (9) speaks prophetically to Judgement and Birthing…there are some numbers that have double meanings…(9) is one of those numbers. There is a simultaneous move of God both of Judgement and Birthing….Judgement against the Kingdoms of this World,..but also and even more sobering Judgement that is coming to the Church House. We see Gods Judgment coming against False Idols,..Idol Worship and Religious Structures and Systems,..God is cleaning House; My Fathers House shall be a House of Prayer..

Birthing – God is Birthing a New thing; Behold I do a New Thing..Do you see it….Its also speaks to Sheep Nations emerging,…Nations in The Valley of Decision…

..The Needle and Thread speak to WORD AND SPIRIT – What good is the needle without the thread and the thread without the needle,…; What good is My Word without My Spirit and Spirit without My Word…- The New Move of God is a Move of Word and Spirit coming together in Might and in Power….- The Wheel within the Wheel – Ezekiels Wheel speaks of this New Move of the Spirit that is coming to SEW – TO RESTORE NATIONS…; We have Entered into a Season of Divine Reversals,..RESTORATION and Kingdom Reformation – (This is where the 12 House Template has been birthed from; Wheel within the Wheel – A New Move of Word and Spirit being made Manifest through the Mandates of the 12 Tribes)..,!

THE THREAD – Speaks to PRAYER…A Prayer in Time Saves a Nation from Judgement…A Prayer in Time brings a Nation to Birthing – See Daniel 9 – DANIEL GIVES THE BLUEPRINT FOR THE 11th Hour,..Daniel 9 is the Template for the Prayer of Revival for Nations.

…( PURPLE – Kingship – Authority of the Key of the House of David)

The Circle…- the Circles speak prophetically to TIME (Clock)….- to a COMPASS (Divine Direction and Repostioning – Jesus our True North)…to a WHEEL – A New Movement of Word and Spirit…to a PORTAL (Year of the Open DOOR)…Doors are Portals…

The Olympic Circles – This Speaks to NATIONS as you have rightly shared,..but it also Speaks DIVINE CONVERGENCE,..KINGDOM COLLABORATION AND SUPERNATURAL WEAVING TOGETHER…

..Olympic speaks; TO THE RACE WE ARE RUNNING,….”Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the RACE God has set before us”..!!

…- We have Entered into a Time the 11th Hour we must Cry out for the FINISHERS ANOINTING AND A SECOND WIND OF THE SPIRIT THAT WE MAY FINISH OUR RACE WELL..! The Days ahead will require THE SPIRIT AND POWER OF ELIJAH…(Seven Spirits of God – Seven Colours of the Rainbow)

…Colours…”purple, red, yellow, blue and white”.,,

Purple – Royalty and Kingship Anointing/ Identity of Sonship

Red – The Blood,..Redemption,…Red Horse one of the Four Horseman – Book of Revelation…; Prophetically we have entered into the Hour and Era where a manifestation of the Four Horsemen will begin to emerge on a Global front…War Bloodshed,..Judgement Wrath

(Palestine – Red White Black and Green)…- Beast is Rising in the East…; War and Rumours of War.

White; Glory and Salvation and Purity – God is Cleaning and purifying His House and His Bride is being made Ready.

-Glory is Coming upon Nations

-Great Harvest of Souls

Yellow – Speaks Olive oil is naturally a yellow hue and was used in making Anointing oil (See Exodus 30:22-25)

-Fire is multicolored containing the color of yellow. It can also Speak to (Purification – Power of God), like orange and red.

Yellow ; light…

Although Light is actually white unless specifically noted as different. This makes verses like John 8:12 clearer.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

  • Some Colours like Numbers can have a dual meaning depending on its vision or dream context.

Blue – We see the color blue all over scripture much like red and purple…Blue is widely understood to represent the heavenly realm and the presence of God (the precious Holy Spirit as well).


Again certain types of blue and some even venture near purple…The blue hue of indigo is found in the King – Kingship Sonship and Royal Identity..!

Five (5) Yes Speaks to GRACE …in this context I Believe it’s Speaking to GRACE AND THE REFORMATION OF THE FIVE-FOLD MINISTRIES…The Prophetic Hour is one of Restoration and Reformation of Nations that is Coming through the AUTHORITY OF THE KEY OF DAVID THAT SITS UPON THE SHOULDERS – FIVEFOLD.


…I have prophesied much into China check them out if you have time,…; Interestingly this is the CHINESE YEAR OF THE RED DRAGON – This is Prophetically significant for the Hour especially when we look at what’s happening on a Global scale – Wars Erupting…Leviathan Rising – The Dragon Circling at a TIME OF BIRTHING OF SHEEP NATIONS – See Revelation 12;

..China is on the Prophetic Calendar of God in a very significant Way in this Hour,..China will dominate headlines…and “WATCH AND PRAY FOR TAIWAN”…- I prophesied about this last Year and the dangers of Taiwan.

..China – I prophesied in December about this Year being the Year of RED,..God instructed me to paint my prayer shed CEDAR RED….- Two days after that prophecy,…IRAN FIRED MISSILES IN THE RED SEA….




A Prophetic Word for Jan…and Concerning the House of Naphtali and those that will Align with this House…

..I think it’s time for me to begin to bring some of these poignant Prophetic Words through our Main Hub it will bring light to what is happening on a global and regional level. Many Prophetic Words are being brought to the fore in this hour.

..Jan your dream is powerful and confirms many of these Global Prophetic Movements..,

..Jan I see a Joseph Mantle coming to rest upon you for the Days ahead,…a Dreamers Mantle is coming upon many in this hour,…The Joseph’s are Rising…be aware of your dreams and write them down….

..This House of Glistening Words…; Naphtali received a special anointing for communication. They understood that clear communication was vital for the tribes to take ground….

..I hear the Father say over this House..”Watch For I am releasing NOW the Hinds Feet Anointing for the High Places over this House,…and you shall walk upon the High places and you shall bring forth the glistening words of My Spirit,..Words of Wisdom,..Knowledge and Building”…!!

I decree this House shall be known as the House of the High Places;

…Habakkuk 3:19 says, “The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.” Those who trust in God walk, not in the valleys, but upon the tops of the mountains.

..”The land of Naphtali with Zebulon comes down to the Sea of Galilee area and would have included Capernaum. Isaiah prophesied of this area to declare that those who lived in this region would “See a great light!” Isaiah 9:1-2.

It’s interesting to note..that the land of Naphtali produced Prophets who magnified God’s precepts and truths, such as Deborah the Prophet, who produced Vision and victory for her people by calling them back to God’s precepts and back to true worship….

-I prophesy this shall be said of those that Align with this House…A HOUSE OF LIGHT,..VISION,..REVELATION AND WRESTLING (Warring) FOR THE BLESSING as Jacob did.
Interpretation By; Veronika West

House of Naphtali; Two Poignant Dreams that Speak to the Hour..!

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 Casting Aside the Veil  – Imagine, for a moment, the threshold of a magnificent Throne room, Not one of Earthly Kings, adorned with cold stone and echoing silence, but a…

Naphtali Devotional : Casting Aside the Veil

House of Naphtali

 Casting Aside the Veil 
Imagine, for a moment, the threshold of a magnificent Throne room, Not one of Earthly Kings, adorned with cold stone and echoing silence, but a realm bathed in celestial light, pulsating with love and whispered promises. This, friend, is the invitation extended to you every moment – to walk boldly into the throne room of God and sit at His feet. The image might evoke awe, even trepidation. Is your heart pure enough? Are your words eloquent enough?
But the beauty lies in this truth: you are not invited for your merit, but for His love. The veil separating you from the Divine has been torn, not by your hand, but by the sacrifice of Christ. So, step forward, unafraid. Leave behind the burdens you carry, the anxieties that grip you. At the entrance, surrender them to the gentle mercy that washes over you, a cleansing rain erasing every doubt. Now, enter.
The first thing that might strike you is the light. Not a harsh glare, but a warm luminescence that seeps into your very being, revealing both the beauty and brokenness within. Don’t flinch from the light – it is here you find healing, the blemishes transformed into brushstrokes of grace. Next, a melody fills the air, a symphony woven from countless voices, each raised in praise and adoration. Join them, sing your own song, a simple offering from your heart. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just sincere. In this chorus of love, your unique voice adds to the tapestry of worship. And then, there He is. Seated on the throne, not in distant majesty, but with an outstretched hand beckoning you closer. Fear melts away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of belonging.
You are not judged, but welcomed, embraced by the very essence of love. Hesitantly, you approach. The throne isn’t cold stone, but a warmth that radiates around you, drawing you in. And finally, you kneel, not in submission, but in reverence, in the sacred space between humility and awe. Here, at His feet, the world shrinks away. Time loses its hold. You are bathed in His presence, a boundless ocean of compassion and understanding. Pour out your heart, your joys and sorrows, your fears and dreams. He listens not with judging ears, but with a heart overflowing with love. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Share your deepest longings, the questions that keep you awake at night. In this sanctuary of grace, even your doubts find solace.
His silence is not an absence of response, but an invitation to listen deeper, to the whispers of truth stirring within your soul. As you sit there, a quiet knowing washes over you. You are loved, unconditionally, fiercely. Every imperfection, every misstep, fades in the light of His acceptance. He sees you not as the world does, but as His beloved child, worthy of His love and grace. This is not a one-time event, but a continuous invitation. The throne room is always open, the light always beckoning. Whenever you feel lost, afraid, or simply need a moment of peace, remember: you have a place at His feet. Leave the throne room transformed. The burdens you brought in feel lighter, replaced by a newfound strength and peace. The love you received spills over, touching the lives of those around you. You become a beacon of hope, a testament to the transformative power of His presence. So go forth, friend, and walk boldly into the throne room of God. Let His love fill you, transform you, and empower you to live a life overflowing with His grace. Remember, the invitation is always open, waiting for you to return, to sit at His feet, and bask in the radiant light of His love.
Written By Linda G Bennett

Naphtali Devotional : Casting Aside the Veil

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