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House of Simeon Devotional Day 7 : Become My Light Houses by Belinda Spanneberg

House of Simeon Devotional Day 7 : Become My Light Houses by Belinda Spanneberg

The Lord says I am calling for WHITE houses to become my LIGHT HOUSES!  Before you can carry the light of His glory YOU need to become white as snow:…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 7 : Become My Light Houses by Belinda Spanneberg

House of Simeon

AI generated white house on a hill that is emitting light like a beacon
AI generated white house on a hill that is emitting light like a beacon
I am calling for my WHITE HOUSES to become my LIGHT HOUSES...
AI generated white house on a hill that is emitting light like a beacon
The Lord says I am calling for WHITE houses to become my LIGHT HOUSES!  Before you can carry the light of His glory YOU need to become white as snow:
Revelation 21:5-8 NIV
[5] He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” [6] He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. [7] Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. [8] But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Father is calling for us to submit to a purging by His blood and His fire ,to wash off us the dirt of sinful thoughts, behaviors and traditions and to burn everything in us that still resembles soulish desires.  WHEN we are purged ,we are consecrated and set apart as white houses after which He releases the light of His glory INTO and THROUGH YOU.  ONLY THEN can we become the LIGHT house who shines forth His glory upon people, cities and nations.  As His lighthouses we become the beacon of light directing the lost in the darkness ,we become Holy Spirits’s GPS ,navigating those lost at sea (the nations) towards the light , HIS LIGHT ,HIS GLORY, but we also become the ILLUMINATION FOR REVELATION to those in the body of Christ!
Lighthouses also perform a watchman function in that they observe threats coming from the ocean like storms and enemy attacks, this is KEY to the watchmen required on the walls of nations!  The Light from these lighthouses is GLORY LIGHT and it ILLUMINATES EVERYTHING IN ITS PATHWAY ,the light of God’s glory will not only shine upon you it will shine right THROUGH you like a x-ray or MRI scan it will reveal ALLLLLLLLL INSIDE YOU both good and bad.
The light will expose the darkness as it shines through you.  It will expose the wounds.  It will expose the counterfeit.  It will cause : first a manifestation , as what is in you that isn’t like Him , will manifest because it’s being exposed.  His light REVEALS TRUTH and EXPOSES DECEPTION that will make many feel uncomfortable, resistant and even confrontational because they don’t want the light to shine on the dark places which have become comfortable hiding places where His light doesn’t dwell.  That’s when inner healing and deliverance comes in:
Matthew 5:14-16 ESV
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
God is calling for a people willing to go through the process of transfiguration so they can become WHITE HOUSES.   He needs this so that His LIGHTHOUSES can enter nations and illuminate everything that is not like God allowing the spirit to make course corrections and bring divine order.  Psalm 43:3 ESV
Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling.  We ALL love the GLORY but are you ready for THAT SAME GLORY light to shine IN YOU as much as THROUGH you to expose what’s not like Him?  Well, get ready because the lighthouses of glory are here!  White houses serving as lighthouses releasing His light in the nations ,bringing them to transfiguration through the GLORY REALM.
Will you say YES after counting the cost to become one of them?  Are you willing to humble yourself where His light exposes darkness that is still in you ?
Help us Holy Spirit 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

House of Simeon Devotional Day 7 : Become My Light Houses by Belinda Spanneberg

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House of Simeon Devotional Day 6 : ‘Trust, Height and Perspective’ by Olly Gardner

House of Simeon Devotional Day 6 : ‘Trust, Height and Perspective’ by Olly Gardner

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 6 : ‘Trust, Height and Perspective’ by Olly Gardner

House of Simeon

AI generated man standing on cliff looking down into a valley with mountains on either side
AI generated man standing on cliff looking down into a valley with mountains on either side
A new perspective
AI generated man standing on cliff looking down into a valley with mountains on either side

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones



A friend requested prayer for her child who needed extra support in school and these were my thoughts as I prayed over the situation. I feel as I revisit my journal that it is for everyone – myself included!


We’re all in the same system. We all transact in a system that is not Godly. By handing EVERYTHING to God (which is hard to do. I get that) and saying it’s Your will for this situation not mine is freeing, not because we’re moving the responsibility off ourselves and on Him but we allow Him to actually work in our lives.

Yes we are stuck saying we need these grades, this amount of money to live on etc  but by handing it over He can work and put us in the places that He needs us to be in.



Our heads are mostly on ground level. I know as I’m battling at work against something that is so insignificant in the kingdom that it’s almost laughable. It wastes and consumes my time at work whilst I should be praying for the things that God had put on my heart to pray for.



To try and take ourselves higher and see form His perspective is also not an easy thing to do. As we have to lift ourselves out of what we know and have comfort in, to a place of looking at the bigger picture. Really everything we do should be to advance his kingdom and not build our own. As we know, there are many different ways that we can do that



This is not a pointy finger or to be condemning, at anyone and I include myself in this too. It’s a journey that we are all on. If anything be honest with yourself and see the strongholds that you didn’t know were still there and are holding on to.

We (as we know) are meant to be in the world but not of it.


Totally trust in Him today and each new day. 


House of Simeon Devotional Day 6 : ‘Trust, Height and Perspective’ by Olly Gardner

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House of Simeon Devotional Day 5 – Deception by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon Devotional Day 5 – Deception by Roz Mitchell

Mention Boxing Day and deep in my subconsciousness I think of snakes!  I blame my mum, to some degree, for the fact that she has passed onto me her deep-seated…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 5 – Deception by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon

AI generated 007 with snake
AI generated 007 with snake
AI generated 007 with snake

Mention Boxing Day and deep in my subconsciousness I think of snakes!  I blame my mum, to some degree, for the fact that she has passed onto me her deep-seated fear of anything that remotely resembles a snake – yet she would insist upon gathering us round the television set every year, on the 26th December to watch the latest James Bond movie.  Now admittedly not every 007 film features a snake – but the boa constrictor which featured in Live and Let Die in 1973 and the reticulated python which made a guest appearance in Moonraker during Christmas 1979 were sufficient to influence my attitude towards such creatures as my mum screamed and covered her eyes begging us to let her know when it would be safe to open them again!

Twenty odd years passed and I discovered that snakes are not native to every country in the world ; indeed Ireland is free of snakes (which probably explains why my parents moved from England to Ireland during The Troubles) as is New Zealand – which is top of my Mum’s bucket list countries to visit!  I consider it a minor miracle that she actually holidayed in Australia a few years ago.

In 1991 I visited the Philippines to work on a water project and missions trip with OMF international.  I knew that there was a possibility that we might encounter snakes as we were staying in a remote tribal area 5 hours from the nearest hospital for the first 3 weeks and then in a jungle region for the final 3 weeks so I was diligent, always making loud noises at night when I ventured  through the field at night to the long-drop toilet – scaring any snakes or poison toads from the pathway and probably disturbing the rest of the team too.

Some of the local kids delighted in showing us baby black mambas and I quickly learnt to disguise my fear as that only encouraged them to insist that we took a closer look.

A highlight of the trip was a day spent snorkelling from a catamaran off the coast of Mindanao.  It was idyllic!  I have always loved water sports and swimming and having spent 3 weeks living off rice and vegetables it was a pleasant surprise to discover tinned soft drinks in the cooler and fresh coffee on board.   There were 7 of us on the team from NI and we were accompanied by the children of a missionary couple who hosted the Davao mission home.

The water was crystal clear, and relatively warm as we gazed at the neon blue and green and red tropical fish – we even came across some strange black and brown eel like creatures known as sea snakes.  Following the rationale that sea horses aren’t real horses we continued to enjoy swimming in the glorious Pacific ocean.  The strangest thing I noted about the sea snake eel creatures was that they seemed to go completely limp like seaweed out of water.  I knew this because one of the guys had great entertainment hooking the sea snakes out of the water with his snorkel tube and tossing them on to the backs of any unsuspecting person swimming his way!  There were hundreds of these eel like creatures in the water so it didn’t take long for the other guys to begin retaliating in the same manner.  It was harmless fun – though probably not for the sea snakes!

That evening the mission hosts commented that they had heard about the sea snake encounter – I can still remember his words 30 odd years later “you do realise that the bite from a sea snake is sufficient to kill 20 head of water buffalo?”!  We were stunned!  He continued to say that they would only bite if provoked – and the guys had most definitely provoked them hooking them out of the water and tossing them at one another!

But I learnt a few important lessons – the way the television portrays the snake is largely inaccurate.  Yes we need to be wise as serpents but an irrational fear of the serpent can significantly impact a person’s life, how they live – looking under every stone to see if a snake has entered the house and restricting places they will visit in this beautiful world.

The Hebrew word used to describe the serpent which deceived Eve in Genesis chapter 3 is ‘Nakhash’ which is interesting because it is also translated in Numbers 23:23 and 24:1 as ‘enchantment’ and ‘divination’.  The enemy is subtle and dangerous but ultimately deceptive!  We can chose to live in fear by attributing more power to him than we should – or we can foolishly play with fire naïve to the consequences.  The truth is probably to be found somewhere in the middle – when we walk wisely we need not walk in fear.  Fear is crippling.

Jesus’ final words before the ascension were these:  “miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: they will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”  This is Truth – and anything which draws us away from the Great Commission is merely smoke and mirrors and the deceptive propaganda of the Enemy.

Written by Roz Mitchell


House of Simeon Devotional Day 5 – Deception by Roz Mitchell

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House of Simeon Devotional Day 4 : Holiness Now by Chris G Bennett

House of Simeon Devotional Day 4 : Holiness Now by Chris G Bennett

“You know, we live in an age where men are more afraid of holiness than they are of sinfulness.” “Five minutes into eternity and we’ll all wish we’d been a…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 4 : Holiness Now by Chris G Bennett

House of Simeon

AI generated a pilgrim approaches 2 pathways
AI generated a pilgrim approaches 2 pathways
It's time to choose
AI generated a pilgrim approaches 2 pathways
“You know, we live in an age where men are more afraid of holiness than they are of sinfulness.”
“Five minutes into eternity and we’ll all wish we’d been a little more holy.”
These two quotes from Leonard Ravenhill have been on my mind today. I started thinking about the state of the world and the spiritual condition that so many, probably including myself, have backslidden into! Holiness, especially personal holiness, is one of the things that is furthest from most people’s mind. Many, including Christians, never think of it at all! Yet one of the most quoted verses of scripture, even by those same Christians, is this – “As He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16)
There is a call today for all of us to ‘be holy, for I am holy’. Our problem is that words like ‘sin’, ‘sanctification’, and ‘holiness’ are almost eschewed by most people, even those who claim to be followers of Christ! We call so much that is sin, according to Gods Word, normal and acceptable – except that it’s not acceptable to God – because He is Holy! We really do need to repent and turn once more to Christ. We need to leave what the Word of God describes as our ‘wicked ways’ in order to cultivate personal holiness in order to fulfil everything that the Lord is calling us to in these final last days. Second Chronicles 7:14 has never been more serious a call to us than it is today.
The Bible contains the two words ‘fear not’ 365 times – once for every day of the year. So I hear the Lord saying – “FEAR NOT  what man says or thinks about you, it’s My opinion that counts.”
“FEAR NOT what man says about you, rather concentrate on why I say about you.”
“FEAR NOT what man can do to you. Man cannot send you to hell, neither can he stop you entering heaven.”
“FEAR only what I might or might not say to you on that day, for all you need to hear from Me is, “Well done, good and faithful servant.””
“FEAR NOT what I will say to others, that is solely between them and Me!”
“My Word says to be a light upon a hill for all to see. It also says, “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising. “Lift up your eyes all around, and see: They all gather together, they come to you; Your sons shall come from afar, And your daughters shall be nursed at your side. Then you shall see and become radiant, And your heart shall swell with joy; Because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you, The wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you.” (Isaiah 60:1-5)
These are the things worth fearing to lose – not man’s reward, but Gods reward!” I’ll close with a final Ravenhill quote – as a challenge to all of us –
“Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?”
Written by Chris G Bennett

House of Simeon Devotional Day 4 : Holiness Now by Chris G Bennett

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House of Simeon Devotional Day 3: My Eye Upon You by Linda Gardner

House of Simeon Devotional Day 3: My Eye Upon You by Linda Gardner

My constant prayer for the last 3 years is to be aligned with our heavenly Father daily and for him to keep my family and me on the right path.…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 3: My Eye Upon You by Linda Gardner

House of Simeon

My Eye On You

My constant prayer for the last 3 years is to be aligned with our heavenly Father daily and for him to keep my family and me on the right path. That each of us will fulfill our God-given destiny.


I was fasting during Rosh Hashanah 22nd September 2023 and had dropped our teens to school. I came home starving so thought the best thing to do was spend time seeking the Father (though I was tempted to make fluffy pancakes 🙂 )


I was soaking in Yahweh’s presence when I saw a faint outline of the profile of a lion’s head and nose. The eye of the lion kept coming closer, closer and closer until I was in the eye. It enveloped me.


I decided to search scripture about his eye. The Father brought me to

Psalm 32:8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you (who are willing to learn) with My eye upon you.


Psalm 33:18

Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon those who fear Him (and worship Him with awe-inspired reverence and obedience), on those who hope (confidently) in His compassion and loving kindness.

My prayer for the body of Christ is the same for my family that we are all truly aligned with our Father’s Heavenly kingdom, and as we do that, He will counsel and guide us as we step forward in faith together in unity and humility. Through our obedience, love and fear of the Lord we will see His Glory fill this land, and His people will know him again.


  • Written by Linda Gardner

House of Simeon Devotional Day 3: My Eye Upon You by Linda Gardner

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House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

It’s funny how we can interpret the word ‘if’.  For the glass half-empty among us, then ‘if’ is merely a possibility and not a promise; it might happen… but then…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon

It’s funny how we can interpret the word ‘if’.  For the glass half-empty among us, then ‘if’ is merely a possibility and not a promise; it might happen… but then it might not… it is just a possibility; not a certainty!  I believe, however, this verse is meant to be read with hope and expectation and a sure and certain promise that when God’s people, who are called by His Name, take a step of faith and humbly seek God’s face, then healing will come to our land.

The word ‘if’ doesn’t actually appear in the Hebrew text.  A more literal translation of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is “and humbled, My people who are called by My name and pray upon, and seek My face, and turn back from their evil ways, then I will hear from the heavens, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land”.  Admittedly it is a little bit more awkward to read this way so translators have inserted the word ‘if’ but the emphasis is most definitely more on the fact that when ‘A’ happens, ‘B’ will follow!  But I would go a stage further and say that the promise is there that this chain of events will happen, ie God’s people will humble themselves and pray and seek His face and turn back from their/our evil ways.

This is where the challenge comes!  The word ‘evil’ is not a word that we easily take ownership of – ‘other’ people, ie those who are not God’s people can be evil – but surely God’s people have been redeemed and forgiven?!

There is a concept in Hebrew thinking that we should regard everything in life with one of two mindsets.  The ayin-tov (literally a ‘good eye’) or an ayin-rah (literally a ‘bad/evil eye’).  We are probably familiar with the expression that someone has an ‘evil eye’ if they are involved with witchcraft and divination, but in the most simplest of terms the godly should have a ‘good’ eye to looks to God’s ways of doing things while the godless (those who live life without realising any need for God) have a ‘bad/evil’ eye as they look at things from their own perspective and motivation.  It is the same idea as ‘sheep and goats’ – sheep follow the Shepherd while goats wander off and do their own thing.

English translators needed to find a straightforward way to express ‘doing something my way rather than following the Shepherd’ so they used words like ‘evil’ and ‘wicked’ but unfortunately this has resulted in us assuming that the words refer to someone else!   Maybe this is why we are still waiting for God’s people to humble them (our) selves, and pray and seek God’s face and start looking to see this land, this world through God’s good eye and start to do life God’s way, following in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd.

Incidentally, the words ‘tov’ and ‘rah’ (good and evil) are the very same words found in Genesis 2:9 with reference to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  I am not denying that we are seeing some terrible atrocities in our news at the moment and they are indeed ‘pure evil’ but let us not make the mistake of thinking that God is waiting for the ‘really evil’ who may be taking refuge in a church somewhere to repent.  This is about us, me, you, all of us.  As living sacrifices, we are so easily inclined to crawl away when the heat intensifies on the altar.  But when we continually and consistently re-align ourselves with His ways, doing life His way, and through His eyes then we will see healing in our land. And that’s a promise!

  • Written by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

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House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

We had some friends over for supper on Saturday evening, and the conversation came round to the subject of introverts and extroverts.  Someone was surprised when I identified as the…

House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon

We had some friends over for supper on Saturday evening, and the conversation came round to the subject of introverts and extroverts.  Someone was surprised when I identified as the former but I am most definitely an introvert in the sense that I ‘need’ time on my own to recharge my batteries.  Please don’t get me wrong; I love being with people but my battery eventually runs flat!  Victor is the complete opposite – he comes alive and sparks when he is in the midst of people, noise and the randomness of more chaotic conversation.

16th March 2020 is a date etched in my mind for it was the date when our Prime Minister Boris Johnston clarified that he was advising against all but essential travel and work in the UK.  Speculation had been rife for several weeks as news headlines warned of the impending spread of Coronavirus.  Panic and concern were everywhere on the streets; and justifiably so for the epidemic was spreading like wildfire, but one word was in my spirit and that was …Intimacy!

Intimacy essentially means closeness and connection – usually between two people, but it can even be used to describe a cosy or private space which has an ‘intimacy’ about it.  When I think of intimacy I maybe think of a roaring fire in the grate, the curtains drawn, the phone on silent mode  and the television switched off.  Locking the world outside for a time in the expectant hope that something better will be encountered on the inside.

I know now that others also sensed that God was calling His Bride into a deeper relationship as the unknown threat of a worldwide epidemic approached and all of the appointments and work and plans which seemed to perpetually cram-fill my diary, were now deemed by Boris Johnston to be ‘non-essential’!

As the New Year begins on our Gregorian calendar and the roads are quieter than usual with schools and colleges and businesses  enjoying a Bank Holiday I feel a draw back to experience that intimacy with the omnipresent ever loving Father God who calls us back to Himself.  Back to the Garden where Adam walked with God in the cool of the evening.  The God who brought His people out of Egypt and made His presence felt in their midst as He led them by day with a pillar of cloud (and aren’t we blessed in Northern Ireland with pillars of cloud?!) and a column of fire by night.  The God who met with Moses and Aaron and Joshua in the Tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting – meeting God…

The Hebrew word for ‘Intimacy’ is ‘Qorban’ and it is also commonly translated as a gift or offering – something given to another in devotion – which is probably why we often give roses or flowers.  As the priests approached the altar they brought a gift or offering – as they placed it upon the altar they were closer to God than anywhere else on earth.

Qorban comes from the Hebrew root word Qarab which is spelt with the 3 consonant letters Qoph-Resh-Beit (QRB).  The letters of the Hebrew alphabet are all hieroglyphics each containing a meaning.

The letter ‘Qoph’ is the Hebrew word for an ‘ear’ and it carries the idea of intensely focussing in on something.  The letter Qoph looks like an ear, but it also looks like a setting sun on the horizon when there is an intensity of colour which prophetically speaks of a Moed or appointed time – for such a time as this!

The letter ‘Resh’ is the Hebrew word for ‘head’ – it looks like the back of a person’s head if they are moving from right to left.  Hebrew is read from r-l so the Resh is a mindset or thought pattern which will control the way we lead our lives and the decisions we make.

The final letter, the ‘Beit’ (or Beth) is the Hebrew word for a dwelling place or home.  The hieroglyphic is the outline of a Bedouin tent from above.  The Beit is literally where we live – where we ‘are’, where we have set up camp.  Prophetically it speaks of the House, the Ecclesia, the Bride!

Taking the 3 letters together the word Qorban (from the root word QRB) is essentially saying that when we focus and intensify our attention on what God is saying we discover that we are in the midst of a divinely appointed time where our thinking can be brought into line with what God is doing in our land and ultimately it will result in God’s Kingdom being established as we help the Bride prepare and realise and walk in her true identity.

Soon the world will be battering on our doors again but to coin a phrase used by Boris – much of what occupies our time is ‘non-essential’ – we must plan ahead, and make time for Intimacy with God.

  • Written by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

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