…So Today, I heard the Spirit say something rather strange: “Daughter,…Beware of Fast Fires.”
…I was then lead to Stop and Consider…the difference between Dry tinder which is the source of a ‘Fast Fire’….vs the Slow and Steady burn of Oil…!
…Dry tinder ignites quickly, creating a fast fire that blazes brightly but extinguishes just as rapidly; and it produces a lot of smoke in the process….
…In contrast, Oil fuels a fire that burns steadily and does not fizzle out or create harmful smoke….
It’s essential for us to discern the source of the fire: Is it dry tinder or Oil?
…Dry tinder lacks the substance to sustain a meaningful movement”….!
…While it may burn brightly for a moment, it cannot support a lasting work of God….
…This Word of “fast fire” resonated deeply with me when the Spirit of Revelation brought it to my attention this morning—something I had never heard before….
…The Prophetic emphasis’ for the hour and Season….lies in the “Source, Substance, and Sustainability” of the Fire….
…I hear these Words…”I Say…Watch and Pray and Beware of STRANGE or FAST FIRES that stem from counterfeit sources….for these fires may ignite quickly and produce a lot of smoke that will distort vision and ultimately fail to sustain a genuine and lasting Move of My Spirit”….
…As I delved deeper into this revelation, I pondered the implications of ‘fast fires’ in our lives—whether they manifest as fleeting relationships, quick-fix solutions, or superficial spiritual encounters and even prophetic words….that seem to promise much but deliver little….
The allure of instant gratification and recognition can easily deceive even the most discerning of hearts….
…Many are being drawn to the allure of Fast Fires sourced by ‘dry tinder’—the explosive moments filled with emotion, excitement, and even spectacle….; Such spiritual experiences may seem significant at first, but they often leave many feeling empty, scattered, and yearning for something more substantial…that brings forth true and lasting transformation..!
Contrastingly, the ‘steady burn of Oil’; the Oil of the Spirit will always come from being deeply-rooted and Intimate with the All Consuming Fire of His Presence….
Friends,…this isn’t just a prophetic caution for our personal lives; but it extends to our Ministries, and even the relationships we Seek to build…
…In this hour,…We are called to be discerning stewards of the Fire we cultivate….; Are we nurturing flames that will sustain us through trials, or are we playing with sparks that may one day fizzle out, leaving us in darkness?
…I hear these Words,…”Seek the substance of the fires that you are drawn to….
…Watch! What is fuelling your passions? ….Watch! What is igniting your Vision?
Is it a deeper knowledge and love of the Father….or is it merely the smoke of distraction?”
With that, I feel a stirring deep within—an invitation to not only guard our hearts against the allure of fast fires in this season….
…But an instruction,..to pursue the Wisdom and Grace that comes from a slow, deliberate burn, recognizing that the most profound transformations come through time,…perseverance…and Waiting on God to bring direction and strategy…
…Time to be vigilant in discerning the authenticity of the fire we participate in, both in our own personal lives and in the Rising Movements around us….
…Come,…Resolve to seek the Oil of the Spirit—the Source of the sacred fire that sustains, empowers, and illuminates…; Time to be intentional in building Covenant relationships and godly pursuits that are rooted in true spiritual substance that have lasting impact for the Kingdom Advancement!!