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Teaching, Training, Activating and Releasing Prophetic Voices to the Nations

Discovering your True Kingdom Identity and Destiny at Ireland’s Destiny Hub…

Words Of Life

…Here we Watch and Listen!…For All that God is Revealing and Speaking through His Bride…; As we War and contend for the True Kingdom Identity and Destiny of this land…and for the Nations.

12Sep 24
Words Of Life

A WORD to the Prophets…!!!

ITS TIME!!!!! ….. ….We must understand that the primary role of Prophets is not to predict outcomes — but rather The Will, Intention and Heart of God in a matter!…

Our Vision


We raise up visionary leaders who establish new Kingdom communities.


We activate prophets who speak God’s word and reveal insights for the future.

Shofar Icon

We empower evangelists who spread the Gospel and draw others to Messiah.


We nurture pastors who provide care, guidance, and support to the community.


We equip teachers to educate on scriptural insights and Kingdom living.

Our Story

Understanding our Commission, Vision and Mandate for this land and the Nations…

God has promised to Reform and Transform the Nation of Ireland, which had been affected by decades of The Troubles…

In February 2020, the Spirit of Revelation began to speak about a new Apostolic and Prophetic Movement rising in Ireland,…and that the Reformation of the Five Fold Ministries would begin to take place.

…New Wineskin Ministries would be birthed in the land, and Servant Kings would begin to come together to build in greater Authority, Power and Unity for Kingdom Advancement in the Nations.

Ireland’s Destiny Hub is becoming a growing and thriving Apostolic and Prophetic Gathering of mighty Sons and Daughters that are Anointed and Divinely Appointed to War and contend for the true Kingdom Identity and Destiny of the Nation of Ireland and the Nations of the earth.

For more detail and background on Our Story within IDH see:

…Five years ago, God spoke through a powerful Vision that He was calling for a people who would begin to Rebuild and Restore the broken down Altars and Uncap the Ancient Wells in Ireland; and to the Nations.

…It was a clarion call over Ireland for true Repentance, and a returning to the Ancient Pathways which would bring divine Healing,…Restoration and Reconciliation to the Nation….and A Redeeming of the Times and Seasons upon the land and the people.

…If the broken down Altars were Rebuilt and Restored then the demonic thrones and satanic strongholds would begin to lose their legal rights over the Nation,…and God would send His fire of Purification and His Rain of Restoration upon the land….; Generational curses would be reversed and generational blessings would be released…!

….The Apostolic Grace would go forth to Rebuild the broken down Altars,…and the Prophetic Grace would bring forth the Uncapping of New and Ancient Wells of Revival; and Divine Recovery of the Treasures of the Ancient pathways would be fully Recovered…!

So, in obedience to God’s instruction, ‘Ireland’s Destiny Hub’ was birthed and is now being built and established in the land.

Our Vision Statement:

“Empowering, Teaching, Training and Releasing believers to operate fully in their spiritual giftings to advance the Kingdom of God in this land and to the Nations.”

Our Mission Statement:

We will achieve our Vision by equipping Kingdom believers through:
Prophetic Training, Leadership Empowerment, Apostolic and Prophetic Teaching, and Prophetic Worship.
Together we will Rebuild and Restore the broken down Altars,…Uncap the Wells of Revival and Recover the Treasures of the Ancient Pathways through the Restoration of the Five fold Ministries.

Our Vision and Mission are based upon;

Ephesians 2 v 20-22

Discover Our Tribes

…Discovering how God’s Altars are being Rebuilt and Restored in this land and in the Nations through the Body of Christ..; The 12 Stones that Elijah gathered to Build the Altar on Mount Carmel is representative of the Specific Anointings and Unique Mandates of each of the 12 Tribes of Israel…!

House of Issachar

Issachar was known as the Torah Tribe because they understood the times and seasons and feasts of the LORD, so our House of Issachar meet on the eve of Shabbat and spend time studying a weekly Parasha from the Old and New Testaments. 

House of Judah

Judges 20:18 as “Judah went first” in battle, so our House of Judah contends for us with spiritual warfare and worship. 

House of Zebulun

Together with Issachar, Zebulun would call the people to offer sacrifices of righteousness; for they would feast on the abundance of the seas and the hidden treasures of the sand (Deut 33:18-19)

House of Reuben

Reuben understood the importance of maintaining good relationships within the family. Our House of Reuben meet once a month on a Saturday evening for a simple fellowship meal along with partaking of the bread and wine. 

House of Gad

Joshua 4:12 records how the tribe of Gad faithfully stood alongside all of the other tribes helping them gain ground; not simply enjoying their own fortune. 

House of Simeon

Called to hear and obey – Simeon means ‘listening diligently (Genesis 29:33). Simeon is about intimacy. 2 Chronicles 7:14 ‘if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face..”. Simeon brings the challenge to lean into what the Holy Spirit is revealing and walk in God’s ways.

House of Benjamin

As ‘son of (the) right hand’ (Genesis 35:18), Benjamin is a calling to ensure that the Father’s wishes are known. Benjamin is the Tribe of legacy; making way for future generations. Esther, Mordecai, and the apostle Paul were all descended from the Tribe of Benjamin. 

House of Ephraim

Ephraim means a ‘covering’ or ‘bandage’ (Genesis 41:52). As a repairer of the breaches the House of Ephraim encompasses a healing ministry.

House of Manasseh

Called to forgive and forget – Manasseh means ‘causing to forget’ (Genesis 41:51).  Manasseh is about reconciliation and intercessory prayer.

House of Dan

Called to make decisions based upon divine law – Dan is derived from the Hebrew word for ‘judge (Genesis 30:6). Dan carries a strong creative anointing – Aholiab, who was called alongside Bezalel to furnish the Tabernacle, was from the tribe of Dan (Exodus 31:6). 

House of Asher

Asher means ‘blessed’ and ‘highly favoured’! Blessed to be able to supply rich food fit for a king (Genesis 49:20).

House of Naphtali

Blessed by Jacob to be like a doe set free that bears beautiful words (Genesis 49:21). Naphtali received a special anointing for communication. As part of the rear guard alongside Dan and Asher, Naphtali understood that clear communication was vital for the tribes to take ground.