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A NOW WORD; For the Prophets…” You are in Divine Transition. The Brook has dried up! Arise! We are going from Cherith to Zarephath!”

…A few weeks ago I was speaking with a Prophet who had come to Minister here in Ireland, and while she was sharing a few things with me suddenly, I heard these words, ”Watch!  For I AM taking My Prophets from the Brook of Cherith to the Land of Zarephath!”

…So in the days that followed our conversation, I began to pray fervently for the Prophets and for the Apostolic and Prophetic Movement in The Nations, and The LORD began to give me a powerful Prophetic timeline concerning the Prophets and the Apostolic and Prophetic Movement for the days ahead.

The Spirit of Revelation took me to, 1 Kings 17, where we see the Prophet Elijah at the Brook of Cherith being fed by Ravens.

But then we see in, 1 Kings 17:8, that the Brook of Cherith dries up and the Word of The LORD came unto Elijah saying,  ”Arise,… get thee to Zarephath which belongs to Zidon and go and dwell there!”

Suddenly, the Hour of Transition had come for God’s Prophet, and a New and Greater Prophetic Assignment was now waiting to be fulfilled.

  • Zarephath means; Refining and Purification.
  • Zidon the territory of the Gentiles — Outside the land of the Philistine (Palestine).
  • Zidon was the very place where Jezebel was from.

Now, as I have been pondering many of these things in my heart recently, God has been speaking so clearly about the Prophetic Assignment ahead, and what to expect.

But then today, while I was talking with another two Prophets in this land, The LORD again began to speak a clear and definitive Word for His Prophets, and I heard these Words,   ”The Season of Transition is here, and the Moment of Greater Mantling for a New Apostolic and Prophetic Mandate is here, and the Prophets must now arise and go forth to Zaraphath!

My Prophets must go forth into the Dwelling place of the Widows, to Dismantle and Demolish the Power and Authority of the Altars of Ahab and Jezebel.

They must go forth into Widow Nations, ravished by Death and Poverty, to Dethrone the Ruling Powers and Principalities of the Philistine Spirit that seeks to steal The Destiny of Sheep Nations!”

Friends, I believe and submit that God is Revealing a Powerful Prophetic Timeline to His Apostles and Prophets in this hour through the Book of 1 King’s 17 — and the Spirit of Revelation is pulling back the veil to uncover the Apostolic and Prophetic Mandate for the Days ahead — so that we can come into Right Alignment, for Kingdom Advancement!

There are so many powerful Prophetic insights being shown in this Chapter, but I want to highlight a few specific places for prayerful consideration.

We see that the Widow not only takes her last morsel of Flour and Oil to bake the Prophet a small loaf of bread — but she also prepares a Room (the Bible calls it; ‘An Upper Room’) for the Prophet to reside.

In preparing a room for Elijah, in effect, the Widow prepares an Altar for the Fire to Fall.

( The Upper Room, I believe, also speaks prophetically to the “Place of Ascension” — the Place where God’s 11th-hour Prophets will Govern and Legislate from in this hour, over Nations. )

Furthermore, as the Widow prepares The Upper Room, (an Altar) for the Prophet, her home becomes a Habitation for The Glory — but also for a mighty demonstration of “Resurrection Power,” when her Son dies.

We see Elijah taking the dead boy up into The Upper Room — the Place of Ascension — and Elijah lays the dead boy upon the bed (upon the Altar) and he lays prostrate upon the boy.

( Prostrate before God — the position of Prayer that is required by God’s 11th-hour Prophets in this next Season. )

And we see The Breath of Resurrection Life and Power being released — and the curse of death is broken!

This simple Act of Faith and Obedience by the Widow — in giving her last morsel to God’s Prophet — becomes the catalyst for a Divine Reversal — a Divine Reversal of the curse of lack, poverty and death over her life!

Friends, I submit these are all powerful Prophetic Parallels that speak to the “Next Apostolic and Prophetic Mandate” that is Coming upon God’s Prophets for the Restoration and Reformation of Nations in this New Era.

Today as I went before The LORD, I heard The Spirit say,  ”Watch!  For I AM taking My Prophets from the Brook of Cherith to the Land of Zarephath — to the place of Purification and Refinement — into a Crucible where Faith is tested by Fire!

Yes!  For I AM taking My Prophets from being fed with manna and meat by the Ravens; to being fed a morsel of bread by the hand of Widows; from drinking water from the Brook of Cherith; to being Refined by the Desert of Zarephath.

Listen!  For I tell you, this is the Hour of Divine Transition and Radical Change for the Brook of Cherith that once sustained and gave life to My Prophets, has dried up, and the Ravens that once brought provision shall no longer visit.

But fear not!  For I have commanded My Widows to sustain and to make Room for My Prophets in this hour.

But I say, Watch!  For the Gates — the Gates of Nations — shall become a Meeting Place, a place of Divine Convergence and Supernatural Intervention, for I AM taking My Prophets to the Gates of Widow Nations, and to the Cities of Widow States, and to the Regions and Territories where many Widows are oppressed to the point of death by the heavy yolk of drought, famine, lack and poverty.

Watch!  For these are the Days of Divine Confrontation.  These are the Days of Elijah, where the Power of My Seven Spirits shall go forth into the land of Zidon, the Land of the Philistine (Palestine) to deal a death blow to the Altars of Ahad and Jezebel, and to dethrone the Ruling Powers and Principalities of the Philistine Spirit that is now Rising over Nations.

I say Beloved, Watch and Listen!  Come up here!  Come up higher and enter into the place of Supernatural Ascension, where My Glory is brooding over the Womb of The Upper Room.

Watch!  For I say, out of the Place and Position of Supernatural Ascension, a mighty Manifestation and Demonstration of My Resurrection Power shall go forth to Reverse the generational curse of death over Widow Nations.

See!  For a New Kingdom Movement is now being birthed in the Nations of the Earth!” says The Spirit of God.

Blessings to you all.

~ by Veronika West

A NOW WORD; For the Prophets…” You are in Divine Transition. The Brook has dried up! Arise! We are going from Cherith to Zarephath!”

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