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A Now Word for The Nations!


AI imageThe following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has begun to unravel to me in the last seven months, concerning the fall of Babylon, and the coming collapse of Financial and Economic Structures and Systems as we know it.

Two days ago while sitting with The LORD, he began to reveal the following Word.

I am submitting this Word in a different format than I usually do. I am sharing with you the Notes from my Prayer Journal.

I submit the Revelation as it came and as I wrote it down.

A now Prophetic Word for The Nations: “A seven-year Fiery Furnace is rising over Nations to Purge, Purify and Prepare the foundations of Nations for the weight of His Glory!”

So God has started speaking to me again today about the next seven years, and what is coming, and how He will undertake for His Ecclesia in the midst of the greater shaking.

The Spirit of Revelation took me to The Book of Daniel — Daniel 3 specifically — which was shown to me as part of a Prophetic Timeline for the next seven years over Nations.

He then started to speak to me about Daniel and the three Hebrew boys, and He began to unravel a scroll.

First, The Spirit of Revelation highlighted the meaning of the names of Daniel, then the three Hebrew boys given by Nebuchadnezzar.

As I began to do something of a ‘deep dive’, it was incredible what He began to show me next about the next seven (7) years.

Note: the meaning of all these names is very significant. Each of the four had been given by their parents a name honoring the true God, but the Babylonians wanted them to be identified with one of the false gods.

  • Daniel : — “God is my judge” — was assigned the name Belteshazzar, which meant “Favored by Bel.”
  • Hananiah : — “Beloved of The LORD” — became Shadrach, which meant “Illumined by Rak,” the sun god.
  • Mishael : — “Who is as God” — was called Meshach, which meant “Who is like Shak,” the Babylonian Venus.
  • Azariah : — “The LORD is my help” — became Abednego, which meant “Servant of Nego,” the god of fire.

image supplied by author - artist unknownIn Prayer, I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch! What went “in”… watch!

What went “through” … watch!

What emerged from the Fiery Furnace, that was turned up seven times hotter…

I say, watch! For a simultaneous move of My Spirit shall take place in the Fiery Furnace over the next seven years, for what went in, shall be Purged and Purified, shall be up-rooted and pulled down, shall be dismantled and destroyed!

What went in, shall be Empowered and Equipped; shall be Ignited and Illuminated; shall be Built and Established for the advancement of My Kingdom!”

I hear The Spirit say, ”In the seven-year Fiery Furnace, I will begin to deal with the Babylonian systems and structures over nations!”

I see God beginning to deal with the Babylonian gods of Nebuchadnezzar, for the God of Daniel, Hananiah, Misheal and Azariah shall come as a mighty refiner and purifier of nations.

The seven-year Fiery Furnace of Purification is now rising over Nations to deal with idol worship, the altars of Baal and the strongholds of Babylonian gods that rule nations with an iron fist.

The seven-year Furnace shall deal with the stranglehold of paganism that has crept into The Church. This shall be dealt with severely and swiftly.

The God of Daniel, the God of righteous judgement, (Daniel — God is my judge) is coming to judge the Babylonian systems and structures that rule over Nations.

I hear The Spirit say, ”Look for the writing is on the wall. Watch! For the Mantle of Daniel will fall, for Nations are now being weighed in the balance and found wanting.

Again I say, Daniel nine, is a stitch in time that will save Nations from Judgement — a Prayer in time will bring Nations into a time of birthing.”

But God is also coming to reveal Himself to His Ecclesia in the Fiery Furnace.

In this seven-year Fiery Furnace, He is coming to reveal Himself to His Beloved ones (to His Hananiahs).

  • Hananiah : — “Beloved of The LORD” — became Shadrach, which meant “Illumined by Rak,” the sun god.

To reveal Himself to His chosen ones, those marked by His Presence. Those who have walked through The Fires of the Second Baptism.

He is coming to Empower and Equip His (Mishaels) in The Fire. He is coming to Purify and Prepare His Sons, that they may become Image Bearers, Light and Glory Carriers, of The Fire to The Nations.

  • Mishael : — “Who is as God” — was called Meshach, which meant “Who is like Shak,” the Babylonian Venus.

He is coming to reveal Himself as the mighty Helper. The Helper in the midst of the Fiery Furnace, in the midst of the great Shaking and Trouble.

He is coming to show Himself mighty on behalf of His Ecclesia in the coming days.

  • Azariah : — “The LORD is my help” — became Abednego, which meant “Servant of Nego,” the god of fire.

I see a Divine Confrontation with the god of fire and the counterfeit god of Nego/ Fire. The All-consuming Fire shall burn up the counterfeit works of the god of Nego over Nations.

The Fire of God shall fall upon the Babylonian systems and structures and (ministry empires built by the hands of man shall become as em-pyres unto God).

Fresh Fire will fall upon The Fire Starters, upon the Living Sacrifices on the restored Altars of Elijah.

What went “into” the Fiery Furnace — represents what is now coming under Divine Judgement, in the next seven years.

A seven-year “gory”/ Shaking of Purification is coming to prepare the foundations of Nations for a new era of a greater manifestation of the weight of His Glory on the earth.

What went “through” the Fiery Furnace, represents how God (the fourth man) will reveal himself to his Ecclesia as The Fourth Man — those who have chosen the way of righteousness and those that have not and will not compromise in the days ahead. Those who have not sat and eaten at Jezebels table of defilement…

In the midst of the Fiery Furnace, God is bringing to birth a ”fourth dimension” of sight and vision — greater vision is being released to the purified vessels.

Divine Elevation, Illumination and Impartation is coming to the Fiery Ones in the Furnace…

The Fire of Purification comes to purify and prepare Sheep Nations for the coming outpouring of The Glory.

The Fiery Furnace over the next seven years will start to bring forth a Divine Distinction and separation of goat and sheep Nations.

The seven-year Fiery Furnace is the place where a simultaneous move of both Judgement and Birthing will take place over Nations!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A Now Word for The Nations!

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