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A Time of Divine Reset Has Begun!!!

So, on 24 November, 2024 I had a powerful Dream. In the Dream I was standing in the inner workings of a massive Clock.

I could see the cogs of the Clock moving back and forth, big cogs, little cogs, all moving backwards and forwards, up and down, and everything within the massive mechanism had its specific place.

It was a surreal place to be in the Dream, and I could hear the loud sound of the cogs, as they moved and worked together, while at the same time, the loud echoing sound of the ticking of the Clock, and as all the pieces moved it created a loud and rhythmic pattern.

But in the Dream — it’s hard to describe — but the rhythm that was created sounded “off” [not right].

It sounded out of syncronization, and in my spirit, I felt a sense of interference, like something within the entire mechanism was out of place and needed to be brought back into the correct rhythm — Order and Time!

Now, as I was watching, and sensing and feeling all these things in the Dream, suddenly I heard, ”Ministry Machine!”

Then the Dream suddenly shifted and I was now standing, looking up at the large Clock face. The hour hand and minute hand read 2:45pm…; two…forty five!

As I looked at the time 2:45, I heard, Revelation 2:4-5… “

“Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love….Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent” Revelation 2:4-5.

As I heard those Words, suddenly I saw what looked like a fist — and yet it also looked like a Judge’s Gavel — come down upon the massive Clock mechanism and it was smashed into smithereens — the big and little cogs went flying — the entire Clock was destroyed!

Then suddenly I heard, ”A Time of a Divine Reset has begun!”

As I woke up from the Dream ,a feeling a great urgency filled my heart. God is calling His Church to return to their first love — “this one thing I have against you!” [Revelation 2:4]

It’s a Call to return — and Repent!

A Divine Reset has now begun!

The Clock represents Time, and the inner workings of big cogs and little cogs represent religious structures and systems within The Church, that have caused The Body of Christ to step outside of God’s Time and given Satan a legal right and open access to come and infiltrate The Church, where he has sought to demonically alter and affect God’s Timeline on the earth.

The smashing of the Clock symbolises a coming move of The Whirlwind of The Seven Spirits of God to break the legal stranglehold of the enemy over Time, and to break every satanic constraint of the enemy over The Body of Christ — a supernatural move, coming to bring a Divine Realignment, and a Course Correction — a Divine Re-ordering!

The Sream is a Clarion Call — a Warning that comes with an urgency to embrace the Call to True Repentance and a returning to our First Love.

A time of Divine Reset is here!

Time Divine Dismantling.

God is uprooting and tearing down demonic structures and systems that are in opposition to His Divine Prophetic Timeline.

Please Note:

2+4+5 = 11

24+5=29 (2+9=11)

Date of Dream; 24/11th month… 20(24)

Isaiah 11 : Seven Spirits of God. (The Whirlwind of The Seven Spirits.)

11th hour Visitation for The Church.

In the Jewish Bible (Tanakh) the 11th book is Jeremiah : “uproot and tear down … build and plant!”

The meaning of the Number Eleven (11) is important, in that it can symbolize disorder, chaos and judgment.

In The Bible, Eleven (11) is used twenty-four (24) times and “11th” can be found nineteen (19) times.

Coming after ten (10) (which symbolizes law and responsibility), eleven (11) represents the opposite, which is the irresponsibility of breaking the law, which brings disorder and judgment.

Timeline of Peter’s life and ministry!

In Genesis 11, men rebelled against God and built The Tower of Babel.

He judged them by confusing their language — resulting in chaos.

Eleven (11) is the number of transition.

The 11th hour comes right before the start of a new day.

”but the land you are crossing the jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven!” Deuteronomy 11:11

In the eleventh month of the twelfth year, on the first day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me,Ezekiel 26:1.

The Prophet receives a message concerning the impending destruction of tyre in the eleventh year.

The number eleven (11) here serves as a reminder of the consequences of disobedience and the necessity for repentance to Restore Divine order!

Blessings to you all.

~ by Veronika West

A Time of Divine Reset Has Begun!!!

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