This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025.
I heard The Spirit say, ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’ — I call you The Land of Vision. I call you the land where My Celtic Eagles rise and soar on the winds of My Seven Spirits.
But I say to you Ireland, your sight has become dim and vision has become distorted — and your Kingdom Destiny has been delayed. because of your diseased tongues.
For I say, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Ireland, if you will purify your hearts and purify your tongues, I will purify your Vision and propel you fast forward with great acceleration into the place of fulfilled promise and Kingdom Purpose.
Yes! I will bring Healing and Restoration and Kingdom Reform to your land, and send you forth as a Firebrand Visionary Movement to set Nations ablaze!”
Prophetic Notes: As I heard those Words, I prayed in The Spirit and The LORD took me to Isaiah 6.
I believe there is a call yet again over this Nation to“Come to The Altar!”
There is ”an Isaiah 6 Call” — to come to The Altar. A Nation is being Called to greater and deeper levels of Consecration and Revelation!
We cant talk about Vision without talking about Purity. Purity is connected to Vision — the pure in heart shall see him! Power rests on Purity!
Isaiah six (6) : Six (6) is the number of man. God gives man all dominion!
“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw The LORD!
( When Uzziah died, the veil of deception was lifted and the eyes of the prophets could see The LORD lifted up over the nation! )
He was seated on a high Throne that was lifted up, and the bottom of His Robe was so big that it filled the whole Temple.
Angels stood over him; each angel had six wings. With two wings they covered their faces, with two wings they covered their feet, and with the last two wings they would fly.
The Angels I saw called out to one another, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is The LORD Almighty — his Majestic Splendor fills the entire earth!’
The sound of their voices shook the door frames, and the temple was filled with smoke.”
When I saw The LORD, I said, “Oh, I’m in deep trouble! I’m done for. For my lips are filthy — they’re poisoned by sin, and I live among a people whose lips are poisoned by sin. But, oh, my eyes have seen the king, The LORD of heaven’s armies.”
Then one of the Angels flew toward Isaiah. In his hand was a burning hot coal he had taken from the altar with tongs.
He touched Isaiah’s mouth with it and said, “Look!” ( In touching his mouth with the burning coal, he received sight of his sinful state! )
Vision, Births, Revelation: Revelation demands a response and Repentance is the response!
This hot coal has touched your lips. Your evil is taken away! Your sin is paid for!
A purification by Fire upon his lips takes place, and God prepares the prophet to go!
And The LORD answered Isaiah and said, “Yes, you, go — and say to this people, ‘When you hear what I say, you won’t understand. When you see what I do, you won’t get it.’”
And The LORD said, “For the hearts of these people are hard. They have closed their eyes — so their eyes can’t see, their ears can’t hear, and their hearts can’t understand, so they can’t turn to me and let me heal them.”
Prophetic Parallel: Like the Laodicean Church in the Book of Revelation their lukewarmness distorted their vision they were blind and could no longer see the state of their heart nor their sin.
They needed the eye salve of Revelation 3;18. Their eyes needed to be healed in order to be restored.
Then Isaiah said, “LORD, how long will it be like this?”
And God answered, “Until their towns and houses are empty, and the whole land is a waste, until everyone has been sent away…
But you know how there’s a stump left when you cut down a tree? Israel’s hacked off stump will hide something special — a seed that is other, than anything that has come before.”
What God is saying to Ireland, ”Ireland — you are a ‘sent Nation’ — but your lips are filthy, your mouth poisoned by sin.
But I say, “Get ready! For you shall see again with greater clarity and with Vision.
Your eyes will be opened and you shall see The LORD lifted up — and The burning coals shall come in the hands of My Seraphim to purify your lips and your mouths and to prepare you to go as I send you!”
Prophetic Parallel: Donna Abraham’s Word on a year of Fresh Fruit: “2025 Year of Fresh Fruit – Kingdom Finance War Room- 3 Jan 2025“.
Eve in The Garden, she ate of the fruit and her eyes were opened and she saw her nakedness.
When Isaiah had his eyes opened, he saw The LORD lifted up — and like Eve, when his eyes were opened he saw his own nakedness/ sin and that of the people.
The fiery coal came and cleansed and purified his lips, and God qualified him to be a sent out one from among them.
Prophetic Parallel: Elijah — the fire fell upon The Altar — and The Fire came and purified the people and their eyes were opened and their hearts turned back to God.
It took the death (a changing of the guard) of king Uzziah for the veil of darkness to be lifted and for the prophet to see The LORD — and in seeing Him — He saw that he was a man of unclean lips.
Again, I hear The Spirit say, ”Ireland, there will be a Changing of The Guard!
Yes! A death on a national scale that will cause the veil of deception to be lifted and you will see.
And when your eyes are opened, you will see your own sin and the filthiness of your lips and the poison of sin in your mouths.
But watch! For a visitation of The Seraphim will come in The Fires of My Glory to touch your lips and cleanse your hearts — and you will become a “sent out People” to set on Fire the Nations of the earth!”
Prophetic Parallels: Two trees — two Altars rising — two Wineskins emerging!
You will taste it before you see it.
One is the New Wine of The Spirit — the other the counterfeit.
Both Wines will intoxicate and effect Vision.
One brings Divine and Heavenly Revelation and Vision — the other distorts vision and brings deception and mixture!
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West