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All News; The Commissioning of Joshua’s Call

..THE COMMISSIONING OF JOSHUA’S CALL; 1/6….Date; 1st June (6)….; Joshua 6th Book…Chapter 1…!

…As we Gathered together yesterday,…in the afternoon we had a powerful time of Commissioning those that have Aligned with Joshua’s Call,…many received their Shofars/Weapons for the days ahead,..but as we were Praying and Waiting on the Lord,..suddenly Holy Spirit quickened the Prophetic significance of the Day,..the Month and our specific location….; St Patrick’s Church..!

..God gave us…THE DAY (1) MONTH (6) AND THE POST CODE LOCATION (222)….; 1/6/222

…Joshua (6th) Book…Chapter (1)…and the Post Code of St Patrick’s Church (222); Isaiah 22:22…

…Ha!! Talk about A KAIROS MOMENT…for the Commissioning of Joshua’s Call Army….; Only God can orchestrate such sacred and defining moments..!!

…I believe what God is Building and Establishing through Joshua’s Call is not just for Ireland but for and to the Nations….

…I can See a Vision of a National Gathering already taking place in the Spirit. What is being birthed in Ireland through Joshua’s Call will impact Nations…I see a Mighty Seed in fertile Ground bringing forth a forest of Trees with leaves for the Healing of the Nations,…; God is doing a Mighty Work in our midst…; Do not despise the day of small Beginnings,…

…I can See a National Gathering of Mighty Shofar Warriors Rising and Coming together in Unity and One Accord…with A National Call to War for the Glory at the Gates of our Nations….

…I See an Army of Mighty Shofar Warriors Rising to Sound the Sound of Distinction, Sound the Call to the Walls of our Cities and to Sound the Sound that will uproot and tear down every Demonic Throne that has exalted itself against the Throne of the King of Kings in our Land…

…The Sound of Awakening,..Revival and Reformation is HERE!!

All News; The Commissioning of Joshua’s Call

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24Jan 25


This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025. I heard The Spirit say,  ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’…