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Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Celebrate Life..!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Celebrate Life..!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series Kingdom Highway Ministries…! …Celebrate Life; By Will Graham 

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Celebrate Life..!

Veronika West

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series

Kingdom Highway Ministries…!
…Celebrate Life; By Will Graham 

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Celebrate Life..!

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28Mar 24

First Ever Recorded Eclipse..!

Prophetic Ramblings — The First Ever Recorded Eclipse gives us a Glimpse into the Unraveling Scrolls! The first ever recorded…

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Overflowing!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Overflowing!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series Kingdom Highway Ministries…! …Overflowing; By Will Graham   

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Overflowing!

Veronika West

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series

Kingdom Highway Ministries…!
…Overflowing; By Will Graham 


Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Overflowing!

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28Mar 24

First Ever Recorded Eclipse..!

Prophetic Ramblings — The First Ever Recorded Eclipse gives us a Glimpse into the Unraveling Scrolls! The first ever recorded…

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; What Limits you,..Does Not Limit God!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; What Limits you,..Does Not Limit God!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series Kingdom Highway Ministries…! …What Limits you,..Does Not Limit God; By Will Graham

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; What Limits you,..Does Not Limit God!

Veronika West

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series

Kingdom Highway Ministries…!
…What Limits you,..Does Not Limit God; By Will Graham

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; What Limits you,..Does Not Limit God!

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28Mar 24

First Ever Recorded Eclipse..!

Prophetic Ramblings — The First Ever Recorded Eclipse gives us a Glimpse into the Unraveling Scrolls! The first ever recorded…

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Unlimited!!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Unlimited!!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series Kingdom Highway Ministries…! …Unlimited; By Will Graham

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Unlimited!!

Veronika West

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series

Kingdom Highway Ministries…!
…Unlimited; By Will Graham

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Unlimited!!

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28Mar 24

First Ever Recorded Eclipse..!

Prophetic Ramblings — The First Ever Recorded Eclipse gives us a Glimpse into the Unraveling Scrolls! The first ever recorded…

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Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Gifts And Talents..!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series Kingdom Highway Ministries…! …Gifts And Talents; By Will Graham

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Gifts And Talents..!

Veronika West

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series

Kingdom Highway Ministries…!
…Gifts And Talents; By Will Graham

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Gifts And Talents..!

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28Mar 24

First Ever Recorded Eclipse..!

Prophetic Ramblings — The First Ever Recorded Eclipse gives us a Glimpse into the Unraveling Scrolls! The first ever recorded…

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House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..!

Veronika West

…Please See Other Platform Links;


House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..!

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28Mar 24

First Ever Recorded Eclipse..!

Prophetic Ramblings — The First Ever Recorded Eclipse gives us a Glimpse into the Unraveling Scrolls! The first ever recorded…

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Freedom And Truth..!

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Freedom And Truth..!

..Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series Kingdom Highway Ministries…! …Freedom And Truth; By Will Graham   

Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Freedom And Truth..!

Veronika West

..Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series

Kingdom Highway Ministries…!
…Freedom And Truth; By Will Graham 


Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Freedom And Truth..!

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28Mar 24

First Ever Recorded Eclipse..!

Prophetic Ramblings — The First Ever Recorded Eclipse gives us a Glimpse into the Unraveling Scrolls! The first ever recorded…

X O DUS : A Strange and Powerful Dream..!

X O DUS : A Strange and Powerful Dream..!

…The following Word is for those who can discern the Prophetic Significance of Letters and Numbers and how they speak to the Hour. So friends, this afternoon (7th April; 7/4)…

X O DUS : A Strange and Powerful Dream..!

Veronika West

So friends, this afternoon (7th April; 7/4) I went to lay down. Now to be honest, I never sleep during the day, but I felt to lay down on my bed, and as I did, I fell into a deep sleep.

While asleep, I had a very short but strange and powerful dream. This dream was very clear and very distinct.

Now, as I came into the dream, I suddenly saw the letter “X” coming towards me very rapidly — and as soon as I saw the letter “X” I heard the Word, ”EXODUS”!

Then I heard, ”Watch! For surely a second Exodus has begun — and the birthing of a New Kingdom Era in The Nations of the earth!”

As soon as I heard those words in this Dream, suddenly I saw “A Ring of Fire” rapidly coming towards me, and then I saw the letters “D•U•S” also racing towards me.

As I looked at the Ring of Fire and the letters DUS, I heard these Words, ”Do you see?” and suddenly I saw this “X O DUS”.

Now I cant fully describe how I saw this Word written in the realm of the Spirit…

But as I looked at the “X” I saw that it was distinct and separate from the “O” the (Ring of Fire) and the Ring of Fire was distinct and also separate from the letters“DUS”, and though each symbol seemed separate and was pointing Prophetically to different Unfolding Events they were all intrinsically connected.

And then I suddenly woke up….

As I started meditating on this short but strange and poignant dream. The Spirit of Revelation led me to look at the following and I believe it speaks powerfully to the hour…

X – Marks the Spot.
X – Put a Mark on the Door Post — The Time of Passover.
X – The Sign of the Cross.
X – Tav – Aleph and Tav

O – The Moon, Sun, Earth.
O – Cycles and Season.
O – Covenant.
O – Ring of Fire.
O – Open Door.
O – Open Heaven/ Open Portal.
O – Eye — Mouth

D•U•S – (D)Do (U)You (S)See!

Then I looked at the numerical value of each letter… and what I found was unbelievable!

X = 24
O = 15
DUS = (4) (21) (19)

– 2+4+1+5 = 12 (3)
– 24+15 = 39 (12)
– 2+4 =6 1+5=6/6 =12
– 24+15 = 39
– 39-3+9 = 12X = 24 (6) 2+4
O = 15 (6) 1+5

DUS = (44) D(4)+U(21)+S(19) = (44) (8)
DUS = 4+1+9+2+1 = 17 (2017 First Eclipse)
17- (7+1=8)
4+21+19= 44 > 44 (4+4=8)
D=4 U=21 S=19= 17/44

DUS = 17/44
DUS – 1+7=(8) 4+4=(8)
DUS – 44+17=61 6+1=(7)
X = (24)
0 = (15)

DUS = 17/44 (61) (6+1=7)
X= (24) (2024 Second Eclipse)
O = (15)

DUS = (17/44) (8) (8) 1+7 =8 4+4 =8

Date of Second Eclipse; 4/8/24 > 4+8+24 = 36 (3+6 = 9)

X-24 O-15 DUS-17/44

-X O DUS- 24+15+17 = 56 (11)
-X O DUS- 24+15+44 = 83 (11)

-(2017/ First Eclipse) -(DUS)- 17
-(2024/ Second Eclipse) -(X)- 24

Date of First Eclipse: 21/8/17:
21+8+17 = (46) 4+6 = (10)
2+1+8+1+7 = (19) 1+9 = (10)

Date of Second Eclipse: 8/4/24:
8+4+24 = 36 3+6 = (9)
8+4+2+4 =18 1+8 = (9)

The 11th Hour Prophetically…

– 8 The Number of New Beginnings.

– 12 Divine Order and Alignment.

– 7 Perfection and Completion.

– 9 Birthing/Judgement; (Nine-veh).

– 10 Gods Divine Order & Authority; Completion of a Cycle; An Appointed Time.

– 44th book of the Bible is the Book of Acts.

– 44th Verse of Daniel 2, makes the Glorious Announcement that God’s Kingdom will come to the Earth after mankind’s final attempt to rule himself fails miserably!

X O DUS 4:8..”If they will not believe you,” God said, “or listen to the first sign, they may believe the latter sign.” (NIV) “Then the LORD said, ‘If they do not believe you or pay attention to the first sign, they may believe the second””!

– Date: 4/8 > 4+8 = (12)

– 4/8/24 > (36) (18) = (9)

See Link : Prophetic Significance of (9) & (11) and how it Speaks to the Hour: The First Ever Recorded Eclipse


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

X O DUS : A Strange and Powerful Dream..!

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First Ever Recorded Eclipse..!

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The Womb, the Tomb, and the Great Shaking and Awakening — Prophetic Revelations concerning The Nations”..!

The Womb, the Tomb, and the Great Shaking and Awakening — Prophetic Revelations concerning The Nations”..!

…So, last night I had just sat down with a coffee in my hand, when I heard,  ”Watch and Pray — for Central Park will take Centre Stage as great…

The Womb, the Tomb, and the Great Shaking and Awakening — Prophetic Revelations concerning The Nations”..!

Veronika West

As I heard those Words, I began to pray for The Nation/s and specifically for New York City, and again The LORD took me back to the Dream Encounter I shared recently:  A Strange Dream — Divine Revelation!

The Womb, The Tomb, a Solar Eclipse and an Earthquake — and it was quickened to me the Words,.. “The Tomb was a Womb that brought forth Resurrection Life and Light into the deep Darkness!”

But then again I heard, just as I had heard in the Dream, ”Watch!” — and there was a violent Earthquake —  for an Angel of The LORD came down from Heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it!

Now, as The Spirit was taking me back into that Dream Encounter, and as I prayed for The Nation and for New York, The Spirit showed me that the Earth quaked — Before the Stone of the Tomb was rolled away!

And I saw that the Great Shaking — through the violent Earthquake — was a sign in the physical of a powerful manifestation of the Birthing Contractions that were taking place deep in the Womb of the Virgin Realms and Dimensions of the Spirit.

The Tomb in the natural, was a reflection of the Womb in the Supernatural, that would bring forth “Light and Resurrection Life!”

Out of the sacred and creative dimensions of the Womb — and out of the darkness of the Tomb, a new kingdom era would be birthed into the Earth realm.

And as the Womb contracted, and as the Tomb shook, so The Angel sat upon the stone — for The Stone, had now become a Throne!

A Sign — that the Governmental Seat of all Power, Dominion and Authority in Heaven and on Earth was established — and all eyes would behold the greatest demonstration and manifestation of The Power, Kingship Authority and Anointing coming forth for Kingdom Advancement and Occupation in The Nations of the Earth!”

Friends, as I was sitting with The LORD concerning what I was hearing and being shown, suddenly The Spirit of Revelation quickened to my Spirit, Matthew 27:45-53.  Please read this passage:

“Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land.  And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
Some of those who stood there, when they heard that, said, “This Man is calling for Elijah!” Immediately one of them ran and took a sponge, filled it with sour wine and put it on a reed, and offered it to Him to drink. the rest said, “Let Him alone; let us see if Elijah will come to save Him.”
And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.” 
  Matthew 27:45-53.

As I began to read, I heard,  ”My Josephs are rising! Watch and Listen!  For the stones shall split and earth shall quake at the sound of my victory shout!”

But Then I heard,  ”Watch and Pray!  For have I not said, “This is the Hour of Divine Restore and Victory in the Midst of a Coming Famine and Nations at War”?

For I tell you, 2024 will be a year a severe Course Corrections, sudden and Divine Interventions, as My Spirit moves to expose and uncover.

Watch!  For many Nations will be changed and the history of many Nations will be rewritten!

But Watch!  I say again — Fear not! — for Champions with a Righteous Cause will rise with a Battle Cry, for I tell you, what was formed and fashioned in the Womb, and in the darkness of Joseph’s Tomb where Visions and dreams went to die and where the Word was tested in the crucible of faith.

Listen!  For a great Victory Shout will be heard that will Split the Stones and Shake the Earth — for the rolled-away Stone will give rise to a Kingly and Priestly Throne, that shall bring to birth — through the Power and Authority of the Key of the House of David — a New Kingdom Movement and a Great Awakening in the Nations of the Earth!”

On hearing those Words, I knew The Spirit of Revelation was beginning to unravel a Scroll of Revelation concerning the hour and the Redemptive Plan that He has for the Days to come.

God speaks in mysterious ways and through dark sayings, and often times when God speaks, it does not make sense until it starts to happen.

It is interesting to note that Jesus was laid in “Joseph’s tomb”.  (This is not the Joseph we know as the Joseph with the Coat of Many Colours.  See John 19.)

“Now in the place where He was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid.  So there they laid Jesus, because of the Jews’ Preparation Day, for the tomb was nearby.”   John 19:41–42.

But Prophetically, I believe the reason The Spirit highlighted these passages to me, was because of the locality of some of these places and where that resurrections took place, because they speak to the hour.

The graves mentioned here were close to Jerusalem, and this is seen from the fact that when the saints were resurrected, they immediately entered Jerusalem.

“and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city [Jerusalem] and appeared to many.”   Matthew 27:53.

The graves in that time were rocky tombs, large holes which would have been carved into the rock and openings were sealed with large stones.

Two things happened when the great shaking happened.  The Bible says, ”rocks split” and “the tombs broke wide open.”

Graves Opening and Rocks Splitting — two distinct events that took place.

The rocks being split, speaks of the Power and Force of the Great Shaking.

But the opening of the graves, speaks of the Redemptive Plan being Birthed into the Earth — the curse of death being made subject to the Authority and Power of Resurrection Life!

The Great Shaking had Resurrection Power that brought to birth great Redemptive Purposes on the earth!

The Earthquakes had a unique meaning, and was of great Prophetic Significance and Purpose in The Nations of the Earth.

The Earth-quaking and the Great Shaking was making way and forging a ‘Highway’ for a Visitation of the Glory of The LORD, to be Birthed the Earth realm.

I heard these Words,  “Watch — for the Kairos of The Womb and the Chronos of The Great Shaking of The Tomb are now colliding, to bring to birth My Redemptive Kingdom Purposes in The Nations of the earth, that shall eclipse every other move of My Spirit that has taken place!

Look up!  For eyes have not seen and ears have not heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man what I AM about to do for those who love Me!”

Friends, in the same way, when a great shaking came through an earthquake, and The Veil was torn in two, that Great Shaking was a mighty manifestation of The Shout of Victory from The Cross.

And just like the Great Shaking and the Earth quaking occurred in response to that Shout of Victory, the very moment death took place — The Tombs broke wide open!

Prophetic Notes:

The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open.

“Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised”   Matthew 27:51–52.

When we read this passage of Scripture, it shows something powerfully Prophetic.  We see six miracles which happened during Jesus’ crucifixion:

“Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land. ”   Matthew 27:45.

  1. First, we see a Prophetic Timeline of Signs that speak to the death of Jesus.
  2. Secondly, we see the thick Veil in the temple being torn in two, from top to bottom the thick veil is rent!
  3. Third miracle, we see the Great Shaking and Earthquake and the splitting of the rocks.
  4. The Fourth, was the Opening of the Graves in the vicinity.
  5. The Fifth Sign was the condition of the empty tomb,
  6. and the Sixth and last miracle was the resurrection of many saints who had died.

We can see here a clear and definitive pattern of the Birthing of Miracles, all intrinsically connected to the death of Jesus Christ.


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

The Womb, the Tomb, and the Great Shaking and Awakening — Prophetic Revelations concerning The Nations”..!

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