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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit..; Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit..; Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!

…Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!   …Let’s Read about of Paul and Silas in Acts 16….; Despite facing obstacles and being imprisoned, they did not lose…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit..; Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!

Veronika West

Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!


…Let’s Read about of Paul and Silas in Acts 16….; Despite facing obstacles and being imprisoned, they did not lose hope or faith in God. They prayed and sang hymns, and God responded by sending a great earthquake that shook loose the iron bars,…that broke their chains and opened the prison doors…

..Consider the obstacles in your own life that may be hindering you from answering God’s call….It could be fear, doubt, or even a lack of resources, or negative influences…

…Ask God to send a great shaking, just like He did in Paul and Silas’ situation, to remove every obstacle and break every chain…that’s hindering you from moving forward into all the God has for you..

…Trust in God’s Power and Sovereignty to break the shackles that are binding you….This could be chains of addiction, past traumas, or unhealthy relationships….Whatever is keeping you from fully embracing God’s call,…believe that He is able to break those chains and set you free completely..

…Pray for Open doors and that every blocked entrance will be opened up to you.,..Sometimes, it may feel like there are closed doors standing in the way of stepping into your calling….; But remember that God holds the Keys to every door, and He will Open Doors and Close Doors at the right time…

…So Trust in His timing and believe that He will make a way where there seems to be no way…

…Take time to listen carefully for your Macedonian call from God…Just as Paul received a vision of a man from Macedonia calling for help, God has a specific call and purpose for each of us…

…It may come through prayer, through His Word, or through the guidance and Prophetic Input of others…Be Sensitive and Pay attention to the nudges and promptings of the Holy Spirit, and be open to wherever God may lead you.,.

..Remain steadfast and faithful, even in the face of obstacles…

…The journey of following God’s call is not always easy…There will be challenges and setbacks along the way….; But remember that God is with you, and He will never leave you nor forsake you. Keep your eyes fixed on Him, trust in His promises, and continue to walk in obedience.

..Seek support and encouragement from fellow believers. Surround yourself with a community of believers who will uplift and support you in your journey. Share your struggles, seek wise counsel, and pray together.

..Together, you can overcome obstacles and fulfill the call that God has placed on your life.

…Remember, God’s call is unique for each individual, and the journey may look different for everyone….But as you listen for His call, and trust in His timing the good work He began in you will be brought to full perfection and completion..!

Lamentations 3;21-25 says, “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.”

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit..; Walking in Faith: Overcoming Obstacles and Answering God’s Call..!

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Body of Chains..!

Body of Chains..!

..BODY OF CHAINS….! Prophesied By; Victor Mitchell  ..On the 7th of December 2019, I was given a picture which I struggled to understand and draw…And it was not until the…

Body of Chains..!

Veronika West


Prophesied By; Victor Mitchell 

..On the 7th of December 2019, I was given a picture which I struggled to understand and draw…And it was not until the 13th of December 2019,..that I felt able to draw the picture,…but I wasn’t yet given permission to share it until now…

…The picture that I saw, was of an outline of a Body that did not have any distinctive features on it,…like a mouth, ears, eyes, nose, hair, fingers, or toes…

..But what I saw began to appear from the walls and the ground,…I saw chains and boxes which were attached to other chains….; And I saw that the chains were extremely rusty and coated in slime…

…Now If you were to try and pull on the chains, the rust would cut and lacerate your hands or if you grabbed the chains covered in slime, you would slip and injure yourself…

…I saw that there were eight chains and there were eight boxes,…and attached to the chains were padlocks that secured the chains that were wrapped around the body of a person…

…I saw that the first chain was wrapped around the head, the second was wrapped around the throat, the third chain was wrapped around the chest,

the fourth was wrapped around the left arm, the fifth chain was wrapped around the right arm, the sixth chain was wrapped around the reproductive organs,

the seventh chain was wrapped around the left leg, and finally the eighth chain was wrapped around the right leg…

…Chains came out of the walls and the floor to stop, restrict, and hinder any movement…

…And as I looked at the Body it was very dull, I could only see a glimmer of light coming from it, because of all the chains that surrounded and overwhelmed the Body…

…I noticed that the boxes were different shapes and sizes,…and quite heavy and dark in appearance. Some of the boxes were hanging off chains and creaked as they moved, while others were rooted or cemented to the ground so that they were immovable and could not be shifted by any means…

..The boxes tightened on the chains which in turn,…tightened on the Body causing blindness, hearing loss, paralysis, loss of power which restricted movement and the inability to function as the Body had been created and designed to operate…

…The walls which where once bright and colourful were now dirty, damaged, and cracked,…and seeing only just a residue of what the walls were before,..caused a deep sadness,…and a moaning that could not be suppressed…

…And then,…I heard a Voice of many Waters saying to the person that was bound with chains, boxes, and padlocks,…

…”It is Time, It is time, time to Arise, time to stand, time to see, time to speak, time to shout, time to rejoice, time to dance, and time to sing.”…

…And as those words reverberated in the atmosphere,…I looked and saw the Body which was bound up with chains,…begin to shake and move and vibrate in response to the Words that were being spoken by the Voice that was behind me…

…I watched as each chain began to shake and rattle,..and constrict in contradiction to the Word spoken by the Voice of many Waters…

…Then,…like a cloud in the air that suddenly disappeared,…so too,…did the first chain disappear on the left leg,,…this caused great movement,…and almost at once after the first chain vanished,…so the chain on the right leg that was restricted was loosed,…and then another chain,…and then the box, and padlock disintegrated before my eyes.

…Movement and dancing began to be Restored to the legs,…and as the legs moved and danced there came a greater freedom and liberty (Galatians 5.1),.

…but I watched as chains on the other areas of the Body tightened even more,…which caused even more limited breathing and less upper body movement than before…

…However,…this was only for a fleeting moment,…as I watched and listened as the feet began to tap out in Morse code the Words… “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed”…

…I listened,…this became the anthem of the Body that had been restricted, limited, and suppressed…

…”For every place that the soul of your foot shall tread upon, I have given to you”…(Joshua 1.3)

…I heard the Lord saying that,…that He is giving back the Authority to the Body…to the Bride of Christ,…and that as His Sons and Daughters walk and live out their lives on the Earth,…they are walking out the fulfilment of His Word in these times and in these places…

..Then I saw more chains breaking off and falling away from the reproductive organs,..the box came later as there seemed to be so much resistance to any movement..!

…Where like begets like….; If you sow an apple seed you expect to reap apples and not oranges,…so it is with the Lord that as you learn to disciple and mentor those who come and seek you out,…the Lord is beginning to replicate His Bride throughout the Nations,..Tribes and Families throughout the lands and Nations of the earth….

These Sons and Daughters will not be classed as clones of man or woman,…because they belong to Yahweh, and they have become Lovers and true Worshipers of Yahweh,…who are sold out for Him and what His Word says…!

…They are radical enough to believe what He has inspired His Prophets and other men of God to write in His word….; I see that there will be many doers of His word,…and not only those who merely hear His Word….

…For Father God has been grounding and proving His word in the hearts of His loved Ones,…those who are sold out to and for a Living God….

…I Watched as the next chain to begin to shake and rattle was a thin but heavy chain that was wrapped around the chest,…where the lungs and heart were positioned,…; I was shown that the heavy chain had been wrapped around the heart and lungs several times,…as if it had been woven through the heart and lungs….

…And I saw that the box had adhered to the walls of the heart and lungs so that each time there was a breath for air,..or the heart beat there was intense pain…

…And I heard the Lord say,…that He is reaching down into the very painful and restrictive traditions and religions and regimes,…that have placed and set demonic strongholds over lands,..Nations Peoples and Tribes which have been acted upon through Blood Covenants that enticed demonic strongholds to set up their Rule in which to Reign…

…I Hear the Cry,…”No more, No more, No more, for it is this people and this Generation that is causing the Blood Covenants to be torn up and dis-annulled through a People that Cry out to their God, that Humble themselves, and turn from their wickedness and Pray…that is the Key,…that is the Answer, that is the Passion that has been placed within their hearts…

…The Body Cry’s out, “Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven”…and they are prepared to back up their prayers…by their lives being placed on the Altar of God,…“living sacrifices,..Holy and acceptable unto God.”

…These are the History Makers, these are the Life changers, these are the Government Leaders, these are the Educational Leaders these are the Policy Makers, these are the Ones who have said…’YES at any cost, see Your Will be Done and Come on Earth”.

…And as the heavy chains break and fall off the chest,..there will be a freshness of New life come into the Body and also into the Heart,…so that the years of apathy, anger,…bitterness, criticism, envy, hatred, resentment and selfishness will be fully exposed,…what was done in secret will be openly revealed,…; the good,…the bad and ungodly acts of Individuals, Families, Communities, Religions, and Nations.

…Nothing will be hidden, nothing will be held back,…; But there is an Abundance of Grace for the Body to turn from their Ways and to follow Yahweh’s guidance…


…And then I looked and saw the chain that was twisted and ensnared around the neck begin to shake,..and then stop, the Chain began to pull the other chains tighter and tighter as if to try to kill the Body through suffocation…

…The chain pulled until the Body had almost passed out or fainted,..but then I heard the Voice that had spoken to the Body before and it spoke again in a whisper,…and the chains exploded into thousands and thousands of pieces…

…And from where the Body had turned blue,…due to lack of Oxygen, there came a huge intake of air into the lungs,…and the heartbeat grew stronger and stronger,…and blood rushed through the body bringing vital oxygen and blood to the rest of the Body.

…And the enemy cried out, “If only I could stop their voice,…I could win,…I could control them,…I could make them Slaves”…

…But the Voice thundered out saying,…

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,

because the Lord has Anointed me to bring good News to the poor,..He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison doors to those who are bound.

to proclaim the Year of the Lord’s favour..And the day of vengeance of our God….to grant to those who mourn in Zion-

to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, that they might be called Oaks of Righteousness,

the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified”…!

…I saw as the chain around the neck breaking apart so that the tongue that had been stopped and wedged closed,…became loose again and as the tongue began to put words together and release the Word of the Lord in Homes,…Communities and Nations,…

…There was a change taking place in the mouth so that the language and speech was not of this world,…which is corrupt,…vile and discouraging, but the Words that came forth where Transforming, Life giving, Life breathing Words which originated in heaven,…; Only now was the Body able to see that Words are powerful,..that life and death are in the power of the tongue.

…It is When we seek the Lord with a humble heart,..calling on Father God,..that we become immersed in His will,…and our Will then lines up with His will on earth as it is in heaven….; And when our heart is free there comes an Abundance of the goodness of the Lord out of our mouths…

…Then finally the chain that surrounded the head, looked as if it was broken into pieces, but I saw that it was an illusion,…the enemy trying to bring a false sense of freedom and liberty…

…The Body’s Brain and its ability to think and understand with wisdom had been corrupted by many counterfeit voices,…and instead of listening to the One True Voice of the Father….the Body had become deceived through false and mistaken teaching that was now accepted as the Truth.

…Now when Gods Word comes to the Body, it has no angles or strange thinking or wrong interpretation,…when the Body comes under subjection the Father,…it allows Him free and unlimited and unrestricted access to every area of the Body,…; The Body starts moving and pulsating vibrantly,…filled with fresh revelation and insight of who the Father is and what He has accomplished,…; THE BODY OF CHRIST…; The Victorious Ones,…

…With all the chains now gone from the Body,…there is a fire and a glow of the Holy Spirit that emerges to flow freely and unhindered….; That causes Life and fullness,..Joy and laughter to be seen and heard through the Body rather than railings, and back-biting…; Finally People seeing for the first time how the Body of Christ flows without any distractions taking place…

…Now with the eight chains, the eight boxes and the eight padlocks being dissolved…

…I hear the Lord saying,..for New and Coming year ahead..;

…”RESURRECTION and REGENERATION with ELOHIM ADONI YESHUAH”..; The Lord God Almighty is causing the past boxes of life’s issues,…difficulties and emotional illnesses to be broken off,…no longer being influential and overpowering over His Body.

…GOD IS BREAKING EVERY CHAIN;…that tries to tear down, break up and destroy: …And so it will also be,..for every RELIGIOUS MOULD that people have been placed in,..; THE CAPTIVES ARE BEING SET FREE…

…There is Coming to the Body of Christ,..; Resurrection Enablement, Life giving Power, and Freedom,…Which has no limits, barriers, restrictions, or hindrances…

…The Body is being Resurrected back to what was in the garden….; Face to face Communion with the Father,…so that the Body will only do what it sees the Father do,; Nothing added…Nothing taken away…!

..Then…REGENERATION comes, that every thought is renewed, refreshed, and reinvigorated through the Ruach breath of the Holy Spirit,…breathing on the Body to bring Life and fulfilment…; Resurrecting that which has been dead and regenerating the life of the body to function fully,…untainted by tradition, religion, knowledge, man’s wisdom, intelligence, and education.

…Allowing free flow Access from heaven to earth to the Glory of God..; That Jesus would be lifted and highly exulted overall, to the Glory of the Father that is full of Grace and Truth..!

Prophesied By; Victor Mitchell

Body of Chains..!

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House of Benjamin; The Valiant Man Series..!

Veronika West

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..! God is a God of Supernatural Miracles,…as we take a look at the teachings and Miracles of Jesus in…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

Veronika West

Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

God is a God of Supernatural Miracles,…as we take a look at the teachings and Miracles of Jesus in Mark 6, 7, and 10.

…These chapters showcase the incredible Transformative Power of Faith,..and the Miracles that can happen when we put our Trust and Hope in God alone….; HE IS THE GREAT MIRACLE WORKER..!

…By immersing ourselves in these stories, we can gain a deeper understanding of how to embrace change and develop an atmosphere of radical Faith without boundaries in our own lives.

..Embracing the rapid changes that are happening around us on a daily basis can be challenging,…but Faith is not denying that Mountains exist – but rather Faith denies the Power that Mountains can have over our lives and see them removed…!!

Challenges are essential for growth and spiritual development…

…Just as Jesus moved from place to place, constantly adapting to every new circumstance and challenge, we too must be open to change and embrace every opportunity to exercise our Faith in God.

…By letting go of our fear of the unknown, we pave the way for God’s plan to unfold in our lives…

…Listen! Take heart,..Rejection is inevitable, but it should never hold us back from doing God’s work…

…As you take time to read these chapters, you will see Jesus being rejected by his own hometown and even by his disciples at different times….However, He never let it discourage him or hinder his mission or distract Him from His Fathers instruction.

…Instead, He pressed forward with unwavering faith, knowing that God’s plan was greater than any rejection He faced.

..Letting go of the fear of rejection allows us to fully embrace God’s calling and step into the purpose He has for us.

Whenever God calls us into positions of leadership it can be a challenging time of transition, requiring a new measure of faith and demonstration….; In Mark 6, we see Jesus appointing his disciples to go out and preach, giving them Authority to heal and cast out demons…

…This Call into leadership required the disciples to step out in faith and fully trust in God’s power working through them. Similarly, when we take up a position of leadership or responsibility, we must lean even more on our faith and trust in God’s guidance…

To cultivate a climate of faith for healing and miracles, we must first believe that all things are possible with God. As we see in Mark 6 and 10, countless people came to Jesus seeking healing, and their faith played a pivotal role in their restoration.

…By developing a mindset that says “With God, all things are possible,” we create an atmosphere of expectation and faith. We must believe that God has the power to bring healing and miracles into our lives, and approach him with the confidence and absolute assurance that He will respond…

Developing a Life-Style of Radical faith requires consistent Obedience…Surrender and devotion…; Just as Jesus withdrew to solitary places to pray and seek guidance from the Father, we too must prioritize our relationship of Intimacy with the Father…Through prayer, studying scripture, and seeking spiritual input.

Pray; Thank you Father for how you have called me to be involved in Your work in the world. Thank you for how You Provide and care for me and how You so lovingly care for others,….As the Great Teacher,…please teach me how to love and lead as you love and lead.

…And As the Great Shephard will you continue to guide and protect me and those that I love. Father thank You for Your Faithfulness and great compassion in my life.

..Thank you Lord for leaving me the Holy Spirit that is always with me,…Thank you Lord that you provide help and hope in the challenges of everyday life…Help me to remember this Truth, especially as the circumstances of the day can look totally impossible to resolve on my own.

…Father You are the God of miracles. Help me to remember what You have already done in my life to bring me to where I am today…Equip me to Grow in greater faith each day..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing Change…Cultivating a Climate of Faith in a Rapidly Changing World”..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..!

..Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..A Journey of Understanding and Apostolic Covering..! …So let’s look at any areas of Spiritual Warfare that you may have been experiencing recently… …Prayerfully Meditate…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..!

Veronika West

..Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..A Journey of Understanding and Apostolic Covering..!

…So let’s look at any areas of Spiritual Warfare that you may have been experiencing recently…

…Prayerfully Meditate on what these battles may signify and ask God for Clarity,…and to bring discernment in understanding the spiritual realm…

…Now Take time to study and reflect on; 2 Corinthians 10 and Ephesians 4..& 6,…you will see that these key passages provide important insights into the nature of spiritual warfare and the important role of Apostolic Covering in the Body of Christ…

…Pay attention to any specific instructions or admonitions given in these passages that may apply to your current situation…

..Approach God in prayer, specifically asking Him for understanding of the Spiritual Warfare happening around you. Seek His guidance on how to navigate these battles, recognizing that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).

…Paul states that we will not fight this war with physical weapons, but with spiritual ones. The spiritual weapons that we wield carry the Divine Power to destroy strongholds of demonic activity…

…It’s vital to Seek God’s specific purposes and plans for your life….; Ask Him to reveal any areas where you may be walking in disobedience or out of right alignment with His will. Surrender yourself to Him, allowing Him to guide and direct your steps in the spiritual battle…

Read; Eph 6…; Putting on the Full Armour of God at the Beginning of everyday..!

..Take practical steps to align yourself with God’s purposes and plans….This may involve seeking advice and counsel from trusted spiritual leaders, engaging in specific spiritual disciplines such as fasting and prayer, and actively participating in the work of the kingdom…

…Stay Alert,…vigilant and attentive,…Pay attention to any spiritual attacks or signs of warfare, and seek God’s wisdom on how to respond in the right way…

…Remember that you are not alone in this battle – The Holy Spirit is with you, and He has provided Apostolic connections and covering,..and spheres of Godly Authority that can help to support and strengthen you on your journey towards greater Transformation…

…Most importantly,…Continually seek God’s Wisdom and Guidance throughout your journey in understanding Spiritual warfare and how to overcome in Victory…!

…This is an ongoing process of growth and learning, so remain open and teachable, allowing God to refine and shape you for His purposes…

…Trust that He will equip you with everything you need to Stand strong in the midst of every spiritual battle to fulfill your Kingdom Calling..!

Pray; …Lord, I acknowledge that prayer is the most powerful weapon against the attacks of the enemy. Help me to pray without ceasing, to keep You in total focus.

Teach me to rely on Your strength and guidance in all situations, knowing that in You, I am a Mighty OVERCOMER,…

Thank you for the privilege of prayer, through which I can communicate with You and find refuge in Your Presence.

Heavenly Father, I commit myself to live a life rooted in prayer, seeking Your Divine protection and guidance each day.….

I surrender my desires, my thoughts, and my very being to you. Grant me the wisdom and discernment to recognize the schemes of the enemy and the strength to overcome them. Lead me on the path of righteousness, for Your Names sake.

…“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
(Ephesians 6:12)

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Unlocking the Mysteries of Spiritual Warfare..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Journey of Love,..Giving…& Miracle’s..!

A Journey of Love and Giving…Embracing a New Road to Miracles..!   ..Today we Reflect on the teachings of Jesus in..; ..Luke 6 and Romans 12… …Jesus constantly emphasised the…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Journey of Love,..Giving…& Miracle’s..!

Veronika West

A Journey of Love and Giving…Embracing a New Road to Miracles..!


..Today we Reflect on the teachings of Jesus in..;

..Luke 6 and Romans 12…

…Jesus constantly emphasised the importance of Love and Giving in our lives. He taught us to Love our enemies, Bless those who curse us, and Pray for those who mistreat us.

…He showed us that true Love goes beyond our comfort zones and extends to those whom society considers unworthy.

As we study how Jesus taught us to Love and Give, we come to understand that these actions have the power to bring about the miraculous.

..When we put aside our own desires and self-interests, we open ourselves up to experience the supernatural work of God in our lives and in the lives of others.

We begin to see transformation and restoration taking place, not just in our circumstances but also in our hearts and minds.

It is crucial to ask God to pave a new road of love and giving in our lives. We must surrender our old ways of thinking and acting, and allow Him to lead us on a path that is characterized by selflessness, compassion, and generosity.

We need His guidance and direction as we navigate through the challenges and obstacles that may come our way.

In this journey of transformation, we must also pray for God’s transforming and renewing power to overtake our minds. Our thoughts and attitudes can often hinder us from loving and giving as Jesus taught us.,,

We may struggle with resentment, selfishness, or a lack of compassion. But as we seek God’s intervention, He can purify our hearts and align our thoughts with His, enabling us to love and give in ways that reflect His character.

It is essential to ask God to motivate us in a new way so that our Faith can operate in a new measure..

Sometimes, we may find ourselves lacking the zeal and passion to love and give selflessly. We may feel drained or overwhelmed by the demands of life.

But when we turn to God and seek Him for motivation, He can fill us with His Holy Spirit, empowering us to love and give abundantly, even in the midst of challenges and difficulties.

As we embark on this journey of learning to Love and Give, let us open our hearts to the teachings of Jesus, allowing His words to penetrate deep within us.

..Let us surrender our old ways and embrace a new road of love and giving that leads to the miraculous.

..May God transform our minds and motivate us to operate in a new measure of faith, reflecting His love and grace to a World in desperation..!

Pray; Father thank You that by faith in Christ I have become a new Creation with a new Nature. I pray that I may live and grow more like You in my everyday choices. Father I know that in my own strength I can never love those that hate and despise me,..but I pray that in Your Supernatural Strength and Grace You will enable me to make the right choices  and to stay aligned with Your perfect will, that Your Love,…Mercy and forgiveness can flow through me to others.. in Jesus name,…I pray, AMEN.


Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Journey of Love,..Giving…& Miracle’s..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; From Boundaries to Breakthrough..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; From Boundaries to Breakthrough..!

Veronika West

…From Boundaries to Breakthrough Embracing God’s Promises and Supernatural Power”…

..God is the Great Way Maker and Promise Keeper,…Let’s look at Zechariah 2..& 4…; God is at work and all His good deeds, including the construction of the Second Temple, are accomplished “not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit.”..

..As you read these verses, allow the words to sink deep into your heart and let the promises of God fill you with hope and excitement…

…Ask God to extend a new measuring line over your life…Just as Zechariah witnessed the Rebuilding and Restoration of Jerusalem, you too can experience a new measure of joy and blessings in your own life.

..Allow God to set new boundaries for you…and let Him expand your capacity to receive a new level and dimension of His joy and favor.

Declare; “LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure….; The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places”..!

…Additionally, Ask God to open your eyes to Angelic activity around you…

…Zechariah saw a Vision of an Angel measuring Jerusalem, signifying Divine Protection and guidance over the city.

…Similarly, God has assigned Angels to watch over and minister to His children…

..See Psalms 91…!

…By asking God to open your spiritual eyes, you can become more aware of the Angelic presence surrounding you, providing comfort, guidance, and divine protection…

…Zechariah’s vision of a golden lampstand symbolises Christ as the embodiment and expression of the Triune God. The substance of the lampstand was pure gold, which symbolizes God the Father in His divine nature. This gold was beaten into the form of a lampstand, which symbolizes God the Son, who is the embodiment of God the Father…The seven shining lamps symbolize God the Spirit as the Seven Spirits of God for the expression of the Father in the Son.

…The three attributes of the lamp-stand its substance, its shape, and its shining expression all symbolise the three of the Divine Trinity..the Father,…the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

…Today you can have absolute confidence and strength to face any mountain that stands in your way…knowing that the Triune God,…the Divine Empowerment of the Seven Spirits has taken up residence in your heart…and will equip and enable you to Overcome in Victory…

..As you meditate on these truths and seek the Lord for direction, remember that the journey towards a new measure of joy and moving mountains requires faith and action…

..Trust that God will do what He has promised and be willing to step out in obedience as He leads you forward into Breakthrough…

…Allow His measuring line to redefine your boundaries, open your eyes to the supernatural realm, and release His Spirit’s power to conquer every mountain you encounter…

Finally, Consider starting a journal of your experiences and revelations throughout this process…

…Take note of the ways God has extended a new measuring line over your life, the Angelic activity you’ve discerned, and the mountains that have begun to move…

…Your testimony will not only encourage yourself but also inspire others to seek a new measure of joy and faith in their own lives.,.

…Remember, God’s desire is for His children to experience abundant joy, supernatural provision, and Victory over every obstacle..!

Pray; Father God I want to do everything by your Spirit, for you’re the Lord of hosts and I need You in every way for everything.

Today I praise You for Your promise to give me your strength to overcome, and to do all that You call me to do. I pray all of this, in total dependence on You,..and in Praise and gratitude for Your promise to give me all I need by your spirit, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; From Boundaries to Breakthrough..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;  Deepening the Flow: Embracing the Abundance of God’s Spirit in Your Life”..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Deepening the Flow: Embracing the Abundance of God’s Spirit in Your Life”..!

Deepening the Flow…Embracing the Abundance of God’s Spirit in Your Life”.. …Let’s Read Ezekiel 47 …Ask God to take you deeper and to bring a greater Manifestation of His Spirit…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Deepening the Flow: Embracing the Abundance of God’s Spirit in Your Life”..!

Veronika West

Deepening the Flow…Embracing the Abundance of God’s Spirit in Your Life”..

Let’s Read Ezekiel 47

…Ask God to take you deeper and to bring a greater Manifestation of His Spirit through your life..

…Today Reflect on the passage and meditate on the imagery presented by Ezekiel’s vision…; Pay attention to the flowing water and its increasing depth…

..As we read Ezekiel 47, we are transported into a vision of a Mighty River that flows from the Temple of God. The River starts as a trickle, ankle-deep, but progressively deepens as it moves forward…

..The powerful imagery here is a reflection of the increasing manifestation of God’s Spirit that we can experience in our lives…

When you reflect on this passage, you realize that God desires is for His Spirit to flow in ever-increasing abundance within you – He wants to take you deeper, beyond ankle-deep waters, and into the depths of His Glorious Presence…

..Now when one receives the baptism of the Holy Ghost, he receives the Spirit without measure; but when he fails to believe God and trust in all of His Word, then he limits the Spirit in his life and measures the Spirit to himself…

…With this realization, come before God today and Ask Him to take you deeper…Tell Him that you desire to walk in a greater manifestation of His Spirit in your life…

..And recognise that there may be areas where you have settled for ankle-deep waters, when God desires to take you further and deeper…than you have gone before…

…Right Now,..Surrender your own plans and desires and ask God to align your heart with His.

Acknowledge that only by Surrendering and allowing Him to work in your life can the manifestation of His Spirit truly and through your life…

..Ask Him to remove any barriers or hindrances that may be preventing His Spirit from flowing powerfully and freely within you and through you..

..With earnestness, Seek a greater outworking of God’s Spirit in your life, knowing that it is only through His Spirit that you are able to live a life of greater obedience, power, and transformation.

..Tell Him You desire to be filled to overflowing, so that His Spirit may break out and touch the lives of those around you…

As you continue to meditate on Ezekiel 47, be reminded that the River brings Life wherever it flows. Trees on both sides of the river bear fruit, providing nourishment and healing to the Nations…

…When the Spirit of Lord flows unhindered in your life, you are not only fruitful and blessed, but you become a channel of great blessing to others…

…Commit yourself to a lifestyle of seeking God’s Spirit and allowing it to flow in greater measure in your life…

…Make the decision to pursue intimacy with God, to draw near to Him continually, and to  totally rely on His Spirit for guidance, strength, and empowerment…

…Let nothing stop you from receiving the power of the Holy Spirit which you need in every aspect of life. It is available to you NOW today…; Ask and you shall receive..!

Waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward.’ Water is regularly a picture of spiritual life and growth, whether in terms of river or rain. ‘The righteous man’ is ‘like a tree planted by the streams of water,’

Psalms 1:3..

The man who trusts in Yahweh is like ‘a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river,’

Jeremiah 17:18…

The coming transforming and reviving work of the Spirit is likened to men being sprinkled with water and made clean Ezekiel 36:25-27…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Deepening the Flow: Embracing the Abundance of God’s Spirit in Your Life”..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing God’s Healing and Direction for Your Next Chapter..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing God’s Healing and Direction for Your Next Chapter..!

Embracing God’s Healing and Direction for Your Next Chapter..! .. Reflect on the comforting words of Isaiah 40,…A Chapter that brings Hope and solace during difficult times… ..Allow these words…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing God’s Healing and Direction for Your Next Chapter..!

Veronika West

Embracing God’s Healing and Direction for Your Next Chapter..!

.. Reflect on the comforting words of Isaiah 40,…A Chapter that brings Hope and solace during difficult times…

..Allow these words to penetrate your heart and bring healing to any lingering pain, guilt, or regret over past mistakes and losses…

..Let go of the burdens and the weight of the past, as you do God is Ready to bring comfort to you and full Restoration.

…He understands your past and knows the pain you have endured…Trust in His goodness and mercy as He offers His arms of Comfort…Strength and Grace…

..As you receive God’s comfort, it is time to break free from the present warfare that may be holding you back…; Step out in Faith and Courage to pioneer into your next measure….God always has greater things in store for you and wants to lead you into a Season of Breakthrough and Manifestation…

…Pray and ask God for His Catch-Up Winds to blow forth upon your life,…Ask Him to give you a second wind and a new breath to infuse you with renewed Strength, Perseverance, and fresh Vision..

…Allow His Spirit to Breathe New life into your Body,..Soul and Spirit, filling you with the energy and passion needed to pursue your next measure of Blessing,…Breakthrough and Kingdom Inheritance…

…Friend,..Take a moment to reflect on God’s omnipotence and ever Present Presence with you…Selah!!!

..Meditate on the fact that He is all-powerful and all-knowing. Nothing is too difficult for Him, and He sees the bigger picture even when we cannot…; Trust in His perfect Wisdom and let go of any anxiety or fear of the Future…He holds your days in His hands…

..As you embark on this journey of comfort and pioneering into your next measure of Breakthrough,…remember that God is by your side, Ready to bring Healing, Restoration, and direction.,.

..Trust in His Comforting Presence, Ask for His Strength, and rely on His all-knowing nature to lead you…

..Ha!! With God leading the way, you can confidently step into your next measure with Hope, Courage, and anticipation for the Greater things He has in store for you to possess…; HE GOES BEFORE YOU…SO LEAP INTO THE FUTURE WITH FAITH!

Read; Isaiah 40…

..He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Embracing God’s Healing and Direction for Your Next Chapter..!

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