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The Black Smiths Forge; Forging the Triune Blade: A Symbol of Strength, Unity, and Purpose”..!

The Black Smiths Forge; Forging the Triune Blade: A Symbol of Strength, Unity, and Purpose”..!

I stood before a blacksmith’s forge, the large bellows went in and out, with an intensity that caused the fire to spark and whistle, the temperature increased until the coals…

The Black Smiths Forge; Forging the Triune Blade: A Symbol of Strength, Unity, and Purpose”..!

Veronika West

I stood before a blacksmith’s forge, the large bellows went in and out, with an intensity that caused the fire to spark and whistle, the temperature increased until the coals were glowing white hot.

I saw the blacksmith choose a of round piece of iron, placed in the middle of the forge, it was put into the centre of the blacksmiths forge.

…As the bellows went in and out causing the rush of air to blow upon the fire, it went from a dull red colour to a glowing bright reddish, orangey colour, with centre of the fire touching on a white golden honey colour, ready for the iron to be shaped and moulded by the blacksmith.

The iron rod was first hit by the hammer, the crust that had built up with the heat flaked and sparked off. The iron rod was hammered and folded over time and time again, in that white heat condition and colour, welding the folds together.

It was then that I noticed other iron rods, they had been worked with the same process. These three iron rods were put back in the blacksmith’s forge. Once they were covered in coals, deep in the heart of the forge, the heat was increased to a white-hot colour, you could hear the bellows going in and out with the rush of air igniting and urging the fire on.

The temperature increased each time with the intake of the air from the bellows.

Then all three iron rods were brought out of the fire and were placed on top of each other on the anvil, the blacksmith hammered them, causing each one to be welded to each other, they were forge welded, then all the crusty flaky slag was cleaned off it.

As the iron rods became one forged piece of metal, the blacksmith began to hammer the metal again, he twisted and twisted and twisted the forged metal repeating this process several times, making a beautiful and intricate design.

As the metal was twisted, there were strength being put into the iron metal rod, when the metal came to a dull red colour it was put back into the fire again, to be reheated to a white golden colour, yes!

..A golden white heat colour, a pure and holy defining rod, purged of all the lack and imbalance. It was as if the Smith was following a blueprint design that had been given to him.

Each time the iron was brought out golden in colour it was hammered and twisted, hammered again, and folded many times, each layer causing strength to be built into them. As the metal was put into the fire for the last time I could see patterns appearing in the metal.

This revealed the inside Dendritic structure of the metal, the insane intensity of the fire, the folding, the hammering, the twisting has made the metal strong, resilient, and flexible, yet stable.

The repeated hammering had brought a hardness and brittleness to the metal, heating up and cooling down, allowed the metal to become normalised, having the grain structure brought back to what it was before all of the hammering and twisting and folding. Then the iron it was heated up to a bright cherry red colour and  quenched in water, washed, and cleaned and brushed clean with a wire brush.

And then I saw after all that process the blacksmith looking at the rod of iron, he looked at the closely, he looked at the shape of it, and its form, and looked to see if it was true to the pattern he had been given. He then began, the final forging process where he put the metal rod into the fire again.

The blacksmith put the metal rod into the deepest parts of the fire to remove even more impurities and to bring out the strength and resilience of the metal. As the iron came out, it was glowing, beaming against the contrast of the darkness of the forge. It was glowing as if it was on fire, there was so many distinct colours on the metal rod, going from white to gold, to bright cherry red as the blacksmith hammered to remove the final bumps and divots.

The sparks that came off the metal rod, where causing the plans and purposes and Destinies for the metal rod to come into play, as the plan unfolded there was a revealing of the deep and fiery callings of the Ecclesia.

The iron rod began to take shape, it began to become something that was usable, something that was useful, something that was powerful. It was strong, it was different and unique, and as it was hammered each blow brought with it, strength, and uniqueness was forged into the implement, timing, and purpose was brought back to the iron, as with each visit to the Forger’s fire brought an alignment to blueprints that had been given to the blacksmith.

As the blacksmith looked and looked again over the blueprints, to see how he would strike the white-hot iron, to change it from a rough piece of iron, into a weapon fit for the King. He was given the wisdom and understanding in how to do his task.

Now you could see the shape being formed and fashioned, you could see the glint in the blacksmith eyes, as the shape of the iron began to appear. White hot, and sharp…like a sharp flashing instrument it began to take half teeth. The blacksmith forged and hammered the iron as he began to divide it into three areas.

There  were three differing and complicated blades, emerging; a sharp blade that was unique, strictly for cutting and slicing, a serrated blade catching and cutting away hard lumps of life, the last blade was being shaped, as it was the most delicate of the three blades. It was shaped like a surgeon’s scalpel, long, thin, flexible, and easily manipulated.

All of these blades had a different purpose, yet unique, yet complimented each other.

Each blade was refined, and reinforced each of the other blades as they were hammered and honed. As they received different treatments, and their own process in the fire.

They were all vastly different, yet they were forged out of one amalgamated piece of iron. Strength was inherent. flexibility and dexterity was chosen, simplicity of use was the common guiding factor.

As the blacksmith began hammering again, this time you could instantly hear the sound of hammering and ringing from the iron a sound, it had changed, it was unlike any other sound, it had started off dull, at the beginning, but now the whole metal structure had changed, there was a sharp high-pitched ringing, as the Smith’s hammer hit the metal, ringing out its message, for all to hear.

I have never heard a sound like that before, it was a sound like many waters, a sound like thousands of thousands upon thousands of people singing over mighty waters. Making a multitude of noise like a cacophony of masses singing in different scales and varying octaves.

Then as the as the process finished, the blacksmith took the blades put them into the forge and as they came up to the temperature, he dipped the blades in oil. As he took them out of the oil, he looked well pleased with himself, they were now annealed, and all the hammering and forging had passed by, the metal now relaxed for the first time in ages.

The blacksmith wanted the blades not just to be brittle and break at the first use, but to have strengthen and hardness in it. So back into the fire of the forge again, for the last time. Then the blacksmith put the triune of blades back into the furnace, heated the furnace up, heating it up to an extremely hot temperature, the blacksmith was extremely focused on this stage as he want the correct level of heat before he quenched the blades into a trough of water.

And with that, the case hardening process that the blacksmith had prepared for was finished.

The blacksmith began to hone the blades and polish them. Each blade was filed and sanded with finer and finer emery paper. Each blade was polished with the memory paper that brought out the details and the polishing stones, cleaned, and sharpened those three blades.

The Smith could see his face reflect on the surface of them to his delight.

  • And then something strange happened, I saw the blacksmith put the three blades into a blue flaming fire, I saw a hand coming out for the fire with a stamp in hand, to put the makers mark on each of the blades.

The fire that was not like anything that I have seen before, it was the fire of heaven, it was blue and vibrant, not like the fire on earth. I saw the fire of heaven come down, and as the forger began to put it into the fire, the fire went into the blades and went into the steel, the steel became purer, and all the dendritic structure (the skeleton framework) of the steel disappeared.

The revelation of the majesty and the glory of the Father, who was before the whole earth was reveal in part. The blades now have become clear, crystal clear, and as the blades continued to be in this fire, it was not a strange fire.

..It was a fire that was surrounded by the host of heaven and the angelic hosts, the fire was in the blades and around them they were one and the same.

The fire was not demanding, nor controlling. It was a fire that was warm and was wholesome. It was a fire that separated, it was fire that did not dictate, it was a fire that caused the blades to come into their destiny, purpose, and calling.

The sound of the blades was a calling, for a bringing forth of the plans and purpose of God, as the blacksmith worked these blades in this holy fire that came from heaven.

There was assigned a sound like I did not hear on earth, a sound that was so clear a sound, so poignant, so defining, so unmistakeable. It was as if there was a sound of ringing, a sound that was ringing in the blacksmith’s ears, a sound that was ringing through his hammer, but each time he had used and hit the blade, and hammered the blades there was a deafening sound like that of war, the sound began ringing out of the hammer from the blades, and back again.

It started off with an unclear and undefined sound initially, it started with a low dull sound, a sound that could have been blended into any other environment across any place. It was a sound  that began to change as the blacksmith hammered.

I saw the heavenly host begin to resonate with the sound of the hammer on the blades, each time the  ringing of the sound got louder and louder, the more the heavenly host  activity increased, then the sound began to change.

The sound that began was a sound so loud in heaven, angels began to join in declaring and shouting as one, the Clarion call had begun, and the demonic hordes on earth where terrified running this way and that, trying to hide, trying to change their appearance, for they knew what was about to take place on the earth.

This sound brought wreck and ruin to anyone whose name was not written in THE LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE. This sound that rings out,  it is vibrating, ushers in wave after wave of Yahweh’s justice’s to be restored.

Vibrations as the blacksmith would hit the three in one blade, these would ring in harmony and brought forth unity.

It would be like a cord played on the piano with the first the third, and the fifth cords being likened to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit began to ring their true sound.

It was a sound that came forth from the forged piece of steel, this was the sound that spoke the world into being, creating the heaven and the earth. What was being imparted into the blades was the sound of heaven, the sound of creation the sound of the Lion and the Lamb, being one.

The triune blades declare, 2 Corinthians 10:4 “ for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty, through God, to the pulling down of strongholds.” Yahweh the Father, Yeshua the Son and Ruach the Holy Spirit bring to the Triune blade, strength, unity, harmony, and clarity to the lives of believers in these days, and in the days to come.

Yahweh is bringing a hardness to surround your bodies, to your mind, so that you are not mis-informed, mis-shaped, twisted, warped, or bent, by the affairs, and by the details that arise, through demonic influences or strongholds, in the days and months and years to come.

Discernment, wisdom, and an understanding of the things that are to come and now are, is being released through those who seek the face of the Lord.

It is not about being influenced by the new pandemics that will or are arising, on que! Or the fears carried about by the influencers of today society, and the trend setters, NO, it will not be by the crashing of the stock markets, nor the fears of wars, and rumours of wars that will turn people.

The vibrating sound has gone forth, all who hear that sound will be saved and set apart, to the plans and the purposes of the Lord, setting in place the destiny and calling of the Lord God, which has been placed upon your life.

It is not even a time to please yourself or do your own thing. Now is the time to seek the Lord while He may be found. This is a day where those who seek the LORD, come, and humble themselves and pray, not looking to promote themselves, push themselves or boast about  themselves.

But this is the time, and this is the season, YES, this is a time this is a moedim, (Hebrew word for Times and Seasons, set times for the feasts and for fasting’s).

Appointed times, appointed seasons, appointed times of feasts, times of the new moons, times of fasting, times of feasting, learning to lean, learning to listen, and learning to know the ways of the Lord and what He is revealing now.

These are not the new age meme’s but that which the Lord has laid down from the foundation of the earth.

These are precious times were the Lord, that you seek Him with all your heart, and you will find him. Nothing, nothing that comes against you in Christ Jesus, nothing that is fashioned, nothing that is formed against you as a child of the Lord will succeed, because the Lord will be your strength. The Lord will be your shield,  the Lord will be your protection.

To fight the battle, it is time to raise up in your hands the Triune Sword of the Lord, using the Father, using the Son, and using the Holy Spirit, to fight your battles.

Receive Abba Father’s Wisdom in understanding, revelation through discernment, deep insights of  secrets and mysteries of the Lord, with  revelation taking place to those who would come before the Lord and look to Lift Him High in the midst of life.

Allow the manifestation of the Glory of the LORD, to be seen in lives, minds, and attitudes, even in the very lifestyles of those who are intimate with Jesus. Learning to take 2 Chronicles 14 :7, as a template, to humble yourself in the sight of God, turning from the ways your ancestors did things, the things that you have thought about, the things that you have taught, things that you have had explain things, to the detriment of the WORD of the LORD.

It is standing up, yet kneeling down, laying prostrate before the LORD, to stand up to injustice, stand up to perversion. Humbling ourselves before the LORD, who causes us to be called “repairer of the breaches,” repairing the ways of the Lord, repairing the former things that have been disregarded, that have been put to one side, which have been overlooked, that have been suppressed, to declare if God be for us who can be against us.

Take Yahweh’s weapon that He has placed into your hand and begin to wield and use it and Father intended you to. Stand up for injustices, stand up for the truth of what Yahweh has established and set in place. It is being ROOTED in His WORD and GROUNDED in HIS WILL for our lives.

Prophetic Word; By Victor Mitchell

The Black Smiths Forge; Forging the Triune Blade: A Symbol of Strength, Unity, and Purpose”..!

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I say Come up here,..Come Up higher,..I say Come Deeper,…for New sounds of My Glory will go before you in this next season to break open and to forge New Pathways of Provision and Divine Purpose…

…Listen,..for New Sounds will come forth from the New Mantles that I am placing upon My People,…for these are Ancient Mantles for Such a Time as this,…

…Listen!…For there are Virgin Dimensions of My Glory that are now opening up to those that have Clean hands and a Pure heart,…Yes!..These are the Deeper Realms and Dimensions of My Glory where the Mantles of the Ancients reside,…

..Again I say Listen!…For the tuning fork of Heaven is descending into the midst of the chaos and confusion that has tried to oppress My People,…For Now there is a Sound of distinction that is being released in the midst of Warfare and Birthing,…a Sound that will break open the Womb of the Wells of Revival within the Nations…

….A Sound that will unlock the Doors that lead to the corridors of My Glory where the Secrets and hidden mysteries of My Kingdom are revealed and received by My Sons…

…I say to you,…Get Ready,…For I am giving you New Sounds and New Mantles for Greater Assignments for the coming days,..Watch!…Be Still!!!…And you will hear the Sounds that are being released from the deeper realms…Do you hear it?…Do you see it,…For you must hear the Sound First,…and then you will See it,…If you See it, can Catch it!…

…Listen!…New Sounds…and New Songs are now Rising,..Sounds and Songs that will Mantle My Remnant with Garments of Pure and Radiant Light that shall bring a glorious Illumination in the darkness,…and Kings and all Nations shall be drawn to the brightness of the Light of My Glory that is now Rising…

..I say,..the Sounds that I am releasing to you in this hour will bring divine Re-alignment that will Set in place New structures and systems of Supernatural operation that will bring forth the strategies for Greater Kingdom Mobilisation,..Victory and Freedom…

…Watch!..For I am reigniting,..resetting and resynchronising your spiritual senses in this hour,…for you will See,..Hear and Move in a new way,…; Your Eyes will be opened to see with greater Clarity, insight and Supernatural understanding,…and your feet shall move and dance to the Sound of a New drum beat,…

…Watch!…For the New and Living Sounds that I am putting within you will bring forth a New Movement in the earth that will cause the Kingdoms of this World to be shaken loose and overthrown…

…Watch!…For I will call you out and into the place of deeper encounter with My Presence,…that I may develop within you a New Rhythm and a New Frequency for a New movement in the days ahead….

…I say,..Let the New and Living sounds within you collide with the Ancient Mantles that are coming upon you,..Watch as I send you forth Mantled for War to bring a death blow to the destructive plans and purposes of the devil that are assigned to the Nations of the Earth”..!

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…Ireland, My Beautiful Emerald Isle..!

Veronika West

“Ireland, My beautiful Ireland, so full of strife. No longer shall you strive against each other! No longer shall you strive against those beyond your shores! No longer shall you strive against Me!”, says the Lord.

“For too long you have been held in the iron fist of tyranny, of obedience! I am breaking that iron fist from you – tearing it down and discarding it – and you shall be free for the first time in centuries, even millennia.”

“You shall taste the freedom My Spirit brings.”

“For too long, you have struggled against the chains of bondage – bondage of “decency and order”, man’s order, but I am loosing those chains. I am opening doors that have been locked against you for so very long, and I am releasing you in the freedom you have yearned for.”

“No longer shall you be spectators in My Presence”, says God, “but you shall dance and sing, and joy shall be your portion as I invade your meetings with My joy and freedom!”

“For too long the strongmen of hatred and distrust have kept you bound, but I have given you the keys to bind these strongmen, and to loose My people by My Spirit”, says the Lord.

“The time has come for you to reclaim your land – STAKE your claim and declare Holy Ground once again. I am sending My Holy Spirit to free you from all that is past and that which has kept you bound. So you shall rejoice and dance, and sing with great joy as I bring freedom to My beloved and beautiful Ireland.”, says the Lord God Almighty.

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“Living Keys: Unlocking the Womb of Revelation and Glory”..!

….So in my wee prayer hut early this morning,..I was given liberty to see something powerful in the realm of the Spirit,.. …I saw a Spiritual Womb and within the…

“Living Keys: Unlocking the Womb of Revelation and Glory”..!

Veronika West

….So in my wee prayer hut early this morning,..I was given liberty to see something powerful in the realm of the Spirit,..

…I saw a Spiritual Womb and within the Womb, I saw many Rivers…Rivers of Living Waters and,..

…I heard…”Watch! For the Waters are about to Break”.

…I saw that the Rivers were Rivers of Light…(Rivers of Revelation and Glory)…these were the Rivers of the Seven Spirits of God,…Rivers gushing forth from the Womb of the Upper Room (place of Consecration)…

…I was then taken in the Spirit “into the Womb” of the Spirit,…and there I was shown 7 Virgin dimensions,…and within the 7 Virgin Dimensions of the Womb there were secret realms of Revelation and Glory that that were sealed with seven seals,…

…And I heard these words,…”Only My Living Keys having the eyes of the Seven Spirits will Unseal the Secret realms of Revelation and Glory within the Seven Virgin Dimensions of the Womb of the Upper Room (Consecration) in the Coming Days”…!

…We are the Living Keys,…Living Keys standing before the Ancient Door of Revelation Four…; Sons carrying the Mantle and Authority of the Key of the House of David for the Unlocking of the Womb of Seven Virgin Dimensions where the Secret Realms of Revelation and Glory that have been sealed for Such a time as this…!

So let us Arise, Oh Living Keys, and step into our Divine Destiny as Bearers,..Carriers of the Seven Spirits of God, ready to unlock the hidden treasures of the Womb of the Upper Room.

Let us be like Moses, who stood before the Burning bush and received the Commission to lead his people out of bondage. Let us be like Esther, who stood before the King and saved her people from destruction. Let us be like David, who slayed giants and conquered kingdoms…

– For we are the Chosen Ones, the Ones appointed for such a time as this. Let us embrace our calling with boldness and courage, knowing that we have been given the Keys of the House of David to unlock Ancient Doors and Ancient Gates that the Rivers of living waters will flow into the dry and barren places of the earth…

Let us as Kings and High Priests Usher in a New Era of Glory and Revelation, where the Secret Mysteries of God will be made known, that His Kingdom will come on Earth as it is in Heaven…

So let us press on,…As Living Keys, knowing that we have been Called for Such a time as this…

…Let us stand firm in the face of adversity,..persecution and even sufferings, knowing that we have been equipped with the Power and Authority of the Seven Spirits of God. Let us walk in boldness, humility and purity knowing that we are Consecrated vessels of Honor,…Chosen,..Anointed and Appointed by the Most High to carry out His Divine Will on earth.

..Let us be like shining lights in a dark and troubled world, pointing the way to the source of all life and truth. Let us be the Living Keys, unlocking the Ancient Doors of the Deeper Realms and Dimensions to release the glory of God into the Nations of the earth.

Blessings In Him…

Veronika West

– See Link;

“Living Keys: Unlocking the Womb of Revelation and Glory”..!

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Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours through Christ..!  Let’s Sing and Praise Him with Psalm 23… Pray for the Restoration of your Body,.Soul and Spirit… …Read Deuteronomy 26:16-19 and declare a…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours..!

Veronika West

Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours through Christ..! 

Let’s Sing and Praise Him with Psalm 23…

Pray for the Restoration of your Body,.Soul and Spirit…

Read Deuteronomy 26:16-19 and declare a New level of Purpose and fulfilment in this Season.

…Decree Abundant life based on; Matthew 6:25, Luke 12:22, and John 10:10

…Today Take time to reflect on how your Soul has been depleted and in need of restoration. Acknowledge any areas of weakness, pain, or emptiness that you may be experiencing. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and honest with yourself and with God as you Spend time in His Presence..!

…As you sing or praise with Psalm 23,… Meditate on the Lord as your Good Shepherd, who leads you beside still waters and Restores your weary soul…; Truly believe that He is the Great Restorer and He desires to Restore and renew every part of your being…

In your prayer for the Restoration of your soul, pour out your heart to God. Confess any sins or areas of brokenness that may be hindering your soul’s Restoration…; Ask Him to cleanse and heal you, filling you with His Supernatural Peace and Joy.

Recognize that your soul is the essence of who you are – your mind, emotions, and will. It is the part of you that longs for connection with God and yearns for fulfillment.

..By understanding this connection, you can better nurture and care for your soul..; With a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment, read Deuteronomy 26:16-19.

  • Declare that you will walk in alignment with God’s commands and follow His ways.
  • Proclaim that you are dedicated to living a life that brings glory to Him and fulfills the purpose He has for you.

As you decree Abundant life based on Matthew 6:25, Luke 12:22, and John 10:10, believe that God desires to provide for your every need.

  • Release any anxiety or worry about your future into His hands, knowing that He is faithful to take care of you.

Embrace the truth that He wants you to experience a life full of Abundance and Blessing, not just in material possessions, but also in Love, Joy, Peace, and divine purpose.

Throughout the day,..Allow His words to permeate your thoughts, shaping your perspective and renewing your mind – Trust that as you seek Restoration for your soul and align your life with God’s will, He will bring about a glorious transformation, healing, and fulfilment in every area of your life for His Glory.

Warrior decree with me;

In this season of manifest promise and power, I will taste and see that the LORD is good.

I will eat of His goodness and drink of His love and liberty, for this is the time of singing and celebration.

I am being propelled and catapulted forward into a place of greater increase and influence.

I am becoming more fruitful and more faithful in all that I put my hands to.

I will bloom and blossom with the beauty of heaven.

I will carry the fragrance of the King wherever I go.

My winter season is over.

I will rejoice as a Son and Daughter of the king, and I will dance, sing and clap My hands.

New songs shall come forth from My heart as the seed of promise, power and supernatural potential breaks forth from the place of dormancy and darkness.

I am stepping into My new season.

I prophesy:  As God’s mighty Warriors, you are springing forward into a new season of singing, celebration and increase!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours..!

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