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…Ireland, My Beautiful Emerald Isle..!

…Ireland, My Beautiful Emerald Isle..!

“Ireland, My beautiful Ireland, so full of strife. No longer shall you strive against each other! No longer shall you strive against those beyond your shores! No longer shall you…

…Ireland, My Beautiful Emerald Isle..!

Veronika West

“Ireland, My beautiful Ireland, so full of strife. No longer shall you strive against each other! No longer shall you strive against those beyond your shores! No longer shall you strive against Me!”, says the Lord.

“For too long you have been held in the iron fist of tyranny, of obedience! I am breaking that iron fist from you – tearing it down and discarding it – and you shall be free for the first time in centuries, even millennia.”

“You shall taste the freedom My Spirit brings.”

“For too long, you have struggled against the chains of bondage – bondage of “decency and order”, man’s order, but I am loosing those chains. I am opening doors that have been locked against you for so very long, and I am releasing you in the freedom you have yearned for.”

“No longer shall you be spectators in My Presence”, says God, “but you shall dance and sing, and joy shall be your portion as I invade your meetings with My joy and freedom!”

“For too long the strongmen of hatred and distrust have kept you bound, but I have given you the keys to bind these strongmen, and to loose My people by My Spirit”, says the Lord.

“The time has come for you to reclaim your land – STAKE your claim and declare Holy Ground once again. I am sending My Holy Spirit to free you from all that is past and that which has kept you bound. So you shall rejoice and dance, and sing with great joy as I bring freedom to My beloved and beautiful Ireland.”, says the Lord God Almighty.

…Prophesied By; Chris Bennet

…Ireland, My Beautiful Emerald Isle..!

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“Living Keys: Unlocking the Womb of Revelation and Glory”..!

“Living Keys: Unlocking the Womb of Revelation and Glory”..!

….So in my wee prayer hut early this morning,..I was given liberty to see something powerful in the realm of the Spirit,.. …I saw a Spiritual Womb and within the…

“Living Keys: Unlocking the Womb of Revelation and Glory”..!

Veronika West

….So in my wee prayer hut early this morning,..I was given liberty to see something powerful in the realm of the Spirit,..

…I saw a Spiritual Womb and within the Womb, I saw many Rivers…Rivers of Living Waters and,..

…I heard…”Watch! For the Waters are about to Break”.

…I saw that the Rivers were Rivers of Light…(Rivers of Revelation and Glory)…these were the Rivers of the Seven Spirits of God,…Rivers gushing forth from the Womb of the Upper Room (place of Consecration)…

…I was then taken in the Spirit “into the Womb” of the Spirit,…and there I was shown 7 Virgin dimensions,…and within the 7 Virgin Dimensions of the Womb there were secret realms of Revelation and Glory that that were sealed with seven seals,…

…And I heard these words,…”Only My Living Keys having the eyes of the Seven Spirits will Unseal the Secret realms of Revelation and Glory within the Seven Virgin Dimensions of the Womb of the Upper Room (Consecration) in the Coming Days”…!

…We are the Living Keys,…Living Keys standing before the Ancient Door of Revelation Four…; Sons carrying the Mantle and Authority of the Key of the House of David for the Unlocking of the Womb of Seven Virgin Dimensions where the Secret Realms of Revelation and Glory that have been sealed for Such a time as this…!

So let us Arise, Oh Living Keys, and step into our Divine Destiny as Bearers,..Carriers of the Seven Spirits of God, ready to unlock the hidden treasures of the Womb of the Upper Room.

Let us be like Moses, who stood before the Burning bush and received the Commission to lead his people out of bondage. Let us be like Esther, who stood before the King and saved her people from destruction. Let us be like David, who slayed giants and conquered kingdoms…

– For we are the Chosen Ones, the Ones appointed for such a time as this. Let us embrace our calling with boldness and courage, knowing that we have been given the Keys of the House of David to unlock Ancient Doors and Ancient Gates that the Rivers of living waters will flow into the dry and barren places of the earth…

Let us as Kings and High Priests Usher in a New Era of Glory and Revelation, where the Secret Mysteries of God will be made known, that His Kingdom will come on Earth as it is in Heaven…

So let us press on,…As Living Keys, knowing that we have been Called for Such a time as this…

…Let us stand firm in the face of adversity,..persecution and even sufferings, knowing that we have been equipped with the Power and Authority of the Seven Spirits of God. Let us walk in boldness, humility and purity knowing that we are Consecrated vessels of Honor,…Chosen,..Anointed and Appointed by the Most High to carry out His Divine Will on earth.

..Let us be like shining lights in a dark and troubled world, pointing the way to the source of all life and truth. Let us be the Living Keys, unlocking the Ancient Doors of the Deeper Realms and Dimensions to release the glory of God into the Nations of the earth.

Blessings In Him…

Veronika West

– See Link;

“Living Keys: Unlocking the Womb of Revelation and Glory”..!

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House of Zebulun; Raise Your Voice – that is the Essence of Prayer.

Veronika West

House of Zebulun; Raise Your Voice – that is the Essence of Prayer.

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours..!

Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours through Christ..!  Let’s Sing and Praise Him with Psalm 23… Pray for the Restoration of your Body,.Soul and Spirit… …Read Deuteronomy 26:16-19 and declare a…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours..!

Veronika West

Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours through Christ..! 

Let’s Sing and Praise Him with Psalm 23…

Pray for the Restoration of your Body,.Soul and Spirit…

Read Deuteronomy 26:16-19 and declare a New level of Purpose and fulfilment in this Season.

…Decree Abundant life based on; Matthew 6:25, Luke 12:22, and John 10:10

…Today Take time to reflect on how your Soul has been depleted and in need of restoration. Acknowledge any areas of weakness, pain, or emptiness that you may be experiencing. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and honest with yourself and with God as you Spend time in His Presence..!

…As you sing or praise with Psalm 23,… Meditate on the Lord as your Good Shepherd, who leads you beside still waters and Restores your weary soul…; Truly believe that He is the Great Restorer and He desires to Restore and renew every part of your being…

In your prayer for the Restoration of your soul, pour out your heart to God. Confess any sins or areas of brokenness that may be hindering your soul’s Restoration…; Ask Him to cleanse and heal you, filling you with His Supernatural Peace and Joy.

Recognize that your soul is the essence of who you are – your mind, emotions, and will. It is the part of you that longs for connection with God and yearns for fulfillment.

..By understanding this connection, you can better nurture and care for your soul..; With a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment, read Deuteronomy 26:16-19.

  • Declare that you will walk in alignment with God’s commands and follow His ways.
  • Proclaim that you are dedicated to living a life that brings glory to Him and fulfills the purpose He has for you.

As you decree Abundant life based on Matthew 6:25, Luke 12:22, and John 10:10, believe that God desires to provide for your every need.

  • Release any anxiety or worry about your future into His hands, knowing that He is faithful to take care of you.

Embrace the truth that He wants you to experience a life full of Abundance and Blessing, not just in material possessions, but also in Love, Joy, Peace, and divine purpose.

Throughout the day,..Allow His words to permeate your thoughts, shaping your perspective and renewing your mind – Trust that as you seek Restoration for your soul and align your life with God’s will, He will bring about a glorious transformation, healing, and fulfilment in every area of your life for His Glory.

Warrior decree with me;

In this season of manifest promise and power, I will taste and see that the LORD is good.

I will eat of His goodness and drink of His love and liberty, for this is the time of singing and celebration.

I am being propelled and catapulted forward into a place of greater increase and influence.

I am becoming more fruitful and more faithful in all that I put my hands to.

I will bloom and blossom with the beauty of heaven.

I will carry the fragrance of the King wherever I go.

My winter season is over.

I will rejoice as a Son and Daughter of the king, and I will dance, sing and clap My hands.

New songs shall come forth from My heart as the seed of promise, power and supernatural potential breaks forth from the place of dormancy and darkness.

I am stepping into My new season.

I prophesy:  As God’s mighty Warriors, you are springing forward into a new season of singing, celebration and increase!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Restoration,..Transformation and Healing is Yours..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;.. Seeking and Pursuing God’s Kingdom..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;.. Seeking and Pursuing God’s Kingdom..!

..Seeking and Pursuing God’s Kingdom..!  Let’s Read Matthew 6:33 and Luke 12:31 ..Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness in all areas of your life..; Surrender your desires…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;.. Seeking and Pursuing God’s Kingdom..!

Veronika West

..Seeking and Pursuing God’s Kingdom..! 

Let’s Read Matthew 6:33 and Luke 12:31

..Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness in all areas of your life..; Surrender your desires and ambitions to God’s Will and purpose..

Pray for a manifestation of the Spirit of Wisdom in your life,…Ask Holy Spirit to Sharpen your Gift of Discernment to know how to prioritise God’s kingdom in your daily choices and decisions..

Declare…that you will actively pursue the Kingdom of God first and trust Him to provide for all your needs..

So as begin this new day, let’s meditate on Matthew 6:33 and Luke 12:31…; Let these words sink deep into your heart and mind, reminding you of the importance of seeking and pursuing God’s kingdom above all else.

Take a moment to reflect on your life and identify areas where you have not been rightly aligned or where other things have taken first place…

Are there areas where your desires and goals have taken precedence over God’s Will?

…Let’s Surrender all these areas to Him, acknowledging that His plans and purposes are higher and better than our own…

..Whether it is in your work, relationships, or even in your leisure activities, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and show you how to align your life with His will.

• Trust Him to provide for all your needs as you seek to live according to His Righteous standards.

Believe that as you prioritize His kingdom, He will take care of your every need, both spiritually and physically…

Throughout the day, remind yourself of your commitment to seek and pursue God’s Heart and His kingdom purposes above all else…

Let it be a constant reminder of your ultimate purpose and calling in life…; When distractions arise or when the world tempts you to focus on temporary pleasures and aspirations, refocus your thoughts and actions on God’s eternal Kingdom.

At the end of the day, take some time to reflect on how seeking and pursuing God’s kingdom has impacted your day…

  • Have you experienced a greater sense of peace and fulfillment?
  • Have you witnessed God’s provision in unexpected ways?

Thank Him for His faithfulness and ask for His continued guidance as you Seek to live a life that is centered on Seeking first the Kingdom and His Righteousness…

Remember that seeking and pursuing God’s Kingdom is a lifelong journey…It requires daily surrender, intentional decision-making, and wholehearted dedication to doing things Gods Way…

Embrace this journey with enthusiasm and expectation, knowing that as you put God’s Kingdom first, He will bless you abundantly and use your life for His Glory…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;.. Seeking and Pursuing God’s Kingdom..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude..!

Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude..; Anything we immerse in Thanksgiving will Increase..!! Throughout the day, make it a point to practice Gratitude and Thanksgiving in every situation. Whether it’s something…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude..!

Veronika West

Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude..; Anything we immerse in Thanksgiving will Increase..!!

Throughout the day, make it a point to practice Gratitude and Thanksgiving in every situation. Whether it’s something as simple as a warm cup of coffee or a kind word from a friend, express your thanks to God for even the smallest things”…!

Read….Psalm 100 & Colossians 3:15-17

..Take time to Reflect on the Goodness and Faithfulness of God and all the blessings He has bestowed upon you and those around you.

…Thank Him for His provision, and preservation in every area of your life..

Practice gratitude throughout the day, thanking God for even the things that are challenging and difficult,…; Pray for Holy Spirit to give you a heart that is continually filled with gratitude and praise.

Cultivating a lifestyle of gratitude will help shift your perspective and allow you to see,…appreciate and experience the beauty in every moment…

As you go about your daily activities, be conscious of walking in an attitude of gratitude with you…Be Intentionally Thankful..; Let it permeate every interaction, every task, and every decision.

When faced with frustrating and difficult circumstances choose to focus on God’s goodness and faithfulness instead of dwelling on negativity,..and complaints.

Take time to pray and ask God to fill your heart with a continual spirit of gratitude and praise that He may be glorified in all that concerns your life.

…Remember, gratitude is not just a one-time exercise, but a lifelong journey that deepens your relationship with God.

Then,…At the end of the day, take a moment to reflect on the gratitude-filled moments you experienced.

Thank God for His presence and provision throughout the day, and express your appreciation for His love and faithfulness.

…As you lay down to sleep, rest in the knowledge that you have cultivated a heart of gratitude, and trust that it will continue to guide and bless you in the days to come.

Remember, cultivating a heart of gratitude is a daily practice that requires intentionality and mindfulness.

May your journey of cultivating a heart of gratitude be one that brings you closer to God and brings Him glory.


Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude..!

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House of Benjamin; The Valiant Man Series

House of Benjamin; The Valiant Man Series

The Valiant Man Series: Led By Konrad and Sandy Weinert..! 

House of Benjamin; The Valiant Man Series

Veronika West

The Valiant Man Series: Led By Konrad and Sandy Weinert..! 

House of Benjamin; The Valiant Man Series

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House of Judah; He is Coming to Do it Again,..He is Coming to Destroy the Works of the Enemy; I will Pour Out My Spirit..!

House of Judah; He is Coming to Do it Again,..He is Coming to Destroy the Works of the Enemy; I will Pour Out My Spirit..!

…Kirk Woodstock Prophetic Word; “I will Pour out My Spirit”…   …Gary Wray Releases Two Powerful Prophetic Words of Revelation and Encouragement…; He is Coming to Do it Again;…He is…

House of Judah; He is Coming to Do it Again,..He is Coming to Destroy the Works of the Enemy; I will Pour Out My Spirit..!

Veronika West

Kirk Woodstock Prophetic Word; “I will Pour out My Spirit”…


Gary Wray Releases Two Powerful Prophetic Words of Revelation and Encouragement…; He is Coming to Do it Again;…He is Coming to destroy the Works of the Enemy; Each One has a Unique Gifting…! 

House of Judah; He is Coming to Do it Again,..He is Coming to Destroy the Works of the Enemy; I will Pour Out My Spirit..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Walking in Divine Authority..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Walking in Divine Authority..!

Walking in Divine Authority and Taking Dominion..! Read Matthew 28:18-20 and Luke 10:19 …It’s vital that we Understand our position of Authority as a Believer in Christ… Declare that you…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Walking in Divine Authority..!

Veronika West

Walking in Divine Authority and Taking Dominion..!

Read Matthew 28:18-20 and Luke 10:19

…It’s vital that we Understand our position of Authority as a Believer in Christ…

Declare that you have been given all Power and Authority to trample on serpents and scorpions..; Pray for boldness to walk in your divine Authority and go forth to make disciples of all Nations..!

..Ask God to reveal areas where you need to exercise your Authority and take dominion as a Son or Daughter in Christ…

…Reflect on the verses from Matthew 28:18-20 and Luke 10:19, allowing the truth of Gods Word to sink deep into your heart and mind…

…As you read these verses, remind yourself that it is Jesus who has given you all Authority over all things, including every scheme,..tactic and assignment of the enemy.

…Friend,..It is important that you have revelation and understanding of your True Identity in Christ and in your God given position of Authority as a Believer in Christ.

…Take a moment to declare out loud that you have been given the power to trample on serpents and scorpions..!

…We know that the snakes and scorpions represent the evil forces and schemes of the satan….And By speaking out this Truth, you are affirming and exerting your position of Authority in Christ and your ability to overcome any opposition that comes your way…

As you pray, Ask God for boldness to walk in Divine Authority….; Often, fear and doubt and unbelief can hold us back from fully embracing the power and authority given to us by Jesus…

Pray for that the Holy Spirit will equip…enable and empower you with the confidence and courage to exercise the Anointing and Authority of Christ in every aspect of your life…

…At time We may not always be aware of the areas in our lives where we are not walking in the fullness of our Anointing and  Authority….

Pray for the Spirit of Revelation to expose every area where you have come into Agreement with Double mindedness or fear;…Then Surrender these areas to Him and ask for His forgiveness,…guidance,…wisdom and supernatural empowerment to bring them under His rule and dominion…

As you go about your day today, be mindful of the Authority and Power that you possess as a Son and Daughter of the King…

…Beloved,..Walk with confidence, and an assurance,..knowing that you have been entrusted with the same Authority that Jesus Himself walked in….and Look for opportunities to make disciples and share the love and truth of Christ with others.

Whether it’s through your words or actions, let your life be a reflection of the authority and power of the One who lives within you.

…Always Remember, walking in Supernatural Authority is not about boasting or seeking power for personal gain….It is about recognizing and stewarding well the Authority we have been given by Jesus to bring His kingdom to Earth…

May you walk in the fullness of your God given Authority and may you become a vessel of honour for His glory in all that you do in the days ahead.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Walking in Divine Authority..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Finding Joy, Rest, and Separation…!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Finding Joy, Rest, and Separation…!

Finding Joy, Rest, and Separation…! …Read: Psalm 4, Psalm 16, and Psalm 110..!  Allow God to set you apart for the future and experience new levels of Supernatural joy and…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Finding Joy, Rest, and Separation…!

Veronika West

Finding Joy, Rest, and Separation…!

Read: Psalm 4, Psalm 16, and Psalm 110..! 

Allow God to set you apart for the future and experience new levels of Supernatural joy and gladness…

Declare Gods Perfect Peace and divine safety in the Presence of God and Ask him to secure your night and break open your morning with fresh insight.

..Embrace the work of Divine separation from the things of this World and ask God to awaken you to the Glory of His Will. 

…Day 21 we continue our journey of finding joy, rest, and divine separation…; In today’s reading, we are directed to three Psalms: Psalm 4, Psalm 16, and Psalm 110.

These passages invite us to allow God to set us apart for the future, to experience new levels of Supernatural Joy and gladness.

As we meditate on these Psalms, we are being urged by the Spirit of God to declare His Perfect Shalom and safety in the Presence of God…

…In this place we can bring our fears, anxieties, and worries to Him and trust that He will provide security throughout the night…; We can ask God to break open our mornings with fresh insight, wisdom and understanding allowing us to see and discern His will clearly and with clarity  

Moreover, we are encouraged to embrace the Winds of the Spirit that come to separate and set us apart for the mantling of Power and Glory.

…This can manifest in various ways – separating us from negative influences, toxic relationships, or unhealthy habits and ungodly behaviours and ways of thinking…

Today, let us open our hearts and minds to God’s leading. Let us ask Him to set us apart for His purposes and to fill us with new joy and gladness.

May we declare His peace and safety over our lives, confident that He will secure our nights and grant us new and fresh revelation each morning…

…Let us embrace the separating power of God, letting go of anything that hinders our relationship with Him. And as we do so, we will experience a deep sense of Divine Rest,…Peace and joy, knowing that we are secure in the loving hands of our Heavenly Father.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Finding Joy, Rest, and Separation…!

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