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Two Nations — Two Altars and the Prayer of Daniel That Prevails..!

Two Nations — Two Altars and the Prayer of Daniel That Prevails..!

Urgent Prophetic Warning: Veronika West “Two Nations — Two Altars and the prayer of Daniel that prevails!” …So, at 5:55 the morning, I was awoken suddenly, and on waking, I…

Two Nations — Two Altars and the Prayer of Daniel That Prevails..!

Veronika West

“Two Nations — Two Altars and the prayer of Daniel that prevails!”

…So, at 5:55 the morning, I was awoken suddenly, and on waking, I found myself praying very loudly in The Spirit.

I heard — and then saw — a News Headline: “Breaking News: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dead!”

I immediately sat up in bed and began to pray fervently for Benjamin Netanyahu — but then I felt an urgency to pray for President Donald J. Trump, as if the safety and destiny of both men were intertwined.

Now as I prayed for the Divine Protection and Preservation over the one, I knew by The Spirit that I was interceding for the other — and visa versa!

As I prayed, suddenly I could see myself being taking by The Spirit of Revelation. I was being led deeper and being taken higher into The Realms of The Spirit.

I was being taken through the door of Revelation Four.

Now, as my spirit entered into this deeper and higher dimension, I knew by The Spirit of Revelation I was now in The Realm of The Spirit where the Destiny of Nations were being warred and contended for — and as I was given permission to see into this place, I heard the sound of a Lion’s Roar that thundered across the Heavens and that shook the earth below — and then I heard the high pitched cry of The Eagle.

As The Roar of the Lion thundered and The Cry of the Eagle filled the atmosphere, suddenly I saw the figure of a man standing in the distance, and as I was given permission to draw a little closer, suddenly I saw two Altars, and The Lion of Judah came upon the first Altar, and then The Great Eagle came to rest upon the second Altar.

And as I was given permission to see, I was given understanding by The Spirit of Revelation that I was looking at The Altar of The Nation of Israel, and I was looking at The Altar of The Nation of America!

My eyes were immediately drawn back to the figure of a man that was before me, and I could see the man kneeling down before the two Altars, and in the place of deep and travailing intercession, the voice and cry of the man echoed across the ages — his Cry for Destiny of The Nation of America, and for the Destiny of The Nation of Israel filled the deeper realms of The Spirit.

As he cried out,..The Lion of Judah roared and The Great Eagle cried and the Voice of the man, The Roar of The Lion and The Cry of The Eagle could be heard in unison!

Suddenly I was given permission to draw a little closer and I heard these Words, ”Listen! For the Prayers and Petitions of Daniel echo through the ages to call forth and to send forth the Angel Armies of The Order of The Archangel Micheal to War, and to Prevail against the Princes of the Kingdoms of Persia and Greece!”

..As I heard those Words, I was given understanding that the man kneeling before the two Altars — one being The Altar of The Nation of Israel and the other The Altar of The Nation of America — was the Prophet Daniel.

It was Daniel who was crying and travailing for the destiny of the two Nations!

Suddenly I was taken higher, and I saw a great and terrifying battle taking place over the two Nations — a battle between the kingdoms of darkness and The Kingdom of Light.

And then I heard these Words, ”The clashing of kingdoms is taking place over the Destiny of Nations in The Valley of Decision — but fear not — for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come because of your words.”

As I heard those Words, I saw The Archangel Micheal with a drawn sword, standing before the man and between the two Altars — standing before Daniel — who was kneeling before the two Altars.

Then suddenly I heard again The Roar of The Lion of Judah, and I heard The Cry of The Great Eagle — and suddenly I saw The LORD of Heaven’s Armies — Jehovah Sabaoth — going forth upon The Nation of Israel and The Nation of America!

I suddenly came out of the Vision and I heard The Spirit say, ”The prayer of Daniel nine shall be the stitch in time that saves Nations from Judgement, and the prayer that brings Nations into a time of birthing on the earth!”

“After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”
Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald. Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads. And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices. Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle. The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying:
“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!”

Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying: “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they [h]exist and were created.” ”
Revelation 4:1-11

“And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made confession, and said, “O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments, we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments. Neither have we heeded Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings and our princes, to our fathers and all the people of the land. O Lord, righteousness belongs to You, but to us shame of face, as it is this day — to the men of Judah, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, those near and those far off in all the countries to which You have driven them, because of the unfaithfulness which they have committed against You.

O Lord, to us belongs shame of face, to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, because we have sinned against You. To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against Him. We have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in His laws, which He set before us by His servants the prophets. Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed so as not to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath written in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against Him. And He has confirmed His words, which He spoke against us and against our judges who judged us, by bringing upon us a great disaster; for under the whole heaven such has never been done as what has been done to Jerusalem.

As it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come upon us; yet we have not made our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities and understand Your truth. Therefore the Lord has kept the disaster in mind, and brought it upon us; for the Lord our God is righteous in all the works which He does, though we have not obeyed His voice. And now, O Lord our God, who brought Your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and made Yourself a name, as it is this day — we have sinned, we have done wickedly!

O Lord, according to all Your righteousness, I pray, let Your anger and Your fury be turned away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy mountain; because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and Your people are a reproach to all those around us. Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your servant, and his supplications, and for the Lord’s sake cause Your face to shine on Your sanctuary, which is desolate. O my God, incline Your ear and hear; open Your eyes and see our desolations, and the city which is called by Your name; for we do not present our supplications before You because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great mercies. O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my God, for Your city and Your people are called by Your name.” ”
Daniel 9:4-19


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Two Nations — Two Altars and the Prayer of Daniel That Prevails..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; “Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion..!

Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion: Seeking God’s Guidance and Walking in His Promises”..! ..One of my favourite stories,…The spies who were sent to explore the Promised Land… ..See; Numbers 13…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; “Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion..!

Veronika West

Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion: Seeking God’s Guidance and Walking in His Promises”..!

..One of my favourite stories,…The spies who were sent to explore the Promised Land…

..See; Numbers 13 and 14…

…We know that the Story tells us that despite seeing and tasting of the abundance and fruitfulness in the land,..ten of the spies came back with a negative report, their hearts filled with unbelief and fear…

..Ten of the 12,…chose to focus on the challenges and obstacles they saw,…rather than trusting in God’s Promise that they could possess and occupy the land…


…Declare;…I will have Eyes to See in a New way in the days ahead…!

…Ask the Holy Spirit to remove from in the midst of you the Spirit of Unbelief and Fear from your life…

…Often times Powerful Demonic spirits will be assigned to our lives to try and stop us from stepping into the fullness of what God has promised,…and to hinder us from taking possession of our allotted Inheritance..!

GIVE THE DEVIL NO ROOM; Take the time to examine any broken relationships with leaders…friends,..or family members,…; Deal quickly with Unresolved conflicts or misunderstandings that can breed mistrust,..hinder Unity and give Satan a legal right to traffic in different areas of your life…

..Open your heart,…Pray for healing and reconciliation, seeking forgiveness from God…and then extend Grace and Mercy where it’s needed towards others..

..Ask God to break any destructive cycles of Anger, Bitterness,…Rebellion and even wrong reactions in your life…!

…Sometimes, Unbelief and Fear can manifest in Anger and wrong responses towards others…

…Totally Surrender your emotions to the Control of the Holy Spirit and ask Him to transform your emotions into love, patience, and forgiveness…

Declare;…I have different Spirit, Overcoming Spirit like Joshua and Caleb,..; I will not focus on the Size of the Giants that try to come against the manifestation of my Promise,…but I will Keep my eyes fixed on Jesus..the Author and Finisher of my Faith..! 

…And Despite the negative report of the other spies, we know that Joshua and Caleb remained steadfast in their Trust in God.

…They declared that the people were well able to overcome any challenges because God was with them…

…Beloved,..Speak words of faith and courage over your circumstances, declaring God’s truth and promises…

…Overcoming unbelief, fear, and rebellion is a journey that requires daily surrender and dependence on God – As you read His Word, pray, and seek His guidance,…He will give you the strength and faith to overcome these obstacles and walk in the fullness of His promises – Trust in His leading and keep pressing forward, knowing that He is faithful to fulfil His plans for your life…!

..Prayer;…Lord, You are the lifter of my head when I am down, You strengthen me when I am weak…You are the Keeper of my soul…and Your Eyes are ever upon me…

…Even when there are giants in my promise land that threaten to consume me or to distract me from the Destiny and Inheritance You have prepared for me…I will not Fear…

…For I know that You are greater than he that is in the world and nothing You have spoken over me will return to You void. You will bring to completion those things that You have begun in me — giants, or no giants,…



Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; “Overcoming Unbelief, Fear, and Rebellion..!

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House of Judah; Prophetic Utterances..!

House of Judah; Prophetic Utterances..!

1. Dream; Belfast; The Blood of Jesus and Divine Restoration; By Gary Wray 2. The Doors are Opening..; “Watch for the Open Doors; By Ernie Simms 3. Divine Exposures; Prepare…

House of Judah; Prophetic Utterances..!

Veronika West

Day 21: Finding Joy, Rest, and Separation A. Read Psalm 4, Psalm 16, and Psalm 110 B. Allow God to set you apart for the future and experience new joy and gladness C. Declare peace and safety in the presence of God and ask Him to secure your night and break open your morning with fresh insight D. Embrace the separating power and ask God to awaken your blood and glory to His will..!
Day 21: Finding Joy, Rest, and Separation A. Read Psalm 4, Psalm 16, and Psalm 110 B. Allow God to set you apart for the future and experience new joy and gladness C. Declare peace and safety in the presence of God and ask Him to secure your night and break open your morning with fresh insight D. Embrace the separating power and ask God to awaken your blood and glory to His will..!
Day 21: Finding Joy, Rest, and Separation A. Read Psalm 4, Psalm 16, and Psalm 110 B. Allow God to set you apart for the future and experience new joy and gladness C. Declare peace and safety in the presence of God and ask Him to secure your night and break open your morning with fresh insight D. Embrace the separating power and ask God to awaken your blood and glory to His will..!

1. Dream; Belfast; The Blood of Jesus and Divine Restoration; By Gary Wray

2. The Doors are Opening..; “Watch for the Open Doors; By Ernie Simms

3. Divine Exposures; Prepare the Way; By Kirk Woodside

House of Judah; Prophetic Utterances..!

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House of Judah; The Vision of Two Angels: Receiving and Releasing Words of Gold”..!

The Vision of Two Angels: Receiving and Releasing Words of Gold”..!  A Vision of two Angels entered the room one carrying a golden bowl in which were golden scrolls…The scrolls…

House of Judah; The Vision of Two Angels: Receiving and Releasing Words of Gold”..!

Veronika West

The Vision of Two Angels: Receiving and Releasing Words of Gold”..! 

A Vision of two Angels entered the room one carrying a golden bowl in which were golden scrolls…The scrolls were of the finest gold and also the ribbon which was tied around each one….The gold was so fine, from the heavenly realm. The larger angel then gave each one in the room a scroll.

…The words came “you have been found worthy, you have been found worthy, you have been found worth.”

..Then the Word of the Lord followed:

…”Receive, receive by faith…Receive all that I am giving to you at this time, receive it with faith, receive it with thanksgiving…Receive it with Thanksgiving, for you have been found worthy, you have been found worthy, you have been found worthy to carry these through, to carry these revelations, to carry these gifts in these last days…

…You have been found worthy, you have been found worthy…You have been found worthy, so receive My children, receive My sons. My daughter’s with thanksgiving. with thanksgiving….

…And as you move forward and receive from Me this night….I will reveal to you what is written on the scrolls….I will reveal to you, I will reveal to you step by step….little by little, and as I reveal they will become like honey in your mouth,…receive them and you will eat them,…you will take them into yourself, they will become like honey to you…

Then you will release them to others, you will release them to others and they will become living..Living Words…Words of Life, Words of Healing…Words of Encouragement,…Words of Deliverance…Words of Revelation will be released from you innermost being….from your innermost being will flow out of you, as Rivers of Living Water…

..Words of Gold, Words of Gold….Words of Glory….Words of Beauty,..Words of Deliverance, Healing, and Restoration”..saith the Lord.

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House of Benjamin; The Valiant Man Teaching Series..!

Veronika West

The Valiant Man…; Powerful Teaching Series…

..By Konrad and Sandy Weinert

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Season to Secure Victory and Restoration…!!

“A Season to Secure Victory and Restoration…Faith makes Bold Declarations”.. …Onwards and Upwards we Go; Lets Take a moment to reflect on the previous week and how God has been…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Season to Secure Victory and Restoration…!!

Veronika West

A Season to Secure Victory and Restoration…Faith makes Bold Declarations”..

…Onwards and Upwards we Go; Lets Take a moment to reflect on the previous week and how God has been faithful in our journey towards manifest Restoration and Victory.

…Thank Him for His faithfulness and provision thus far…!

…Today let’s…Meditate on Matthew 12:43-45 and ask God to reveal any areas in your life where the enemy might still be lurking. These verses remind us that whenever we turn to God, focus our hearts and minds on seeking Him, this will give cause for the ‘spirit of defilement’ to leave us…

…Start by Surrendering every area to Him and ask for His protection and deliverance…

As you pray, invite the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh with His Presence and Power…Surrender yourself fully to Him, allowing Him to take control and empower you to walk in Victory over every opposing Spirit…

..Declare with boldness and confidence that you are plundering the enemy’s camp and taking back what’s been stolen.

…Open your Mouth and Speak against any spiritual opposition or attacks and command them to be dismantled in the Mighty Name of Jesus…

..Now Believe and declare that God is a God of Restoration. Ask Him to Restore to you everything that was stolen or destroyed by the enemy in the last Season…; Claim His promise of Seven-fold restoration over your life, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill His promises…and Stand Over His Word to perform it..

..Affirm your confidence in God’s ability to secure your deliverance….Proclaim with conviction that no other forces, whether earthly or spiritual, can ever overtake you because you are under the covering of the Almighty God.

..Read and meditate on Mark 4, specifically focusing on the parable of the sower…; SEEDS ALWAYS PRODUCE A HARVEST.

…Declare that the seeds you have sown in FAITH will indeed prosper.

…Decree and declare a bountiful harvest in every area of your life – spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially…

..With boldness and determination,..We Declare; “I AM TAKING IT ALL BACK”…

…Resist and Refuse to accept or entertain voices of doubt or fear,…instead Declare your unwavering commitment to pursue God’s victory and restoration in every area of your life.

…TRUST that He is leading you into a future full of Hope and Abundance…

..Humble yourself before God and ask Him for your next measure of faith…; Recognise that Faith is a gift from God, and it is “only in and through faith” that we can walk in Victory over our enemies…!

..Ask Him to increase your faith and help you to trust Him more fully in this journey…

..Take a few moments of silence and listen for any specific instructions or guidance from God..; Write down any impressions or thoughts that come to mind, and commit to following through with whatever He reveals or instructs you to do..; Selah!!

…Say…”Father Thank You for the Gift of Faith,…Thank you for Your Unwavering and Unconditional Love and faithfulness in my life,..Thank you for securing my Victory,..Healing and Restoration”…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Season to Secure Victory and Restoration…!!

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Two Dreams; Dreams that Confirm Global Prophetic Movements

Two Dreams; Dreams that Confirm Global Prophetic Movements

TWO DREAMS; Jan Smith. ..In the first dream I saw a needle and thread….It instantly reminded me of Veronika’s Word a Stitch in Time saves 9, and also the gift…

Two Dreams; Dreams that Confirm Global Prophetic Movements

Veronika West

TWO DREAMS; Jan Smith.

..In the first dream I saw a needle and thread….It instantly reminded me of Veronika’s Word a Stitch in Time saves 9, and also the gift that has been received from Oregon. (See picture of posted Gift from Oregon)..

..The needle was gold in colour and sat on a purple square velvet cushion like a royal possession. The thread in it was red.

It then started to sew and it appeared to be sewing a circle which I thought was odd.

…The stitching was not neat it was a stitch here and there in horizontal and vertical lines but it made up a circle.

..Then I saw another circle and another until it made up an Olympic symbol of 5 circles intertwined. The circles were made up of different colours, purple, red, yellow, blue and white.

I felt like it was 5 different Nations that God is sewing together in an Olympic form. (5) is the number of Gods Grace…And the stitches represented the different people and characters and gifting and that’s why they were all different….I felt like it was Sheep Nations were being sewn together.

The Second Dream was very short…

…I saw the giant Angel from Revelation,…It has one foot in the Sea and it brought the other foot down in China.

…China came crashing down and the effects of it rippled out into the rest of the world.

Prophetic Interpretation…

The dream speaking to the Stitch in Time Saves Nine (9) is extremely significant for the hour,…the number (9) speaks prophetically to Judgement and Birthing…there are some numbers that have double meanings…(9) is one of those numbers. There is a simultaneous move of God both of Judgement and Birthing….Judgement against the Kingdoms of this World,..but also and even more sobering Judgement that is coming to the Church House. We see Gods Judgment coming against False Idols,..Idol Worship and Religious Structures and Systems,..God is cleaning House; My Fathers House shall be a House of Prayer..

Birthing – God is Birthing a New thing; Behold I do a New Thing..Do you see it….Its also speaks to Sheep Nations emerging,…Nations in The Valley of Decision…

..The Needle and Thread speak to WORD AND SPIRIT – What good is the needle without the thread and the thread without the needle,…; What good is My Word without My Spirit and Spirit without My Word…- The New Move of God is a Move of Word and Spirit coming together in Might and in Power….- The Wheel within the Wheel – Ezekiels Wheel speaks of this New Move of the Spirit that is coming to SEW – TO RESTORE NATIONS…; We have Entered into a Season of Divine Reversals,..RESTORATION and Kingdom Reformation – (This is where the 12 House Template has been birthed from; Wheel within the Wheel – A New Move of Word and Spirit being made Manifest through the Mandates of the 12 Tribes)..,!

THE THREAD – Speaks to PRAYER…A Prayer in Time Saves a Nation from Judgement…A Prayer in Time brings a Nation to Birthing – See Daniel 9 – DANIEL GIVES THE BLUEPRINT FOR THE 11th Hour,..Daniel 9 is the Template for the Prayer of Revival for Nations.

…( PURPLE – Kingship – Authority of the Key of the House of David)

The Circle…- the Circles speak prophetically to TIME (Clock)….- to a COMPASS (Divine Direction and Repostioning – Jesus our True North)…to a WHEEL – A New Movement of Word and Spirit…to a PORTAL (Year of the Open DOOR)…Doors are Portals…

The Olympic Circles – This Speaks to NATIONS as you have rightly shared,..but it also Speaks DIVINE CONVERGENCE,..KINGDOM COLLABORATION AND SUPERNATURAL WEAVING TOGETHER…

..Olympic speaks; TO THE RACE WE ARE RUNNING,….”Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the RACE God has set before us”..!!


…- We have Entered into a Time the 11th Hour we must Cry out for the FINISHERS ANOINTING AND A SECOND WIND OF THE SPIRIT THAT WE MAY FINISH OUR RACE WELL..! The Days ahead will require THE SPIRIT AND POWER OF ELIJAH…(Seven Spirits of God – Seven Colours of the Rainbow)

…Colours…”purple, red, yellow, blue and white”.,,

Purple – Royalty and Kingship Anointing/ Identity of Sonship

Red – The Blood,..Redemption,…Red Horse one of the Four Horseman – Book of Revelation…; Prophetically we have entered into the Hour and Era where a manifestation of the Four Horsemen will begin to emerge on a Global front…War Bloodshed,..Judgement Wrath

(Palestine – Red White Black and Green)…- Beast is Rising in the East…; War and Rumours of War.

White; Glory and Salvation and Purity – God is Cleaning and purifying His House and His Bride is being made Ready.

-Glory is Coming upon Nations

-Great Harvest of Souls

Yellow – Speaks Olive oil is naturally a yellow hue and was used in making Anointing oil (See Exodus 30:22-25)

-Fire is multicolored containing the color of yellow. It can also Speak to (Purification – Power of God), like orange and red.

Yellow ; light…

Although Light is actually white unless specifically noted as different. This makes verses like John 8:12 clearer.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

  • Some Colours like Numbers can have a dual meaning depending on its vision or dream context.

Blue – We see the color blue all over scripture much like red and purple…Blue is widely understood to represent the heavenly realm and the presence of God (the precious Holy Spirit as well).


Again certain types of blue and some even venture near purple…The blue hue of indigo is found in the King – Kingship Sonship and Royal Identity..!

Five (5) Yes Speaks to GRACE …in this context I Believe it’s Speaking to GRACE AND THE REFORMATION OF THE FIVE-FOLD MINISTRIES…The Prophetic Hour is one of Restoration and Reformation of Nations that is Coming through the AUTHORITY OF THE KEY OF DAVID THAT SITS UPON THE SHOULDERS – FIVEFOLD.


…I have prophesied much into China check them out if you have time,…; Interestingly this is the CHINESE YEAR OF THE RED DRAGON – This is Prophetically significant for the Hour especially when we look at what’s happening on a Global scale – Wars Erupting…Leviathan Rising – The Dragon Circling at a TIME OF BIRTHING OF SHEEP NATIONS – See Revelation 12;

..China is on the Prophetic Calendar of God in a very significant Way in this Hour,..China will dominate headlines…and “WATCH AND PRAY FOR TAIWAN”…- I prophesied about this last Year and the dangers of Taiwan.

..China – I prophesied in December about this Year being the Year of RED,..God instructed me to paint my prayer shed CEDAR RED….- Two days after that prophecy,…IRAN FIRED MISSILES IN THE RED SEA….



A Prophetic Word for Jan…and Concerning the House of Naphtali and those that will Align with this House…

..I think it’s time for me to begin to bring some of these poignant Prophetic Words through our Main Hub it will bring light to what is happening on a global and regional level. Many Prophetic Words are being brought to the fore in this hour.

..Jan your dream is powerful and confirms many of these Global Prophetic Movements..,

..Jan I see a Joseph Mantle coming to rest upon you for the Days ahead,…a Dreamers Mantle is coming upon many in this hour,…The Joseph’s are Rising…be aware of your dreams and write them down….

..This House of Glistening Words…; Naphtali received a special anointing for communication. They understood that clear communication was vital for the tribes to take ground….

..I hear the Father say over this House..”Watch For I am releasing NOW the Hinds Feet Anointing for the High Places over this House,…and you shall walk upon the High places and you shall bring forth the glistening words of My Spirit,..Words of Wisdom,..Knowledge and Building”…!!

I decree this House shall be known as the House of the High Places;

…Habakkuk 3:19 says, “The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.” Those who trust in God walk, not in the valleys, but upon the tops of the mountains.

..”The land of Naphtali with Zebulon comes down to the Sea of Galilee area and would have included Capernaum. Isaiah prophesied of this area to declare that those who lived in this region would “See a great light!” Isaiah 9:1-2.

It’s interesting to note..that the land of Naphtali produced Prophets who magnified God’s precepts and truths, such as Deborah the Prophet, who produced Vision and victory for her people by calling them back to God’s precepts and back to true worship….

-I prophesy this shall be said of those that Align with this House…A HOUSE OF LIGHT,..VISION,..REVELATION AND WRESTLING (Warring) FOR THE BLESSING as Jacob did.
Interpretation By; Veronika West

Two Dreams; Dreams that Confirm Global Prophetic Movements

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House of Naphtali; Two Poignant Dreams that Speak to the Hour..!

House of Naphtali; Two Poignant Dreams that Speak to the Hour..!

TWO DREAMS; Jan Smith. ..In the first dream I saw a needle and thread….It instantly reminded me of Veronika’s Word a Stitch in Time saves 9, and also the gift…

House of Naphtali; Two Poignant Dreams that Speak to the Hour..!

Veronika West

TWO DREAMS; Jan Smith.

..In the first dream I saw a needle and thread….It instantly reminded me of Veronika’s Word a Stitch in Time saves 9, and also the gift that has been received from Oregon. (See picture of posted Gift from Oregon)..

..The needle was gold in colour and sat on a purple square velvet cushion like a royal possession. The thread in it was red.

It then started to sew and it appeared to be sewing a circle which I thought was odd.

…The sticking was not neat it was a struck here and there in horizontal and vertical lines but it made up a circle.

..Then I saw another circle and another until it made up an Olympic symbol of 5 circles intertwined. The circles were made up of different colours, purple, red, yellow, blue and white.

I felt like it was 5 different Nations that God is sewing together in an Olympic form. (5) is the number of Gods Grace…And the stitches represented the different people and characters and gifting and that’s why they were all different….I felt like it was Sheep Nations were being sewn together.

The Second Dream was very short…

…I saw the giant Angel from Revelation,…It has one foot in the Sea and it brought the other foot down in China.

…China came crashing down and the effects of it rippled out into the rest of the world.

Prophetic Interpretation…

The dream speaking to the Stitch in Time Saves Nine (9) is extremely significant for the hour,…the number (9) speaks prophetically to Judgement and Birthing…there are some numbers that have double meanings…(9) is one of those numbers. There is a simultaneous move of God both of Judgement and Birthing….Judgement against the Kingdoms of this World,..but also and even more sobering Judgement that is coming to the Church House. We see Gods Judgment coming against False Idols,..Idol Worship and Religious Structures and Systems,..God is cleaning House; My Fathers House shall be a House of Prayer..

Birthing – God is Birthing a New thing; Behold I do a New Thing..Do you see it….Its also speaks to Sheep Nations emerging,…Nations in The Valley of Decision…

..The Needle and Thread speak to WORD AND SPIRIT – What good is the needle without the thread and the thread without the needle,…; What good is My Word without My Spirit and Spirit without My Word…- The New Move of God is a Move of Word and Spirit coming together in Might and in Power….- The Wheel within the Wheel – Ezekiels Wheel speaks of this New Move of the Spirit that is coming to SEW – TO RESTORE NATIONS…; We have Entered into a Season of Divine Reversals,..RESTORATION and Kingdom Reformation – (This is where the 12 House Template has been birthed from; Wheel within the Wheel – A New Move of Word and Spirit being made Manifest through the Mandates of the 12 Tribes)..,!

THE THREAD – Speaks to PRAYER…A Prayer in Time Saves a Nation from Judgement…A Prayer in Time brings a Nation to Birthing – See Daniel 9 – DANIEL GIVES THE BLUEPRINT FOR THE 11th Hour,..Daniel 9 is the Template for the Prayer of Revival for Nations.

…( PURPLE – Kingship – Authority of the Key of the House of David)

The Circle…- the Circles speak prophetically to TIME (Clock)….- to a COMPASS (Divine Direction and Repostioning – Jesus our True North)…to a WHEEL – A New Movement of Word and Spirit…to a PORTAL (Year of the Open DOOR)…Doors are Portals…

The Olympic Circles – This Speaks to NATIONS as you have rightly shared,..but it also Speaks DIVINE CONVERGENCE,..KINGDOM COLLABORATION AND SUPERNATURAL WEAVING TOGETHER…

..Olympic speaks; TO THE RACE WE ARE RUNNING,….”Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the RACE God has set before us”..!!

…- We have Entered into a Time the 11th Hour we must Cry out for the FINISHERS ANOINTING AND A SECOND WIND OF THE SPIRIT THAT WE MAY FINISH OUR RACE WELL..! The Days ahead will require THE SPIRIT AND POWER OF ELIJAH…(Seven Spirits of God – Seven Colours of the Rainbow)

…Colours…”purple, red, yellow, blue and white”.,,

Purple – Royalty and Kingship Anointing/ Identity of Sonship

Red – The Blood,..Redemption,…Red Horse one of the Four Horseman – Book of Revelation…; Prophetically we have entered into the Hour and Era where a manifestation of the Four Horsemen will begin to emerge on a Global front…War Bloodshed,..Judgement Wrath

(Palestine – Red White Black and Green)…- Beast is Rising in the East…; War and Rumours of War.

White; Glory and Salvation and Purity – God is Cleaning and purifying His House and His Bride is being made Ready.

-Glory is Coming upon Nations

-Great Harvest of Souls

Yellow – Speaks Olive oil is naturally a yellow hue and was used in making Anointing oil (See Exodus 30:22-25)

-Fire is multicolored containing the color of yellow. It can also Speak to (Purification – Power of God), like orange and red.

Yellow ; light…

Although Light is actually white unless specifically noted as different. This makes verses like John 8:12 clearer.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

  • Some Colours like Numbers can have a dual meaning depending on its vision or dream context.

Blue – We see the color blue all over scripture much like red and purple…Blue is widely understood to represent the heavenly realm and the presence of God (the precious Holy Spirit as well).


Again certain types of blue and some even venture near purple…The blue hue of indigo is found in the King – Kingship Sonship and Royal Identity..!

Five (5) Yes Speaks to GRACE …in this context I Believe it’s Speaking to GRACE AND THE REFORMATION OF THE FIVE-FOLD MINISTRIES…The Prophetic Hour is one of Restoration and Reformation of Nations that is Coming through the AUTHORITY OF THE KEY OF DAVID THAT SITS UPON THE SHOULDERS – FIVEFOLD.


…I have prophesied much into China check them out if you have time,…; Interestingly this is the CHINESE YEAR OF THE RED DRAGON – This is Prophetically significant for the Hour especially when we look at what’s happening on a Global scale – Wars Erupting…Leviathan Rising – The Dragon Circling at a TIME OF BIRTHING OF SHEEP NATIONS – See Revelation 12;

..China is on the Prophetic Calendar of God in a very significant Way in this Hour,..China will dominate headlines…and “WATCH AND PRAY FOR TAIWAN”…- I prophesied about this last Year and the dangers of Taiwan.

..China – I prophesied in December about this Year being the Year of RED,..God instructed me to paint my prayer shed CEDAR RED….- Two days after that prophecy,…IRAN FIRED MISSILES IN THE RED SEA….




A Prophetic Word for Jan…and Concerning the House of Naphtali and those that will Align with this House…

..I think it’s time for me to begin to bring some of these poignant Prophetic Words through our Main Hub it will bring light to what is happening on a global and regional level. Many Prophetic Words are being brought to the fore in this hour.

..Jan your dream is powerful and confirms many of these Global Prophetic Movements..,

..Jan I see a Joseph Mantle coming to rest upon you for the Days ahead,…a Dreamers Mantle is coming upon many in this hour,…The Joseph’s are Rising…be aware of your dreams and write them down….

..This House of Glistening Words…; Naphtali received a special anointing for communication. They understood that clear communication was vital for the tribes to take ground….

..I hear the Father say over this House..”Watch For I am releasing NOW the Hinds Feet Anointing for the High Places over this House,…and you shall walk upon the High places and you shall bring forth the glistening words of My Spirit,..Words of Wisdom,..Knowledge and Building”…!!

I decree this House shall be known as the House of the High Places;

…Habakkuk 3:19 says, “The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.” Those who trust in God walk, not in the valleys, but upon the tops of the mountains.

..”The land of Naphtali with Zebulon comes down to the Sea of Galilee area and would have included Capernaum. Isaiah prophesied of this area to declare that those who lived in this region would “See a great light!” Isaiah 9:1-2.

It’s interesting to note..that the land of Naphtali produced Prophets who magnified God’s precepts and truths, such as Deborah the Prophet, who produced Vision and victory for her people by calling them back to God’s precepts and back to true worship….

-I prophesy this shall be said of those that Align with this House…A HOUSE OF LIGHT,..VISION,..REVELATION AND WRESTLING (Warring) FOR THE BLESSING as Jacob did.
Interpretation By; Veronika West

House of Naphtali; Two Poignant Dreams that Speak to the Hour..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;  Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..! …Today Let’s delve deeper into God’s Redemptive plan for our lives, let’s turn our attention to Isaiah 52:1-6, where there…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

Veronika West

Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

…Today Let’s delve deeper into God’s Redemptive plan for our lives, let’s turn our attention to Isaiah 52:1-6, where there is a Call to Awaken to the fullness of this plan resounds…

…It is a Call to shake off the Remnants of the last Season and Step into the New,..and fully embrace the Freedom that comes from being Redeemed by the Blood of Jesus…

This powerful passage reminds us to loose ourselves from any and all demonic captivity that may still hold us captive….whether it be in the form of sin, shame, guilt, or unforgiveness,…

…God wants us to break us free from the chains of bondage and oppression,…that we may experience the Liberty and Victory that only He can provide….

…The Father longs for us to walk in the fullness of His Redemption,..unhindered and undeterred by the shackles of our past…

…We can be sure that on this journey we will certainly face many obstacles and difficult challenges that threaten to hinder and derail our progress and even rob us of our Destiny….; Doubt, fear, and temptation will always try to pull us back into the captivity we once knew…

…FEAR NOT!..For we can take comfort in knowing that God’s Redemptive plan is rooted in His Unfailing love and faithfulness towards us….He promises to strengthen and uphold us, equipping us with the necessary strategies to overcome any barriers in our path…

..Friend,…In order to fully receive His Redemptive plan, we are called to find our abiding place in Him and be seated..; This speaks of finding our Rest and Security in God alone. It is only when we Abide in Him that we can experience the fullness of His plan and divine purpose for our lives.

…When we fully Surrender Control and Trust in His guidance, we position ourselves to walk in the path of Redemption that He has laid out for us…

..In finding our abiding place in Him, we are also urged to PUT ON a New garment of Victory. This is Prophetically symbolic of the transformation that takes place when we accept God’s Redemptive plan for our lives.

…The Gift of Salvation makes us part of a…‘DIVINE EXCHANGE PROGRAM’….where we exchange our filthy,..old, and tattered garments of defeat and death – for New and pristine Royal garments of Freedom and Victory…

…Royal Garments that symbolise the full Authority,..Restoration and Renewal that comes from walking in the freedom that Jesus offers through His Precious Blood….

…BE OF GOOD COURAGE,…; God’s Redemptive plan is a journey that requires our active participation…It calls us to Awaken, and to loose ourselves from captivity, to find our Abiding place in Him, and to put on a New Garment of Victory….

…As we embrace HIS PLAN,..we will discover the Abundant life that God has designed for us to Inherit..

…”He gave His life to purchase freedom for everyone…This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time”….1 Tim 2;6

…Let’s Pray,..”Father,..May we continually seek to walk in the fullness of Your Redemption plan, allowing You to transform me and lead me into a life of Abundance,…divine purpose and fulfilment for Your Glory..! Amen.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; Gods Plan Of Redemption…A Call to Shake Off the Remnants..!

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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;  “Daily Cleansing: Surrendering Body, Soul, and Spirit to God’s Transforming Power”..!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; “Daily Cleansing: Surrendering Body, Soul, and Spirit to God’s Transforming Power”..!

Daily Cleansing: Surrendering Body, Soul, and Spirit to God..! …Today,…Reflect on any areas in your life where you have come into agreement with lies,..doubt,..unbelief and fear. Are there any negative…

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; “Daily Cleansing: Surrendering Body, Soul, and Spirit to God’s Transforming Power”..!

Veronika West

Daily Cleansing: Surrendering Body, Soul, and Spirit to God..!

…Today,…Reflect on any areas in your life where you have come into agreement with lies,..doubt,..unbelief and fear. Are there any negative attitudes, thoughts, or behaviors that need to be addressed?

..Take the time to confess them to God and ask for His forgiveness and purification.

..As you pray, surrender these worldly influences to God and ask Him to remove them from your life…; Trust in His power to transform and cleanse you from within…

..Look at Hebrews 9,..and read it slowly,…allowing the words to penetrate your heart..; Pay attention to how Jesus, through His Sacrifice on the Cross, has obtained eternal redemption for you.

…Ask God to help you to renew your mind, and to you free from guilt and shame, so that you can fully enjoy intimacy with Him.

…Psalm 51:10, Ezekiel 36:26, and 1 John 1:9. Meditate on these verses and allow them to bring encouragement and comfort to your spirit.

…Remember,..When we try to hide our sins and keep them buried within us, it only leads to more pain and darkness. But God, in His mercy, invites us to come into the light and bring our sins before Him.

..He is faithful and just to forgive us when we confess our wrongdoings, and He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Confession is not a burden or a punishment, but rather a pathway to freedom and restoration.

It is through confession that we acknowledge our need for God’s cleansing and surrender our pride and self-sufficiency. It is an opportunity for us to experience the depth of God’s love and mercy.

Daily cleansing is not just about asking for forgiveness, but also about surrendering our will to God’s will.

…It is about allowing Him to daily renew our minds and transform our souls. It is in this process of sanctification that we become more like Christ and reflect His light to the world around us.

As we walk in the light and allow the blood of Jesus to cleanse us from all sin, we begin to experience the joy and freedom that comes from living in alignment with God’s purposes. Our souls and spirits find peace and rest in His presence, and we are able to fulfill the calling He has placed upon our lives.

So, let us not be afraid to come into the light.

…Let us not shy away from the process of daily cleansing. For it is through this journey that we will find true freedom, joy, and intimacy with our Creator.

May we continually surrender our bodies, souls, and spirits to His transforming power, knowing that He is faithful to complete the work He has started in us.

…Stay connected with God and you will discover that the daily cleansing of our temple is not a burden,..but a blessing. It is a sacred act of Worship, as we offer ourselves fully to the One who gave His life to cleanse us from all sin…

Throughout the day, remain mindful of your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Be aware of any temptations or negative influences that may arise to bring distraction and discouragement…

Stay connected to God through prayer, seeking His guidance and strength to resist worldly influences and maintain a pure and renewed spirit…

..Remember, cleansing your Spirit is a continual process…It requires daily surrender and dependence on God’s grace…As you commit to this journey of renewal, trust that God will faithfully work in your life, transforming you from the inside out.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; “Daily Cleansing: Surrendering Body, Soul, and Spirit to God’s Transforming Power”..!

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