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Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

In this Kairos Time of Divine Convergence, there is a powerful shift taking place in the realm of the Spirit. There is a gathering of the Great Eagles, Eagles that…

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

Veronika West

The Wild Ox and The Eagle

In this Kairos Time of Divine Convergence, there is a powerful shift taking place in the realm of the Spirit.

There is a gathering of the Great Eagles, Eagles that are no longer confined to the Nest of Limitation and stagnation, Eagles that will soar upon the high places, carrying the very essence of His Glory.  No longer will our Gatherings be confined to mundane religious rituals and empty man made traditions that are stifled of Life and Freedom.  Gone are the days of holy huddles and cultish cliques, where fragile egos are inflated, and false and strange fires are fueled.  These things are coming to an end — and a New Wineskin is emerging!

I hear The Spirit say, ”Watch — as a Divine Convergence and Holy Convocations begin to rise up within the Nations, for there is a new move of My Spirit that will not be like anything seen before.  These gatherings will be fueled by a deep hunger for Truth and Authenticity. The Great Eagles of My Kingdom will come together in Unity, in oneness of Heart and Spirit — none seeking to be greater than the other — but in shared Vision and Purpose to see the release and advancement of My Kingdom to the ends of the Earth.  I say, Watch! As the New and Ancient Ways collide!  Watch! As the Living Keys stand before the Living Door in 2024 — for there is a turning, turning and a supernatural merging, for a Divine Convergence is taking place  Watch! For out of the ancient foundations will come New and Greater manifestations and demonstrations of Divine Revelation, Anointing and Power for the days ahead.

I say, brace! Brace, for a collision of the New and Ancient Ways.  No longer will My People settle for the comfort of their own nests — isolated and secluded.  For 2024 will be the birthing of Holy Habitations and Convocations that will become the launching pad for New Kingdom Assignments and Supernatural Alignments.  Watch — as new Networks begin to emerge. New Kingdom Collaborations and a Supernatural Cross Pollination between Nations will take place, for the Restoration and Reformation of Nations.  Listen and pay attention! For at the sound of My Roar, My great Eagles will rise and soar — carrying My Glory to the ends of the Earth!”

I see in The Spirit, a wild Ox and Mighty Eagle coming together as one, and I hear these Words, “Watch! For these are the days of the Double Portion Anointing and Grace!  I say, these are the days of Divine Separation and Distinction. These are the days to Stay Watching, Waiting and Listening for New and Ancient Mantles are now falling!  Look! For the Mantle of the Wild Ox and the Great Eagle is being released, and the Yoking of the Two will bring to birth a new Apostolic and Prophetic Movement on the Earth — for Heaven is releasing a Fresh Fire for greater Sight, and Fresh Oil for The Spirit of Might.  For the Might and Strength of the Wild Ox and the Sight and Power of the Great Eagle shall emerge — as the Kairos and Chronos converge!”

I hear these Words, ”It’s time to Pioneer — to break new ground — to rebuild and to rise up stronger!  For this is a ‘History-makers Anointing’ that is being released upon The Nations of the earth!”  Friends, get ready! For this Divine Convergence is a call to Action.  It is a summons for God’s People to rise up and fully embrace their Divine Destinies.  There is a Supernatural commissioning for the Great Eagles in this Hour to Rise, Shine and Soar at the Sound of the Lions Roar — to rise up higher to new heights — to break free from the limitations of the past Seasons — and to passionately pursue the plans God has for them.  In this season of Divine Convergence where the New and Ancient Ways are coming together, expect the unexpected!

Stir up a readiness for the suddenlies, for Miracles will abound, Wonders will astound, as the Glory of The LORD begins to manifest in unprecedented ways.  Boundaries will be reordered — chains will be shattered — as the Great Eagles boldly advance into new territories.  I hear The Spirit say, ”So, Arise .and Gather together in Faith and Obedience — and Watch, as Holy Habitations and Divine Convocations are birthed, for a new day is dawning and new highways are forming in The Realm of the Spirit!  Again I say, Watch! For a Divine collision of the New and Ancient Ways will release a tidal wave of My Glory, bringing forth Supernatural Transformation and Kingdom Reformation in The Nations of the Earth.  The Hour of Divine Convergence is here — for My Kingdom Rule and Reign will be established through My Rising Remnant on Earth as it is in Heaven!”


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A Collision of New and Ancient Ways ~by Veronika West (

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

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Face to Face With God

Face to Face With God

I was woken with these three questions on my heart… Will you be My Paneh (face) carrier? Will you carry My presence everywhere you go? Are you willing to only…

Face to Face With God

Veronika West

Pamim El Panim - Exodus 33:11 Face to Face with God
I was woken with these three questions on my heart…
Will you be My Paneh (face) carrier?
Will you carry My presence everywhere you go?
Are you willing to only be My (Panim El Panim), the Face to Face carrier of who I AM?
As I heard these questions being asked, I looked at myself and said ‘I’m not ready, I’m not the one, choose someone else?
NO! I heard straight back in my spirit, NO! I have chosen you, to be to one who reveals MY Face to those around you, to see through you MY Manifest Glory and Face.
I said, wait a minute Lord, I, I, I, can’t !   I’m not prepared, I’m not clean, I’ve got this wrong with me, I’ve got that wrong with me, I’ve, I’ve, I’ve….
I heard Father speak to me and say, even before the world was formed, I chose you, even before you where born I called you, and even before you said your first word, I ordained you to carry My Panim/My Faces. Take the time to dwell with Me says the Father, as I gaze lovingly into your eyes, and converse with your heart and spirit, revealing My thoughts, and My intents that I have for you, walking hand in hand with Me.  I created you from a blank canvas, you are My masterpiece and Who I AM, to your sphere of influence.  Many are called but few are chosen, you have not chosen yourself, but I have chosen you. To show forth and reveal My glorious manifest FACE.
Where there have been platform ministries and platform performances, they will become redundant and done away with. The only ministry will be those who minister before Me night and day, not thinking of themselves but giving and bringing glory to My name.
I will no longer have My hand of blessing upon individuals or ministries in the days that lie ahead, as it is not about self-promotion or self-ambitions, for I AM a Jealous God and will have not other’s before ME.  For I AM raising up a generation who are CARRIERS of MY FACE to the faceless and to the voiceless in this generation, Revealing who the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob really is, and was, and will be; for I never change.  For it is those who seek Me out, and are found looking into My Face, who Behold Me, having NO AGENDA of their own, but are wholly separated unto ME.
Let My beautiful Bride arise today, may she walk, having eyes only for her beloved, having ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying for this season, and causing the righteousness of the Father to be seen.  As the angel of the Lord stood before me with a clear golden like goblet, with liquid pure and holy fire coming from it, I heard the word of the angel of the Lord say this, “ Are you prepared, and are you willing to drink of this cup.”
Wow!!! That stopped me in my tracks, as I pondered what would be the outcome of the act. Would I die? Would I be consumed by the fire? Would this be my last breath?
So many questions that had no answers for me. What seemed like ages went past, I answered the angel of the Lord with a “yes”. He handed me the golden clear bowl with fire coming from it, I could feel the intensity of the fire as I  took the bowl, putting it to my lips, I slowly began to drink the liquid.  As I did, a feeling of being cleansed from the inside out, of wrong thoughts and motives that I had, being replaced with pure unadulterated love.  I began to speak love, talk love, and act love out, like a little child full of the joy of the Father, trusting totally in Him for help, strength, direction, and words to say.  Wow!! There was no pressure, no stress, no feelings the I needed to perform or be someone that I wasn’t. Just being me, was pleasing to the Father, as I communed with Him as I walked, ate, worked, drove, and slept.
And then I heard Fathers voice speaking to me, “Son, that is who I’ve called you to be, a reflection of My Face to those around you.”  WOW, I’m still getting my head around that statement from Father, and probably will for ages to come….
Victor Mitchell – Ireland’s Destiny Hub

Face to Face With God

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A wheel within a wheel

The central wheel has 12 spokes speak of the twelve Tribes of Israel and the twelve gemstones that are on…

Veronika West: “Wielding the Weapon of Supernatural Wisdom”

Veronika West: “Wielding the Weapon of Supernatural Wisdom”

Veronika West, Ireland Nov 29, 2023 – Prophetic word from November 17, 2023:  I heard the Spirit say, “Wielding the weapon of ‘Supernatural Wisdom’ will expose the enemy’s weaknesses!” On…

Veronika West: “Wielding the Weapon of Supernatural Wisdom”

Veronika West

The Bride shall tread on the head of the serpent
Veronika West, Ireland
Nov 29, 2023
Prophetic word from November 17, 2023:  I heard the Spirit say,
Wielding the weapon of ‘Supernatural Wisdom’ will expose the enemy’s weaknesses!
On hearing these words, I saw the Spirit of Wisdom being released to the Body of Christ as a mighty weapon that will expose the weaknesses in what the enemy is seeking to build and establish in this hour.  The Spirit of Wisdom will bring a supernatural impartation of divine strategy to succeed and to overcome every scheme of the enemy in the days ahead, and many of you will begin to receive fresh blueprints and new direction from Heaven.  I see satan strategically targeting spiritual foundations, causing many Believers to walk in fear, doubt and unbelief. But the Spirit of Wisdom is now empowering and enabling many—through divine insight and revelation—to topple the evil schemes of the enemy so that the house of your life will be strong, secure and unshakable in the seasons ahead.
Advancement and a Greater Level of Discernment
I prophesy that you are moving and advancing quickly into the fullness of your mandate and destiny. You are rapidly gaining ground in this next season. The Spirit of Wisdom will expose every hidden assignment and snare of the enemy that has been orchestrated against your advancement.
Get ready! A greater level of the gift of discernment is giving you the advantage over your adversaries and enabling you to prepare ahead of time, so nothing catches you unaware or unprepared. You will not be caught off guard, but you will move with greater precision and supernatural accuracy.
Look Up, Step Forward in Faith, and Open Your Mouth Wide!
Look up! Do not look back, for that will become the trap that is designed to entangle your feet and delay your breakthrough!  Watch! Fear not! For as you step forward in faith, the path ahead of you will become fully illuminated by the light and glory of His countenance that is now rising upon you!
Open your mouth wide, for the words you speak in this season will carry a greater weight of His glory upon them. Like a wrecking ball, the power of your words will break open new highways and supply lines for the provision of your Kingdom vision and mandate, and the spoken word that proceeds from your mouth will become as a mighty battle-ax that will slay the enemies who contend and war against your God-given authority and anointing.
Watch Out for Demonic Mirages and Counterfeit Spirits
Watch, for demonic mirages and counterfeit spirits will masquerade as the real, for satan is the great pretender and the master of manipulation and disguise. In this next season, we will see the release of masquerading spirits and demonic entities trying to emerge from past seasons.  Even generational familiar spirits will seek to draw many into a web of lies that will look for the power of agreement with which to give them legal access to devour our promised inheritance.  Even though satan may appear to be gaining ground, and his agenda will be seen (in the natural) to be moving forward with great power and acceleration, Fear not! Guard your heart!
Lean not on your own understanding!
Resist the lies and lures of the enemy, and decree that every demonic structure and stronghold of darkness will be overturned and overthrown! Decree that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will raise up a standard against him, causing him to be toppled over and trampled underfoot.
The Heel-Crushing Anointing of the Bride…
..”Watch, for the heel-crushing anointing of the Bride is coming down upon the serpent’s head in this hour”!  I prophesy that you will become strong, steadfast and immovable in the face of opposition—even in persecution—in the days ahead! You will run with greater intentionality, zeal and vision, empowered by the weapons of wisdom, knowledge and the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord! You will pursue, overtake and recover all, in Jesus’ name!
The Appointed Time of Recompense and Restoration: Release the Sound of Thanksgiving and Victory!
I heard the Spirit say, “Fear not! For you have been hidden in Christ! Under the covering of My wings, you are made invisible to the wiles of the wicked one.  “Watch! For you are now being equipped and empowered by My Spirit of Wisdom to take ground and to recover all that has been lost and stolen in past seasons! I say, this is an appointed time of recompense and restoration, for payback in full is here,” says God.  “Watch as the Spirit of Wisdom instructs and redirects you to take strategic action against every scheme and hidden plan of the enemy, for I AM realigning and reordering the steps of many in this hour. I AM moving many into a place of greater empowerment and divine enabling that will give them the assurance of My divine intervention, deliverance and victory over their enemies.  “Watch as the wind of My Spirit begins to move you forward, propelling you into the place of My perfect will for your life; for the plans and purposes I have for you are now being made manifest in the ‘midst’ of you.  “I tell you, begin now to release a sound of thanksgiving and victory. And that which the devourer meant for your destruction—and even death to your dreams and destiny—I AM now turning, turning, turning, and working, working, working all things for your good, and for My glory on the earth!”
Veronika West ; Ireland’s Destiny Hub

Veronika West: “Wielding the Weapon of Supernatural Wisdom”

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A wheel within a wheel

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Satan’s Assignment In This Hour

Satan’s Assignment In This Hour

Warning! – A word of the Lord from Veronika West 20/11/2023 – Warning — Satan’s Assignment In this hour — To Divide God’s People and to Stop them possessing the…

Satan’s Assignment In This Hour

Veronika West

The Enemies Lies

Warning! – A word of the Lord from Veronika West 20/11/2023

Warning — Satan’s Assignment In this hour — To Divide God’s People and to Stop them possessing the Great promise that has been reserved and preserved for them to Inherit!

In the realm of Spiritual Warfare, a battle is constantly being fought between the spiritual forces of good and evil, Light and darkness, Truth and deception….

One of the key strategies employed by the enemy, Satan, in this hour is to divide and conquer.  Satan understands the power, strength and great blessing and reward found in Unity, and thus, his assignment is to break the bonds that hold God’s People together!

From the very beginning, Satan has been at work trying to create division among God’s People.  In the Garden of Eden, he successfully planted doubt in Eve’s mind, causing her to question God’s instructions.  This demonic assignment of division, ultimately led to the fall of humanity and the separation from God’s perfect Plan, Peace and Presence.  Throughout history, we can observe Satan’s handiwork in dividing God’s people. From the division of the Israelites during the time of the judges to the numerous denominational splits in Christianity, the enemy has successfully created rifts and disagreements among believers since the beginning of time.

One of the primary weapons Satan uses to divide God’s People is deception.  He employs lies and distortions to twist the truth and create confusion and double mindedness. By sowing seeds of doubt and miscommunication, he is able to create disunity and discord among God’s People.  This disunity weakens The Body and hinders its ability to fulfill its God-given Promise and Purpose.

Another tool Satan uses is the sin of pride.  By fueling pride and self-centeredness, he encourages individuals to prioritize their own agendas and desires rather than seeking the greater good for The Body of Christ.  This self-centeredness and navel gazing behaviour only breeds greater division and animosity, as believers become solely focused on their own interests, rather than the Unity of The Body for Kingdom Advancement.  Hence, this is why many believers keep going round and round the same mountain! Their wilderness experience is never ending, and the breakthrough they long for is further delayed and derailed!

Furthermore, Satan will always try to instigate conflicts and disagreements within The Body.  He manipulates circumstances and magnifies minor differences, causing many to turn against one another.  Satan knows that a house divided against itself cannot stand (Matthew 12:22-28), and therefore he seeks to weaken and disarm the body by breeding division and strife.

However, despite Satan’s relentless efforts, those who have the Gift of Discernment and are walking in the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding are not without Hope or Direction!  The Bible encourages believers to be Alert, Awake and Aware of Satan’s relentless schemes to divide and isolate and to stand firm in Unity and in One Accord. (Romans 15:6).  In Ephesians 4:3, the apostle Paul urges believers to, “make every effort to keep the Unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”  This will require HumilityLove, and an unwavering Commitment to put aside our personal differences and self seeking agendas for the greater good of God’s Kingdom!

Blessings to you all.

Satan’s Assignment In This Hour

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A wheel within a wheel

The central wheel has 12 spokes speak of the twelve Tribes of Israel and the twelve gemstones that are on…

Asher ensured everyone was well fed!
Asher ensured everyone was well fed!

Veronika West

Asher ensured everyone was well fed!

More Recent Posts

30Oct 23

A wheel within a wheel

The central wheel has 12 spokes speak of the twelve Tribes of Israel and the twelve gemstones that are on…

Taking Back Strongholds

Taking Back Strongholds

Word of the Lord from Andrew West – House of Judah 15th November 2023 – I saw the Hub in Millisle, and I saw everyone in the Hub and as…

Taking Back Strongholds

Veronika West

Word of the Lord from Andrew West – House of Judah 15th November 2023

I saw the Hub in Millisle, and I saw everyone in the Hub and as the music was playing I saw everyone going round in a circle.   I saw the whole of Ireland and I saw chairs in strategic places in Ireland but as we were circling there were also demonic forces circling as well.  And when the music stopped someone from the Hub would shoot out and take that chair – and they would be established in that area and then we would go again. And when the music would stop someone from the Hub would shoot out again and grab that chair.  The Lord is saying about coming out from the Hub and taking authority over these areas so that at no point did any of the demons get these chairs first.  It is all about taking back strongholds and being established in those places.

Taking Back Strongholds

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30Oct 23

A wheel within a wheel

The central wheel has 12 spokes speak of the twelve Tribes of Israel and the twelve gemstones that are on…

I Saw A Chalice Representing God’s People

I Saw A Chalice Representing God’s People

Word of the Lord from Christine Black – House of Judah 15th November 2023 – As we were worshipping I saw the chalice (you know that beautiful painting) I saw…

I Saw A Chalice Representing God’s People

Veronika West

Word of the Lord from Christine Black – House of Judah 15th November 2023

As we were worshipping I saw the chalice (you know that beautiful painting) I saw the chalice and it was like on a ledge up a mountain; but then I saw it all of a sudden it came out from the ledge and it started to rise up as if it was being lifted! It was literally being lifted up and placed on the high place on the mountain the actual chalice itself was placed on the high place and then I saw all these angels all around – myriads of angels! There were so many angels and they were so high that they just went right up completely over the chalice.  I saw them completely covering, almost like a cone, like a cocoon, the chalice was completely covered by the angelic presence that was all around it, and all over it.  There were so many angels – there was like a thickness of angels it’s difficult to describe there were so many.

I saw also as I was on this place on the mountain, that the chalice represents all the people.  The people could see so far for they were seeing from such a higher level and such a higher place in the Spirit.  So Father God we thank you Lord; we thank you Lord for what You are doing. We thank you Father for where You are lifting the chalice. We thank you!

I Saw A Chalice Representing God’s People

More Recent Posts

30Oct 23

A wheel within a wheel

The central wheel has 12 spokes speak of the twelve Tribes of Israel and the twelve gemstones that are on…

My People I Will Protect You

My People I Will Protect You

Word of the Lord from Kirk Woodside – House of Judah 15th November 2023 – “My people I will protect you from the evil that is all around you; I…

My People I Will Protect You

Veronika West

Word of the Lord from Kirk Woodside – House of Judah 15th November 2023

“My people I will protect you from the evil that is all around you; I will protect you, for My shield is around you at this time.  My people just stay firm, stay strong, walk closely with Me.  Don’t let any interference come in from the walk you have with Me!  What purposes and plans I have for us going forward; just yield all of yourselves! Leave all down at my altar and I will guide and position you where I need you to be.  This time is a dark time but My light is going to come and shine bright over this nation.  I’m going to raise up this nation as a mighty remnant army.  The 5-fold is going to come into this nation – the 5-fold is going to come out of Ireland’s Destiny Hub that is going to raise up the prodigal sons and raise up the young people training them up and equipping the Saints for such a time as this.  There is an acceleration of evil that is coming at this time, but I say My goodness and  My grace are going to come and fall on these lands and purify this nation! To cleanse what Satan has distorted in the minds of My children.  I feel for My children, the young generations that are coming through such a time as this that they need to be brought out of the darkness into My glorious light.  My light is going to fall bright and shine right through the darkness on this land” says the Lord.

Again, for Israel, I felt the anguish the Lord has for His people as well as here; and all around the nations of the world.  I felt so much anguish and the pain. He feels the suffering of His people and He is going to restore. He is going to restore what the locusts have eaten, the Lord is going to take back what the enemy has stolen and He is going to break the strongholds of these islands.  “The darkness has been over this long for too long,” says the Lord “I’m going to clear the darkness and the evil will be exposed.  What has been hidden within the darkness I’m going to expose in my bright light.  They are going to pay for what they have done to my Church and My people” says the Lord.

My People I Will Protect You

More Recent Posts

30Oct 23

A wheel within a wheel

The central wheel has 12 spokes speak of the twelve Tribes of Israel and the twelve gemstones that are on…

The sound of abundant rain over Ireland

The Sound of Abundant Rain

…2024 — Supernatural Downpour in the Midst of Famine and War!…; November 12, 2023 Veronika West – – 2024 — A Year Marked by Greater Outpouring and Supernatural Downpour…

The Sound of Abundant Rain

Veronika West

The sound of abundant rain over Ireland
The sound of abundant rain over Ireland
The Sound of Abundant Rain over Ireland
The sound of abundant rain over Ireland

…2024 — Supernatural Downpour in the Midst of Famine and War!…;

November 12, 2023 Veronika West

2024 — A Year Marked by Greater Outpouring and Supernatural Downpour in the Midst of Famine and War!

Early this morning as soon as I walked into my Prayer Hut, I heard these Words, ”Watch and Pray — for 2024 will be a year marked by greater outpouring and supernatural downpour in the midst of famine and war!”

As soon as I heard those Words, I began to pray fervently in The Spirit. Then I heard a deep rumbling sound rising from the deeper Realms of The Spirit, and suddenly I could feel a weighty Presence around me, as I heard The Spirit say, ”Do you hear it? The sound of the abundance of rain is rising over The Nations!

I say, it’s time to go up! It’s the Rain of Restoration in the midst of War!

The Rain! The Rain! The Rain to reign in 2024!

Watch and listen — for a voice will be heard crying in the wilderness!

Yes! A sound that shall break open Heavenly Highways in 2024.

For the manifestation of a New Dispensation of Greater Outpouring and Supernatural Downpour that will bring Divine Restoration and Reformation in the midst of increasing darkness and Nations at war in 2024.

I say, fear not! Watch, as My Remnant rises, mantled in The Spirit and Power of Elijah — mantled with the Multidimensional Authority of My Glory and Power, that will bring forth Grace Dimensions of Supernatural Acceleration, Multiplication and Resurrection Power in The Nations of the earth!”

“And Elijah said unto Ahab, “Arise quickly, go up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain!”” 1 Kings 18:41

Friends, a sound of Abundance is rising! I see Doors of open access, a fresh catch-up wind of Acceleration for Kingdom Advancement is beginning to blow across The Nations!

Listen! Many have become masters of building Churches — without actually taking ground!

When The LORD moved our IDH Ministry* from a grand building into a Portakabin**, my heart was challenged, and as I was about to open my mouth to express my complaint, The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD came upon me, and The LORD said, ”If I can do miracles under mango trees — I can do miracles in this Portakabin!”

I immediately shut my mouth and cried out, ”Father, have your way and give me the grace to become the living sacrifice upon the altar!”

Friends, we cannot become carriers of greater dimensions of Glory and Power without deeper levels of consecration.

A Remnant must rise that has the capacity to carry the weight of His Glory — but it will cost us everything!

The flesh must die — and, if we are to be entrusted to become keepers of The Flames of Revival, we must become the Living Sacrifices upon The Altar!

A Remnant must rise that qualifies to wield The Sceptre of His Glory on the earth! Only The Called-out and Consecrated Ones will qualify to carry and steward this new Dispensation of greater Outpouring and Downpour that is coming in 2024.

Let us not be found wanting — but be Purified Vessels, worthy to be counted among the End-time Army of Remnant Warriors for Kingdom Advancement!

I prophesy over you, Divine Access, Abundance and Acceleration for the days ahead.

Expect : New and Open Doors that will give you access to greater influence and Kingdom Impact.

Watch for unexpected miracles and divine meetings. You are carrying something that someone else needs in this hour!

Expect : To receive Double Portions and Supernatural Increase!

The gift you carry is making room for you in this next season, and the seeds you have sown in the last season will suddenly burst forth.

Watch, as new life leads to greater fruitfulness, causing your baskets to overflow — The Breath of God, releasing expansion and enlargement to that which is in your hand.

Expect : The catch-up Winds of Acceleration to blow upon every area of your life.

There is a Supernatural Shift taking place even in this hour.

I see the Words: Relocation, Resettlement and Replacement.

There is a greater momentum taking place in The Realms of The Spirit that is causing many things that have been stuck, stagnant and stifled to be lifted, shifted, unlocked, unblocked and released to you with greater Power and Increase!

Do you hear it? There is a sound of an Abundance of Rain to Reign!

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen!” Hebrews 11:1

In this hour, the spirit of deception is running rampant and causing many to become desensitised, deaf, disillusioned and desperate. Hearts have become distant and deeply discouraged.

The only sounds that many can hear are the sounds of hopelessness, doubt and despair, and the drum beat of War!

It’s time to go higher above the demonic static and dust storms!

I hear The Spirit say, “Awake, you who sleep and slumber! Arise oh mighty Warriors!

Rise up in My Strength and Power from among the dying and the dead, for I, The Messiah, will Illuminate, Ignite and Empower you in this hour!”

I see the mighty Hand of God beginning to stir and awaken, activate and sensitise our spiritual senses once again to the sounds, sights and even tastes for The Abundance of Rain!

Look! The waters are rising! I see an outpouring of New Wine! I see a mighty overflow from The Rivers of His Glory, and Goodness touching and transforming everything in its path!

Get ready! It’s time to go up, eat and drink! There is a sound of An Abundance of Rain!


Abun – “Dance”!

Yes, I Decree and Declare that you will testify that in days ahead that you “Went up and danced in the fields of His Abundance and Overflow!”

* IDH Ministry : Ireland’s Destiny Hub..;

** Portakabin : Proprietary factory made modular building.

Blessings to you all.

~ by Veronika West

The Sound of Abundant Rain

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A wheel within a wheel

The central wheel has 12 spokes speak of the twelve Tribes of Israel and the twelve gemstones that are on…

Nov 23 House of Reuben Fellowship Meal 3/5

A Typical Fellowship Meal

House of Reuben, Saturday 4 November at 6pm.   First meeting of the House of Reuben. We met together (16 of us) for a fellowship meal and communion and to…

A Typical Fellowship Meal

Veronika West

Nov 23 House of Reuben Fellowship Meal 3/5

House of Reuben, Saturday 4 November at 6pm.


First meeting of the House of Reuben. We met together (16 of us) for a fellowship meal and communion and to see what Holy Spirit (HS) wanted to say/do.


It was a time of coming together around the table. We first took communion and had a meal of soup, potatoes, bread, followed by apple crumble and custard, the now infamous cheese board, grapes etc. Many conversations took place around the table, getting to know each other and forming relationships.


After the meal we all formed a circle in the living room and started with praise and worship. HS took over. Christine brought a word that this time the fire will NOT go out. More people will come to undergird and to help re-kindle. This time you are not on your own. God has brought those here tonight but others will come.


Mary led us in a prayer of repentance on behalf of the church. We repented for the times where we had exalted the gifts above the character of the person. We asked for forgiveness for those times we had ran after the gifts instead of running after God. We thanked God that His light is seeking out and cleansing the bride.


Agape saw a whirlwind in the centre of the room and it went up from the floor to the ceiling and out around the area. Agape read Psalm 133 to release the blessing. We all held hands as she read Psalm136 to keep the unity and love and we repeated…His love endures forever.


Ernie brought a word of confirmation….”I have already begun and I have called this meeting to push forward in the spiritual realm and I say into you move forward and advance….Carrick fergus is a marked place….do not fear, do not hold back but keep pressing in and take the ground. I will open up the gates, I will open up the castle, I will open up the things that you have not even thought of and I will do a new thing.”


“I have called My called out ones for such a time as this so YOU are a called out one. Unite together and be knitted together and see what I shall do says the Lord of Hosts.”


Thank you to all who came. We are excited for the days ahead and we know God is wanting to move in this town and in our land 🙌

A Typical Fellowship Meal

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