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House of Simeon Devotional Day 5 – Deception by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon Devotional Day 5 – Deception by Roz Mitchell

Mention Boxing Day and deep in my subconsciousness I think of snakes!  I blame my mum, to some degree, for the fact that she has passed onto me her deep-seated…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 5 – Deception by Roz Mitchell

Veronika West

AI generated 007 with snake
AI generated 007 with snake
AI generated 007 with snake

Mention Boxing Day and deep in my subconsciousness I think of snakes!  I blame my mum, to some degree, for the fact that she has passed onto me her deep-seated fear of anything that remotely resembles a snake – yet she would insist upon gathering us round the television set every year, on the 26th December to watch the latest James Bond movie.  Now admittedly not every 007 film features a snake – but the boa constrictor which featured in Live and Let Die in 1973 and the reticulated python which made a guest appearance in Moonraker during Christmas 1979 were sufficient to influence my attitude towards such creatures as my mum screamed and covered her eyes begging us to let her know when it would be safe to open them again!

Twenty odd years passed and I discovered that snakes are not native to every country in the world ; indeed Ireland is free of snakes (which probably explains why my parents moved from England to Ireland during The Troubles) as is New Zealand – which is top of my Mum’s bucket list countries to visit!  I consider it a minor miracle that she actually holidayed in Australia a few years ago.

In 1991 I visited the Philippines to work on a water project and missions trip with OMF international.  I knew that there was a possibility that we might encounter snakes as we were staying in a remote tribal area 5 hours from the nearest hospital for the first 3 weeks and then in a jungle region for the final 3 weeks so I was diligent, always making loud noises at night when I ventured  through the field at night to the long-drop toilet – scaring any snakes or poison toads from the pathway and probably disturbing the rest of the team too.

Some of the local kids delighted in showing us baby black mambas and I quickly learnt to disguise my fear as that only encouraged them to insist that we took a closer look.

A highlight of the trip was a day spent snorkelling from a catamaran off the coast of Mindanao.  It was idyllic!  I have always loved water sports and swimming and having spent 3 weeks living off rice and vegetables it was a pleasant surprise to discover tinned soft drinks in the cooler and fresh coffee on board.   There were 7 of us on the team from NI and we were accompanied by the children of a missionary couple who hosted the Davao mission home.

The water was crystal clear, and relatively warm as we gazed at the neon blue and green and red tropical fish – we even came across some strange black and brown eel like creatures known as sea snakes.  Following the rationale that sea horses aren’t real horses we continued to enjoy swimming in the glorious Pacific ocean.  The strangest thing I noted about the sea snake eel creatures was that they seemed to go completely limp like seaweed out of water.  I knew this because one of the guys had great entertainment hooking the sea snakes out of the water with his snorkel tube and tossing them on to the backs of any unsuspecting person swimming his way!  There were hundreds of these eel like creatures in the water so it didn’t take long for the other guys to begin retaliating in the same manner.  It was harmless fun – though probably not for the sea snakes!

That evening the mission hosts commented that they had heard about the sea snake encounter – I can still remember his words 30 odd years later “you do realise that the bite from a sea snake is sufficient to kill 20 head of water buffalo?”!  We were stunned!  He continued to say that they would only bite if provoked – and the guys had most definitely provoked them hooking them out of the water and tossing them at one another!

But I learnt a few important lessons – the way the television portrays the snake is largely inaccurate.  Yes we need to be wise as serpents but an irrational fear of the serpent can significantly impact a person’s life, how they live – looking under every stone to see if a snake has entered the house and restricting places they will visit in this beautiful world.

The Hebrew word used to describe the serpent which deceived Eve in Genesis chapter 3 is ‘Nakhash’ which is interesting because it is also translated in Numbers 23:23 and 24:1 as ‘enchantment’ and ‘divination’.  The enemy is subtle and dangerous but ultimately deceptive!  We can chose to live in fear by attributing more power to him than we should – or we can foolishly play with fire naïve to the consequences.  The truth is probably to be found somewhere in the middle – when we walk wisely we need not walk in fear.  Fear is crippling.

Jesus’ final words before the ascension were these:  “miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: they will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”  This is Truth – and anything which draws us away from the Great Commission is merely smoke and mirrors and the deceptive propaganda of the Enemy.

Written by Roz Mitchell


House of Simeon Devotional Day 5 – Deception by Roz Mitchell

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House of Simeon Devotional Day 4 : Holiness Now by Chris G Bennett

Veronika West

AI generated a pilgrim approaches 2 pathways
AI generated a pilgrim approaches 2 pathways
It's time to choose
AI generated a pilgrim approaches 2 pathways
“You know, we live in an age where men are more afraid of holiness than they are of sinfulness.”
“Five minutes into eternity and we’ll all wish we’d been a little more holy.”
These two quotes from Leonard Ravenhill have been on my mind today. I started thinking about the state of the world and the spiritual condition that so many, probably including myself, have backslidden into! Holiness, especially personal holiness, is one of the things that is furthest from most people’s mind. Many, including Christians, never think of it at all! Yet one of the most quoted verses of scripture, even by those same Christians, is this – “As He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16)
There is a call today for all of us to ‘be holy, for I am holy’. Our problem is that words like ‘sin’, ‘sanctification’, and ‘holiness’ are almost eschewed by most people, even those who claim to be followers of Christ! We call so much that is sin, according to Gods Word, normal and acceptable – except that it’s not acceptable to God – because He is Holy! We really do need to repent and turn once more to Christ. We need to leave what the Word of God describes as our ‘wicked ways’ in order to cultivate personal holiness in order to fulfil everything that the Lord is calling us to in these final last days. Second Chronicles 7:14 has never been more serious a call to us than it is today.
The Bible contains the two words ‘fear not’ 365 times – once for every day of the year. So I hear the Lord saying – “FEAR NOT  what man says or thinks about you, it’s My opinion that counts.”
“FEAR NOT what man says about you, rather concentrate on why I say about you.”
“FEAR NOT what man can do to you. Man cannot send you to hell, neither can he stop you entering heaven.”
“FEAR only what I might or might not say to you on that day, for all you need to hear from Me is, “Well done, good and faithful servant.””
“FEAR NOT what I will say to others, that is solely between them and Me!”
“My Word says to be a light upon a hill for all to see. It also says, “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising. “Lift up your eyes all around, and see: They all gather together, they come to you; Your sons shall come from afar, And your daughters shall be nursed at your side. Then you shall see and become radiant, And your heart shall swell with joy; Because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you, The wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you.” (Isaiah 60:1-5)
These are the things worth fearing to lose – not man’s reward, but Gods reward!” I’ll close with a final Ravenhill quote – as a challenge to all of us –
“Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?”
Written by Chris G Bennett

House of Simeon Devotional Day 4 : Holiness Now by Chris G Bennett

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Image of goblet repaired with gold representing the 12 Tribes

House of Dan – Victor Mitchell : The Broken Goblet

Yahweh speaks through our senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing, and taste; they all come together in our minds and understandings that brings some kind of picture, a sense, or a…

House of Dan – Victor Mitchell : The Broken Goblet

Veronika West

Image of goblet repaired with gold representing the 12 Tribes
Image of goblet repaired with gold representing the 12 Tribes
Broken Goblet painted by Victor Mitchell
Image of goblet repaired with gold representing the 12 Tribes

Yahweh speaks through our senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing, and taste; they all come together in our minds and understandings that brings some kind of picture, a sense, or a feeling that Yahweh speaks to each of us as individuals.  When you take time with Yahweh, ponder, and meditate upon Him and His word, revelation, insight, and discernment begins to be revealed. Yahweh speaks to us differently, for we are a peculiar people, and a royal priest hood and a holy nation. 1 Peter 2:8-9. 

Some receive visions and dreams, some have feelings, and some get words, and many more. So, Yahweh speaks differently to each one of us, we do not have a monopoly on just hearing from Him, as if everyone else is wrong. Yahweh asks Jeremiah, “son of man, what do you see?” Jeremiah 1:11 & 13,  “you have seen well” said Yahweh. 

Take 5 minutes and ask Father God to show you what He is speaking to you about this goblet, write it down, and after 5 minutes, be ready to share what Yahweh has given you, remember this it short and to the point, God showed me this, this, and this. S.S.S. Short, sharp, and straight to the point.  Some might just see a coloured goblet; while others might see something else. 

The way I would describe it is this, you have a large gemstone ring in your hand, you see it from one perspective, yet others see it from a quite different angle, so they get a different angle of view and perspective. So that together we all bring a fuller picture.  It is also a bit like the Havurah, when Jewish people come together to discuss Torah, they may all have different mind sets and points of view, but they all have something to bring to the table.  The word was never meant to be studied in isolation.  

Please do not be intimidated by this exercise, it is intended to open your mind and understanding to how prophetic artisan’s flow and function.  Imagine you have before you a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  It is great when ALL the pieces are there, BUT when there are some missing pieces, it can be difficult to view the complete picture, no matter how big or how small you think your thought, feeling, idea, or word might be, you and I are the puzzle in YHWH’s hands.  So, if you do not show up with your one word or thought, and someone else does the same, the now disjointed picture is hard and difficult to look at.  It says in 1 Corinthians 14:26 “I say, therefore. My brethren, that whenever you gather, whoever among you has a Psalm, let him speak, or whoever has a teaching, or whoever has a revelation. Or whoever has a language, or whoever has a translation, let ALL things be done for edification.”  This is like when we prophesy, it is in part, why? Because we as individuals at this moment in time can only see part of the puzzle.  We need the rest of the Body or Tribes coming together as one voice, one heart, and one mind for the purposes and destiny that Yahweh has placed upon us.  We must all function the way Yahweh has called us to operate!  If you are a door knocker, do not try to be the letter box, if you are a keyhole, do not try to be the door hinge, be WHO you are called to be in the Body and Bride of Yeshua Hamaschiah. 


What the Lord spoke to me regarding this painting. 

The enemy declares that you are fragile, easily  broken, and continually weak.   He laughs, he mocks, he grinds his teeth at you and  causes a doublemindedness to be released through his mocking and his taunts, as he causes the spirit of the MAGPIE to be released. Grabbing the light that is in us and trying to suppress and hide it do that it becomes non-effective.   The broken goblet, which was once useful, is now a pile of rubbish, the enemy scoffs and taunts you right into your face, that you are a pile of unwanted rubbish, he certainly does not mince his words. Ready to be taken away, not fit for purpose, discarded and ready to be thrown on the scrapheap of life as a failure, screaming his words, “you’re a failure, you’re a mistake, you’re useless, you’re weak, you’re hopeless”, and on and on and on he goes, it seems to be never ending, but why?  He doesn’t want you to come into the destiny, calling, and purpose that Yahweh has called you to live out, he fears who you are, and what you will become, so the devil; your enemy tries anything and everything at his disposal to stop you from fulfilling your GOD GIVEN DESTINY.  

The broken glass pieces serrated, cut, damage, and hurt when we try to pick them up; yet left in this state they are fit for nothing.  In Japan there is a method called Kintsugi, it translates – joining with gold. When something that was precious was broken, in Japan, the people would take the broken pieces to a goldsmith and ask him to guild it back up to its former state using precious metal. This practice started around the 15th century. Kintsugi is the general concept of highlighting or emphasizing imperfections, visualizing mends, and seams as an additive or an area to celebrate or focus on, rather than the absence of or missing pieces.  No matter how broken you are, God is eager to do His Kintsugi work in you. Let Him bring His wholeness in you through you turning to Him in repentance and faith. 

Yahweh takes our brokenness which our enemy taunts and derides us with, and with HIS precious Glory and Majesty and the BLOOD of YESHUA HAMASHIACH, Yahweh gives us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that we might be trees of righteousness the planting of Yahweh.  The MAGPIE hates anything that is shiny, or anything that reflects light. It will go around and gather up anything that is shiny, not because it likes or loves the shiny stuff, but it is frightened of and terrified of the LIGHT, being reflected from these objects. The devil hates vigorously the LIGHT; the True LIGHT of Yeshua, shining and flowing through our lives, and will try and try and try to dull our light, cover, or even try and snuff our light out.


There are twelve pieces of broken glass, which speaks of the twelve tribes of Israel, assorted colours, different shapes. When Canaan was divided amongst the tribes, some got big portions, some got small portions, some got mountains, some got plains, but they all had to enter the land, and possess it to claim their inheritance. The gold that surrounded them was the unity of having the same father, and they were all brothers.  The gold that surrounds each piece of broken glass is uniquely formed, around each piece of broken glass, covering over the rough and sharp edges that could slice and cut. The gold brings protection and togetherness and a oneness, divided yet one. As the gold is offered up to each piece of glass the gold overlaps the edges to bring a strength and dependence on each other. Even though each piece of glass is different in dimensions, shape, and colour; when they come together there comes a diversity and multi-faceted layers of strength, harmony, unity, and oneness. 

When the goblet is made as one and all the pieces are fixed into place by the gold, you are able to see all the colours shining beautifully, but then it is raised up the YHWH’s LIGHT that shines upon it and through it, were before there were 12 different coloured glass pieces, now with Yahweh’s radiance shining through they all become clear and transparent, able to see what is contained within the goblet, ha “taste and see that Yawheh is good.” Psalm 34:8   Yahweh Adonai, holds everything together and through the gold of His Glory brings forth HIS splendour and majesty through this broken vessel, we are the broken vessel, that He uses, to manifest His truth through. 


House of Dan – Victor Mitchell : The Broken Goblet

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AI generated image of King Josiah reading from the ancient scroll surrounded by Baal worship

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William Abraham : 2024 – The Year of King Josiah

Veronika West

AI generated image of King Josiah reading from the ancient scroll surrounded by Baal worship

I was thinking about preparing a word for 2024 to share in my regular Friday online session with The 7000. I then had a dream on 13 December where I heard the Lord say that “2024 is a King Josiah season”. I had to look up the story of King Josiah to see what this was about and the story related to finding God’s way of doing things that had been lost or hidden. It speaks to a nation and religious establishment that had lost its way and was doing all kinds of things, but not the things that God had instructed or desired. They had systems and economic models in operation that were just wrong. Using our ekklesia nomenclature, they were not Kingdom.


Let me set the stage described in 2 Kings 22 and 23. Horses and chariots dedicated to the sun god lined the entrance to the temple. Everyone consulted mediums. Wizards and idols were everywhere. Inside the temple were vessels dedicated to the worship of Baal, Asherah, and the hosts of the heavens. Asherah idols were in the temple along with altars for worship. Right beside the temple were the male cult prostitutes and people who served the Asherah. Nearby, the sacrifice of children to the god Molech was still in practice. This was the norm for the day, and everyone lived in this reality.


This was the picture of daily life (and worse), when a scroll containing God’s law and covenant was found in the temple. It seemed like everyone had forgotten how to live and had been fully absorbed by the culture of their day. Defilement had not just crept in – it had become the norm. 


Then someone found an old scroll and everything changed.  Then Shaphan the scribe told the king, Hilkiah the priest has given me a book. And Shaphan read it before the king. And when the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he rent his clothes. And the king commanded …Go, inquire of the Lord for me and for the people and for all Judah concerning the words of this book that has been found. For great is the wrath of the Lord that is kindled against us because our fathers have not listened and obeyed the words of this book, to do according to all that is written concerning us. (2 Kings 22: 10-13 AMP)


When he enquired of the Lord, he heard the grave news of pending judgement. Not knowing was no excuse, but here is how Josiah responded:


The king went up to the house of the Lord, and with him all the men of Judah, all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the priests, the prophets, and all the people, both small and great. And he read in their ears all the words of the Book of the Covenant, which was found in the Lord’s house. The king stood [on the platform] by the pillar and made a covenant before the Lord—to walk after the Lord and to keep His commandments, His testimonies, and His statutes with all his heart and soul, to confirm the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people stood to join in the covenant.

And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest and the priests of the second rank and the keepers of the threshold to bring out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels made for Baal, for [the goddess] Asherah, and for all the hosts of the heavens; and he burned them outside Jerusalem in the fields of the Kidron, and carried their ashes to Bethel [where Israel’s idolatry began]. (2 Kings 23: 2-4 AMP)

King Josiah then went on to destroy the idols and framework for defilement that existed in the land. His response is an example to us, illustrating what we are to do when the defilement of the world is found in our lives: repent, restore the covenant, and then destroy the works of the devil. Kingdom Finance is to partner with God in destroying the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).


Like the people in Josiah’s time, many today have forgotten the truths of the Kingdom. The culture of the world has so invaded the church that we are unaware of the altars of Baal in our midst. We don’t even know they are wrong. Yet when the word of our covenant of Kingdom is read, the truth brings realisation, revolution, and change. When we see things God’s way, the temple prostitutes and pagan altars cannot remain. Revelation allows us to see the defilement and bondage in contrast to the blessing of the covenant that God intended. 


King Josiah found out what God was all about and the truth of His plans that had been lost. He realised that the structures in operation were not right and a new approach was needed. King Josiah understood that they had been doing it all wrong.


We are in a season where we need to find the word from the Lord about what Kingdom means in 2024. Like in the day of King Josiah we are off course, missing Kingdom’s mark and God is revealing to us how we really should be living and how Kingdom really works.


It is a season of founded identity. Our identity must be founded upon the rock of Jesus. We are to operate – In Him. In Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). This is the opposite of what many are doing as they chase woke agendas and try to appease the mob through the deJesusification of the church. Too many talking about inner peace, the light within, and finding your true purpose, while ignoring the fact that the only path to God is through Christ Jesus (Jn 14:6). 


We need to remember that in the Kingdom we are freed to serve. The cry of Moses was not for freedom but for freedom to serve (Ex 8:1). This season is not about our claimed identity as “The Prophet” or “The Apostle” or “The Pastor” etc, but what we are to be In Him. It is not about the old hierarchy divisions of clergy and laity or the false pride found in the green rooms. The silo paranoia and competitiveness of the ravening hunger for recognition has sadly been a hallmark of the prophetic in the last season. Part of the King Josiah Kingdom revelation, is that we are the Jesus Generation – putting the King back in Kingdom. Rediscovering the word of Kingdom – rediscovering the KING. Jesus is responding now to the deJesusification of the “church” – in 2024 the new move is all about Jesus, all about the Word and all about the Spirit.

2024 is a “Post church” era or a “proto-Kingdom” era. We are leaving the classical old models and, like King Josiah, God is revealing what His way looks like in 2024. The season in 2023 was the season of the winnowing wind (see blogs including and this wind is separating out that which cannot hold His glory. Any element that is part of the old season will be left behind unless it is reformed to reflect Kingdom – consecrated places are being revisited and the broken altars torn down and rebuilt. The altars of Baal are being left behind and new altars are being rebuilt that can hold His Glory and the fire of His presence. God is saying in 2024 that: “My children will be safe.” Millstones are being applied where this has not been true (Mark 9:42) so watch the defiled be exposed and evicted. Past seasons of silo Christianity have not been safe places – God is breaking the silos, protecting His children, and building covenantal Kingdom relationships!

I spoke in 2023 about Kingdom Relationships and 2024 is a season of Kingdom covenantal relationships being manifested ( Don’t mourn the relationships that have been lost in the winnowing wind – revel and celebrate the covenantal relationships that God is bringing into manifestation in 2024. 


In 2024, even as the mouth utters wokeisms, the eviction notices are received – for you cannot be friends with the world without becoming an enemy of God.  You [are like] unfaithful wives [having illicit love affairs with the world and breaking your marriage vow to God]! Do you not know that being the world’s friend is being God’s enemy? So whoever chooses to be a friend of the world takes his stand as an enemy of God. James 4:4 AMPC


Families, organisations, ministries, cities, regions and nations have eaten scrolls of judgement and, but for the mercy of God, are open for “redistribution” or “restructuring” like the wiping of the plate described regarding Jerusalem (2 Kings 21:13). Look to the foundation plaques, prayers and dedications – as God destroys the corrupt collaborative edifice and returns to the Godly foundations.

I have spoken about the global economy as a creaking chair and 2024 is also the season of the creaking chair. The creaking is the voice given to the pending economic and cultural collapse – expect some loud shocks. Look to the alternative ecosystems that God is raising up – not just The 7000 – but in every area and in every sphere.

Look for the laid-down lovers of Jesus, as 2024 is a season of anointing, not ego, personal agendas, and usurpation. Look for the “leprosy of Moses’ usurpers”(Numbers 12), as those operating in the usurping spirit will be dealt with directly by the Lord. However, there will be a multitude of genuine Kingdom voices as we leave the silo season of Christian individuality and ego and enter a season more like “bomber command” – Christians operating collaboratively as a centralised force under a King with immense power to reform systems. Expect the rise of the Digital Rapture and, like Joseph in Egypt, the revelation of God’s solutions starting to manifest.

For Christian investors, avoid the key hazard of REVERSE MONEY-LAUNDERING. This is where funds needed for Kingdom ventures are instead used to protect individuals or are invested in fear. This is where Kingdom resources are mixed with fear, thereby taking clean money and making it dirty. This happens when funds are mixed with fear, self preservation, instead of funding Kingdom solutions. We have seen this in 2023 and it is something to avoid in 2024 – the Digital Rapture needs to be funded and the people that are fasting and praying for where to put their funds need to hear the voice of the Lord and not listen to the voice of the world. Joseph’s storehouses need funding champions.

The bus is leaving the station and those not on it will be left behind – the anointing is on the move and we must follow Kingdom or be left with the memory. New voices are rising up, voices that have been hand-forged in the crucible of God’s presence – people will say: “What are you doing here?” even as they are dispossessed.


We pray that 2024 will be a powerful year of the revelation of His Kingdom. Thy Kingdom come thy will be done in 2024 as it is in heaven.

Written by William Abraham

William Abraham : 2024 – The Year of King Josiah

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House of Simeon Devotional Day 3: My Eye Upon You by Linda Gardner

Veronika West

My Eye On You

My constant prayer for the last 3 years is to be aligned with our heavenly Father daily and for him to keep my family and me on the right path. That each of us will fulfill our God-given destiny.


I was fasting during Rosh Hashanah 22nd September 2023 and had dropped our teens to school. I came home starving so thought the best thing to do was spend time seeking the Father (though I was tempted to make fluffy pancakes 🙂 )


I was soaking in Yahweh’s presence when I saw a faint outline of the profile of a lion’s head and nose. The eye of the lion kept coming closer, closer and closer until I was in the eye. It enveloped me.


I decided to search scripture about his eye. The Father brought me to

Psalm 32:8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you (who are willing to learn) with My eye upon you.


Psalm 33:18

Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon those who fear Him (and worship Him with awe-inspired reverence and obedience), on those who hope (confidently) in His compassion and loving kindness.

My prayer for the body of Christ is the same for my family that we are all truly aligned with our Father’s Heavenly kingdom, and as we do that, He will counsel and guide us as we step forward in faith together in unity and humility. Through our obedience, love and fear of the Lord we will see His Glory fill this land, and His people will know him again.


  • Written by Linda Gardner

House of Simeon Devotional Day 3: My Eye Upon You by Linda Gardner

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Reuben understood the importance of maintaining good relationships within the family. Our House of Reuben meet once a month on a…

Veronika West : The Door of Greater Glory and Revelation: The Year of Ascension and Greater Awakening and Shakings; Prophetic Vision for 2024

Veronika West : The Door of Greater Glory and Revelation: The Year of Ascension and Greater Awakening and Shakings; Prophetic Vision for 2024

I heard these words recently in my prayer time, “Daughter, In 2023 I gave many the eyes to see into the next Seven-year Prophetic Cycle and Season. – But now…

Veronika West : The Door of Greater Glory and Revelation: The Year of Ascension and Greater Awakening and Shakings; Prophetic Vision for 2024

Veronika West

I heard these words recently in my prayer time, “Daughter, In 2023 I gave many the eyes to see into the next Seven-year Prophetic Cycle and Season.

But now I will give them Wings to soar in 2024 — that will carry them through the Door of Greater Glory and Revelation, to where I will impart supernatural strategies and My Hidden Secrets for the manifestation of Divine Restore and Victory in the Midst of a Coming Famine and Nations at War!”

This morning January 2, 2024, as I went early into my prayer Hut. As I began to pray, I was immediately made aware of an Administrative Angel of The LORD standing before me, and I heard these Words, ”Come up here! Come up higher — for it’s the Season of Ascension!

Behold, I do a new thing! Do you ‘see’ it?”

As I heard those Words, with my eyes still shut and praying in The Spirit, suddenly I heard The Voice speak again saying, “See! See! For you will need eyes to see the new thing in the coming days!

I say — Come up here! Come up higher! Enter in — for this is the Door of Revelation Four — The Door that leads to a Fourth Dimension of Sight, for the seasons ahead!”

On hearing those Words, a Vision opened up to me and suddenly I saw an Ancient Scroll being unraveled before me, and I began to see Words that were engraved upon the Ancient Scroll begin to peel away from the paper — and the Words began to dance before me!

As I looked at the Words dancing, I heard these Words, ”Eat the Scroll — and your eyes shall be opened!”

So I opened my mouth and began to eat the Dancing Words, and then I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch! For a Divine Convergence of the New and Ancient Ways shall take place in the coming days, for the Chronos and Kairos shall collide, and that which was devoured by the Cankerworm and the Locust shall be restored, for the Season of Divine Recompense and the Redeeming of the Times and Seasons has surely begun.

I say, be aligned with Heaven’s Time, and you will watch as New Kingdom Collaborations begin to form, and New Ministry Networks begin to emerge.

Yes! I say this is the hour of the breaking of the Old, and the Birthing of New Wineskins!

See! For Holy Convocations will come to the fore in 2024!

New Apostolic and Prophetic Companies will rise within The Nations, for a cross-pollination of My Word and Spirit will now bring to birth a New Breed of Kingdom Revivalists and Reformers who will usher in Supernatural Conversions and Radical Change, which will prepare a Highway of Holiness for a Visitation of My Glory in the Earth realm.

Listen! Incline your Ears! For there is a Clarion Call to return in the Year of the Open Door — to return to the Altar in Holy Consecration, to return to the Covenant Foundations of My Original intent.

For this is an Appointed Time — a Royal Coronation — as My Remnant cast their Crowns before Me in exchange for a Gold Signet Ring upon My finger.

Watch! For this is the Season of Divine Catalysts — for I AM coming as a Consuming Fire.

scales iamge2024 — the Year when the Consuming Fire of The LORD will come to Purge and Purify, and to Set Ablaze the Burning Ones — those who will stand and contend in My Court Room with the Currency of true Repentance, that carries the weight to shift the Scales of Justice and bring Nations to a divine Tipping point.

Ha! Watch — as My Spirit moves swiftly in 2024 to snuff out counterfeit lights and remove the candle from its stand, for in the Year of the Open Door, many more Leaders will surely fall and the Doors of many Churches will be shut!

For I will deal with contamination and uncover their corruption! None among them will stand in the presence of My Consuming Fire when it comes!

So I say, set the Watchmen on the Walls and Guards at the Gateways — for a greater Confrontation will begin to take place, as Nation rises against Nation.

For this is a time of the Clash of the Titans. Crisis and conflict shall dominate the headlines of your News Outlets and Social Media platforms, for a War for greater domination over Communication shall take place in 2024 — as the voice of the devourer seeks to take more ground.

Watch, as conspiracy theories will rise, causing an even greater dust storm of confusion, chaos and self-righteous pride both in The Church and in the political arena.

Watch — as Nations standing at the Crossroads of Destiny, shall be marked by even greater shakings that shall give way to natural disasters never seen before.

2024 — a year of ongoing, and even new Wars — and the rise of fears of a global Famine.

I Say — Fear Not! For Communion shall take centre stage once again!

Eat and drink of Me in this hour — the Meal that Heals. My Blood and My Body that brings Protection, Preservation and Supernatural Provision.

Listen and Pray! Pay close attention, for the words: Catastrophic, Crisis and Cataclysmic, will be heard in the coming days, and greater corruption, fraud and even sexual abuse and misconduct will be heard in the Corridors of Government — and My Church!

For I tell you — 2024 will be a year of severe Course Corrections, sudden and Divine Interventions, as My Spirit moves to expose and uncover.

Watch! For many Nations will be changed — and the history of many Nations will be rewritten!

But Watch! I say again — Fear not! — for Champions with a Righteous Cause will rise with a Battle Cry.

Courageous and Fearless Bravehearts shall emerge — and at the sound of The Roar of the Lion of Judah — My great Eagles will Rise and Soar in 2024 — and a greater Co-labouring with Angelic Armies will take place, that will usher in a Greater Awakening and a Way of Divine Escape.

Watch! For a cloud of My Glory will descend upon Coastal Towns and Inner Cities.

The Rain of My Glory will bring Outbreaks of Revival and a glorious Visitation of My Spirit that will herald a Wave of End-time Revival, Restoration and a great Harvest of Souls!”


The LORD is mysterious!

As I was listening intently to The Spirit of Revelation, I heard Him say, ”2024 — The Year of Ascension and to See!”

When I heard the words “to See”… I saw the letter ‘C’…. I thought nothing of it, until I stopped and re-read the Word.

I believe these Words speak to what will take place in the days ahead!

“Behold, I do a new thing! Do you see ‘C’…it?” !

Come Up Here

Come Up Higher

Clarion Call to Return to the Altar

Divine Convergence

Kingdom Collaboration

Holy Convocations

Apostolic and Prophetic Companies

Cross pollination ; Word and Spirit

Royal Coronation

Nations at Crossroads

Covenant Foundations

Supernatural Conversions

Deeper Consecrations

Courageous Champions

Severe Course Correction of Nations



Righteous Cause

A Battle Cry

Holy Communion

Removal of Counterfeit Lights

Removal of Candle stand

Clash of Titans

Conflict and Crisis

Co-labouring with Angels

Casting of Crowns and Gold Signet Rings

Chronos and Kairos

Domination of Communication by the Devourer

Rise in Greater Conspiracy theories

Cankerworms and Locusts

Restoration Comes

Consuming Fire is Coming to clean House

Cloud of Glory bring Rain of Restoration

Coastal towns and Inner Cities

A Year to Contend in the Court Room of Heaven

Divine Catalyst

True Repentance is the Currency carries the weight


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Veronika West : The Door of Greater Glory and Revelation: The Year of Ascension and Greater Awakening and Shakings; Prophetic Vision for 2024

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House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

It’s funny how we can interpret the word ‘if’.  For the glass half-empty among us, then ‘if’ is merely a possibility and not a promise; it might happen… but then…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

Veronika West

It’s funny how we can interpret the word ‘if’.  For the glass half-empty among us, then ‘if’ is merely a possibility and not a promise; it might happen… but then it might not… it is just a possibility; not a certainty!  I believe, however, this verse is meant to be read with hope and expectation and a sure and certain promise that when God’s people, who are called by His Name, take a step of faith and humbly seek God’s face, then healing will come to our land.

The word ‘if’ doesn’t actually appear in the Hebrew text.  A more literal translation of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is “and humbled, My people who are called by My name and pray upon, and seek My face, and turn back from their evil ways, then I will hear from the heavens, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land”.  Admittedly it is a little bit more awkward to read this way so translators have inserted the word ‘if’ but the emphasis is most definitely more on the fact that when ‘A’ happens, ‘B’ will follow!  But I would go a stage further and say that the promise is there that this chain of events will happen, ie God’s people will humble themselves and pray and seek His face and turn back from their/our evil ways.

This is where the challenge comes!  The word ‘evil’ is not a word that we easily take ownership of – ‘other’ people, ie those who are not God’s people can be evil – but surely God’s people have been redeemed and forgiven?!

There is a concept in Hebrew thinking that we should regard everything in life with one of two mindsets.  The ayin-tov (literally a ‘good eye’) or an ayin-rah (literally a ‘bad/evil eye’).  We are probably familiar with the expression that someone has an ‘evil eye’ if they are involved with witchcraft and divination, but in the most simplest of terms the godly should have a ‘good’ eye to looks to God’s ways of doing things while the godless (those who live life without realising any need for God) have a ‘bad/evil’ eye as they look at things from their own perspective and motivation.  It is the same idea as ‘sheep and goats’ – sheep follow the Shepherd while goats wander off and do their own thing.

English translators needed to find a straightforward way to express ‘doing something my way rather than following the Shepherd’ so they used words like ‘evil’ and ‘wicked’ but unfortunately this has resulted in us assuming that the words refer to someone else!   Maybe this is why we are still waiting for God’s people to humble them (our) selves, and pray and seek God’s face and start looking to see this land, this world through God’s good eye and start to do life God’s way, following in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd.

Incidentally, the words ‘tov’ and ‘rah’ (good and evil) are the very same words found in Genesis 2:9 with reference to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  I am not denying that we are seeing some terrible atrocities in our news at the moment and they are indeed ‘pure evil’ but let us not make the mistake of thinking that God is waiting for the ‘really evil’ who may be taking refuge in a church somewhere to repent.  This is about us, me, you, all of us.  As living sacrifices, we are so easily inclined to crawl away when the heat intensifies on the altar.  But when we continually and consistently re-align ourselves with His ways, doing life His way, and through His eyes then we will see healing in our land. And that’s a promise!

  • Written by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

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House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

We had some friends over for supper on Saturday evening, and the conversation came round to the subject of introverts and extroverts.  Someone was surprised when I identified as the…

House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

Veronika West

We had some friends over for supper on Saturday evening, and the conversation came round to the subject of introverts and extroverts.  Someone was surprised when I identified as the former but I am most definitely an introvert in the sense that I ‘need’ time on my own to recharge my batteries.  Please don’t get me wrong; I love being with people but my battery eventually runs flat!  Victor is the complete opposite – he comes alive and sparks when he is in the midst of people, noise and the randomness of more chaotic conversation.

16th March 2020 is a date etched in my mind for it was the date when our Prime Minister Boris Johnston clarified that he was advising against all but essential travel and work in the UK.  Speculation had been rife for several weeks as news headlines warned of the impending spread of Coronavirus.  Panic and concern were everywhere on the streets; and justifiably so for the epidemic was spreading like wildfire, but one word was in my spirit and that was …Intimacy!

Intimacy essentially means closeness and connection – usually between two people, but it can even be used to describe a cosy or private space which has an ‘intimacy’ about it.  When I think of intimacy I maybe think of a roaring fire in the grate, the curtains drawn, the phone on silent mode  and the television switched off.  Locking the world outside for a time in the expectant hope that something better will be encountered on the inside.

I know now that others also sensed that God was calling His Bride into a deeper relationship as the unknown threat of a worldwide epidemic approached and all of the appointments and work and plans which seemed to perpetually cram-fill my diary, were now deemed by Boris Johnston to be ‘non-essential’!

As the New Year begins on our Gregorian calendar and the roads are quieter than usual with schools and colleges and businesses  enjoying a Bank Holiday I feel a draw back to experience that intimacy with the omnipresent ever loving Father God who calls us back to Himself.  Back to the Garden where Adam walked with God in the cool of the evening.  The God who brought His people out of Egypt and made His presence felt in their midst as He led them by day with a pillar of cloud (and aren’t we blessed in Northern Ireland with pillars of cloud?!) and a column of fire by night.  The God who met with Moses and Aaron and Joshua in the Tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting – meeting God…

The Hebrew word for ‘Intimacy’ is ‘Qorban’ and it is also commonly translated as a gift or offering – something given to another in devotion – which is probably why we often give roses or flowers.  As the priests approached the altar they brought a gift or offering – as they placed it upon the altar they were closer to God than anywhere else on earth.

Qorban comes from the Hebrew root word Qarab which is spelt with the 3 consonant letters Qoph-Resh-Beit (QRB).  The letters of the Hebrew alphabet are all hieroglyphics each containing a meaning.

The letter ‘Qoph’ is the Hebrew word for an ‘ear’ and it carries the idea of intensely focussing in on something.  The letter Qoph looks like an ear, but it also looks like a setting sun on the horizon when there is an intensity of colour which prophetically speaks of a Moed or appointed time – for such a time as this!

The letter ‘Resh’ is the Hebrew word for ‘head’ – it looks like the back of a person’s head if they are moving from right to left.  Hebrew is read from r-l so the Resh is a mindset or thought pattern which will control the way we lead our lives and the decisions we make.

The final letter, the ‘Beit’ (or Beth) is the Hebrew word for a dwelling place or home.  The hieroglyphic is the outline of a Bedouin tent from above.  The Beit is literally where we live – where we ‘are’, where we have set up camp.  Prophetically it speaks of the House, the Ecclesia, the Bride!

Taking the 3 letters together the word Qorban (from the root word QRB) is essentially saying that when we focus and intensify our attention on what God is saying we discover that we are in the midst of a divinely appointed time where our thinking can be brought into line with what God is doing in our land and ultimately it will result in God’s Kingdom being established as we help the Bride prepare and realise and walk in her true identity.

Soon the world will be battering on our doors again but to coin a phrase used by Boris – much of what occupies our time is ‘non-essential’ – we must plan ahead, and make time for Intimacy with God.

  • Written by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

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a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated

Veronika West: 2024- The Year The Warriors Will Arise, Shine, Roar and Reign!

2024 is a Door that Leads to a Greater Manifestation of Kingdom Reformation and Divine Restore in the midst of a Greater Awakening, Harvest and War! – Arise Warriors! It’s…

Veronika West: 2024- The Year The Warriors Will Arise, Shine, Roar and Reign!

Veronika West

a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated
a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated
a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated

2024 is a Door that Leads to a Greater Manifestation of Kingdom Reformation and Divine Restore in the midst of a Greater Awakening, Harvest and War!

Arise Warriors! It’s time to Shine, Roar and Reign in 2024!

I hear The Spirit say, ”Call My people to the Altar in Repentance! Call them to the place of Fire and Power — for this is a critical and strategic hour!

There is no time to waste! Listen! For there is a sound of celebration in the camp of the enemy, as he anticipates greater victories.

But Nay, I say! For I have prepared a Remnant for such as time as this! A Holy and Set-apart people, bold, courageous and fearless in the face of the enemy!

For they have taken hold of the Horns of The Altar, and the sound of their cries in true repentance have filled the Court Room of Heaven.

Their tears have filled The Golden Bowls, and their Prayers — day and night — have filled My Nostrils like a sweet smelling perfume!

Ha! Now watch as the weight of their True Repentance and Worship begins to shift the scales of Justice and Righteousness.

scales iamgeFor there is coming a sudden and divine Tipping Point that shall thwart the works of the Kingdom of darkness, for the I tell you The Truth, the sound of the celebrations of the enemy shall soon be silenced by the sound of the Roar of The Lion of Judah.

Have I not said that the War has already been fought and WON?

For the enemy was defeated before even one shot was fired — before even one sword was drawn — before even one shield was lifted!

Beloved, have I not put within you the Power to Prevail against your enemies that relentlessly pursue you?

Have I not put within you the strength to stand steadfast and immovable in the face of every satanic and demonic onslaught that comes against you?

Fear not! As you give yourself fully to the work of My Kingdom ,you shall stand firm and see The Salvation of The LORD accomplished for you!

Now, lay hold of these Truths, My Overcoming Ones, for its vital to the Victory being made manifest in the midst of you!

As you stay seated with Me in Heavenly places, Satan will surely loose the battle in earthly places, for these struggles are not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against The Spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.

Always remember, My Fearless Warriors, Satan can only take what he has been given a legal right to take, for when The Altars are neglected and broken down, the devourer is given full access to take ground, occupy territory and establish his kingdom of destruction in the land.

Satan is the destroyer and a relentless tormentor; an old and treacherous adversary who hates My Righteous and Redeemed Ones.

Day and night the devourer sets traps and digs deep ditches for the feet of the Saints. Quietly and cunningly he creeps in the shadows, watching and waiting for those who have become isolated and cut off from the rest of The Body, and like a lion, driven and cast out from among the pride, Satan knows that his strength is no match against those who have laid claim to the Authority of The King of Heaven and Earth.

So, arise Warriors! It is time to Shine, Road and Reign in 2024.

It is time to drive him out, and subdue his earthly kingdoms and Reign Victorious in The Kingdom of Heaven!

Lift up your voices like the sound of many loud Trumpets, and let the Battle Cry of victory go forth, and watch as the walls coming crashing down!

I say, Rise up! It’s time — for I have Crowned you as Kings and High Priests that you should sit upon The Throne to share in My Authority and Power, so that My Glory may be seen in all the Earth!

This is My greatest Joy Beloved, that We may be co-labourers together, going forth into The Nations to dismantle strongholds and dethrone the princes of Darkness.

Surely I have invested everything that I have — and all that I AM — in you, so that the inheritance I have promised you shall not be lost nor stolen.

So, take it now! You don’t have to wait! The wealth of The Nations belongs to you!

As you Reign in Me and I Reign in you, My Glory shall be made manifest on the Earth, and the Light of My Son shall diminish the darkness, and My Will will be done, and My Kingdom will come on Earth as it is in Heaven!”

Arise oh mighty warriors…rule…reign and lay claim to your kingdom inheritance..!!

See: Isaiah 54 … is a Key and a Promise in 2024!



Links — Words for Prayerful Consideration for 2024

  1. A Collision of New and Ancient Ways
  2. 2024 — Supernatural Downpour in the Midst of Famine and War!
  3. The Gold Signet Ring of The Kingship Anointing
  4. The Prophetic Warning of 2 Samuel 24 for 2024 and Beyond
  5. Angels of Daniel Nine Are Being Released Over America!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Veronika West: 2024- The Year The Warriors Will Arise, Shine, Roar and Reign!

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You Will Learn To Fly With The Eagles

You Will Learn To Fly With The Eagles

Garry Wray: – I saw a man taking out a gem he had dug for years and years.  And he had found this gem in the ground and when he…

You Will Learn To Fly With The Eagles

Veronika West

Garry Wray:

I saw a man taking out a gem he had dug for years and years.  And he had found this gem in the ground and when he picked out the gem it had been set there for years and years by the old Saints; by the saints of old and this gem as he looked into it had so many facets, so many pictures and so many promises and it began to catch the light of the Son!  And the rays that came off this gem shone across this land, shone across this land and I saw the eagles on the mountains and they began to get their wings ready to fly.  They began to get ready to move and God said “it’s time to move, time to fly!  And when you look into this gem, when you begin to see into this gem that I have placed in this land. A gem that no other country has, no other place has this gem -this is a special and chosen land.  A special land, and this gem is reflecting the light of Jesus into the world”.

It was reflecting the light of Jesus from this land into the world.  It was like a lighthouse and the light was exposing darkness, it was exposing deep darkness, darkness that we don’t even think of or see or hear or imagine.  But God says “under the blankets, under the blanket of this land there is such a darkness that I am beginning to expose!  I am beginning to show you what you can do and how you can take on these strongmen in this land.  But as you look into this gem, as you look into this light, the light of the Holy Spirit will begin to shine into your heart and reflect into your heart”.  I hear the Lord saying “you will learn to fly with the eagles, you will learn to fly with the eagles and each of you was chosen for a time like this.  Each of you was chosen to be here for a time like this and this is an anointing time, a special time.  A time when this country that has been known for darkness, that has been known for death and destruction, that has been known for anger and hatred will be suddenly transported into the light of this gem; and suddenly transported into the light of God.  But the light of God is shining upon this land”.  The Lord is encouraging us “It’s time to learn to fly with the eagles!  It’s time to seek My face, it’s time to get up, to rise up, to get on the ladders and come up.  To get on those ladders and come up and join me in the places where I dwell!”.

House of Judah

Wednesday 13th December, 2023

You Will Learn To Fly With The Eagles

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