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House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

It’s funny how we can interpret the word ‘if’.  For the glass half-empty among us, then ‘if’ is merely a possibility and not a promise; it might happen… but then…

House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

Veronika West

It’s funny how we can interpret the word ‘if’.  For the glass half-empty among us, then ‘if’ is merely a possibility and not a promise; it might happen… but then it might not… it is just a possibility; not a certainty!  I believe, however, this verse is meant to be read with hope and expectation and a sure and certain promise that when God’s people, who are called by His Name, take a step of faith and humbly seek God’s face, then healing will come to our land.

The word ‘if’ doesn’t actually appear in the Hebrew text.  A more literal translation of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is “and humbled, My people who are called by My name and pray upon, and seek My face, and turn back from their evil ways, then I will hear from the heavens, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land”.  Admittedly it is a little bit more awkward to read this way so translators have inserted the word ‘if’ but the emphasis is most definitely more on the fact that when ‘A’ happens, ‘B’ will follow!  But I would go a stage further and say that the promise is there that this chain of events will happen, ie God’s people will humble themselves and pray and seek His face and turn back from their/our evil ways.

This is where the challenge comes!  The word ‘evil’ is not a word that we easily take ownership of – ‘other’ people, ie those who are not God’s people can be evil – but surely God’s people have been redeemed and forgiven?!

There is a concept in Hebrew thinking that we should regard everything in life with one of two mindsets.  The ayin-tov (literally a ‘good eye’) or an ayin-rah (literally a ‘bad/evil eye’).  We are probably familiar with the expression that someone has an ‘evil eye’ if they are involved with witchcraft and divination, but in the most simplest of terms the godly should have a ‘good’ eye to looks to God’s ways of doing things while the godless (those who live life without realising any need for God) have a ‘bad/evil’ eye as they look at things from their own perspective and motivation.  It is the same idea as ‘sheep and goats’ – sheep follow the Shepherd while goats wander off and do their own thing.

English translators needed to find a straightforward way to express ‘doing something my way rather than following the Shepherd’ so they used words like ‘evil’ and ‘wicked’ but unfortunately this has resulted in us assuming that the words refer to someone else!   Maybe this is why we are still waiting for God’s people to humble them (our) selves, and pray and seek God’s face and start looking to see this land, this world through God’s good eye and start to do life God’s way, following in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd.

Incidentally, the words ‘tov’ and ‘rah’ (good and evil) are the very same words found in Genesis 2:9 with reference to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  I am not denying that we are seeing some terrible atrocities in our news at the moment and they are indeed ‘pure evil’ but let us not make the mistake of thinking that God is waiting for the ‘really evil’ who may be taking refuge in a church somewhere to repent.  This is about us, me, you, all of us.  As living sacrifices, we are so easily inclined to crawl away when the heat intensifies on the altar.  But when we continually and consistently re-align ourselves with His ways, doing life His way, and through His eyes then we will see healing in our land. And that’s a promise!

  • Written by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon Devotional Day 2 – If My People by Roz Mitchell

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House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

We had some friends over for supper on Saturday evening, and the conversation came round to the subject of introverts and extroverts.  Someone was surprised when I identified as the…

House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

Veronika West

We had some friends over for supper on Saturday evening, and the conversation came round to the subject of introverts and extroverts.  Someone was surprised when I identified as the former but I am most definitely an introvert in the sense that I ‘need’ time on my own to recharge my batteries.  Please don’t get me wrong; I love being with people but my battery eventually runs flat!  Victor is the complete opposite – he comes alive and sparks when he is in the midst of people, noise and the randomness of more chaotic conversation.

16th March 2020 is a date etched in my mind for it was the date when our Prime Minister Boris Johnston clarified that he was advising against all but essential travel and work in the UK.  Speculation had been rife for several weeks as news headlines warned of the impending spread of Coronavirus.  Panic and concern were everywhere on the streets; and justifiably so for the epidemic was spreading like wildfire, but one word was in my spirit and that was …Intimacy!

Intimacy essentially means closeness and connection – usually between two people, but it can even be used to describe a cosy or private space which has an ‘intimacy’ about it.  When I think of intimacy I maybe think of a roaring fire in the grate, the curtains drawn, the phone on silent mode  and the television switched off.  Locking the world outside for a time in the expectant hope that something better will be encountered on the inside.

I know now that others also sensed that God was calling His Bride into a deeper relationship as the unknown threat of a worldwide epidemic approached and all of the appointments and work and plans which seemed to perpetually cram-fill my diary, were now deemed by Boris Johnston to be ‘non-essential’!

As the New Year begins on our Gregorian calendar and the roads are quieter than usual with schools and colleges and businesses  enjoying a Bank Holiday I feel a draw back to experience that intimacy with the omnipresent ever loving Father God who calls us back to Himself.  Back to the Garden where Adam walked with God in the cool of the evening.  The God who brought His people out of Egypt and made His presence felt in their midst as He led them by day with a pillar of cloud (and aren’t we blessed in Northern Ireland with pillars of cloud?!) and a column of fire by night.  The God who met with Moses and Aaron and Joshua in the Tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting – meeting God…

The Hebrew word for ‘Intimacy’ is ‘Qorban’ and it is also commonly translated as a gift or offering – something given to another in devotion – which is probably why we often give roses or flowers.  As the priests approached the altar they brought a gift or offering – as they placed it upon the altar they were closer to God than anywhere else on earth.

Qorban comes from the Hebrew root word Qarab which is spelt with the 3 consonant letters Qoph-Resh-Beit (QRB).  The letters of the Hebrew alphabet are all hieroglyphics each containing a meaning.

The letter ‘Qoph’ is the Hebrew word for an ‘ear’ and it carries the idea of intensely focussing in on something.  The letter Qoph looks like an ear, but it also looks like a setting sun on the horizon when there is an intensity of colour which prophetically speaks of a Moed or appointed time – for such a time as this!

The letter ‘Resh’ is the Hebrew word for ‘head’ – it looks like the back of a person’s head if they are moving from right to left.  Hebrew is read from r-l so the Resh is a mindset or thought pattern which will control the way we lead our lives and the decisions we make.

The final letter, the ‘Beit’ (or Beth) is the Hebrew word for a dwelling place or home.  The hieroglyphic is the outline of a Bedouin tent from above.  The Beit is literally where we live – where we ‘are’, where we have set up camp.  Prophetically it speaks of the House, the Ecclesia, the Bride!

Taking the 3 letters together the word Qorban (from the root word QRB) is essentially saying that when we focus and intensify our attention on what God is saying we discover that we are in the midst of a divinely appointed time where our thinking can be brought into line with what God is doing in our land and ultimately it will result in God’s Kingdom being established as we help the Bride prepare and realise and walk in her true identity.

Soon the world will be battering on our doors again but to coin a phrase used by Boris – much of what occupies our time is ‘non-essential’ – we must plan ahead, and make time for Intimacy with God.

  • Written by Roz Mitchell

House of Simeon – Devotional Day 1 – Intimacy by Roz Mitchell

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Veronika West: 2024- The Year The Warriors Will Arise, Shine, Roar and Reign!

2024 is a Door that Leads to a Greater Manifestation of Kingdom Reformation and Divine Restore in the midst of a Greater Awakening, Harvest and War! – Arise Warriors! It’s…

Veronika West: 2024- The Year The Warriors Will Arise, Shine, Roar and Reign!

Veronika West

a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated
a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated
a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated

2024 is a Door that Leads to a Greater Manifestation of Kingdom Reformation and Divine Restore in the midst of a Greater Awakening, Harvest and War!

Arise Warriors! It’s time to Shine, Roar and Reign in 2024!

I hear The Spirit say, ”Call My people to the Altar in Repentance! Call them to the place of Fire and Power — for this is a critical and strategic hour!

There is no time to waste! Listen! For there is a sound of celebration in the camp of the enemy, as he anticipates greater victories.

But Nay, I say! For I have prepared a Remnant for such as time as this! A Holy and Set-apart people, bold, courageous and fearless in the face of the enemy!

For they have taken hold of the Horns of The Altar, and the sound of their cries in true repentance have filled the Court Room of Heaven.

Their tears have filled The Golden Bowls, and their Prayers — day and night — have filled My Nostrils like a sweet smelling perfume!

Ha! Now watch as the weight of their True Repentance and Worship begins to shift the scales of Justice and Righteousness.

scales iamgeFor there is coming a sudden and divine Tipping Point that shall thwart the works of the Kingdom of darkness, for the I tell you The Truth, the sound of the celebrations of the enemy shall soon be silenced by the sound of the Roar of The Lion of Judah.

Have I not said that the War has already been fought and WON?

For the enemy was defeated before even one shot was fired — before even one sword was drawn — before even one shield was lifted!

Beloved, have I not put within you the Power to Prevail against your enemies that relentlessly pursue you?

Have I not put within you the strength to stand steadfast and immovable in the face of every satanic and demonic onslaught that comes against you?

Fear not! As you give yourself fully to the work of My Kingdom ,you shall stand firm and see The Salvation of The LORD accomplished for you!

Now, lay hold of these Truths, My Overcoming Ones, for its vital to the Victory being made manifest in the midst of you!

As you stay seated with Me in Heavenly places, Satan will surely loose the battle in earthly places, for these struggles are not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against The Spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.

Always remember, My Fearless Warriors, Satan can only take what he has been given a legal right to take, for when The Altars are neglected and broken down, the devourer is given full access to take ground, occupy territory and establish his kingdom of destruction in the land.

Satan is the destroyer and a relentless tormentor; an old and treacherous adversary who hates My Righteous and Redeemed Ones.

Day and night the devourer sets traps and digs deep ditches for the feet of the Saints. Quietly and cunningly he creeps in the shadows, watching and waiting for those who have become isolated and cut off from the rest of The Body, and like a lion, driven and cast out from among the pride, Satan knows that his strength is no match against those who have laid claim to the Authority of The King of Heaven and Earth.

So, arise Warriors! It is time to Shine, Road and Reign in 2024.

It is time to drive him out, and subdue his earthly kingdoms and Reign Victorious in The Kingdom of Heaven!

Lift up your voices like the sound of many loud Trumpets, and let the Battle Cry of victory go forth, and watch as the walls coming crashing down!

I say, Rise up! It’s time — for I have Crowned you as Kings and High Priests that you should sit upon The Throne to share in My Authority and Power, so that My Glory may be seen in all the Earth!

This is My greatest Joy Beloved, that We may be co-labourers together, going forth into The Nations to dismantle strongholds and dethrone the princes of Darkness.

Surely I have invested everything that I have — and all that I AM — in you, so that the inheritance I have promised you shall not be lost nor stolen.

So, take it now! You don’t have to wait! The wealth of The Nations belongs to you!

As you Reign in Me and I Reign in you, My Glory shall be made manifest on the Earth, and the Light of My Son shall diminish the darkness, and My Will will be done, and My Kingdom will come on Earth as it is in Heaven!”

Arise oh mighty warriors…rule…reign and lay claim to your kingdom inheritance..!!

See: Isaiah 54 … is a Key and a Promise in 2024!



Links — Words for Prayerful Consideration for 2024

  1. A Collision of New and Ancient Ways
  2. 2024 — Supernatural Downpour in the Midst of Famine and War!
  3. The Gold Signet Ring of The Kingship Anointing
  4. The Prophetic Warning of 2 Samuel 24 for 2024 and Beyond
  5. Angels of Daniel Nine Are Being Released Over America!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Veronika West: 2024- The Year The Warriors Will Arise, Shine, Roar and Reign!

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You Will Learn To Fly With The Eagles

Veronika West

Garry Wray:

I saw a man taking out a gem he had dug for years and years.  And he had found this gem in the ground and when he picked out the gem it had been set there for years and years by the old Saints; by the saints of old and this gem as he looked into it had so many facets, so many pictures and so many promises and it began to catch the light of the Son!  And the rays that came off this gem shone across this land, shone across this land and I saw the eagles on the mountains and they began to get their wings ready to fly.  They began to get ready to move and God said “it’s time to move, time to fly!  And when you look into this gem, when you begin to see into this gem that I have placed in this land. A gem that no other country has, no other place has this gem -this is a special and chosen land.  A special land, and this gem is reflecting the light of Jesus into the world”.

It was reflecting the light of Jesus from this land into the world.  It was like a lighthouse and the light was exposing darkness, it was exposing deep darkness, darkness that we don’t even think of or see or hear or imagine.  But God says “under the blankets, under the blanket of this land there is such a darkness that I am beginning to expose!  I am beginning to show you what you can do and how you can take on these strongmen in this land.  But as you look into this gem, as you look into this light, the light of the Holy Spirit will begin to shine into your heart and reflect into your heart”.  I hear the Lord saying “you will learn to fly with the eagles, you will learn to fly with the eagles and each of you was chosen for a time like this.  Each of you was chosen to be here for a time like this and this is an anointing time, a special time.  A time when this country that has been known for darkness, that has been known for death and destruction, that has been known for anger and hatred will be suddenly transported into the light of this gem; and suddenly transported into the light of God.  But the light of God is shining upon this land”.  The Lord is encouraging us “It’s time to learn to fly with the eagles!  It’s time to seek My face, it’s time to get up, to rise up, to get on the ladders and come up.  To get on those ladders and come up and join me in the places where I dwell!”.

House of Judah

Wednesday 13th December, 2023

You Will Learn To Fly With The Eagles

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My Fire Heals and Makes New

Veronika West

Christine Black:

“I’m coming soon, I am coming soon, I’m coming soon and it’s time I’m coming – I’m coming soon!   Prepare the way, prepare the way, prepare the way, for My people!   Prepare the way for the coming of the Lord, prepare the way for the cleansing purging fire to sweep through this land prepare the way prepare the way.  Do not turn to the right or to the left, do not turn to the right or the left.  Always look to me, always look to Me, look to Me, look to My throne, look to my word, look to Me look to the truth for I am the way the truth and the life and no man come to me except by Me! No man, no man”.

” Prepare the way, prepare the way, the time is short, the time is short, you say yes Lord the days are evil, the days are evil; but I say I am coming! I am coming soon! I’m coming with My fire I am coming to purge I am coming to cleanse!  I am coming to heal, I am coming to restore I am coming to make all things new that this land will shine!  This land will shine as a light!   Like a gem in in My hand, like a gem; a bright gem in My hand this land will shine! It will shine with My glory it will shine with My presence it will shine with My presence so I’m coming and I’m taking back I’m taking back and restoring everything.  I’m taking back what has been stolen from My Kingdom!  I’m taking back I’m bringing reversal I’m bringing a reversal to the tide of wickedness and the tide of darkness that has swept across this land; I’m bringing a reversal!  A reversal, a reversal! And it will be swept back, it will be swept back for I am reversing what the enemy has planned for this land and I’m bringing a new thing a glorious thing, a glorious thing that will shine brightly amongst the nations it will shine brightly as never before; so do not fear do not be concerned do not be afraid for I’m coming and My fire will burn, My fire will burn; it will burn in the hearts of My people, it will burn in the hearts of My people; fire and zeal and passion!  The passion; passion for Me but it will also burn and destroy that which is not of Me it will consume for I am a consuming fire.  I am a consuming fire and it will destroy that which is not of Me!  It will destroy, it will purge, it will cleanse and it will heal!  It will heal, for My fire heals; My fire heals and makes new and makes all things beautiful in their time and it will be beautiful in its time.  I promise I’ve said I’ve spoken to the hearts of My people over the years and I am coming and now is the time, now is the time to prepare the way, now is the time to make ready, now is the time to make ready!  Hallelujah!”

House of Judah


Wednesday 13th December, 2023

My Fire Heals and Makes New

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This Emerald Isle Will Rise Up Once More, Victorious In The Days Ahead

Veronika West

Kirk Woodside:

“Shout praise and the walls of Jericho will come down!”  I just felt in my spirit that the walls of Jericho shall fall down!   “Keep marching, keep fighting, keep pushing through because the victory is ours – the factory is Mine!” says the Lord.  “I shall take the land that I promised My people I will restore them and put them back where they should be.   The evil will be removed it will be destroyed by Me.  I shall walk forth ahead of you with my angel armies.  My warrior angels are walking beside you at this time; walk with them and keep faith and stay strong My people, stay strong!   Keep your eyes focused on me and listen for my instructions for what to do next.  We are at the end of the end times so now My people stand up, stand strong and put your full armour on!  Put the full armour of God on because the fight is coming.   For such a time as this you have been born for this battle against the enemy.  Satan shall be defeated and this Emerald Isle will rise up once more yes my remnant army will rise up victorious in the days ahead”.

House of Judah,

Wednesday 13th December 2023

This Emerald Isle Will Rise Up Once More, Victorious In The Days Ahead

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Veronika West

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House of Reuben December 2023

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Partaking of the bread and wine

Reuben understood the importance of maintaining good relationships within the family. Our House of Reuben meet once a month on a…

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A wheel within a wheel

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Ernie Simms: Advance! I shall Protect You and Place a Ring of Steel Around You

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Ernie Simms: Advance! I shall Protect You and Place a Ring of Steel Around You

Veronika West

Advance! I am placing a ring of steel about you and sending my angels to protect you

“I say unto you I shall bring greatness into this group. I am setting this group in place from this night forth; and I say unto you I shall protect and I shall place a ring of steel around you.  I will press you forward into the hard places but no one will be able to come against you because of the ring of steel.   So I say unto you never fear, never hold back because I have placed that ring of steel around you so keep pressing forward because the enemy has had so much in the last season but I say unto you now is My time for My people to advance, to advance and to advance!” saith the Lord of Hosts.


“And I say unto you I will give you the strength I will give you the ability, I will put words in your mouth when you need them I say unto you I will make people drop in front of you who would try to come and hurt or harm or try to stop that which you are doing.   I say unto you do not fear from this night forward because I am putting a boldness in each one of the five of you and I say unto you that you can stand in front of a bull and it will not come running!  I say unto you it will start to move backwards”, saith the Lord.


“I say unto you do not fear anything, because My angels are guarding you, My angels are with you and My angels are carrying My fire”, saith the Lord.  “My fire is going with them and they are all going with you; so do not hold back in anything in these days but move forward, and advance into exactly the call that you’ve been placed in at this time and this season  For I am going to open the doors that have been locked before for you; no matter what you’ve tried to do in the past it has not fully come into place but I say unto you no more just a part happening” saith the Lord.


“Now all things that you go for, will happen!  I say I will open those double doors, I will swing them open; and you will move forward and move through those doors and you will do the plans that I have purposed, the plans that I’ve laid before you, the things that I have called you to.  I say I am now bringing them all together as one portion”, saith the Lord.


“And now begin to advance and take hold; just as the Israeli army is advancing against the enemy now.  Where the enemy has tried to hold each one of you that are here tonight, I say no longer! No longer!  And I say now is your time to advance so rise up my daughters and my men” saith the Lord, “and move forward in that which I am placing in all of your hearts to do” saith the Lord of Hosts.

  • Ernie Simms (House of Reuben)


Ernie Simms: Advance! I shall Protect You and Place a Ring of Steel Around You

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Partaking of the bread and wine

Reuben understood the importance of maintaining good relationships within the family. Our House of Reuben meet once a month on a…

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A wheel within a wheel

The central wheel has 12 spokes speak of the twelve Tribes of Israel and the twelve gemstones that are on…

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

In this Kairos Time of Divine Convergence, there is a powerful shift taking place in the realm of the Spirit. There is a gathering of the Great Eagles, Eagles that…

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

Veronika West

The Wild Ox and The Eagle

In this Kairos Time of Divine Convergence, there is a powerful shift taking place in the realm of the Spirit.

There is a gathering of the Great Eagles, Eagles that are no longer confined to the Nest of Limitation and stagnation, Eagles that will soar upon the high places, carrying the very essence of His Glory.  No longer will our Gatherings be confined to mundane religious rituals and empty man made traditions that are stifled of Life and Freedom.  Gone are the days of holy huddles and cultish cliques, where fragile egos are inflated, and false and strange fires are fueled.  These things are coming to an end — and a New Wineskin is emerging!

I hear The Spirit say, ”Watch — as a Divine Convergence and Holy Convocations begin to rise up within the Nations, for there is a new move of My Spirit that will not be like anything seen before.  These gatherings will be fueled by a deep hunger for Truth and Authenticity. The Great Eagles of My Kingdom will come together in Unity, in oneness of Heart and Spirit — none seeking to be greater than the other — but in shared Vision and Purpose to see the release and advancement of My Kingdom to the ends of the Earth.  I say, Watch! As the New and Ancient Ways collide!  Watch! As the Living Keys stand before the Living Door in 2024 — for there is a turning, turning and a supernatural merging, for a Divine Convergence is taking place  Watch! For out of the ancient foundations will come New and Greater manifestations and demonstrations of Divine Revelation, Anointing and Power for the days ahead.

I say, brace! Brace, for a collision of the New and Ancient Ways.  No longer will My People settle for the comfort of their own nests — isolated and secluded.  For 2024 will be the birthing of Holy Habitations and Convocations that will become the launching pad for New Kingdom Assignments and Supernatural Alignments.  Watch — as new Networks begin to emerge. New Kingdom Collaborations and a Supernatural Cross Pollination between Nations will take place, for the Restoration and Reformation of Nations.  Listen and pay attention! For at the sound of My Roar, My great Eagles will rise and soar — carrying My Glory to the ends of the Earth!”

I see in The Spirit, a wild Ox and Mighty Eagle coming together as one, and I hear these Words, “Watch! For these are the days of the Double Portion Anointing and Grace!  I say, these are the days of Divine Separation and Distinction. These are the days to Stay Watching, Waiting and Listening for New and Ancient Mantles are now falling!  Look! For the Mantle of the Wild Ox and the Great Eagle is being released, and the Yoking of the Two will bring to birth a new Apostolic and Prophetic Movement on the Earth — for Heaven is releasing a Fresh Fire for greater Sight, and Fresh Oil for The Spirit of Might.  For the Might and Strength of the Wild Ox and the Sight and Power of the Great Eagle shall emerge — as the Kairos and Chronos converge!”

I hear these Words, ”It’s time to Pioneer — to break new ground — to rebuild and to rise up stronger!  For this is a ‘History-makers Anointing’ that is being released upon The Nations of the earth!”  Friends, get ready! For this Divine Convergence is a call to Action.  It is a summons for God’s People to rise up and fully embrace their Divine Destinies.  There is a Supernatural commissioning for the Great Eagles in this Hour to Rise, Shine and Soar at the Sound of the Lions Roar — to rise up higher to new heights — to break free from the limitations of the past Seasons — and to passionately pursue the plans God has for them.  In this season of Divine Convergence where the New and Ancient Ways are coming together, expect the unexpected!

Stir up a readiness for the suddenlies, for Miracles will abound, Wonders will astound, as the Glory of The LORD begins to manifest in unprecedented ways.  Boundaries will be reordered — chains will be shattered — as the Great Eagles boldly advance into new territories.  I hear The Spirit say, ”So, Arise .and Gather together in Faith and Obedience — and Watch, as Holy Habitations and Divine Convocations are birthed, for a new day is dawning and new highways are forming in The Realm of the Spirit!  Again I say, Watch! For a Divine collision of the New and Ancient Ways will release a tidal wave of My Glory, bringing forth Supernatural Transformation and Kingdom Reformation in The Nations of the Earth.  The Hour of Divine Convergence is here — for My Kingdom Rule and Reign will be established through My Rising Remnant on Earth as it is in Heaven!”


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A Collision of New and Ancient Ways ~by Veronika West (

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

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Face to Face With God

Face to Face With God

I was woken with these three questions on my heart… Will you be My Paneh (face) carrier? Will you carry My presence everywhere you go? Are you willing to only…

Face to Face With God

Veronika West

Pamim El Panim - Exodus 33:11 Face to Face with God
I was woken with these three questions on my heart…
Will you be My Paneh (face) carrier?
Will you carry My presence everywhere you go?
Are you willing to only be My (Panim El Panim), the Face to Face carrier of who I AM?
As I heard these questions being asked, I looked at myself and said ‘I’m not ready, I’m not the one, choose someone else?
NO! I heard straight back in my spirit, NO! I have chosen you, to be to one who reveals MY Face to those around you, to see through you MY Manifest Glory and Face.
I said, wait a minute Lord, I, I, I, can’t !   I’m not prepared, I’m not clean, I’ve got this wrong with me, I’ve got that wrong with me, I’ve, I’ve, I’ve….
I heard Father speak to me and say, even before the world was formed, I chose you, even before you where born I called you, and even before you said your first word, I ordained you to carry My Panim/My Faces. Take the time to dwell with Me says the Father, as I gaze lovingly into your eyes, and converse with your heart and spirit, revealing My thoughts, and My intents that I have for you, walking hand in hand with Me.  I created you from a blank canvas, you are My masterpiece and Who I AM, to your sphere of influence.  Many are called but few are chosen, you have not chosen yourself, but I have chosen you. To show forth and reveal My glorious manifest FACE.
Where there have been platform ministries and platform performances, they will become redundant and done away with. The only ministry will be those who minister before Me night and day, not thinking of themselves but giving and bringing glory to My name.
I will no longer have My hand of blessing upon individuals or ministries in the days that lie ahead, as it is not about self-promotion or self-ambitions, for I AM a Jealous God and will have not other’s before ME.  For I AM raising up a generation who are CARRIERS of MY FACE to the faceless and to the voiceless in this generation, Revealing who the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob really is, and was, and will be; for I never change.  For it is those who seek Me out, and are found looking into My Face, who Behold Me, having NO AGENDA of their own, but are wholly separated unto ME.
Let My beautiful Bride arise today, may she walk, having eyes only for her beloved, having ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying for this season, and causing the righteousness of the Father to be seen.  As the angel of the Lord stood before me with a clear golden like goblet, with liquid pure and holy fire coming from it, I heard the word of the angel of the Lord say this, “ Are you prepared, and are you willing to drink of this cup.”
Wow!!! That stopped me in my tracks, as I pondered what would be the outcome of the act. Would I die? Would I be consumed by the fire? Would this be my last breath?
So many questions that had no answers for me. What seemed like ages went past, I answered the angel of the Lord with a “yes”. He handed me the golden clear bowl with fire coming from it, I could feel the intensity of the fire as I  took the bowl, putting it to my lips, I slowly began to drink the liquid.  As I did, a feeling of being cleansed from the inside out, of wrong thoughts and motives that I had, being replaced with pure unadulterated love.  I began to speak love, talk love, and act love out, like a little child full of the joy of the Father, trusting totally in Him for help, strength, direction, and words to say.  Wow!! There was no pressure, no stress, no feelings the I needed to perform or be someone that I wasn’t. Just being me, was pleasing to the Father, as I communed with Him as I walked, ate, worked, drove, and slept.
And then I heard Fathers voice speaking to me, “Son, that is who I’ve called you to be, a reflection of My Face to those around you.”  WOW, I’m still getting my head around that statement from Father, and probably will for ages to come….
Victor Mitchell – Ireland’s Destiny Hub

Face to Face With God

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Partaking of the bread and wine

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