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Breaking Through the Demonic Communication Network..!

Breaking Through the Demonic Communication Network..!

  April 24, 2024 Veronika West A Powerful Vision: Breaking Through the Demonic Communication Network: The Power and Authority of The Key of the House David! So, last night as…

Breaking Through the Demonic Communication Network..!

Veronika West

cobweb veil image

A Powerful Vision: Breaking Through the Demonic Communication Network: The Power and Authority of The Key of the House David!

So, last night as we gathered together at the Instruction of The LORD to Pray, Decree, Declare and Release the Sound of the Shofars.

And while in this Gathering, The LORD began to unravel a scroll to me and I heard these Words; ”LAND-LOCKED!”

Then I saw that there were Angels who were literally hovering and brooding over that area, and that Region of Belfast, Northern Ireland, but the Angels could not come near.

Now, as I began to see this, I prayed inquiring of The Spirit of Revelation for greater understanding, when suddenly I was taken into a powerful Vision in The Spirit, and I was given eyes to see over that specific area.

In the Vision, I was shown what looked like a massive Circuit Board. Now as I drew closer in the Vision, I saw that the Circuit Board was a highly sophisticated Demonic Network System of Communications!

Then, as I continued watching and praying, suddenly I was taken into the very heart of this Circuit Board System, and what I saw was unbelievable!

ai image of black printed circuit board

I saw and could feel a powerful demonic-energy, pulsating through the entire system. Each line on this Demonic Circuit Board fueled the communication between powerful demonic entities over that Region and Territory.

The only way to describe what I was seeing, was that It looked like a twisted and tangled version of wires and connection points, all linked to what looked like a Main Server or Switch-Board — with each wire strategically connecting demonic beings of darkness, in a web of wickedness and malevolence!

Side Note : I can’t explain here, but what I saw was so highly sophisticated and had such high spiritual intelligence, that this World has seen nothing yet.

What I saw was of such incredible power and intelligence, that the likes of Bill Gates and Elon Musk have not dreamed.

Now, what was so unbelievably sobering in this incredible encounter, was that I knew that The Church as we know it, is still playing games, arguing amongst themselves, pointing fingers, jealousy, envy and competition rules over the hearts of many — and yet what I saw being formulated, built and established by the enemy, had the power to totally overtake the Globe.

The Church is sleeping and Satan is setting up his kingdom of darkness networks, in order to take the next generation fully captive!

Friends, there needs to be an awakening!

The Ecclesia needs to Arise in the Power and Authority of The Key of the House David.

The Reformation of the Five-Fold, is more Urgent than ever!

Back to the Vision:

Now, as The Spirit of Revelation continued to give me insight in this place, I realised that this Demonic Network of Communication was being used to lock up the land — to lock up and lock down the territories — and to lock up the people in those places!

This Demonic Web of Communication, was being used to infiltrate and influence human minds, manipulate and control the hearts of people.

It was even being powerfully instrumental in stopping and preventing certain events from taking place in that area.

What I was being shown was a highly structured Demonic Network of Communication that was used to release seeds of disunity, discord and great destruction over the land.

Then I understood why the Angels could not come near. This highly sophisticated Web of Demonic Communication, not only locked up that Region — and the people in that area — but this Demonic Circuit spread chaos and darkness throughout the land.

The Demonic Circuit prevented supernatural breakthrough. It brought sickness and disease — it released fear and torment over the whole area —it brought Church Leaders down — it brought disunity and division into every sphere.

But its main agenda was to stop Awakening and Nation-wide Revival from coming!

I saw that the land was land-locked. Both in the Natural and the Supernatural!

Now, as I stayed watching and listening intently to what The Spirit of Revelation was revealing suddenly I was shown the whole of Ireland, and I saw multiple Circuit Boards over different Regions and Territories.

I was then shown that each Region had a different Circuit Board. A specific type of Spiritual Technology — or Mechanism — that that been built and established in order to bring a Demonic Lock-Down over that Region and that Territory.

Nothing could get in — and nothing could get out! The Land was Sealed!

Then I saw what looked like Demonic Firewalls around certain Regions that prevented any possibility of the entrance of Light from coming in.

These Regions were covered by a thick veil of darkness. The eyes of the people in these places were blinded, their ears deafened, and their Spirits in bondage.

I could see that the influence of Demonic Frequencies ruled over the airwaves of these Regions.

It was like a powerful Demonic WIFI System in operation, that could not be seen in the natural — yet its power and influence was far reaching, and had lulled many into a deep Spiritual state of Sleep and Slumber.

Many had become completely desensitised to their Spiritual state.

Now, as I remained standing in that place, The Spirit of Revelation began to speak to me concerning the Power and Authority of The Ecclesia!

He spoke to me concerning the Urgency for the Reformation of The Five-fold Ministry.

He spoke to me about The Master-Key — The Power and the Authority of The Key of the House of David!

Then suddenly I heard Konrad (from Joshua’s Call) begin to release the Sound of the Shofar, and I saw the Sound of the Shofar begin to Rise and penetrate the Atmosphere, and the very soil of the Land that I was standing on!

I saw that with every Blast of the Sound that was being released from the Shofar, the power and frequency of the Sound was beginning to enter into the deep inner workings of the Demonic Circuit Board!

I watched as The Power of the Seven Spirits of God that was carried within the Sound of the Shofar, began to flow through this highly structured Communication System, and the power of the Sound caused a short-circuiting to begin to take place, as the Sound began to cut and sever the lines of Demonic Communication, and the dark pulsations of this intricate Web of Destruction began to weaken and falter.

Suddenly, I could see the demons that looked almost woven into the very fabric of this Communication System, beginning to flee in different directions.

The Power of The Sound of the Seven Spirits caused many demons to scream and screech in terror as vital lines of communication were being broken and cut off.

I saw some demonic entities writhing in agony as their connection to this dark and unseen network was being completely severed.

Then suddenly, I watched as the piercing Sound of the Shofar gave way to radiant Light, and the Light that broke forth began to expose every demonic plan and strategy of the enemy that had given the demons their power and great authority to hold the Region captive!

I watched as the power of the Sound and Light began to shatter different areas of the Circuit Board, and I watched as powerful Breakthrough started to take place over the area we were standing in.

But then I heard The Spirit of Revelation say something incredible. He said, ”Watch! For the Sound will bring a measure of Breakthrough and a Breaking Through.

The Sound will cut and sever the lines of Demonic Communication.

The Sound will send confusion into the enemy’s camp.

The Sound will send chaos and disarray into the enemy’s camp!”

But then He said, “Daughter! Watch! For I tell you, only the Power and Authority of The Key of the House of David — ONLY THE MASTER-KEY — can override the whole Demonic Circuit and Communication System of the enemy!

Only the Power and Authority of The Key of David can uproot and tear-down what has been built and established!”

Then I heard The Spirit give me a Warning, saying, “Daughter Watch! For the enemy has the ability to Regroup and Rebuild the Communication Systems back better — and with even greater Power and influence over Regions and Territories!

Daughter, Watch and Pray! Pray and seek My Face, for the Reformation of The Five!

For when The Five come together in Unity and Agreement — that is when the fullness of the Power and Authority of the Master-Key of the House of 22:22 will be released!

Daughter, I say again, ONLY the Kingship Anointing and the Authority of The Key of the House of David has the Power to override every demonic Circuit, Mechanism and Technology of Communication in the Realm of the Spirit!

Only the Power and Authority of The Key of the House of David can bring a Divine Unlocking to the Land and to Nations held in Bondage!”

When I came out of this powerful Encounter, I knew by The Spirit that The LORD was not only revealing greater Revelation and Strategy concerning Taking Back Regions and Territories under the Demonic influence and control of the enemy — but He was uncovering a hidden secret — He was exposing what the enemy feared the most — The Reformation of the Five!

For Satan knows that when there is Unity and the Power of Agreement within The Five, the Power and Authority of The Key of David will be released, and this Supernatural Master-Key has the Authority to override every demonic System and Technology of Communication.

Satan knows that when the Power of Sound of The Seven Spirits comes together with the Authority of The Key of the House of David, there will be a Divine Overturning and a Supernatural Unlocking that will begin to take place, and every Demonic Throne and Satanic Stronghold will lose their power, influence and control over Nations.

When the Ecclesia begins to Arise and Shine in their True Identity and in the Authority of True Sonship, every Demonic Communication Systems and Structure will come crashing down and Global Awakening and Revival will take place!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Breaking Through the Demonic Communication Network..!

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