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House of Benjamin; Repentance from Dead Works!!

House of Benjamin; Repentance from Dead Works!!

Repentance from Dead Works; By Konrad and Sandie Weinert

House of Benjamin; Repentance from Dead Works!!

Veronika West

Repentance from Dead Works; By Konrad and Sandie Weinert

House of Benjamin; Repentance from Dead Works!!

More Recent Posts

23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

May 15, 2024 Veronika West King Charles’ latest Official Portrait — 2024 A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day! A Changing of the Guard is surely underway this…

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

Veronika West

King Charles’ latest Official Portrait — 2024

King Charles' portrait 2024

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

A Changing of the Guard is surely underway this Day!

“Signs shall be given in the skies and Signs shall be given in the land.

Watch and Listen! For great Shakings shall come to the Royal Household that shall reveal the Serpent’s head and expose those who sleep in Jezebel’s bed!

I say, watch, as My Royal Remnant Rises in the midst of greater shakings, and a Governmental and Financial Crisis.

Watch — as this Nation is suddenly awakened when the rug is pulled from under its feet — for surely I shall take this Prodigal Nation back to its Covenant Foundations and expose the deep cracks and the unrighteous roots that have come through demonic vows and Luciferian pacts!”

See also HKP Word from January 2024:

A Word to The UK; a Prodigal Nation Shall Turn and Return


…The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!

January 14, 2024 Veronika West

…While praying at the beginning of the New Year, 2024, for the four Nations of The United Kingdom, God showed to me that in His great Mercy, He has preserved and reserved a Remnant for the days ahead, who will stand in the gap and cry for a Nation caught in-between — to be Let Go!!

As I prayed — I believe prophetically — that there will be something of a falling away of The Royal Family in the days to come.

Though not a complete dismantling — but rather a redefinition and reformation of The Royal Family as we have known it in the natural.

But then God showed me a New Royal Family that shall emerge! A Royal Remnant is rising!

I saw a Crown of Kingship Anointing, and a Gold Signet Ring of Authority, is being transferred to The Ecclesia in the Nation!

There is a rising of The Royal Household of God, that will cause a Prodigal Nation to come back to its senses, and to return to The Father’s Heart in true Repentance.

The heart of a Prodigal Nation will Turn and Return — and as this takes place, a great Restoration and Restitution will come to a stiff-necked and rebellious Nation, to The Glory of God among The Nations!

The time of Divine Exposure is here! Judgement is here! But there will be a simultaneous move of The Spirit, so we will see a move of both severe Judgement and supernatural Birthing, taking place in this Nation.

…Recently, I heard these Words, ”Listen! For the bleating of sheep has given rise to the sound of Islam on your streets — but I AM raising up a Royal Priesthood in this Prodigal Nation who will align and position themselves at The Altar — and they will take hold of the Horns of The Altar once again, and their cry of true Repentance will carry the weight to shift and tip The Scales in The Court Room of Heaven!

Watch! For the Fat Ones will emerge in a time of coming Famine and Wars.

I say, New Wars — and rumours of Wars — for a Nation that I had to resist and reject because of its pride, will be humbled and brought to its knees.”

Then I heard The Spirit say this over The United Kingdom, ”Did I not say that the wolves were circling at the Door of Destiny?

Did I not say that a stiff-necked and rebellious Nation would be humbled and brought to its knees?

And did I not say that a Nation divided against itself would not stand — and that the Truss that was removed to satisfy the corrupt, would cause the whole house to collapse?

Yes! For I tell you, the sound of the bleating of sheep has given rise to the sound of Islam on the streets.

The seed of the corrupt has birthed an unrighteous root which has defiled the fruit of the tree, but watch as the axe comes down upon the root.

Watch as The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD exposes the rot in the root system, for I shall deal with contamination and mixture both in My Church House and the Houses of Government!

All will be exposed! I shall move to drive out the thieves and the corrupt merchandisers from My Father’s House, for I will overturn their tables, and drive them out into the public square!

And naked they shall stand before the eyes of all Nations! The time of Divine Uprooting and Tearing-down has surely begun!

But I say, watch! For while the Watchmen slept, Satan sowed tares among the wheat!

I say, Watch your Houses of Government — for Worship to false gods and false religions, and sacrifices made to demonic idols, has created a legal right for the traffic of satanic entities!

See! For The Changing of The Guard will usher in a wolf in sheep’s clothing for a time and a season — and a Nation full of pride — and having gone its own way — will surely eat its full with the pigs!

But! Watch! For I shall raise up a Royal Remnant with a Roar of The Lion of Judah, that will push back the agenda of the global elites, and bring this Lion Nation back on its feet!”

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

More Recent Posts

23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91

Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91

May 11, 2024 Veronika West Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91 : A Prophetic Encounter that gave greater Revelation and Understanding Today was our second day of our…

Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91

Veronika West

angel image supplied by author

Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91 : A Prophetic Encounter that gave greater Revelation and Understanding

Today was our second day of our early morning IDH* May Day Prayer Call, and the Brother who was leading our time started the Meeting by reading Psalm 91.

Now like many of you, I have read Psalm 91 hundreds of times over the years, but today I was suddenly shown by The Spirit of Revelation something that blew me away!

Now, as the Word (Psalm 91) was being read aloud, suddenly I saw a realm and dimension of God’s Glory being unlocked and opened up to us, and as far as my eyes could see, I saw what looked like a mighty, powerful Angelic Military Division, standing at full Attention as The Word was going forth into the atmosphere!

I also heard these Words, ”The Military Angelic Division of Psalm 91.”

Now, as I looked at this Military Army of mighty Warring Angels, I saw that all were strategically positioned and in perfect Alignment, each Angelic Warrior having a certain rank and file within the “Psalm 91 Military Armed Forces.”

I saw that as Psalm 91 was being read aloud and released into the atmosphere, the “Living Word” became as a “Living Key,” — as a “Master Key” that brought a Supernatural Turning and a Divine Unlocking to a realm and dimension of God’s Divine Protection, Preservation and Provision within His Glory.

As I continued to watch this powerful Military Division of Psalm 91 standing at Attention at the Sound of God’s Word going forth, I knew again by The Spirit of Revelation that they were now waiting and listening for the Voice of the Governing Ecclesia to begin to Legislate.

They were waiting and listening intently for their Specific Prophetic Assignments, and for their Marching Orders, that would come through the Sons and Daughters that carried the Authority of The Key of the House of David.

Now, as I watched the Ecclesia begin to Rise and Pray, Rule and Legislate as One Governing Body, the Angelic Armies of Psalm 91 were suddenly being deployed to different Nations, to people, and even to certain premises and geographical locations.

There was a sudden Divine Deployment of the Angelic Forces of Psalm 91 being released to all areas and spheres of Influence across the land of Ireland and to Nations beyond.

Today, this powerful Prophetic encounter brought greater Revelation to me of what begins to take place in The Spirit, when we begin to speak and release The Word of God into the atmosphere.

When The Living Word goes forth, it brings a Supernatural Turning and a Divine Unlocking to “specific supernatural realms and dimensions in The Spirit” — which give us full access, and makes available to us all that is “locked up,” in that Realm and Dimension of His Glory.

Today I watched as the speaking-forth of Psalm 91broke open and unlocked to us a deeper Realm and Dimension of Gods Divine Protection, Preservation and Provision.

It caused a Supernatural Activation which sent forth the Angel Armies of Psalm 91 with a prophetic Assignment, to clear every obstacle; to remove every stumbling block; to pull down every demonic assignment, and to deal with every demonic plan and purpose of the enemy that would hinder the Advancing of His Kingdom in The Nation(s).

The Release of the Living Word into the atmosphere became as a Living Key, having the Power and Authority to unlock and open up a powerful portal in the Spirit Realm, which gave us permission and full access to the Secret and Hidden Mysteries of God, that were embedded in that specific dimension of the Glory Realm, in order to build and establish His Kingdom in the Earth realm!

The Living Word in your mouth is a Living Key that unlocks realms and dimensions of His Glory — that gives you permission and full access to the Secrets and Hidden Mysteries of His Glory.

The Living Word of God spoken is a Living Key, having the Power and Authority of The Key of The House of David — to open and to shut!

* IDH Ministry : Ireland’s Destiny Hub

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91

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House of Benjamin; Growing from Glory to Glory!!,

Veronika West

Growing In the Knowledge and Glory of God; By Konrad and Sandy Weinert..! 


House of Benjamin; Growing from Glory to Glory!!,

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23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

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House of Zebulun; The War Room..!

Veronika West

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House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

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House of Judah; Now Prophetic Words!

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House of Judah; Now Prophetic Words!

Veronika West

…We are Taking Back the Land;

By Kirk Woodside


The Altars of the Lord are rising all across the land;

By Christene Black 

House of Judah; Now Prophetic Words!

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House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

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House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

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Thrive In Five; Word and Spirit Series; Come Follow!

Veronika West

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More Recent Posts

23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

…”Radical Kingdom Reformer’s Must Rise”…!

…”Radical Kingdom Reformer’s Must Rise”…!

The Rise of Kingdom Reformers in the Days of Judgment — and the Rise of Islam on our Streets! I recently released a Prophetic Word; “The bleating of sheep has…

…”Radical Kingdom Reformer’s Must Rise”…!

Veronika West

The Rise of Kingdom Reformers in the Days of Judgment — and the Rise of Islam on our Streets!

I recently released a Prophetic Word; “The bleating of sheep has given rise to the sound of Islam on your streets…”

See January 2024 HKP Word, The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!”

When this Word of Warning came, I heard The Spirit say, ”Who will Sound the Sound of Distinction and Deal with the Rise of Islam on your streets?

I say, Who will Call for the Kingdom Reformers to Rise to take back the gates of the cities?

Who will Rebuild the Broken down Altars that have given legal Rights to the Ruling Principalities of Islam and Baal to occupy the land?

Who will take up the Mantle of Priesthood again? And who will take hold of the Horns of the Altar in True Repentance and Seek My Mercy for Stiff-Necked and Rebellious Nations?

Who will Worship Me in Spirit and In Truth and who among you will turn their backs on Empire Building to Build and Establish My Kingdom in the Earth Realm?

For surely I tell you, the Tables of the Money Changers shall be overturned and the Merchandisers shall be driven out!

Watch and Pray — for Judgment has Come to The Church — and those that have pimped and prostituted My Precious Gifts in Pulpits of their own making, shall surely be exposed — and those who have come dressed as Angels of Light and Wolves in Sheep’s clothing, shall be brought into the open and stripped naked for all eyes to see!

Watch, as I shake The Church loose of the chains of wickedness and religious witchcraft!

Watch, as I shake the Houses of Government and give them ravenous wolves to lead them

Watch, as I shake Wall Street and the Babylonian Financial Structures and Systems and cause stocks to plummet and shares to tumble!

Watch, as I shake Nations and rearrange their Boundary lines!

Watch, as the Foundations of Nations rip and rupture and the waters of the sea rise and carry away the wealth and power of the wicked in high places!

I say Watch, as My Glory invades the Earth through Wind, Rain and Fire — and Listen — as the Heavens Declare the Day of Great Trouble and the Beginning of Sorrows for those who have turned away from My Righteousness and given themselves over to the Altars of Baal and Molech.

I say, cry out while your cries can still be heard!

Cry out while your tears can be still be collected!

Cry out while the sun is still shining!

But Watch and Pray — for the Day of Judgment and Retribution draws near for The Nations, for the window of My Mercy is closing and the storm-clouds of My Wrath are gathering on the Horizon.

For Many will say the Days of Noah have suddenly come upon us — and the Doors have been closed!”

The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!

In Him

Veronika West

…”Radical Kingdom Reformer’s Must Rise”…!

More Recent Posts

23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

A Now Word ‘MAYDAY’; May is a Marked Month!!

A Now Word ‘MAYDAY’; May is a Marked Month!!

April 29, 2024 Veronika West   Watch! For May is a Marked Month!”   “Listen! I say, “Mayday! — Mayday! — Mayday!” In the early hours of this morning I…

A Now Word ‘MAYDAY’; May is a Marked Month!!

Veronika West


Watch! For May is a Marked Month!”


“Listen! I say, “Mayday! — Mayday! — Mayday!”

In the early hours of this morning I was awoken to a loud Alarm Sound, ringing out in The Realm of The Spirit — like an Alarm Sound you would hear at a Fire Station.

And then I heard, “Mayday! — Mayday! — Mayday!”

As soon as I opened my eyes and began to pray, The Spirit of Revelation spoke to me saying, ”Watch! For May is a marked month!

Listen! I say “Mayday! — Mayday! — Mayday!” — for May is a marked month!

Awaken the deep sleepers! Set The Watchmen on the walls, and Guards at the City Gates!

I say, raise the sound of the Trumpet Call and the demonic tide will be turned — and the assignments of Jezebel and the altars of Baal will begin to fall!”

As I heard those Words, I saw a great and violent War raging in the heavens over the Nations — a fierce Spiritual Confrontation with the ruling powers and principalities of the kingdom of darkness.

I saw the Destiny of Nations being violently contended over.

I saw the next three (3) months are powerful pivotal prophetic months of great Warfare.

Then I saw the ninth month, and I heard, ”A stitch in time saves nine!”

The next three (3) months are critical months!

Our prayers will be like stitches in time (over the next three (3) months) that will save nine (9)!

I then saw powerful demonic assignments of the enemy that are going to be try to be fully implemented in the coming months of May, June and July, that will have devastating repercussions — if we as the Ecclesia, do not arise in the Power and Governmental Authority of the Key of The House of David and begin to Take Authority over every planned and orchestrated attack in the coming days!

Note : On Saturday at the HUB** during the Worship the Spirit of Revelation also highlighted the Month of July (the seventh Month) and Ezekiel 47was brought to the fore. “As the Waters rise — so the Altars of Baal will Fall!”

There is a Clarion Call to Watch and Pray to Raise the Trumpet Sound in the Month of May and over the next three (3) months!

Let us raise our voices in True Repentance and Praise on behalf of this Nation, Ireland, and let us stand in the gap for all Nations in this pivotal Prophetic Season.

Let us agree that as we come together, we will see the demonic tide of destruction and death turned and returned to its sender!

**HUB = Ireland’s Destiny Hub


On Saturday (27-4-2024) at our Prophetic Hub I saw snakes nests and hundreds of Snakes eggs hatching and I heard, “Serpent Sleeper-cells igniting and emerging!”

But then two Angels came into our midst with Measuring Rods and I heard, ”The Waters are Breaking — for I AM now raising up a Standard against the serpentine spirits of Leviathan!”

Then I understood that the Angels that were there, had come to usher in the flood waters and had come to co-labour with us for the Outpouring.

Then suddenly The Holy Spirit quickened to me Ezekiel 47 and I saw the waters of the River begin to Rise and all the Snakes that I saw — were being drowned!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A Now Word ‘MAYDAY’; May is a Marked Month!!

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23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham