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Taking Back Strongholds

Taking Back Strongholds

Word of the Lord from Andrew West – House of Judah 15th November 2023 – I saw the Hub in Millisle, and I saw everyone in the Hub and as…

Taking Back Strongholds

House of Judah

Word of the Lord from Andrew West – House of Judah 15th November 2023

I saw the Hub in Millisle, and I saw everyone in the Hub and as the music was playing I saw everyone going round in a circle.   I saw the whole of Ireland and I saw chairs in strategic places in Ireland but as we were circling there were also demonic forces circling as well.  And when the music stopped someone from the Hub would shoot out and take that chair – and they would be established in that area and then we would go again. And when the music would stop someone from the Hub would shoot out again and grab that chair.  The Lord is saying about coming out from the Hub and taking authority over these areas so that at no point did any of the demons get these chairs first.  It is all about taking back strongholds and being established in those places.

Taking Back Strongholds

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11Nov 24



I Saw A Chalice Representing God’s People

I Saw A Chalice Representing God’s People

Word of the Lord from Christine Black – House of Judah 15th November 2023 – As we were worshipping I saw the chalice (you know that beautiful painting) I saw…

I Saw A Chalice Representing God’s People

House of Judah

Word of the Lord from Christine Black – House of Judah 15th November 2023

As we were worshipping I saw the chalice (you know that beautiful painting) I saw the chalice and it was like on a ledge up a mountain; but then I saw it all of a sudden it came out from the ledge and it started to rise up as if it was being lifted! It was literally being lifted up and placed on the high place on the mountain the actual chalice itself was placed on the high place and then I saw all these angels all around – myriads of angels! There were so many angels and they were so high that they just went right up completely over the chalice.  I saw them completely covering, almost like a cone, like a cocoon, the chalice was completely covered by the angelic presence that was all around it, and all over it.  There were so many angels – there was like a thickness of angels it’s difficult to describe there were so many.

I saw also as I was on this place on the mountain, that the chalice represents all the people.  The people could see so far for they were seeing from such a higher level and such a higher place in the Spirit.  So Father God we thank you Lord; we thank you Lord for what You are doing. We thank you Father for where You are lifting the chalice. We thank you!

I Saw A Chalice Representing God’s People

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11Nov 24



My People I Will Protect You

My People I Will Protect You

Word of the Lord from Kirk Woodside – House of Judah 15th November 2023 – “My people I will protect you from the evil that is all around you; I…

My People I Will Protect You

House of Judah

Word of the Lord from Kirk Woodside – House of Judah 15th November 2023

“My people I will protect you from the evil that is all around you; I will protect you, for My shield is around you at this time.  My people just stay firm, stay strong, walk closely with Me.  Don’t let any interference come in from the walk you have with Me!  What purposes and plans I have for us going forward; just yield all of yourselves! Leave all down at my altar and I will guide and position you where I need you to be.  This time is a dark time but My light is going to come and shine bright over this nation.  I’m going to raise up this nation as a mighty remnant army.  The 5-fold is going to come into this nation – the 5-fold is going to come out of Ireland’s Destiny Hub that is going to raise up the prodigal sons and raise up the young people training them up and equipping the Saints for such a time as this.  There is an acceleration of evil that is coming at this time, but I say My goodness and  My grace are going to come and fall on these lands and purify this nation! To cleanse what Satan has distorted in the minds of My children.  I feel for My children, the young generations that are coming through such a time as this that they need to be brought out of the darkness into My glorious light.  My light is going to fall bright and shine right through the darkness on this land” says the Lord.

Again, for Israel, I felt the anguish the Lord has for His people as well as here; and all around the nations of the world.  I felt so much anguish and the pain. He feels the suffering of His people and He is going to restore. He is going to restore what the locusts have eaten, the Lord is going to take back what the enemy has stolen and He is going to break the strongholds of these islands.  “The darkness has been over this long for too long,” says the Lord “I’m going to clear the darkness and the evil will be exposed.  What has been hidden within the darkness I’m going to expose in my bright light.  They are going to pay for what they have done to my Church and My people” says the Lord.

My People I Will Protect You

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11Nov 24



Judah – I am doing a new thing

Judah – I am doing a new thing

Word of the Lord from Ernie Simms during House of Judah 08/11/23 – “For I am going to move in Israel,” says the Lord. “I am going to bring my…

Judah – I am doing a new thing

House of Judah

Word of the Lord from Ernie Simms during House of Judah 08/11/23

“For I am going to move in Israel,” says the Lord. “I am going to bring my people out. I am going to bring my people out of the oppressed place. Although most of the world is against my people, I Am that I Am and my people are under I Am. So I say unto you, watch and pray for the freedom and the inspiration that have been made captive. They have been in interned,” says the Lord  “You know what internment means in this country, I say unto you, as they have been held against their will. Watch and see what I will do!”.

“I shall shrink the enemy I shall open fresh doors, new doors, and give passage ways under the ground, I shall bring them out” says the Lord, “and I will bring my people Israel out of the land. I will bring a new thing to my people Israel,” says the Lord. “I shall bring a freshness. I will move in the land and I will bring them out and I shall plant them in the high places and no one will be able to get them. I shall make them far stronger than what they have been. And Hezbollah needs to duck their heads, and they are going to be surprised for the hatred that is built into those people is unbearable to me” says the Lord. “And I will not have it much longer, I have watched and I have listened and I have tears in my eyes, that people can be so cruel. And I say unto you, watch for I am going to move.”

“And I am going to move in this land also, I shall move and I shall sweep this land says the Lord. And I will plant many in this land full of the Holy Ghost, I will plant many filled with giftings and callings, I will plant many.  And many will come to this land, they will want to come because of what I shall do. They will want to get onto boats, they will want to get onto planes to get here” says the Lord, “for I am going to move in a mighty way, and my people need to be prepared.  My people need to be ready to move when the time has come. I say it is not far away, so my people need to get ready, so I say get on your marching clothes, get on your marching boots. Get your helmet upon your head and get ready to go as warriors with the Lord into the land and into the enemy’s camps and free everyone.”

“Even in this land there is bondage -those that have been tied up and have been taught wrong doctrine and wrong things brought up through churches that have not been teaching right. I shall release their ministers from their work” says the Lord, “I shall take them out of their positions and I shall put younger people in, I shall put people in that will be on fire. And I say the churches will be on fire and I say I will have the right people teaching and there shall be a following” says the Lord, “especially the young. There will be many older and middle-aged people but there will be a mighty move among the young people.”

“And I will bring a work to this land that no one has ever seen the like. I will bring the different things, different gifts that have never been seen. I will bring new ways, new ideas, new refreshing things” says the Lord. “For this is the land of Saints and Scholars, this is the land of green, green grass, but i say unto you, I will freshen the grass even further” says the Lord. “I will bring it out an even sharper green. And people will look and say that Ireland reflects a new colour for it reflects something new, but they will not be able to put their finger on it. They will see with their own eyes, that the grass has changed colour, they will see with their own eyes that things have moved and shifted.”

“And I say, I shall herd out those that are evil; I shall cause those things that are holding to totally dismantle. I will deal with LGBT in this land, I will move them out and I will shift them” says the Lord.

“Many will come to me, many will call out to me, many will move forward in me” says the Lord. “And I shall bring change to this house, this place, this country, this nation. I shall bring such change it will hardly be recognised from the past. And I say to you, watch, and do not deny what I am going to do, because it will be different. Do not stand against it, do not hold it back, I say unto you I shall do a different thing, a new thing. I have always talked about a new thing” says the Lord. “Now I say there will be a different thing as well as a new thing. Things will change and shift right round in circles” says the Lord. “Where there was evil, there will be blessing. Where there was evil and paramilitaries, they will be scattered” says the Lord. “I say unto you, hubs will be built in the those places, and people will rejoice and praise the Lord in these houses. And the IRA and different organizations; I will clear them all out, and I will cleanse this land. The place will be cleansed and I will cleanse the whole land. And my people will go into places and they will start churches, they will start hubs, they will move in new ways, they will have all manner of things” says the Lord.  “They will train up my young people in the ways of the Lord. They will train up Sunday schools” says the Lord.  “There will be times that are different because change is on the way,” says the Lord of hosts.

Word of the Lord from Veronika West from House of Judah meeting 08/11/23

“These are the days of Elijah and shaking of the nations of the to the earth.” For the Lord says, “there is a divine dismantling, that is giving way to an even greater destruction in the nations.” The Lord says “fear not for I am for my righteous anger burns against the enemies of the living God.” For the Lord says “watch for I am doing a new thing in the midst of you, a thing which shall astonish and astound. A thing that shall confuse and confound, this is a strange and a serious thing,” says the Lord, “so do not lean on your own understanding. Do not look to the right or to the left, keep your eyes on me and look to the hills from whence your help comes.”  The Lord says “eyes have not seen and ears have not heard, minds and hearts have not even conceived what I am about to do in the nation.” And the Lord says, “Watch!” And I heard the Lord say “moles will be driven out of their holes and snakes will be driven out of their caves.”

“And even into the situation in Israel, moles will be driven out of their holes, and snakes out of their caves” and the Lord says, “listen for many will be there that will cry out and they will cry out for a way of escape,” but the Lord says “there will be no way of escape for the wicked, there will be no way of escape for the rebellious and the stiff necked. I will break their necks and I will break their backs,” says the Lord.  “Those who have resisted my word, those who have resisted my discipline” for I hear the Lord say “watch and pray for the gavel of my justice and my righteousness will be heard in the nations of the earth. The nations will see my justice, they will see my righteousness, the nations will see the salvation of the Lord. I will re-landscape the land of Ireland, the Lord will change the whole land of Ireland and it will not look like anything from the past.”

Judah – I am doing a new thing

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11Nov 24



A Holy Habitation for the Lord

A Holy Habitation for the Lord

There is a call to build right foundations. To cling to the Lord To protect the House To protect the Word To protect everything and everyone. We are building in…

A Holy Habitation for the Lord

House of Judah

There is a call to build right foundations.
To cling to the Lord
To protect the House
To protect the Word
To protect everything and everyone.

We are building in the Spirit every time we pray together and come together.
A Holy Habitation for the Lord.

Keep praying, keep covering, keep advancing in the Spirit.
We will see the Lord, and the train of His robe will fill this Temple.

A Holy Habitation for the Lord

More Recent Posts

11Nov 24