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A Word Update for The United Kingdom..!

A Word Update for The United Kingdom..!

July 5, 2024 Veronika West   The United Kingdom shall be Yoked by a Labour Government by the morning… This will confirm two poignant prophetic Words which were Submitted. The…

A Word Update for The United Kingdom..!

Words Of Life


The United Kingdom shall be Yoked by a Labour Government by the morning…

This will confirm two poignant prophetic Words which were Submitted.

The following Word was prophesied in May 15, 2024:

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

“Signs shall be given in the skies and Signs shall be given in the land.Watch and Listen! For great Shakings shall come to the Royal Household that shall reveal the Serpent’s head and expose those who sleep in Jezebel’s bed!

I say, watch, as My Royal Remnant Rises in the midst of greater shakings, and a Governmental and Financial Crisis.

Watch — as this Nation is suddenly awakened when the rug is pulled from under its feet — for surely I shall take this Prodigal Nation back to its Covenant Foundations and expose the deep cracks and the unrighteous roots that have come through demonic vows and Luciferian pacts!”

This second Word was prophesied on the January 14, 2024:

The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!

A Word Update for The United Kingdom..!

More Recent Posts

21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…





Words Of Life


…So Again the Angel of Exodus 23:20 appeared before me early hours of this morning while in Prayer,…As Joshua’s Call Prepare to go on a strategic Prayer Assignment this weekend the Lord has sent the Angel of Exodus 23:20 to me again to ensure that the mandate of our Prophetic assignment is fully implemented and completed,…

..The first encounter I had with this incredible Angelic General of this Warring Company of Angelic Warriors was almost exactly to the day that he came the first time,…

…As I began to decree and declare the Word of the Lord concerning the Assignment I watched as the Angels were being deployed and going AHEAD TO PREPARE THE WAY BEFORE US,…

…While Watching this Mighty Warring Angelic Company of the Order of Exodus 23:20 going before us,…

…At first I saw Fire,…Fire going before them to purify and to prepare the ground and the Spiritual Atmosphere and Territory for our coming,…then I saw a Mighty Wind begin to blow,..and I heard these words,…”The Winds of the Mighty Seven Spirit Breaker comes to Break Break Break and Smash to pieces the Strangleholds and Strongholds of the Enemy”….

…Then I saw a Mighty Downpour of Rain,…

…And I heard,…”Watch!…For The Rain,…I Say it’s time to Go Up,..I Say again It’s Time to Go Up,…For there is Coming an Abundance of Rain,..the Rain of My Spirit shall come to Reverse the Curse and to Restore Double,..Double,..Double,..SEE!…For the Fire,..Wind and Rain of My Glory shall Come to Prepare a Resting Place,…Yes!…A Highway of Holiness,…and to Turn the hearts of Prodigal Nations back to the Heart of the Father”…!!

…Friends Get Ready…For the Angelic Warriors of the Order of Exodus 23:20 is now being deployed to the Warriors of God for the Building and Establishing of the Kingdom of Our King in the Earth..!!



More Recent Posts

21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

The Return of Moses from the Mountain to Deal with the Counterfeit!

The Return of Moses from the Mountain to Deal with the Counterfeit!

Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision! January 25, 2024 Veronika West See also Part 1:  “Switzerland and the Raising of a New Gold Standard“…

The Return of Moses from the Mountain to Deal with the Counterfeit!

Words Of Life

See also Part 1:  “Switzerland and the Raising of a New Gold Standard


Part 2

ai image

“Watch!  Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision!

For a Counterfeit Substitute will Rise to Please and Appease the Fearful in the Days of Famine and War!”

So Friends, the following Word is the Part 2 of the Word I released three days ago: Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion!

Two days ago during a time of Prayer, The LORD quickened to me Exodus 32 ”The Golden Calf”.  (Please read below for context).


Now, as the Spirit of Revelation began to speak, I saw a Scrollbeing unraveled, that continued to reveal more about the Prophetic Timeline that Nations have now entered into concerning the Rise and Fall of Economic and Financial Systems and Structures in The Nations.

Note:  I have prophesied again and again that Nations have now Entered into a Second Exodus.  (I prophesied this concerning the Nation of Israel as well)
I have also prophesied about a ‘Second Circumcision!’

Today I was in a Meeting with some Leaders, when the Spirit of Revelation began to unravel more of the Scroll as we spoke.

I pray that what I share, you are able to keep track with what God is unraveling to us — for the Future — and how we are to be Rightly Aligned.

The way in which this Word is written is very different to how I would usually present a Word — but I want to honour the way in which the Scroll was unsealed and revealed.

This is what was written upon the scroll…

“Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in the Valley of Decision!

Watch!  For a Counterfeit Substitute will rise to please and appease the fearful in the Days of Famine and War — but I say, the Door of Revelation Four stands open before Nations in The Valley of Decision!

I say, “Come up here!”  Come up higher and enter in — and eat of the Scrolls — and you shall see of My Hidden Secrets and Mysteries!”

Then I heard The Spirit say again,  ”Watch!  For Golden Calf Altars of Aaron will Rise in the Valley of Decision — to please and appease the people!

Yes!  Watch — for Altars of Aaron will rise offering a substitute to a people who are crying out for a Deliverer (a Moses) and a way of escape!

Watch and Pray!  For the Golden Calf Altars of Aaron will rise that will produce a Counterfeit in exchange for the Real!”

Then God showed me Nations in The Valley of Decision, and I saw Spiritual Aarons (weak and compromised Leaders in The Church, who have a Call to the Mountain of Business — and even some to the Mountain of Government) who will rise, offering a way of escape to many who have come into agreement with the spirit of fear of the greater shaking that is coming to The Nations of the earth.

I saw so clearly that the fearful, will seek after a substitute for Moses — who has ascended the mountain.

This is where the Rise of the Altars of Arron will begin to take place — and so many spiritual Aarons will rise and call for many to bring their Gold and Silver (many will look to their own resources — and even seek for answers and solutions through Counterfeit Systems and Financial Structures) in order to access God’s Provision and Preservation!

Important Prophetic Note

When the people asked Aaron to fashion for them a ‘god,’  in their hearts they were not looking to serve another god — but rather they were looking for a ‘substitute’ — for an alternative way to have access to God, in the absence of Moses.

This was when Aaron told them to bring their gold and silver etc — and a Golden Calf comes forth.

The people became impatient and frustrated and then came into agreement with the spirit of fear, while waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain.

They looked for a way to access God without Moses, and so Aaron created a substitute.

The Rise of The Golden Calf

Watch!  For a Counterfeit System will rise that will promise a way of escape — and even access to God and His Provision and Preservation when the shaking comes!

But watch — for it will bring a curse of destruction and not the blessing of real Kingdom Wealth through inheritance!

We must become aware of the rise of “The Golden Calf of Aaron” in the midst of the greater shakings that are coming, because a substitute will promise a way of escape — but it will be a trap — and many will miss out on “the real” that’s being prepared and mantled, and on its way down the mountain, and so, much will be lost!

Moses’ Ascent Upon the Mountain

Moses’ ascent upon the mountains exposes their hearts and reveals their weaknesses.

I hear The Spirit say,  ”Watch!  For I AM removing My Moses, My Josephs, My Davids from in the midst of them, for I AM taking My Deliverers up the Mountain for an encounter with My Glory — and My Deliverers will come down the Mountain, Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah, carrying an End-time Template written on the tablets of their hearts for future generations!”

I see on The Scroll, that God is: “Taking many Out — to bring them Back in!”

Moses ascends (We have entered into a Time and Season of Ascension) the Governmental Mountain of The LORD.  It is The Meeting Place, to Receive the Template of the Future — for future generations.

Moses in effect, enters into the Door of Revelation Four, where He encounters The Glory and is Mantled for Mass Destruction of the Golden Calf Altars of Aaron that are rising, and the Idols that sit upon them.

The Ecclesia must now ascend the Governmental Mountain of The LORD, to be Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah for Rebuilding and Restoration of Righteous Altars and for the destruction of the demonic altars of Baal.

There is a Call to enter into the Door of Revelation Four to Receive the Scrolls of the Future — to have The Finger of God write the Future Template upon the tablets of our hearts, for future generations!

Moses’ Ascension and Return

I hear these Words, ”The Ascending Ones, will carry with them the Secret and Hidden Mysteries of God written upon their hearts, and they will possess the Key of the House of David, that will open doors no man can shut — and shut doors, no man can open!”

Watch!  For The Remnant must ascend the Governmental Mountain of The LORD, to be Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah for the days ahead.

It’s time to raise up Righteous Altars that Will Counter the Demonic Power of the Golden Calf Altars of Arron and the Idols that Sit upon it!”

Idols that sit upon Aaron’s Altar:

  • The three-fold demonic cord —  Jezebel, Delilah and Athelia.
  • The lullaby of Delilah — that has lulled many into a deep sleep.
  • The ruling principality of The Philistines.
  • The ruling principality of Herod.

These Idols are the Ruling Powers and Principalities that sit upon the Altar of Baal, and rule over Regions, Territories and Nations.

In a recent encounter, I was standing on a great Ship.  I knew the Ship spoke of The Nations, and the Ship was being violently tossed to and fro upon the high seas.

I knew again by revelation, that a greater shaking, turmoil and trouble was before The Nations, and as I stood upon the deck of the Ship, a thick and heavy Fog began to rise from the depths of the sea.

The first thing I noticed about the Fog, was a foul smell — a putrid odour — that immediately began to fill my nostrils.

The Fog also brought with it a strange heaviness, and the smell that filled my nostrils translated into a bitter taste in my mouth.

The Fog was heavy and thick — so thick that it soon became impossible to see anything before me!

I knew by revelation, that the rising Fog was powerfully demonic and designed to bring blindness, confusion, depression, disorientation, fear, intimidation and heavy demonic oppression over The Nations!

When suddenly I heard The Spirit say, ”Come up here!  Come up higher!  Now Prophesy to the Four Winds!”

Now, as soon as I began to rise up higher above the thick Fog, I heard The Spirit say again, ”Come up here!  Come up higher!  Now Prophesy to the Four Winds!”

As I heard those Words, I saw four Cherubim (Angels) come up and go forth upon The Nations, and I saw their faces — the face of the Ox, the Lion, the Eagle, and the face of a Man.

Then I heard The Spirit say,  ”Now Prophesy a Mighty Manifestation of the Four Faces of God into the Nations of the Earth!

Prophesy to the Four Winds!

Prophesy a Manifestation of the Four Faces over the Nations of the Earth!

Watch — as the Winds of the Eagle brings forth Revelation, and the Mysteries of My Grace.

Watch — as the Winds of the Lion brings forth the Roar of Judah to awaken the deep sleepers.

Watch — as the Mighty Winds of the Ox brings forth Strength and Power to Prevail and to Rebuild the Righteous Altars in The Valley of Decision!

And Watch — as the Winds of the Man, brings forth Light in the midst of deep darkness, to expose and uncover what’s been hidden!”

Then I heard The Spirit say,  “Now, prophesy a Manifestation of the Release of the Kingship Anointing and Authority on the Earth.

Through the Face of The Lion — prophesy the Rise of Kings on the Earth!  Prophesy the Reformation of the Five-fold Ministries!

I say, Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Nature and Glory of God through the Face of The Eagle!

Prophesy the rise of The Fathers — that the hearts of Prodigal Nations will be turned back in true Repentance!

Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Nature and Glory of God, that brings Revelation and Wisdom concerning True Identity!

Again I say — Prophesy a Manifestation of Strength, Power and Humility of the Mantle of the Ox.

Prophesy the Rise of a Royal Priesthood for the Rebuilding and Restoration of Righteous Altars that will counter the power of the altars of Baal, and the Idols that sit upon them.

Prophesy a continual presenting of your bodies as living sacrifices upon the Righteous Altars that are now rising.

Son of man, Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Humanity of Christ in the midst of The Nations.

Prophesy!  Arise!  Shine!  For My Glory has risen upon you!

Prophesy a Manifestation of Light in the darkness — Divine Revelation and Wisdom, supernatural signs wonders and miracles on the Earth.

Beloved, listen.  For it’s not enough to ascend the Mountain — but My Prophets must prophesy to the Four Winds.

Prophesy to the Breath!

My Prophets must Decree at The Gates and Declare a Mighty Manifestation of the Four Faces within the Four Winds, to lift and shift the demonic Fog that has blinded The Nations and lulled many into a Deep Sleep!”  says the Spirit of God.

Prophetic Notes

  • Prophesy to the Four Winds of the Four Faces:  Wheel within a wheel.
  • Prophesy a Manifestation of the Four faces in the Nations of the earth.
  • Face of The Lion — Lion — The King — Mantle of Kingship — The Lion speaks to Royalty…Genesis 49, Jacob/ Israel describes his 4th son, Judah, as a “lion’s cub,” and the tribal symbol of Judah is a lion.…; The Road of Royalty carries the sound of the roar/ Sound of Distinction that breaks the power and Influence of Delilah’s Lullaby and the demonic distortion that has brought blindness through deception, over The Nations.
  • Face of The Eagle — Eagle — Mantle of Fatherhood — The Eagle (Son of God) Revelation; soaring in the Spirit, God’s protecting care: Access to the deeper things of God, hidden mysteries of His Glory and Grace; divine Gifts, prophetic gifts, Eagles Wings that bring forth swiftness of Divine operations in the Earth

“As an eagle stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, He spread His wings to catch them; He carried them on His pinions,”   Deuteronomy 32:11

  • Face of the Ox — Mantle of Priesthood ; The Ox (Humility)…The Ox is a creature of great Power, yet humbly submits to the authority that tames and directs it.  The Suffering Servant: Sacrifice, sin bearer, burden bearer; firmness, endurance, strength. Harvest — Ox —- Priesthood — Righteous Altars are built and established with the Priesthood Mantle.
  • Face of the MAN — The Prophet ; The Man (Humanity) The Human Face of God in Jesus: God with us; Intelligence, wisdom, compassion, empathy.  Divine intercession….

“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the FACE of Jesus Christ,”   2 Corinthians 4:6

More Prophetic Notes:

Elijah built an Altar to shift the Baal culture of the prophets of Baal influence that was over the Land, Air and Waters.

The Ecclesia must ascend the Mountain, to be mantled with The Spirit and Power of Elijah and begin to legislate on the earth…

Part 1:

Switzerland and the Raising of a New Gold Standard

The Return of Moses from the Mountain to Deal with the Counterfeit!

More Recent Posts

21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

All News; Shofar Warriors Rising in Ireland!

All News; Shofar Warriors Rising in Ireland!

..”JOSHUA’S CALL”…A MIGHTY PROPHETIC COMPANY OF SHOFAR WARRIORS ARE RISING IN IRELAND; …”Watch!…For The Fires of Revival shall once again burn brightly in this land of Ireland,..and I shall Remember…

All News; Shofar Warriors Rising in Ireland!

Words Of Life


…”Watch!…For The Fires of Revival shall once again burn brightly in this land of Ireland,..and I shall Remember My Covenant and I shall Remember the Prayers of St Patrick and the Saints that walked the length and breadth of these Celtic Lands,..

…Listen!..For a Sound is Rising,..a Sound of Distinction…Yes!! Ancient Sounds are Rising that shall bring forth a Great Awakening to this sleeping and Slumbering Land,..Ancient Sounds that shall Bring to Birth a New Movement in the Earth,..

…Listen!…For the Ancient Sounds of these Celtic lands shall be heard that shall herald the Coming of My Glory that shall forge a Highway of Holiness from these Emerald Isles to the Nations of the Earth…

..Watch!…For I say,..This is the Hour of Divine Recovery As the treasures of the Ancient Pathways are Restored,..Watch! For the Mantles of the Saints that walked these lands shall once again be made manifest in the midst of you..and the Beacon shall burn and Mantle of St Patrick shall fall and a Land in bondage shall break free and shall become a Key,..a Key that shall bring forth a supernatural Turning,..Turning,..and a Great Unlocking,..for the Ancient Sounds shall unlock the Ancient Wells and a land once divided shall suddenly be United”…!!


…Recently while Praying together on the IDH Prayer MayDay Call,…the Spirit began to show me a NEW WORSHIP MOVEMENT RISING IN THIS NATION…But also in the Nations,…while Holy Spirit was speaking to my heart and Showing me this New Worship Movement Rising,…suddenly I saw a MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS…Specifically Wind Instruments…that were coming to the fore in this New Worship Movement,…and the Spirit of Revelation began to Say,…

…”Listen and Watch!…For Even NOW the Resurrection Breath of My Seven Spirits is Breathing New Life back into the Dry Bones of Nations in The Valley of Decision…I Say,..I Shall Kiss the Nations with the Kiss of Life through the Ancient Celtic Instruments of this land of Ireland,..Listen!…For My Heart beat shall be heard in the Bodhrán,..the Bells and the Harp,…and My Spirit Winds of Resurrection breath shall blow forth through the Flutes,..and the Whistles,..through the Harmonica and the Pipes…

…I say Listen!…as the Battle Cry of the Mighty Warriors and the Call to War and to Awaken and Stand upon the Wall is heard through the Sound of the Shofars in the Coming Days,…

…I Say…Incline your Ears and Let My Voice and My Breath Ignite and Align you with this Kiaros Time,..for this is the Appointed Hour where the New and Ancient Sounds will Collide in these Celtic Lands and the Ancient Sounds shall become Keys that will Uncap the Ancient Wells and Open the Door to Divine Restoration and Kingdom Reform”..!

….Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the Lord is coming, For it is at hand: A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness, Like the morning clouds spread over the mountains.

A people come, great and strong, The like of whom has never been; Nor will there ever be any such after them, Even for many successive generations. A fire devours before them, And behind them a flame burns; The land is like the Garden of Eden before them, And behind them a desolate wilderness; Surely nothing shall escape them.

Their appearance is like the appearance of horses; And like swift steeds, so they run. With a noise like chariots Over mountaintops they leap, Like the noise of a flaming fire that devours the stubble, Like a strong people set in battle array. Before them the people writhe in pain; All faces are drained of color.

They run like mighty men, They climb the wall like men of war; Every one marches in formation, And they do not break ranks. They do not push one another; Every one marches in his own column.

Though they lunge between the weapons, They are not cut down. They run to and fro in the city, They run on the wall; They climb into the houses, They enter at the windows like a thief. The earth quakes before them, The heavens tremble; The sun and moon grow dark, And the stars diminish their brightness.

The Lord gives voice before His army, For His camp is very great; For strong is the One who executes His word. For the day of the Lord is great and very terrible; Who can endure it?”
‭‭Joel‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬-‭11

Ps; The Shipment of Shofars have arrived….!!

All News; Shofar Warriors Rising in Ireland!

More Recent Posts

21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

…Seeds that Decree a Thing!

…Seeds that Decree a Thing!

May 24, 2024 Veronika West Gold Keys; Healing Leaves and Gold Coins; Seeds that Decree a thing and It Shall be Established! A Great Harvest, Healing and Restoration of The…

…Seeds that Decree a Thing!

Words Of Life

AI image of gold coins planted in field

Gold Keys; Healing Leaves and Gold Coins; Seeds that Decree a thing and It Shall be Established!

A Great Harvest, Healing and Restoration of The Nations!

In our May Day Prayer Call this morning, the couple who were hosting us began to speak about the hard ground of the Nation(s) being turned over, and the Soil being prepared to receive the Seed.

Then one of the Prophets on our call began to share that as the ground was being turned and the Soil being prepared to receive the Seed, suddenly he saw Trees rise from the ground with Keys hanging on the branches of the Trees.

He then began to prophesy that God was releasing Keys to Unlock Doors and bring Breakthrough to the land and to The Nations — Kingdom Keys were being released to the Rising Remnant.

Now, as this was being shared, The Holy Spirit took me back into a powerful Vision that I had at the beginning of 2020, when I was standing in a Harvest Field and the field stretched beyond the horizon.

But while standing in the field, suddenly I saw a Strong Ox and a Powerful Stallion standing side by side and I watched as the an Angel of the Harvest placed a Yoke upon the Ox and the Stallion, and I heard the Spirit say, ”Watch! For in the Seasons ahead I shall Yoke the Apostolic and Prophetic together in a New Way, and a New Move of the Apostolic and Prophetic shall be birthed in the Nations and bring to birth a Great Harvest in the Earth!”

[See also UK: The LORD Calls for the Rebuilding and Restoration of the Altars]

Well, this morning I was taken back into that same Great Harvest field and I watched as the Strength of the Ox and the Power of the Stallion began to move together in Unity — and the two together pulled a large plow.

I watched as the blade of that plough began to cut into the hard ground and the Soil was turned, and as the Soil was being prepared.

Suddenly, I saw a great Multitude of Harvest Angels come into the Vision, and I watched as the Angels stood at Attention, waiting and watching as the Ox and the Stallion moved across the field.

Then the Vision opened up even more and I saw a Mighty Remnant Army Marching behind the Plow and I saw The Remnant begin to Decree, Declare, Pray and Prophesy — and as they opened their mouths — once again I saw Gold Coins coming out of their Mouths and the Gold Coins fell like Seeds deep into the Soil of the field.

And as the Governing Ecclesia — the Mighty Remnant Army — marched behind the Plow, I watched as Gold Coins fell into the Soil like Seeds.

Then suddenly I saw that as the Gold Coins/Seed fell into the ground the Angels of the Harvest were fully activated and they were deployed across the vast Harvest Field.

Now, as the Multitude of Angels went across the field, I saw Beautiful Green Trees spring up from the ground, and I saw the Leaves on the Trees were Keys, and the Fruit on the Branches were Gold Coins, and I heard The Spirit say, ”I say, take hold of the Keys and they will become the Leaves for the Healing of The Nations!

I say, eat the Gold Coins/ Fruit on the Trees, and they will become the Living Seed to Decree Change, Change, Change!

Watch! For this land is now turning over a New Leaf, for I say this day, a New Page is turning, for a Prodigal Nation(s) shall surely come back to its senses and Turn, Return and be Restored!”

The Spirit of Revelation then showed me the Ancient Wells and the Altars, and I heard these Words, “It’s Time to Seed the Ancient Wells! It’s Time Turn the Keys at the Altars for the Healing and Restoration of the Nations!”

Please Read Prophetic Notes:

  • Gold Keys — Green Leaves — for the Healing of the Nations.
  • Living Keys — Healing Leaves — Spiritual Covering — Glory Rests upon the Living Keys
  • Living Keys — Coming as Living Sacrifices — back to Repentance/to the Altars of Awakening
  • Gold Coins — Seeds in the Soil — Living Seeds/ Living Word; Decree a Seed/ Thing and it Shall be Established — Coins/ Decree/ Speak to the Wells — Time to Seed the Wells of Revival once again.

”I say, take hold of The Keys and they will become the Leaves for the Healing of the Nations!

I Say, eat the Gold Coins/ Fruit on the Trees and they will become the Living Seed to Decree Change, Change, Change!

Watch, for this land is now turning over a New Leaf — for I say this day a New Page is turning — for a Prodigal Nation(s) shall surely come back to its senses and Turn, Return and be Restored!”

Gold Keys — Leaves — Healing and Restoration comes through true Repentance at the Altars — then Glory Returns to Cover like leaves on the Trees.

Gold Coins — Seed/ Fruit — Speak to the Wells — Living Word is like Living Seed that when Decreed brings forth the Uncapping of the Wells of Revival.


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

…Seeds that Decree a Thing!

More Recent Posts

21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub’s 21 day “May Day” prayer gathering: “I was in a house (holy and high…

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

Words Of Life

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub’s 21 day “May Day” prayer gathering:

“I was in a house (holy and high place) and I looked out the window and saw water rising … I knew a tsunami was imminent and there was no time to run to higher ground and the man in the dream said: “you have to stay in the house!” I knew in the spirit that prayer was the only way to survive as I knew we were going to die otherwise.

I immediately turned towards the tsunami and stretched out my hands and started to pray. – – Prayer is the strategy just like the lambs blood marked on the doorways during the Passover of the death angel. (Exodus 11-19) – –

We then opened the front door and saw that the tsunami had passed over and the soil of the earth had been over turned and stopped in mid action and looked like a high curled surf that was frozen! We were spared and safe because of prayer!

This is a call to PRAY for your NATION and your families because we can minimise/ escape the destruction.

Lord may this Tsunami of destruction Pass over our lives and keep us safely in your hands. 


Donna Abraham 

See Link;

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

More Recent Posts

21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

A War Over His Word & a Battle Over the Blueprints!

A War Over His Word & a Battle Over the Blueprints!

May 22, 2024 Veronika West A War over His Word and a Battle over the Blueprints! It’s time to turn The Key, to unleash the Angel Armies of Exodus 23…

A War Over His Word & a Battle Over the Blueprints!

Words Of Life

A War over His Word and a Battle over the Blueprints! It’s time to turn The Key, to unleash the Angel Armies of Exodus 23 and the Stinging Hornets of Joshua 24!

I hear The Spirit say, ”There is a Battle raging over the Blueprints I have put in your hand, and there is a War over The Word I have spoken over you for the Days ahead!

But fear not! For I say, open your mouth and turn The Key, and Decree that the Angel Armies of Exodus 23 — and the Stinging Hornets of Joshua 24 — will go before to Deliver, to Redeem and to Restore in a time of coming Famine and even New Wars!”

Friends, this is the time to rise up in Faith and Boldness, to Declare the promises of God over every situation!

The enemy may try to come against The Blueprints and Words that God has given us, but we must stand firm in the Authority that has been given to us.

We are not alone in this battle, for The LORD has promised to send His Angel Armies to fight on our behalf.

As we Decree and Declare The Word of God, we will see breakthrough and victory in the midst of trials and challenges.

The Stinging Hornet of Joshua 24 will go before us, clearing the way and bringing justice and redemption to every situation.

We must not cower in fear, but instead stand strong in the power of God’s promises.

So let us lift up our voices, open our mouths, and turn The Key of Faith to unlock the supernatural provision and protection that God has in store for us.

As we trust in Him and speak His Word boldly, we will see miracles and wonders unfold before our eyes.

The time is now to Arise and Shine, for The LORD is with us in this battle and He will lead us to Victory and triumph!

“Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for He will not pardon your transgressions; for My name is in Him. But if you indeed obey His voice and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries. For My Angel will go before you and bring you in to the Amorites and the Hittites and the Perizzites and the Canaanites and the Hivites and the Jebusites; and I will cut them off. “ Exodus 23:20-23.

“I sent the hornet before you which drove them out from before you, also the two kings of the Amorites, but not with your sword or with your bow.” Joshua 24:12.


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A War Over His Word & a Battle Over the Blueprints!

More Recent Posts

21Jul 24

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has…

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

May 15, 2024 Veronika West King Charles’ latest Official Portrait — 2024 A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day! A Changing of the Guard is surely underway this…

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

Words Of Life

King Charles’ latest Official Portrait — 2024

King Charles' portrait 2024

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

A Changing of the Guard is surely underway this Day!

“Signs shall be given in the skies and Signs shall be given in the land.

Watch and Listen! For great Shakings shall come to the Royal Household that shall reveal the Serpent’s head and expose those who sleep in Jezebel’s bed!

I say, watch, as My Royal Remnant Rises in the midst of greater shakings, and a Governmental and Financial Crisis.

Watch — as this Nation is suddenly awakened when the rug is pulled from under its feet — for surely I shall take this Prodigal Nation back to its Covenant Foundations and expose the deep cracks and the unrighteous roots that have come through demonic vows and Luciferian pacts!”

See also HKP Word from January 2024:

A Word to The UK; a Prodigal Nation Shall Turn and Return


…The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!

January 14, 2024 Veronika West

…While praying at the beginning of the New Year, 2024, for the four Nations of The United Kingdom, God showed to me that in His great Mercy, He has preserved and reserved a Remnant for the days ahead, who will stand in the gap and cry for a Nation caught in-between — to be Let Go!!

As I prayed — I believe prophetically — that there will be something of a falling away of The Royal Family in the days to come.

Though not a complete dismantling — but rather a redefinition and reformation of The Royal Family as we have known it in the natural.

But then God showed me a New Royal Family that shall emerge! A Royal Remnant is rising!

I saw a Crown of Kingship Anointing, and a Gold Signet Ring of Authority, is being transferred to The Ecclesia in the Nation!

There is a rising of The Royal Household of God, that will cause a Prodigal Nation to come back to its senses, and to return to The Father’s Heart in true Repentance.

The heart of a Prodigal Nation will Turn and Return — and as this takes place, a great Restoration and Restitution will come to a stiff-necked and rebellious Nation, to The Glory of God among The Nations!

The time of Divine Exposure is here! Judgement is here! But there will be a simultaneous move of The Spirit, so we will see a move of both severe Judgement and supernatural Birthing, taking place in this Nation.

…Recently, I heard these Words, ”Listen! For the bleating of sheep has given rise to the sound of Islam on your streets — but I AM raising up a Royal Priesthood in this Prodigal Nation who will align and position themselves at The Altar — and they will take hold of the Horns of The Altar once again, and their cry of true Repentance will carry the weight to shift and tip The Scales in The Court Room of Heaven!

Watch! For the Fat Ones will emerge in a time of coming Famine and Wars.

I say, New Wars — and rumours of Wars — for a Nation that I had to resist and reject because of its pride, will be humbled and brought to its knees.”

Then I heard The Spirit say this over The United Kingdom, ”Did I not say that the wolves were circling at the Door of Destiny?

Did I not say that a stiff-necked and rebellious Nation would be humbled and brought to its knees?

And did I not say that a Nation divided against itself would not stand — and that the Truss that was removed to satisfy the corrupt, would cause the whole house to collapse?

Yes! For I tell you, the sound of the bleating of sheep has given rise to the sound of Islam on the streets.

The seed of the corrupt has birthed an unrighteous root which has defiled the fruit of the tree, but watch as the axe comes down upon the root.

Watch as The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD exposes the rot in the root system, for I shall deal with contamination and mixture both in My Church House and the Houses of Government!

All will be exposed! I shall move to drive out the thieves and the corrupt merchandisers from My Father’s House, for I will overturn their tables, and drive them out into the public square!

And naked they shall stand before the eyes of all Nations! The time of Divine Uprooting and Tearing-down has surely begun!

But I say, watch! For while the Watchmen slept, Satan sowed tares among the wheat!

I say, Watch your Houses of Government — for Worship to false gods and false religions, and sacrifices made to demonic idols, has created a legal right for the traffic of satanic entities!

See! For The Changing of The Guard will usher in a wolf in sheep’s clothing for a time and a season — and a Nation full of pride — and having gone its own way — will surely eat its full with the pigs!

But! Watch! For I shall raise up a Royal Remnant with a Roar of The Lion of Judah, that will push back the agenda of the global elites, and bring this Lion Nation back on its feet!”

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

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Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91

Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91

May 11, 2024 Veronika West Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91 : A Prophetic Encounter that gave greater Revelation and Understanding Today was our second day of our…

Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91

Words Of Life

angel image supplied by author

Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91 : A Prophetic Encounter that gave greater Revelation and Understanding

Today was our second day of our early morning IDH* May Day Prayer Call, and the Brother who was leading our time started the Meeting by reading Psalm 91.

Now like many of you, I have read Psalm 91 hundreds of times over the years, but today I was suddenly shown by The Spirit of Revelation something that blew me away!

Now, as the Word (Psalm 91) was being read aloud, suddenly I saw a realm and dimension of God’s Glory being unlocked and opened up to us, and as far as my eyes could see, I saw what looked like a mighty, powerful Angelic Military Division, standing at full Attention as The Word was going forth into the atmosphere!

I also heard these Words, ”The Military Angelic Division of Psalm 91.”

Now, as I looked at this Military Army of mighty Warring Angels, I saw that all were strategically positioned and in perfect Alignment, each Angelic Warrior having a certain rank and file within the “Psalm 91 Military Armed Forces.”

I saw that as Psalm 91 was being read aloud and released into the atmosphere, the “Living Word” became as a “Living Key,” — as a “Master Key” that brought a Supernatural Turning and a Divine Unlocking to a realm and dimension of God’s Divine Protection, Preservation and Provision within His Glory.

As I continued to watch this powerful Military Division of Psalm 91 standing at Attention at the Sound of God’s Word going forth, I knew again by The Spirit of Revelation that they were now waiting and listening for the Voice of the Governing Ecclesia to begin to Legislate.

They were waiting and listening intently for their Specific Prophetic Assignments, and for their Marching Orders, that would come through the Sons and Daughters that carried the Authority of The Key of the House of David.

Now, as I watched the Ecclesia begin to Rise and Pray, Rule and Legislate as One Governing Body, the Angelic Armies of Psalm 91 were suddenly being deployed to different Nations, to people, and even to certain premises and geographical locations.

There was a sudden Divine Deployment of the Angelic Forces of Psalm 91 being released to all areas and spheres of Influence across the land of Ireland and to Nations beyond.

Today, this powerful Prophetic encounter brought greater Revelation to me of what begins to take place in The Spirit, when we begin to speak and release The Word of God into the atmosphere.

When The Living Word goes forth, it brings a Supernatural Turning and a Divine Unlocking to “specific supernatural realms and dimensions in The Spirit” — which give us full access, and makes available to us all that is “locked up,” in that Realm and Dimension of His Glory.

Today I watched as the speaking-forth of Psalm 91broke open and unlocked to us a deeper Realm and Dimension of Gods Divine Protection, Preservation and Provision.

It caused a Supernatural Activation which sent forth the Angel Armies of Psalm 91 with a prophetic Assignment, to clear every obstacle; to remove every stumbling block; to pull down every demonic assignment, and to deal with every demonic plan and purpose of the enemy that would hinder the Advancing of His Kingdom in The Nation(s).

The Release of the Living Word into the atmosphere became as a Living Key, having the Power and Authority to unlock and open up a powerful portal in the Spirit Realm, which gave us permission and full access to the Secret and Hidden Mysteries of God, that were embedded in that specific dimension of the Glory Realm, in order to build and establish His Kingdom in the Earth realm!

The Living Word in your mouth is a Living Key that unlocks realms and dimensions of His Glory — that gives you permission and full access to the Secrets and Hidden Mysteries of His Glory.

The Living Word of God spoken is a Living Key, having the Power and Authority of The Key of The House of David — to open and to shut!

* IDH Ministry : Ireland’s Destiny Hub

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Unlocking the Angelic Military Division of Psalm 91

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The Rise of Kingdom Reformers in the Days of Judgment — and the Rise of Islam on our Streets! I recently released a Prophetic Word; “The bleating of sheep has…

…”Radical Kingdom Reformer’s Must Rise”…!

Words Of Life

The Rise of Kingdom Reformers in the Days of Judgment — and the Rise of Islam on our Streets!

I recently released a Prophetic Word; “The bleating of sheep has given rise to the sound of Islam on your streets…”

See January 2024 HKP Word, The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!”

When this Word of Warning came, I heard The Spirit say, ”Who will Sound the Sound of Distinction and Deal with the Rise of Islam on your streets?

I say, Who will Call for the Kingdom Reformers to Rise to take back the gates of the cities?

Who will Rebuild the Broken down Altars that have given legal Rights to the Ruling Principalities of Islam and Baal to occupy the land?

Who will take up the Mantle of Priesthood again? And who will take hold of the Horns of the Altar in True Repentance and Seek My Mercy for Stiff-Necked and Rebellious Nations?

Who will Worship Me in Spirit and In Truth and who among you will turn their backs on Empire Building to Build and Establish My Kingdom in the Earth Realm?

For surely I tell you, the Tables of the Money Changers shall be overturned and the Merchandisers shall be driven out!

Watch and Pray — for Judgment has Come to The Church — and those that have pimped and prostituted My Precious Gifts in Pulpits of their own making, shall surely be exposed — and those who have come dressed as Angels of Light and Wolves in Sheep’s clothing, shall be brought into the open and stripped naked for all eyes to see!

Watch, as I shake The Church loose of the chains of wickedness and religious witchcraft!

Watch, as I shake the Houses of Government and give them ravenous wolves to lead them

Watch, as I shake Wall Street and the Babylonian Financial Structures and Systems and cause stocks to plummet and shares to tumble!

Watch, as I shake Nations and rearrange their Boundary lines!

Watch, as the Foundations of Nations rip and rupture and the waters of the sea rise and carry away the wealth and power of the wicked in high places!

I say Watch, as My Glory invades the Earth through Wind, Rain and Fire — and Listen — as the Heavens Declare the Day of Great Trouble and the Beginning of Sorrows for those who have turned away from My Righteousness and given themselves over to the Altars of Baal and Molech.

I say, cry out while your cries can still be heard!

Cry out while your tears can be still be collected!

Cry out while the sun is still shining!

But Watch and Pray — for the Day of Judgment and Retribution draws near for The Nations, for the window of My Mercy is closing and the storm-clouds of My Wrath are gathering on the Horizon.

For Many will say the Days of Noah have suddenly come upon us — and the Doors have been closed!”

The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!

In Him

Veronika West

…”Radical Kingdom Reformer’s Must Rise”…!

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