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…Early this morning as I entered my prayer hut,..I was not long into prayer when suddenly a strong spirit of Intercession came upon me with the Spirit of Prophesy and…


Words Of Life

Early this morning as I entered my prayer hut,..I was not long into prayer when suddenly a strong spirit of Intercession came upon me with the Spirit of Prophesy and I heard these words;

…”Oh Great Britain how your Greatness shall continue to be diminished until you have truly turned and returned to your Covenant Foundations,…; I Say,…Do not be Like a dog that goes back to eat its own vomit but rid yourselves of that which has caused defilement and disease and purify and consecrate yourselves before Me,…

…I Say to you again, Oh Great Britain how your Greatness shall continue to be diminished and the Glory on the Crown upon your head shall continue to tarnish and fade away until you have turned your face towards the Light of the Sun/Son that made you Great in the first place…

…Oh Great Britain,..How far you have fallen and how much further you shall fall if you do not heed the Voice of My Spirit that Calls unto you this day,…to turn,..and Return in true Repentance….

..I Say to you Oh Prodigal Nation,…You Shall surely eat with pigs and you shall be stripped of your Royal Garments until naked you stand before the eyes of the World,..For surely I tell you that which has been hidden and concealed in darkness shall be brought into the light and full exposure will bring forth a great revealing and uncovering to the ungodly alliances,…corrupt handshakes and dark dealings done under the table….

…I Say Again to you Great Britain Come out from Among them before it’s too late,…for the Titanic that is the New Europe is on a Collision course with utter destruction,…

…Listen!…and See!…For the dark Clouds are rising in the East a Great Storm is brewing on the horizon,..I Call you Oh Great Britain, to Break Away,…Break Away,…Break Covenant with the Harlot that rides the Bull for surely I tell you that this Babylonian structure and System is about to Fall and it shall never Recover”…!!


Veronika West


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Watch and Pray — 45…47 And 48 — What is God Saying?

Watch and Pray — 45…47 And 48 — What is God Saying?

July 28, 2024 Veronika West   Watch and Pray — 45…47 And 48 — What is God Saying? This is a Prayerful Prophetic Submission from the Watchmen in Ireland. This…

Watch and Pray — 45…47 And 48 — What is God Saying?

Words Of Life


Watch and Pray — 45…47 And 48 — What is God Saying?

This is a Prayerful Prophetic Submission from the Watchmen in Ireland.

This came this morning during our On-line IDH War Room and I submit this to the faithful Watchmen on the Walls for our Beloved America.

So, check this out! The Spirit started to speak to me during our Prayer Time. What came was very clearly — but what I saw had great contention over it. It looked like a clashing of the Titans.

So, suddenly, I saw the number 45 and I knew by The Spirit it was talking about Trump, the 45th President.

Ten I saw (911)… and Psalm 91:1… was quickened to me and I heard, ”A Two-Term President.”

But then suddenly I saw the number 47, and again I knew by Revelation it was talking about Trump.

Then a scroll unraveled before me:

45 : 4+5 = 9

47: 4+7 = 11 (Psalm 91:1)

4×5 = 20

4×7 = 28 (2024-2028 = 4 Years)

20+28 = 48?!

Prophetic Significance of: 45.. 47… 48

9 : Judgement & Birthing

11 : Entered into the 11th Hour

11 : 11 written in Hebrew means (Hand) and (Strength)

11 : Isaiah 11 — Seven Spirits of God — Spirit and Power of Elijah

11 : Deuteronomy 11:11 — Transition into Blessing

11 : Luke 11:11 — Transitional Revelation

11 : Genesis 32:22 — in verse 22 (11 doubled), an angel visits Jacob and they wrestled until dawn.

It was at this point that Jacob received the revelation that he was to change his name to Israel and transition into his destiny with much more clarity and boldness/

A Man/ A Nation(s) / The Ecclesia — in the midst of Divine Transition — Great Danger — Spirit of Deception seeks to Steal the Birthright — Jacob and Esau — an Esau Spirit Rises to Steal the Birthright and Inheritance — Esau meaning Fleshly Spirit.

Trump will Win but Walk with a limp.

Dream of Trump Wrestling with the Angel — A War is Unfolding for the Destiny and Birthright of a Nation(s) in this hour: see HKP link : America: Trump Will Win — But Will Walk With a Limp

The Position of the Ecclesia — Mantle of Priesthood — Mantle of Daniel (9), Chapter (9) — True Repentance — Stitch in time that Saves (9) a Nation(s) from Judgement — a Prayer in time brings Nations into a Time of Birthing

Position of the Ecclesia — is a position of Intercession where there is Wrestling — and a Warring — at the Altar of Elijah.

The Apostolic and Prophetic Proclamation of the Ecclesia — “We will not let go until!”

TRUMP has a two-fold symbolic and prophetic meaning that speaks to;

  • ⁠Both The Nation(s) and to the Ecclesia;
  • ⁠Speaks to A Nation(s) in Divine Transition — A Nation(s) now Wrestling for the Blessing;
  • The Ecclesia Warring/ Wrestling for the True Kingdom Destiny — Identity and Inheritance of a Nation(s);
  • Warring and contending against the Esau Spirit/ Spirit of Deception that comes to Steal Destiny and Birthright.

The FIERY Furnace over Nations — 7 Times hotter — A Now Word for The Nations!”

pixabay image-hell-1690451

Mantle of Daniel (Daniel meaning God is Judge) and Esther (Esther derived from the Babylonian gods of Ishtar).

God of Judgment; Daniel Mantle and Esther Mantles are Rising in the Nations to deal with the Babylonian gods… Systems and Structures; what goes (into) the Fire to be burned up… (the Ancients/Babylonian gods are being dealt with in the Fiery furnace…

The Appearance of the Fourth Man — speaks both to DIVINE INTERVENTION AND SUPERNATURAL VISION, Divine Empowerment and Illumination comes to the Ecclesia in the Fire — Fourth Dimension of Sight — Four Faces of God made manifest.

I hear these Words, ”Watch! For a Divine Manifestation of the Four Faces of God shall be Seen in the Fiery Furnace over the Next Seven Years!

Watch! For the Four Faces of God shall be made manifest through the Mantles that fall in the midst of the fiery Furnace.

I say Prophesy to the Breath — Prophesy a Manifestation of the Four faces of God in the midst of the Fiery Furnace!”

Prophetic Side Notes:

What’s interesting in this Word, is when God suddenly speaks about the Four Faces in the Fire and He says, ”Prophesy to the Breath” as He did to Ezekiel in the valley of Dry Bones — Ezekiel’s fiery Wheel is where the four faces were seen.

Ezekiel’s Wheel speaks of a new Movement of The Spirit rising in The Nations of the earth.

The Manifest Power of the Four faces of God will be seen in the midst of the Seven Year Fiery Furnace!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Watch and Pray — 45…47 And 48 — What is God Saying?

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A Radical Realignment for Kingdom Advancement — is Here!

A Radical Realignment for Kingdom Advancement — is Here!

July 26, 2024 Veronika West   Your enemies are scattered, as God arises and shines through you! I hear The Spirit say, “Fear not! For this day I have set…

A Radical Realignment for Kingdom Advancement — is Here!

Words Of Life


Your enemies are scattered, as God arises and shines through you!

I hear The Spirit say, “Fear not! For this day I have set a Table of Feasting before you in the presence of your enemies.

You will not be deterred, distracted or derailed from The Kingdom Assignments I have Called and Anointed you for!

Have I not said, if I be for you, who can be against you? (Romans 8:31-33)

Look up! Look up to the hills, for your help comes from The LORD, The Creator of The Heavens and the Earth!

Beloved! Do not be troubled. Let not your heart be moved when it seems like the unrighteous are prospering and the wicked seem to get ahead of the game. ( Jeremiah 12:1)

For surely I tell you, the race is not to the swift, or to the strong, but to those who have fully surrendered themselves to the great way-maker and promise keeper. (Ecclesiastes 9:11)

I say, Watch — and pay close attention to what I will do in this next Season!

Watch, how I will make a public spectacle of those who scoff and mock the Name of The True and Living God!

See! For now Nations are coming into a Time and Season of a Divine Course Correction, where suddenly and swiftly, My Hand of Justice and Righteousness shall move to reverse and to turn what was meant for evil, for the good of those who love Me!

Ha! How I laugh at the strength of men and their limited and compromised wisdom, for truly I tell you, those who put their hope and trust in these mere mortals will be utterly dismayed and destroyed.

Watch! For the board path of destruction awaits those who have put their faith in the empty words and hollow promises of unholy preachers and ungodly politicians!

Watch and Pray, for the spirit of deception comes like a ravenous wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing.

But listen! If you will call out to Me this day, I will expose the enemy’s schemes — and every demonic deed and work of witchcraft that has been concealed and hidden behind closed doors, will be revealed, and the hand of the devourer — and those who serve him — will be pushed back and driven out of their hiding places.

For surely I tell you, even the darkness will not be dark to Me! The night will shine like day — for darkness is as Light to Me!

Yes! For I tell you, the time has come for a draining of the swamps and a dismantling of demonic strongholds in The Nations — for The Era of Radical Realignment for Kingdom Advancement is here!” says The Spirit of God.


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A Radical Realignment for Kingdom Advancement — is Here!

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Heaven Heralds New Hope, New Life and Unprecedented Harvest!

Heaven Heralds New Hope, New Life and Unprecedented Harvest!

July 23, 2024 Veronika West ”Heaven heralds New Hope, New Life and unprecedented Harvest in this hour!” I see battle lines being drawn in The Spirit. I hear The Spirit…

Heaven Heralds New Hope, New Life and Unprecedented Harvest!

Words Of Life

image from author - modified by hkp

”Heaven heralds New Hope, New Life and unprecedented Harvest in this hour!”

I see battle lines being drawn in The Spirit.

I hear The Spirit say, “Warriors, be still and fear not, for The Spirit of Might and Power has been poured out over you!

My Spirit of Wisdom gives you Divine Strategy and Solution over every onslaught of the enemy.

Nothing shall take you by surprise!

I have sharpened you to difficulty.  I have formed and fashioned you for war.

Beloved, watch, for I have made you to be fruitful — even on the front-lines of Battle!” says God.

“Listen!  In this hour, Heaven Heralds the rising of New Hope and unprecedented Harvest, therefore rejoice, for even as I make known to you My Divine Purpose and Intention for your life, so shall I send Divine Intervention, causing you to overcome in greater Victory and Kingdom Increase.

For this is The Season of Greater Empowerment and Deeper Encounter!” says God.

“I say — “Take hold of My Word — And Win!”

What, then, shall we say in response to these things?

If God is for us, who can stand against us?

I believe many are feeling the heavy weight of Spiritual Warfare in this season; many are experiencing a great Spiritual Shift and Shake-up.

It is so important to remember that in the midst of it all, God is in control — and He is for us!

Even as we feel the battle raging — which is unseen by the natural eye — God is sharpening our spiritual eyes that we may see beyond and shift even higher.

Listen!  There is Supernatural Power available to the Sons and Daughters of God!

I see mighty Angels on assignment around your life and circumstances — Angels who are sent to assist and align you for breakthrough and to keep us from harm.

Today, let’s make a choice to fully trust in The LORD— relying totally on His Power, Wisdom and Strength to equip, lead, and guide us into victory!

Let us trust that He indeed battles for us in this hour.

Caretakers of the Harvest Fields!

I wanted quickly share something with you all.

This morning in my Prayer Time, I had a short Vision, and in this Vision I was shown what looked like a large field of corn, the harvest looked ready.

As I looked upon the field, I could see what appeared to be giant scarecrows standing in the field.

As I looked at them, each scarecrow seemed strategically positioned, some faced the east, some faced the west, some faced the south and the north.

Suddenly I saw what appeared to be a black cloud on the horizon and it moved swiftly across the skies towards the field of corn.

As I watched, suddenly hundreds upon hundreds of large black birds descended upon the field.

As they got closer, a mighty wind began to blow upon the field of corn.  I watched as the wind moved upon the giant scarecrows, causing them to move and begin walking amongst the corn.

I watched in amazement as the large black birds began to shriek in terror, afraid of the walking scarecrows.

I listened, as they shrieked and screamed and I watched as they fled in many different directions, each black bird disappeared from sight.

My interpretation : The Harvest is ready, and hell is not happy!

I submit that Satan has assigned his demonic cohorts to the fields that are ready for Harvest.

There is battle that is raging in the Heavens in this hour for this Eternal Harvest.

But I see Angelic Warriors, (Caretakers of The Harvest) standing in the Harvest Fields.  Each one is strategically positioned by God.

They will only move at the sound of His Word and the power of His Spirit Wind.  They are mighty in strength and mighty in battle!

There is no weapon formed against the Harvest Fields that shall prosper!  Satan’s plans shall not succeed.  Satan cannot touch the Harvest Fields of God.

Indeed he may try, but I decree in this hour, Heaven is heralding the rising of new hope, new life and unprecedented Harvest.

Prophetically, I hear the sound of new Harvest Songs.  I see new songs being written about the Heavenly Harvest, songs that have never been sung before.

These are songs that shall call forth The Harvest that is ready!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Veronika WestVeronika West

Heaven Heralds New Hope, New Life and Unprecedented Harvest!

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A Now Word for The Nations!

A Now Word for The Nations!

July 22, 2024 Veronika West   The following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has begun to unravel to me in the last seven months,…

A Now Word for The Nations!

Words Of Life


AI imageThe following Word is Part Three (3) of a Prophetic Scroll that God has begun to unravel to me in the last seven months, concerning the fall of Babylon, and the coming collapse of Financial and Economic Structures and Systems as we know it.

Two days ago while sitting with The LORD, he began to reveal the following Word.

I am submitting this Word in a different format than I usually do. I am sharing with you the Notes from my Prayer Journal.

I submit the Revelation as it came and as I wrote it down.

A now Prophetic Word for The Nations: “A seven-year Fiery Furnace is rising over Nations to Purge, Purify and Prepare the foundations of Nations for the weight of His Glory!”

So God has started speaking to me again today about the next seven years, and what is coming, and how He will undertake for His Ecclesia in the midst of the greater shaking.

The Spirit of Revelation took me to The Book of Daniel — Daniel 3 specifically — which was shown to me as part of a Prophetic Timeline for the next seven years over Nations.

He then started to speak to me about Daniel and the three Hebrew boys, and He began to unravel a scroll.

First, The Spirit of Revelation highlighted the meaning of the names of Daniel, then the three Hebrew boys given by Nebuchadnezzar.

As I began to do something of a ‘deep dive’, it was incredible what He began to show me next about the next seven (7) years.

Note: the meaning of all these names is very significant. Each of the four had been given by their parents a name honoring the true God, but the Babylonians wanted them to be identified with one of the false gods.

  • Daniel : — “God is my judge” — was assigned the name Belteshazzar, which meant “Favored by Bel.”
  • Hananiah : — “Beloved of The LORD” — became Shadrach, which meant “Illumined by Rak,” the sun god.
  • Mishael : — “Who is as God” — was called Meshach, which meant “Who is like Shak,” the Babylonian Venus.
  • Azariah : — “The LORD is my help” — became Abednego, which meant “Servant of Nego,” the god of fire.

image supplied by author - artist unknownIn Prayer, I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch! What went “in”… watch!

What went “through” … watch!

What emerged from the Fiery Furnace, that was turned up seven times hotter…

I say, watch! For a simultaneous move of My Spirit shall take place in the Fiery Furnace over the next seven years, for what went in, shall be Purged and Purified, shall be up-rooted and pulled down, shall be dismantled and destroyed!

What went in, shall be Empowered and Equipped; shall be Ignited and Illuminated; shall be Built and Established for the advancement of My Kingdom!”

I hear The Spirit say, ”In the seven-year Fiery Furnace, I will begin to deal with the Babylonian systems and structures over nations!”

I see God beginning to deal with the Babylonian gods of Nebuchadnezzar, for the God of Daniel, Hananiah, Misheal and Azariah shall come as a mighty refiner and purifier of nations.

The seven-year Fiery Furnace of Purification is now rising over Nations to deal with idol worship, the altars of Baal and the strongholds of Babylonian gods that rule nations with an iron fist.

The seven-year Furnace shall deal with the stranglehold of paganism that has crept into The Church. This shall be dealt with severely and swiftly.

The God of Daniel, the God of righteous judgement, (Daniel — God is my judge) is coming to judge the Babylonian systems and structures that rule over Nations.

I hear The Spirit say, ”Look for the writing is on the wall. Watch! For the Mantle of Daniel will fall, for Nations are now being weighed in the balance and found wanting.

Again I say, Daniel nine, is a stitch in time that will save Nations from Judgement — a Prayer in time will bring Nations into a time of birthing.”

But God is also coming to reveal Himself to His Ecclesia in the Fiery Furnace.

In this seven-year Fiery Furnace, He is coming to reveal Himself to His Beloved ones (to His Hananiahs).

  • Hananiah : — “Beloved of The LORD” — became Shadrach, which meant “Illumined by Rak,” the sun god.

To reveal Himself to His chosen ones, those marked by His Presence. Those who have walked through The Fires of the Second Baptism.

He is coming to Empower and Equip His (Mishaels) in The Fire. He is coming to Purify and Prepare His Sons, that they may become Image Bearers, Light and Glory Carriers, of The Fire to The Nations.

  • Mishael : — “Who is as God” — was called Meshach, which meant “Who is like Shak,” the Babylonian Venus.

He is coming to reveal Himself as the mighty Helper. The Helper in the midst of the Fiery Furnace, in the midst of the great Shaking and Trouble.

He is coming to show Himself mighty on behalf of His Ecclesia in the coming days.

  • Azariah : — “The LORD is my help” — became Abednego, which meant “Servant of Nego,” the god of fire.

I see a Divine Confrontation with the god of fire and the counterfeit god of Nego/ Fire. The All-consuming Fire shall burn up the counterfeit works of the god of Nego over Nations.

The Fire of God shall fall upon the Babylonian systems and structures and (ministry empires built by the hands of man shall become as em-pyres unto God).

Fresh Fire will fall upon The Fire Starters, upon the Living Sacrifices on the restored Altars of Elijah.

What went “into” the Fiery Furnace — represents what is now coming under Divine Judgement, in the next seven years.

A seven-year “gory”/ Shaking of Purification is coming to prepare the foundations of Nations for a new era of a greater manifestation of the weight of His Glory on the earth.

What went “through” the Fiery Furnace, represents how God (the fourth man) will reveal himself to his Ecclesia as The Fourth Man — those who have chosen the way of righteousness and those that have not and will not compromise in the days ahead. Those who have not sat and eaten at Jezebels table of defilement…

In the midst of the Fiery Furnace, God is bringing to birth a ”fourth dimension” of sight and vision — greater vision is being released to the purified vessels.

Divine Elevation, Illumination and Impartation is coming to the Fiery Ones in the Furnace…

The Fire of Purification comes to purify and prepare Sheep Nations for the coming outpouring of The Glory.

The Fiery Furnace over the next seven years will start to bring forth a Divine Distinction and separation of goat and sheep Nations.

The seven-year Fiery Furnace is the place where a simultaneous move of both Judgement and Birthing will take place over Nations!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A Now Word for The Nations!

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Watch! A Prophetic Sign of the Times!

Watch! A Prophetic Sign of the Times!

July 19, 2024 Veronika West A mass IT outage has caused chaos around the world, with major banks, media outlets and airlines among the victims. Many flights have been grounded,…

Watch! A Prophetic Sign of the Times!

Words Of Life

BBC new headline screen capture

A mass IT outage has caused chaos around the world, with major banks, media outlets and airlines among the victims. Many flights have been grounded, with queues and delays at airports, while shops and communications have also been hit. Cyber-security firm Crowdstrike has admitted one of its updates caused the problem, which it said affected Microsoft Windows devices. Microsoft has said it is taking “mitigation action” to deal with “the lingering impact” of the outage. ©

Global power outages linked to Windows PCs!

There is an interesting prophetic swirl taking place in The Spirit Realm.

There is a Divine Convergence of Prophetic Revelation being released.

As I looked at the breaking News: “Global Power Outages — Outage linked to Windows PC!”

I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch! For only a small window of time stands open before The Nations.

I say to My Remnant — watch! For in the midst of a great Shaking, My Fist of Justice and Judgement shall come down upon the walls of wickedness, and Ahab’s House shall fall — and Rahab’s House shall stand firm!

But look and look again!

Again I say, only a small window of time now stands opens before The Nations. A window of My Mercy that will make a way for My Righteous Remnant, when walls come crashing down!”

On hearing those Words, The Holy Spirit took me to this powerful and poignant Word — the plug is being pulled! Nations in reset!

“The Whirlpool of Wonder, the Gravity of His Glory… A Divine Convergence; A Nation being unplugged and a draining of demonic powers and principalities of darkness!”

America and The Whirlpool of Wonder

Watch! A Prophetic Sign of the Times!

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Seed Time! Harvest! A Great Awakening!

Seed Time! Harvest! A Great Awakening!

June 26, 2024 Veronika West   I hear The Spirit say, ”Seed Time! Harvest! A Great Awakening! — The Birthing of a New Breed of Breakers! It’s Time — a…

Seed Time! Harvest! A Great Awakening!

Words Of Life


I hear The Spirit say, ”Seed Time! Harvest! A Great Awakening! — The Birthing of a New Breed of Breakers!

It’s Time — a Kairos Time — a Time of the Breaker Mantle has come — a Time of Great Awakening — a Time for the Rains of Restoration and Revival!

Listen! The Sound of The Breaker! The Breaker shall awaken the foundations of Nations to their Kingdom Identity and Destiny.

Watch! For the ground is fertile for the Seed, for the Seed of Destiny shall suddenly be awakened in the hearts of men, and that which has been prophesied, and that which has laid dormant shall suddenly spring to life.

I say, it’s Time for a Divine Convergence, when the New and Ancient Prophesies shall to come to pass suddenly on the earth!

Listen! For The Sound of The Breaker is here!

The Sound of Distinction will herald a great Harvest in the midst of War, for have I not said that if the Trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle?”

Then I hear The Spirit say, ”Watch! For My Breaker Anointing will be a divine deposit in the fertile soil in the Covenant Foundations of The Nations, that will break open Ancient Gates of the Eternal realm, that will cause a greater manifestation of My Glory in the earth realm — for this will be a heavenly invasion for a Glory habitation in The Nations!”

So, recently, God showed and revealed to us a Powerful Vision in our War Room.

God showed us the blade of plow breaking through hard ground, and the blade was turning over the hard and rocky soil.

And the Spirit of God spoke to me saying, ”Watch! For the blade of the Apostolic and Prophetic Plow has begun to move!

The blade of the Apostolic and Prophetic Plow is now beginning to break up the hard and fallowed ground.”

Then God showed me an Army of Angels standing at attention, and I saw that they were Waiting and Watching — and as soon as the Apostolic and Prophetic Plow began to move, the Angels broke rank and rushed towards the Plow, and then I saw the Ecclesia rising, and they began to march behind the Plow — and as the Plow moved and advanced forward.

Suddenly I heard the sound of the voices of the Remnant rise with powerful Prophetic Decrees and Declarations, and I watched as their Words became as heavy Gold Coins that fell into the ground like Seeds.

AI image of gold coins planted in field

Then I watched as the Army Angels were being deployed into all The Nations at the sound of the Ecclesia’s Decree, and I watched as the Gold Coins fell like seeds into the Soil, and I saw Generational Curses of Poverty, Lack and Barrenness being broken off the land and Nation(s)!

And then I heard The Spirit say, ”Listen! I say to you, Watch!

For a New Breed of Breakers is being birthed on the earth!

A New Breed of Breakers are now emerging!

A New Breed of Breakers is rising to break! Break! Break and shatter to pieces the altars of Baal!

I say, Get ready! For a New Breed Breakers is here!

A New Breed of Breakers who will break up the fallowed ground and turn over the Soil in preparation for the Living Seed!

I say, not by might — nor by power — but by My Spirit,” says The LORD.

“See, this mighty Breed of Kingdom Breakers will move and have their being in total Surrender and Radical Obedience — for they are Anointed and Appointed to Uproot and Tear-down, to break and smash to pieces every demonic stronghold and stranglehold in high places.

Listen! There is a sound of a Cry — a piercing cry — like that of a Mother in labour, for this is the sound that shall be heard coming from the ones who will weep and travail between the Porch and the Altar for the Destiny and Birthright of the Next Generation.

At the Sound of the Lion’s Roar, the Eagles will soar and they will carry The Sound of Heaven that will break open portals and atmospheres, that shall invite and make way for the Glory of God to come and inhabit their praises.

These are the violent, mighty New Breed of Breakers on the Earth — Holy and Anointed Ones — who know how to push through until they break through, and break to pieces the arrows in their hands.

Ha! These are the New Breed of Breakers who are bold, fierce and courageous, and have been Anointed and Armed with the Battle Axe of Awakening and Reformation.

Yes! This New Breed of Breakers shall go forth to confront the counterfeit and cause great chaos and disruption in the devil’s camp.

A New Breed of Light Bearers and Glory Carries who will bring Divine Exposure to the demonic realm.

Watch, as demonic powers and principalities bow down and flee in every direction at the very sight of this New Breed of Overcomers and Mighty Destroyers.

I say this New Breed of Breakers will be known as The Mighty Destroyers, who have destroyed the destroyer of destinies.

Watch! As this New Breed of Breakers go forth to agitate and even instigate war against the enemy in the days ahead.

I call them My Double Trouble Makers! No longer will My Breakers tolerate the altars of Baal and the rule of Jezebel and Ahab.

These Double Troublers — these Mighty Breakers — will become an Army of Madmen from the Seed of Jehu for this next generation.

They are the Undignified — but undeterred — by the distractions and schemes of the devil.

They are the Fiery — Burning Breakers — who carry a flame that cannot be quenched.

They are the Living Sacrifices — My Brave Heart Breakers who are Keepers of The Flame.

They are the Radical — they are My Redeemed Reformers.

They are Mountain Movers — and Giant Slayers — and Water Walkers!

They are the Mighty New Breed of Breakers being Birthed in the Earth, for such as time as this!”


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Seed Time! Harvest! A Great Awakening!

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A Word Update for The United Kingdom..!

A Word Update for The United Kingdom..!

July 5, 2024 Veronika West   The United Kingdom shall be Yoked by a Labour Government by the morning… This will confirm two poignant prophetic Words which were Submitted. The…

A Word Update for The United Kingdom..!

Words Of Life


The United Kingdom shall be Yoked by a Labour Government by the morning…

This will confirm two poignant prophetic Words which were Submitted.

The following Word was prophesied in May 15, 2024:

A Changing of the Guard is Underway This Day!

“Signs shall be given in the skies and Signs shall be given in the land.Watch and Listen! For great Shakings shall come to the Royal Household that shall reveal the Serpent’s head and expose those who sleep in Jezebel’s bed!

I say, watch, as My Royal Remnant Rises in the midst of greater shakings, and a Governmental and Financial Crisis.

Watch — as this Nation is suddenly awakened when the rug is pulled from under its feet — for surely I shall take this Prodigal Nation back to its Covenant Foundations and expose the deep cracks and the unrighteous roots that have come through demonic vows and Luciferian pacts!”

This second Word was prophesied on the January 14, 2024:

The UK: A Prodigal Nation shall Turn, Return and be Restored!

A Word Update for The United Kingdom..!

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Words Of Life


…So Again the Angel of Exodus 23:20 appeared before me early hours of this morning while in Prayer,…As Joshua’s Call Prepare to go on a strategic Prayer Assignment this weekend the Lord has sent the Angel of Exodus 23:20 to me again to ensure that the mandate of our Prophetic assignment is fully implemented and completed,…

..The first encounter I had with this incredible Angelic General of this Warring Company of Angelic Warriors was almost exactly to the day that he came the first time,…

…As I began to decree and declare the Word of the Lord concerning the Assignment I watched as the Angels were being deployed and going AHEAD TO PREPARE THE WAY BEFORE US,…

…While Watching this Mighty Warring Angelic Company of the Order of Exodus 23:20 going before us,…

…At first I saw Fire,…Fire going before them to purify and to prepare the ground and the Spiritual Atmosphere and Territory for our coming,…then I saw a Mighty Wind begin to blow,..and I heard these words,…”The Winds of the Mighty Seven Spirit Breaker comes to Break Break Break and Smash to pieces the Strangleholds and Strongholds of the Enemy”….

…Then I saw a Mighty Downpour of Rain,…

…And I heard,…”Watch!…For The Rain,…I Say it’s time to Go Up,..I Say again It’s Time to Go Up,…For there is Coming an Abundance of Rain,..the Rain of My Spirit shall come to Reverse the Curse and to Restore Double,..Double,..Double,..SEE!…For the Fire,..Wind and Rain of My Glory shall Come to Prepare a Resting Place,…Yes!…A Highway of Holiness,…and to Turn the hearts of Prodigal Nations back to the Heart of the Father”…!!

…Friends Get Ready…For the Angelic Warriors of the Order of Exodus 23:20 is now being deployed to the Warriors of God for the Building and Establishing of the Kingdom of Our King in the Earth..!!



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The Return of Moses from the Mountain to Deal with the Counterfeit!

The Return of Moses from the Mountain to Deal with the Counterfeit!

Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision! January 25, 2024 Veronika West See also Part 1:  “Switzerland and the Raising of a New Gold Standard“…

The Return of Moses from the Mountain to Deal with the Counterfeit!

Words Of Life

See also Part 1:  “Switzerland and the Raising of a New Gold Standard


Part 2

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“Watch!  Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision!

For a Counterfeit Substitute will Rise to Please and Appease the Fearful in the Days of Famine and War!”

So Friends, the following Word is the Part 2 of the Word I released three days ago: Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion!

Two days ago during a time of Prayer, The LORD quickened to me Exodus 32 ”The Golden Calf”.  (Please read below for context).


Now, as the Spirit of Revelation began to speak, I saw a Scrollbeing unraveled, that continued to reveal more about the Prophetic Timeline that Nations have now entered into concerning the Rise and Fall of Economic and Financial Systems and Structures in The Nations.

Note:  I have prophesied again and again that Nations have now Entered into a Second Exodus.  (I prophesied this concerning the Nation of Israel as well)
I have also prophesied about a ‘Second Circumcision!’

Today I was in a Meeting with some Leaders, when the Spirit of Revelation began to unravel more of the Scroll as we spoke.

I pray that what I share, you are able to keep track with what God is unraveling to us — for the Future — and how we are to be Rightly Aligned.

The way in which this Word is written is very different to how I would usually present a Word — but I want to honour the way in which the Scroll was unsealed and revealed.

This is what was written upon the scroll…

“Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in the Valley of Decision!

Watch!  For a Counterfeit Substitute will rise to please and appease the fearful in the Days of Famine and War — but I say, the Door of Revelation Four stands open before Nations in The Valley of Decision!

I say, “Come up here!”  Come up higher and enter in — and eat of the Scrolls — and you shall see of My Hidden Secrets and Mysteries!”

Then I heard The Spirit say again,  ”Watch!  For Golden Calf Altars of Aaron will Rise in the Valley of Decision — to please and appease the people!

Yes!  Watch — for Altars of Aaron will rise offering a substitute to a people who are crying out for a Deliverer (a Moses) and a way of escape!

Watch and Pray!  For the Golden Calf Altars of Aaron will rise that will produce a Counterfeit in exchange for the Real!”

Then God showed me Nations in The Valley of Decision, and I saw Spiritual Aarons (weak and compromised Leaders in The Church, who have a Call to the Mountain of Business — and even some to the Mountain of Government) who will rise, offering a way of escape to many who have come into agreement with the spirit of fear of the greater shaking that is coming to The Nations of the earth.

I saw so clearly that the fearful, will seek after a substitute for Moses — who has ascended the mountain.

This is where the Rise of the Altars of Arron will begin to take place — and so many spiritual Aarons will rise and call for many to bring their Gold and Silver (many will look to their own resources — and even seek for answers and solutions through Counterfeit Systems and Financial Structures) in order to access God’s Provision and Preservation!

Important Prophetic Note

When the people asked Aaron to fashion for them a ‘god,’  in their hearts they were not looking to serve another god — but rather they were looking for a ‘substitute’ — for an alternative way to have access to God, in the absence of Moses.

This was when Aaron told them to bring their gold and silver etc — and a Golden Calf comes forth.

The people became impatient and frustrated and then came into agreement with the spirit of fear, while waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain.

They looked for a way to access God without Moses, and so Aaron created a substitute.

The Rise of The Golden Calf

Watch!  For a Counterfeit System will rise that will promise a way of escape — and even access to God and His Provision and Preservation when the shaking comes!

But watch — for it will bring a curse of destruction and not the blessing of real Kingdom Wealth through inheritance!

We must become aware of the rise of “The Golden Calf of Aaron” in the midst of the greater shakings that are coming, because a substitute will promise a way of escape — but it will be a trap — and many will miss out on “the real” that’s being prepared and mantled, and on its way down the mountain, and so, much will be lost!

Moses’ Ascent Upon the Mountain

Moses’ ascent upon the mountains exposes their hearts and reveals their weaknesses.

I hear The Spirit say,  ”Watch!  For I AM removing My Moses, My Josephs, My Davids from in the midst of them, for I AM taking My Deliverers up the Mountain for an encounter with My Glory — and My Deliverers will come down the Mountain, Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah, carrying an End-time Template written on the tablets of their hearts for future generations!”

I see on The Scroll, that God is: “Taking many Out — to bring them Back in!”

Moses ascends (We have entered into a Time and Season of Ascension) the Governmental Mountain of The LORD.  It is The Meeting Place, to Receive the Template of the Future — for future generations.

Moses in effect, enters into the Door of Revelation Four, where He encounters The Glory and is Mantled for Mass Destruction of the Golden Calf Altars of Aaron that are rising, and the Idols that sit upon them.

The Ecclesia must now ascend the Governmental Mountain of The LORD, to be Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah for Rebuilding and Restoration of Righteous Altars and for the destruction of the demonic altars of Baal.

There is a Call to enter into the Door of Revelation Four to Receive the Scrolls of the Future — to have The Finger of God write the Future Template upon the tablets of our hearts, for future generations!

Moses’ Ascension and Return

I hear these Words, ”The Ascending Ones, will carry with them the Secret and Hidden Mysteries of God written upon their hearts, and they will possess the Key of the House of David, that will open doors no man can shut — and shut doors, no man can open!”

Watch!  For The Remnant must ascend the Governmental Mountain of The LORD, to be Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah for the days ahead.

It’s time to raise up Righteous Altars that Will Counter the Demonic Power of the Golden Calf Altars of Arron and the Idols that Sit upon it!”

Idols that sit upon Aaron’s Altar:

  • The three-fold demonic cord —  Jezebel, Delilah and Athelia.
  • The lullaby of Delilah — that has lulled many into a deep sleep.
  • The ruling principality of The Philistines.
  • The ruling principality of Herod.

These Idols are the Ruling Powers and Principalities that sit upon the Altar of Baal, and rule over Regions, Territories and Nations.

In a recent encounter, I was standing on a great Ship.  I knew the Ship spoke of The Nations, and the Ship was being violently tossed to and fro upon the high seas.

I knew again by revelation, that a greater shaking, turmoil and trouble was before The Nations, and as I stood upon the deck of the Ship, a thick and heavy Fog began to rise from the depths of the sea.

The first thing I noticed about the Fog, was a foul smell — a putrid odour — that immediately began to fill my nostrils.

The Fog also brought with it a strange heaviness, and the smell that filled my nostrils translated into a bitter taste in my mouth.

The Fog was heavy and thick — so thick that it soon became impossible to see anything before me!

I knew by revelation, that the rising Fog was powerfully demonic and designed to bring blindness, confusion, depression, disorientation, fear, intimidation and heavy demonic oppression over The Nations!

When suddenly I heard The Spirit say, ”Come up here!  Come up higher!  Now Prophesy to the Four Winds!”

Now, as soon as I began to rise up higher above the thick Fog, I heard The Spirit say again, ”Come up here!  Come up higher!  Now Prophesy to the Four Winds!”

As I heard those Words, I saw four Cherubim (Angels) come up and go forth upon The Nations, and I saw their faces — the face of the Ox, the Lion, the Eagle, and the face of a Man.

Then I heard The Spirit say,  ”Now Prophesy a Mighty Manifestation of the Four Faces of God into the Nations of the Earth!

Prophesy to the Four Winds!

Prophesy a Manifestation of the Four Faces over the Nations of the Earth!

Watch — as the Winds of the Eagle brings forth Revelation, and the Mysteries of My Grace.

Watch — as the Winds of the Lion brings forth the Roar of Judah to awaken the deep sleepers.

Watch — as the Mighty Winds of the Ox brings forth Strength and Power to Prevail and to Rebuild the Righteous Altars in The Valley of Decision!

And Watch — as the Winds of the Man, brings forth Light in the midst of deep darkness, to expose and uncover what’s been hidden!”

Then I heard The Spirit say,  “Now, prophesy a Manifestation of the Release of the Kingship Anointing and Authority on the Earth.

Through the Face of The Lion — prophesy the Rise of Kings on the Earth!  Prophesy the Reformation of the Five-fold Ministries!

I say, Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Nature and Glory of God through the Face of The Eagle!

Prophesy the rise of The Fathers — that the hearts of Prodigal Nations will be turned back in true Repentance!

Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Nature and Glory of God, that brings Revelation and Wisdom concerning True Identity!

Again I say — Prophesy a Manifestation of Strength, Power and Humility of the Mantle of the Ox.

Prophesy the Rise of a Royal Priesthood for the Rebuilding and Restoration of Righteous Altars that will counter the power of the altars of Baal, and the Idols that sit upon them.

Prophesy a continual presenting of your bodies as living sacrifices upon the Righteous Altars that are now rising.

Son of man, Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Humanity of Christ in the midst of The Nations.

Prophesy!  Arise!  Shine!  For My Glory has risen upon you!

Prophesy a Manifestation of Light in the darkness — Divine Revelation and Wisdom, supernatural signs wonders and miracles on the Earth.

Beloved, listen.  For it’s not enough to ascend the Mountain — but My Prophets must prophesy to the Four Winds.

Prophesy to the Breath!

My Prophets must Decree at The Gates and Declare a Mighty Manifestation of the Four Faces within the Four Winds, to lift and shift the demonic Fog that has blinded The Nations and lulled many into a Deep Sleep!”  says the Spirit of God.

Prophetic Notes

  • Prophesy to the Four Winds of the Four Faces:  Wheel within a wheel.
  • Prophesy a Manifestation of the Four faces in the Nations of the earth.
  • Face of The Lion — Lion — The King — Mantle of Kingship — The Lion speaks to Royalty…Genesis 49, Jacob/ Israel describes his 4th son, Judah, as a “lion’s cub,” and the tribal symbol of Judah is a lion.…; The Road of Royalty carries the sound of the roar/ Sound of Distinction that breaks the power and Influence of Delilah’s Lullaby and the demonic distortion that has brought blindness through deception, over The Nations.
  • Face of The Eagle — Eagle — Mantle of Fatherhood — The Eagle (Son of God) Revelation; soaring in the Spirit, God’s protecting care: Access to the deeper things of God, hidden mysteries of His Glory and Grace; divine Gifts, prophetic gifts, Eagles Wings that bring forth swiftness of Divine operations in the Earth

“As an eagle stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, He spread His wings to catch them; He carried them on His pinions,”   Deuteronomy 32:11

  • Face of the Ox — Mantle of Priesthood ; The Ox (Humility)…The Ox is a creature of great Power, yet humbly submits to the authority that tames and directs it.  The Suffering Servant: Sacrifice, sin bearer, burden bearer; firmness, endurance, strength. Harvest — Ox —- Priesthood — Righteous Altars are built and established with the Priesthood Mantle.
  • Face of the MAN — The Prophet ; The Man (Humanity) The Human Face of God in Jesus: God with us; Intelligence, wisdom, compassion, empathy.  Divine intercession….

“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the FACE of Jesus Christ,”   2 Corinthians 4:6

More Prophetic Notes:

Elijah built an Altar to shift the Baal culture of the prophets of Baal influence that was over the Land, Air and Waters.

The Ecclesia must ascend the Mountain, to be mantled with The Spirit and Power of Elijah and begin to legislate on the earth…

Part 1:

Switzerland and the Raising of a New Gold Standard

The Return of Moses from the Mountain to Deal with the Counterfeit!

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