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Veronika West : Signs of the Times – Cedar Red – Divine Distinction and Separation

Veronika West : Signs of the Times – Cedar Red – Divine Distinction and Separation

Signs of the Times — Cedar Red — Divine Distinction and Separation — A Simultaneous Move of the Seven Spirits! – On the First of January 2024, while sitting in…

Veronika West : Signs of the Times – Cedar Red – Divine Distinction and Separation

Words Of Life

Signs of the Times — Cedar Red — Divine Distinction and Separation — A Simultaneous Move of the Seven Spirits!

On the First of January 2024, while sitting in my Prayer Hut, The Spirit of The LORD instructed me to paint my Prayer Hut — “Cedar Red”  A strange Instruction, but I knew it would be a Prophetic Sign of the Year ahead. It would be a tangible reminder each morning as I entered into The Secret Place that the Year ahead would require me to be rightly aligned and positioned from a place of AscensionGreater Revelation and Supernatural Preservation!

The Spirit of Wisdom will often speak with such simplicity, and yet I can testify that when I have obeyed Him without hesitation or question, He soon reveals the power of His Word in such unexpected ways.  So, I immediately went out the next day and purchased, “Cedar Red” paint as instructed, and as soon as I painted my Prayer Hut, The LORD spoke these words to me, ”The Year of the Watchmen — The Year when a simultaneous move of My Seven Spirits shall be made manifest in The Nations of the Earth!  A Move of Birthing and Judgment! A Move of Word and Spirit! A Move of Divine Restoration and Severe Destruction!  A Move of Uprooting and Tearing-down! A Move of Building and Planting! A Move of War and Peace!  A Move of Famine and My Fat Ones Emerging — for this shall be a Year of Divine Distinction — a Year that will herald a Second Exodus and a Second Circumcision!

Yes! The Year of a Spiritual Second Wind of My Spirit, that shall blow forth upon The Nations, that will gather up what has been scattered — and scatter and separate that which was gathered up!  Watch! As the Sword and Sickle fly — and Fire and Water shall fall!  For I tell you, one shall rise and another shall suddenly fall — for this is a Year of Greater Awakening — and yet many will enter into a deeper sleep.

See! I say look at the fields, for the Wheat and Tares are now coming to full maturity, and a Gavel of My Justice will be heard as The Scales move and shift.  For the Year when Goat and Sheep Nations begin to emerge — and Nations that were once aligned and united — shall secede [withdraw].  For I tell you, the Season of Divine Distinction and Separation has surely begun!

So I say to you, My Beloved, The Blood! The Blood! Come up here and stay hidden under The Blood!  I say, dwell in The Secret Place of The Most High, and you shall abide under the shadow of The Almighty — for I will cover you with My Feathers, and under My Wings you will find refuge!  Look to Me — for My Faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Again I say, put The Blood on the Door Posts, for this is the Year Of Red, for My Hand shall Passover, and My Remnant shall cross over to the other side!”

Postscript — Interesting Note

I submit there is powerful Prophetic Meaning in the “CEDAR” for the days ahead.

It will speak with prophetic poignancy, and it will bring greater Revelation as to how God is moving and where The Spirit is leading.

Keep your eyes on “THE CEDARS” — God is speaking!

In ancient times, cedar wood was especially desirable for its aromatic qualities as well as its resistance to decay and bugs. Lebanon was known for its magnificent cedars and was once heavily forested with them.  Cedar was a major export and source of wealth, although, in more recent years, Lebanon has faced deforestation. Even today, the image of a cedar tree is found on the Lebanese national flag. 🇱🇧

In Ezekiel 31, Assyria is compared to a Cedar of Lebanon and described thus:

“Beautiful branches overshadowing the forest; it towered on high, its top above the thick foliage. The waters nourished it, deep springs made it grow tall; their streams flowed all around its base and sent their channels to all the trees of the field. So it towered higher than all the trees of the field; its boughs increased and its branches grew long, spreading because of abundant waters. All the birds of the sky nested in its boughs, all the animals of the wild gave birth under its branches; all the great nations lived in its shade. It was majestic in beauty, with its spreading boughs, for its roots went down to abundant waters.” Ezekiel 31:3-7

The symbolism of the cedar points to the former greatness of Assyria, as it towered magnificently over the other nations of the earth.

Cedar is mentioned throughout the Old Testament as an item of luxury and wealth. David used cedar wood in building his palace (2 Samuel 5:11; 7:2), and it was also used in building the temple (1 Kings 5:6; 2 Kings 19:23), which was almost completely panelled with cedar (1 Kings 6:6,16,18,20,36).
Solomon used it in his Palace of the Forest of Lebanon, with cedar columns, beams, and roof (1 Kings 7:2).

Cedar was also used in the construction of The Second Temple (Ezra 3:7, thus the abundance of cedar was seen as a sign of prosperity (1Kings 10:27; 2 Chronicles 1:15).

David and Solomon acquired their cedar from Hiram, king of Tyre, a city in Lebanon (1 Chronicles 14:1; 2 Chronicles 2:3), where the best cedar was to be found.

The fact that God planted the cedars in Lebanon was a sign of His power and goodness (Psalm 29:5; 104:16).  His ability to break or burn them is a sign of His power to judge (Zechariah 11:1; Isaiah 2:3; 14:8).  Jeremiah warned the king of Judah that, although he rested in a House of Cedar — figuratively calling his residence “Lebanon” — he would not escape judgment Jeremiah 22:14, 15, 23).

The Cedars of Lebanon were a gift from God and a source of wealth for Lebanon, the cities of Tyre and Sidon especially benefiting from their export (1 Chronicles 17:1, 6; 22:4).

Although Tyre and Sidon were on friendly terms with Israel under David and Solomon, in later years they became enemies, and Tyre rejoiced over the fall of Judah. Therefore, God promised judgment (Ezekiel 26).

The cedars of Lebanon should remind us that every good gift comes from God, but when we focus on the gift without thanking and worshiping the One who gave it, we too will face judgment.

Veronika West : Signs of the Times – Cedar Red – Divine Distinction and Separation

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House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

08Apr 24

House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..! …Please See Other Platform Links;  

Victor Mitchell : Thus Far And No Further

Victor Mitchell : Thus Far And No Further

There was an urgency about this ROAR over the Body of Christ today. There is a boldness and an authority that comes with this declaration that is coming from Heaven’s Throne…

Victor Mitchell : Thus Far And No Further

Words Of Life

There was an urgency about this ROAR over the Body of Christ today. There is a boldness and an authority that comes with this declaration that is coming from Heaven’s Throne Room, coming to individuals, but also coming to the Bride of Christ who has been letting the enemy take ground. 

My Ecclesia, My Bride, RISE UP with swords in hand. Stand to attention and draw your sword in a line in front of you. Look at your enemy, the devil, and his numerous hordes of demons and draw a line in the sand for your enemy to see. Declare with everything within you, “THUS FAR SATAN, AND NO FURTHER.”  

I hear the Lord say that now is a time of declaration into the enemy’s camp, just as Gideon and God’s selected 300 men, with their fire pitchers in their hands, and the shout of the Lord in their mouths, they brought confusion to the enemy’s camp and victory to their own.  

Decree and declare with all that is within you, that the Battle is the LORD’s, no matter what, no matter where, no matter who!  Let everything within you shout to the LORD. It is time to ROAR with the authority that the Lord has given us. Shout, for the battle is the LORD’s, and having done everything else, in our own strength and might, Shout, Decree and Declare, for the Lord is good and His mercies endure forever. 

The frost that covers the ground is sent to break up the fallow soil and destroy the harmful bugs. “So, it shall be as you Declare and Shout and Decree, MY LIVING WORDS over your life and your families’ lives,” declares the Lord.  

No FURTHER, to have wrack and ruin over our lives.


No longer to bring wrack and ruin over our spouse’s life.  

No longer to bring wrack and ruin over our children’s lives. 

No longer to bring wrack and ruin over our parents’ lives.


No longer to bring wrack and ruin over our generations’ lives.


No more to bring wrack and ruin over our health.


No more to bring wrack and ruin over our provision and finances. 

No more to bring wrack and ruin over our work. 

No more to bring wrack and ruin over our ministries. 

No more to bring wrack and ruin over our businesses.  

No more to bring wrack and ruin over our thoughts.  

No more to bring wrack and ruin over our understanding. 

No more to bring wrack and ruin over the creative aspects of our lives. 

No more to bring wrack and ruin over the things that are of GOD in our lives. 

The enemy has come in, with lovely words and nice thoughts; with busy schedules and people who ‘need’ us. He is keeping us focused and distracted with his plans and his agendas. He is keeping us busy and pre-occupied doing ‘good’! The enemy knows how to play at our heart strings, for he is a master of deception, and he will try to overwhelm us and push us down, gradually, slowly, he is not in any rush, his long-term goal is to keep us all off our target.


Funny! When an archer missed his target in medieval times, he was told that he had sinned.  He knew exactly what had happened and so he adjusted for the next time he would shoot his arrow at the target.  The word ‘sinned’ in medieval times was said to be, that the archer missed his targeted. The enemy wants us to MISS the targets that Abba Father has placed for us. The enemy wants to side track us so that we miss the mark of the high calling of God upon our lives. 

Let the Sword of the Spirit of Life bring about divine strategies and counter measures to stop the rise of the enemy in the land today. Let us stand, having done everything else that we can physically do.  Let us stand and see the Lord defeat the enemy before our very eyes. Let us sever all partnerships that have arisen from not having those Godly hedges and boundaries of protection around us. As we yield our lives afresh to Yahweh today, may we allow ABBA Father to take those ungodly partnerships, and ungodly soul-ties and cut them off! 


Declare with the help and power of The Ruach Holy Spirit, that as you stand up for the Lord, remember that your enemy is a liar, a deceiver, and an absolute thug. Realise today, if God be for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 

Victor Mitchell : Thus Far And No Further

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23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

08Apr 24

House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..! …Please See Other Platform Links;  

AI generated image of King Josiah reading from the ancient scroll surrounded by Baal worship

William Abraham : 2024 – The Year of King Josiah

I was thinking about preparing a word for 2024 to share in my regular Friday online session with The 7000. I then had a dream on 13 December where I…

William Abraham : 2024 – The Year of King Josiah

Words Of Life

AI generated image of King Josiah reading from the ancient scroll surrounded by Baal worship

I was thinking about preparing a word for 2024 to share in my regular Friday online session with The 7000. I then had a dream on 13 December where I heard the Lord say that “2024 is a King Josiah season”. I had to look up the story of King Josiah to see what this was about and the story related to finding God’s way of doing things that had been lost or hidden. It speaks to a nation and religious establishment that had lost its way and was doing all kinds of things, but not the things that God had instructed or desired. They had systems and economic models in operation that were just wrong. Using our ekklesia nomenclature, they were not Kingdom.


Let me set the stage described in 2 Kings 22 and 23. Horses and chariots dedicated to the sun god lined the entrance to the temple. Everyone consulted mediums. Wizards and idols were everywhere. Inside the temple were vessels dedicated to the worship of Baal, Asherah, and the hosts of the heavens. Asherah idols were in the temple along with altars for worship. Right beside the temple were the male cult prostitutes and people who served the Asherah. Nearby, the sacrifice of children to the god Molech was still in practice. This was the norm for the day, and everyone lived in this reality.


This was the picture of daily life (and worse), when a scroll containing God’s law and covenant was found in the temple. It seemed like everyone had forgotten how to live and had been fully absorbed by the culture of their day. Defilement had not just crept in – it had become the norm. 


Then someone found an old scroll and everything changed.  Then Shaphan the scribe told the king, Hilkiah the priest has given me a book. And Shaphan read it before the king. And when the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he rent his clothes. And the king commanded …Go, inquire of the Lord for me and for the people and for all Judah concerning the words of this book that has been found. For great is the wrath of the Lord that is kindled against us because our fathers have not listened and obeyed the words of this book, to do according to all that is written concerning us. (2 Kings 22: 10-13 AMP)


When he enquired of the Lord, he heard the grave news of pending judgement. Not knowing was no excuse, but here is how Josiah responded:


The king went up to the house of the Lord, and with him all the men of Judah, all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the priests, the prophets, and all the people, both small and great. And he read in their ears all the words of the Book of the Covenant, which was found in the Lord’s house. The king stood [on the platform] by the pillar and made a covenant before the Lord—to walk after the Lord and to keep His commandments, His testimonies, and His statutes with all his heart and soul, to confirm the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people stood to join in the covenant.

And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest and the priests of the second rank and the keepers of the threshold to bring out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels made for Baal, for [the goddess] Asherah, and for all the hosts of the heavens; and he burned them outside Jerusalem in the fields of the Kidron, and carried their ashes to Bethel [where Israel’s idolatry began]. (2 Kings 23: 2-4 AMP)

King Josiah then went on to destroy the idols and framework for defilement that existed in the land. His response is an example to us, illustrating what we are to do when the defilement of the world is found in our lives: repent, restore the covenant, and then destroy the works of the devil. Kingdom Finance is to partner with God in destroying the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).


Like the people in Josiah’s time, many today have forgotten the truths of the Kingdom. The culture of the world has so invaded the church that we are unaware of the altars of Baal in our midst. We don’t even know they are wrong. Yet when the word of our covenant of Kingdom is read, the truth brings realisation, revolution, and change. When we see things God’s way, the temple prostitutes and pagan altars cannot remain. Revelation allows us to see the defilement and bondage in contrast to the blessing of the covenant that God intended. 


King Josiah found out what God was all about and the truth of His plans that had been lost. He realised that the structures in operation were not right and a new approach was needed. King Josiah understood that they had been doing it all wrong.


We are in a season where we need to find the word from the Lord about what Kingdom means in 2024. Like in the day of King Josiah we are off course, missing Kingdom’s mark and God is revealing to us how we really should be living and how Kingdom really works.


It is a season of founded identity. Our identity must be founded upon the rock of Jesus. We are to operate – In Him. In Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). This is the opposite of what many are doing as they chase woke agendas and try to appease the mob through the deJesusification of the church. Too many talking about inner peace, the light within, and finding your true purpose, while ignoring the fact that the only path to God is through Christ Jesus (Jn 14:6). 


We need to remember that in the Kingdom we are freed to serve. The cry of Moses was not for freedom but for freedom to serve (Ex 8:1). This season is not about our claimed identity as “The Prophet” or “The Apostle” or “The Pastor” etc, but what we are to be In Him. It is not about the old hierarchy divisions of clergy and laity or the false pride found in the green rooms. The silo paranoia and competitiveness of the ravening hunger for recognition has sadly been a hallmark of the prophetic in the last season. Part of the King Josiah Kingdom revelation, is that we are the Jesus Generation – putting the King back in Kingdom. Rediscovering the word of Kingdom – rediscovering the KING. Jesus is responding now to the deJesusification of the “church” – in 2024 the new move is all about Jesus, all about the Word and all about the Spirit.

2024 is a “Post church” era or a “proto-Kingdom” era. We are leaving the classical old models and, like King Josiah, God is revealing what His way looks like in 2024. The season in 2023 was the season of the winnowing wind (see blogs including and this wind is separating out that which cannot hold His glory. Any element that is part of the old season will be left behind unless it is reformed to reflect Kingdom – consecrated places are being revisited and the broken altars torn down and rebuilt. The altars of Baal are being left behind and new altars are being rebuilt that can hold His Glory and the fire of His presence. God is saying in 2024 that: “My children will be safe.” Millstones are being applied where this has not been true (Mark 9:42) so watch the defiled be exposed and evicted. Past seasons of silo Christianity have not been safe places – God is breaking the silos, protecting His children, and building covenantal Kingdom relationships!

I spoke in 2023 about Kingdom Relationships and 2024 is a season of Kingdom covenantal relationships being manifested ( Don’t mourn the relationships that have been lost in the winnowing wind – revel and celebrate the covenantal relationships that God is bringing into manifestation in 2024. 


In 2024, even as the mouth utters wokeisms, the eviction notices are received – for you cannot be friends with the world without becoming an enemy of God.  You [are like] unfaithful wives [having illicit love affairs with the world and breaking your marriage vow to God]! Do you not know that being the world’s friend is being God’s enemy? So whoever chooses to be a friend of the world takes his stand as an enemy of God. James 4:4 AMPC


Families, organisations, ministries, cities, regions and nations have eaten scrolls of judgement and, but for the mercy of God, are open for “redistribution” or “restructuring” like the wiping of the plate described regarding Jerusalem (2 Kings 21:13). Look to the foundation plaques, prayers and dedications – as God destroys the corrupt collaborative edifice and returns to the Godly foundations.

I have spoken about the global economy as a creaking chair and 2024 is also the season of the creaking chair. The creaking is the voice given to the pending economic and cultural collapse – expect some loud shocks. Look to the alternative ecosystems that God is raising up – not just The 7000 – but in every area and in every sphere.

Look for the laid-down lovers of Jesus, as 2024 is a season of anointing, not ego, personal agendas, and usurpation. Look for the “leprosy of Moses’ usurpers”(Numbers 12), as those operating in the usurping spirit will be dealt with directly by the Lord. However, there will be a multitude of genuine Kingdom voices as we leave the silo season of Christian individuality and ego and enter a season more like “bomber command” – Christians operating collaboratively as a centralised force under a King with immense power to reform systems. Expect the rise of the Digital Rapture and, like Joseph in Egypt, the revelation of God’s solutions starting to manifest.

For Christian investors, avoid the key hazard of REVERSE MONEY-LAUNDERING. This is where funds needed for Kingdom ventures are instead used to protect individuals or are invested in fear. This is where Kingdom resources are mixed with fear, thereby taking clean money and making it dirty. This happens when funds are mixed with fear, self preservation, instead of funding Kingdom solutions. We have seen this in 2023 and it is something to avoid in 2024 – the Digital Rapture needs to be funded and the people that are fasting and praying for where to put their funds need to hear the voice of the Lord and not listen to the voice of the world. Joseph’s storehouses need funding champions.

The bus is leaving the station and those not on it will be left behind – the anointing is on the move and we must follow Kingdom or be left with the memory. New voices are rising up, voices that have been hand-forged in the crucible of God’s presence – people will say: “What are you doing here?” even as they are dispossessed.


We pray that 2024 will be a powerful year of the revelation of His Kingdom. Thy Kingdom come thy will be done in 2024 as it is in heaven.

Written by William Abraham

William Abraham : 2024 – The Year of King Josiah

More Recent Posts

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House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

08Apr 24

House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..! …Please See Other Platform Links;  

Veronika West : The Door of Greater Glory and Revelation: The Year of Ascension and Greater Awakening and Shakings; Prophetic Vision for 2024

Veronika West : The Door of Greater Glory and Revelation: The Year of Ascension and Greater Awakening and Shakings; Prophetic Vision for 2024

I heard these words recently in my prayer time, “Daughter, In 2023 I gave many the eyes to see into the next Seven-year Prophetic Cycle and Season. – But now…

Veronika West : The Door of Greater Glory and Revelation: The Year of Ascension and Greater Awakening and Shakings; Prophetic Vision for 2024

Words Of Life

I heard these words recently in my prayer time, “Daughter, In 2023 I gave many the eyes to see into the next Seven-year Prophetic Cycle and Season.

But now I will give them Wings to soar in 2024 — that will carry them through the Door of Greater Glory and Revelation, to where I will impart supernatural strategies and My Hidden Secrets for the manifestation of Divine Restore and Victory in the Midst of a Coming Famine and Nations at War!”

This morning January 2, 2024, as I went early into my prayer Hut. As I began to pray, I was immediately made aware of an Administrative Angel of The LORD standing before me, and I heard these Words, ”Come up here! Come up higher — for it’s the Season of Ascension!

Behold, I do a new thing! Do you ‘see’ it?”

As I heard those Words, with my eyes still shut and praying in The Spirit, suddenly I heard The Voice speak again saying, “See! See! For you will need eyes to see the new thing in the coming days!

I say — Come up here! Come up higher! Enter in — for this is the Door of Revelation Four — The Door that leads to a Fourth Dimension of Sight, for the seasons ahead!”

On hearing those Words, a Vision opened up to me and suddenly I saw an Ancient Scroll being unraveled before me, and I began to see Words that were engraved upon the Ancient Scroll begin to peel away from the paper — and the Words began to dance before me!

As I looked at the Words dancing, I heard these Words, ”Eat the Scroll — and your eyes shall be opened!”

So I opened my mouth and began to eat the Dancing Words, and then I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch! For a Divine Convergence of the New and Ancient Ways shall take place in the coming days, for the Chronos and Kairos shall collide, and that which was devoured by the Cankerworm and the Locust shall be restored, for the Season of Divine Recompense and the Redeeming of the Times and Seasons has surely begun.

I say, be aligned with Heaven’s Time, and you will watch as New Kingdom Collaborations begin to form, and New Ministry Networks begin to emerge.

Yes! I say this is the hour of the breaking of the Old, and the Birthing of New Wineskins!

See! For Holy Convocations will come to the fore in 2024!

New Apostolic and Prophetic Companies will rise within The Nations, for a cross-pollination of My Word and Spirit will now bring to birth a New Breed of Kingdom Revivalists and Reformers who will usher in Supernatural Conversions and Radical Change, which will prepare a Highway of Holiness for a Visitation of My Glory in the Earth realm.

Listen! Incline your Ears! For there is a Clarion Call to return in the Year of the Open Door — to return to the Altar in Holy Consecration, to return to the Covenant Foundations of My Original intent.

For this is an Appointed Time — a Royal Coronation — as My Remnant cast their Crowns before Me in exchange for a Gold Signet Ring upon My finger.

Watch! For this is the Season of Divine Catalysts — for I AM coming as a Consuming Fire.

scales iamge2024 — the Year when the Consuming Fire of The LORD will come to Purge and Purify, and to Set Ablaze the Burning Ones — those who will stand and contend in My Court Room with the Currency of true Repentance, that carries the weight to shift the Scales of Justice and bring Nations to a divine Tipping point.

Ha! Watch — as My Spirit moves swiftly in 2024 to snuff out counterfeit lights and remove the candle from its stand, for in the Year of the Open Door, many more Leaders will surely fall and the Doors of many Churches will be shut!

For I will deal with contamination and uncover their corruption! None among them will stand in the presence of My Consuming Fire when it comes!

So I say, set the Watchmen on the Walls and Guards at the Gateways — for a greater Confrontation will begin to take place, as Nation rises against Nation.

For this is a time of the Clash of the Titans. Crisis and conflict shall dominate the headlines of your News Outlets and Social Media platforms, for a War for greater domination over Communication shall take place in 2024 — as the voice of the devourer seeks to take more ground.

Watch, as conspiracy theories will rise, causing an even greater dust storm of confusion, chaos and self-righteous pride both in The Church and in the political arena.

Watch — as Nations standing at the Crossroads of Destiny, shall be marked by even greater shakings that shall give way to natural disasters never seen before.

2024 — a year of ongoing, and even new Wars — and the rise of fears of a global Famine.

I Say — Fear Not! For Communion shall take centre stage once again!

Eat and drink of Me in this hour — the Meal that Heals. My Blood and My Body that brings Protection, Preservation and Supernatural Provision.

Listen and Pray! Pay close attention, for the words: Catastrophic, Crisis and Cataclysmic, will be heard in the coming days, and greater corruption, fraud and even sexual abuse and misconduct will be heard in the Corridors of Government — and My Church!

For I tell you — 2024 will be a year of severe Course Corrections, sudden and Divine Interventions, as My Spirit moves to expose and uncover.

Watch! For many Nations will be changed — and the history of many Nations will be rewritten!

But Watch! I say again — Fear not! — for Champions with a Righteous Cause will rise with a Battle Cry.

Courageous and Fearless Bravehearts shall emerge — and at the sound of The Roar of the Lion of Judah — My great Eagles will Rise and Soar in 2024 — and a greater Co-labouring with Angelic Armies will take place, that will usher in a Greater Awakening and a Way of Divine Escape.

Watch! For a cloud of My Glory will descend upon Coastal Towns and Inner Cities.

The Rain of My Glory will bring Outbreaks of Revival and a glorious Visitation of My Spirit that will herald a Wave of End-time Revival, Restoration and a great Harvest of Souls!”


The LORD is mysterious!

As I was listening intently to The Spirit of Revelation, I heard Him say, ”2024 — The Year of Ascension and to See!”

When I heard the words “to See”… I saw the letter ‘C’…. I thought nothing of it, until I stopped and re-read the Word.

I believe these Words speak to what will take place in the days ahead!

“Behold, I do a new thing! Do you see ‘C’…it?” !

Come Up Here

Come Up Higher

Clarion Call to Return to the Altar

Divine Convergence

Kingdom Collaboration

Holy Convocations

Apostolic and Prophetic Companies

Cross pollination ; Word and Spirit

Royal Coronation

Nations at Crossroads

Covenant Foundations

Supernatural Conversions

Deeper Consecrations

Courageous Champions

Severe Course Correction of Nations



Righteous Cause

A Battle Cry

Holy Communion

Removal of Counterfeit Lights

Removal of Candle stand

Clash of Titans

Conflict and Crisis

Co-labouring with Angels

Casting of Crowns and Gold Signet Rings

Chronos and Kairos

Domination of Communication by the Devourer

Rise in Greater Conspiracy theories

Cankerworms and Locusts

Restoration Comes

Consuming Fire is Coming to clean House

Cloud of Glory bring Rain of Restoration

Coastal towns and Inner Cities

A Year to Contend in the Court Room of Heaven

Divine Catalyst

True Repentance is the Currency carries the weight


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Veronika West : The Door of Greater Glory and Revelation: The Year of Ascension and Greater Awakening and Shakings; Prophetic Vision for 2024

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23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

08Apr 24

House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..! …Please See Other Platform Links;  

a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated

Veronika West: 2024- The Year The Warriors Will Arise, Shine, Roar and Reign!

2024 is a Door that Leads to a Greater Manifestation of Kingdom Reformation and Divine Restore in the midst of a Greater Awakening, Harvest and War! – Arise Warriors! It’s…

Veronika West: 2024- The Year The Warriors Will Arise, Shine, Roar and Reign!

Words Of Life

a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated
a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated
a warrior kneeling before an altar - AI generated

2024 is a Door that Leads to a Greater Manifestation of Kingdom Reformation and Divine Restore in the midst of a Greater Awakening, Harvest and War!

Arise Warriors! It’s time to Shine, Roar and Reign in 2024!

I hear The Spirit say, ”Call My people to the Altar in Repentance! Call them to the place of Fire and Power — for this is a critical and strategic hour!

There is no time to waste! Listen! For there is a sound of celebration in the camp of the enemy, as he anticipates greater victories.

But Nay, I say! For I have prepared a Remnant for such as time as this! A Holy and Set-apart people, bold, courageous and fearless in the face of the enemy!

For they have taken hold of the Horns of The Altar, and the sound of their cries in true repentance have filled the Court Room of Heaven.

Their tears have filled The Golden Bowls, and their Prayers — day and night — have filled My Nostrils like a sweet smelling perfume!

Ha! Now watch as the weight of their True Repentance and Worship begins to shift the scales of Justice and Righteousness.

scales iamgeFor there is coming a sudden and divine Tipping Point that shall thwart the works of the Kingdom of darkness, for the I tell you The Truth, the sound of the celebrations of the enemy shall soon be silenced by the sound of the Roar of The Lion of Judah.

Have I not said that the War has already been fought and WON?

For the enemy was defeated before even one shot was fired — before even one sword was drawn — before even one shield was lifted!

Beloved, have I not put within you the Power to Prevail against your enemies that relentlessly pursue you?

Have I not put within you the strength to stand steadfast and immovable in the face of every satanic and demonic onslaught that comes against you?

Fear not! As you give yourself fully to the work of My Kingdom ,you shall stand firm and see The Salvation of The LORD accomplished for you!

Now, lay hold of these Truths, My Overcoming Ones, for its vital to the Victory being made manifest in the midst of you!

As you stay seated with Me in Heavenly places, Satan will surely loose the battle in earthly places, for these struggles are not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against The Spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.

Always remember, My Fearless Warriors, Satan can only take what he has been given a legal right to take, for when The Altars are neglected and broken down, the devourer is given full access to take ground, occupy territory and establish his kingdom of destruction in the land.

Satan is the destroyer and a relentless tormentor; an old and treacherous adversary who hates My Righteous and Redeemed Ones.

Day and night the devourer sets traps and digs deep ditches for the feet of the Saints. Quietly and cunningly he creeps in the shadows, watching and waiting for those who have become isolated and cut off from the rest of The Body, and like a lion, driven and cast out from among the pride, Satan knows that his strength is no match against those who have laid claim to the Authority of The King of Heaven and Earth.

So, arise Warriors! It is time to Shine, Road and Reign in 2024.

It is time to drive him out, and subdue his earthly kingdoms and Reign Victorious in The Kingdom of Heaven!

Lift up your voices like the sound of many loud Trumpets, and let the Battle Cry of victory go forth, and watch as the walls coming crashing down!

I say, Rise up! It’s time — for I have Crowned you as Kings and High Priests that you should sit upon The Throne to share in My Authority and Power, so that My Glory may be seen in all the Earth!

This is My greatest Joy Beloved, that We may be co-labourers together, going forth into The Nations to dismantle strongholds and dethrone the princes of Darkness.

Surely I have invested everything that I have — and all that I AM — in you, so that the inheritance I have promised you shall not be lost nor stolen.

So, take it now! You don’t have to wait! The wealth of The Nations belongs to you!

As you Reign in Me and I Reign in you, My Glory shall be made manifest on the Earth, and the Light of My Son shall diminish the darkness, and My Will will be done, and My Kingdom will come on Earth as it is in Heaven!”

Arise oh mighty warriors…rule…reign and lay claim to your kingdom inheritance..!!

See: Isaiah 54 … is a Key and a Promise in 2024!



Links — Words for Prayerful Consideration for 2024

  1. A Collision of New and Ancient Ways
  2. 2024 — Supernatural Downpour in the Midst of Famine and War!
  3. The Gold Signet Ring of The Kingship Anointing
  4. The Prophetic Warning of 2 Samuel 24 for 2024 and Beyond
  5. Angels of Daniel Nine Are Being Released Over America!


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Veronika West: 2024- The Year The Warriors Will Arise, Shine, Roar and Reign!

More Recent Posts

23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

08Apr 24

House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..! …Please See Other Platform Links;  

Ernie Simms:  Advance! I shall Protect You and Place a Ring of Steel Around You

Ernie Simms: Advance! I shall Protect You and Place a Ring of Steel Around You

“I say unto you I shall bring greatness into this group. I am setting this group in place from this night forth; and I say unto you I shall protect…

Ernie Simms: Advance! I shall Protect You and Place a Ring of Steel Around You

Words Of Life

Advance! I am placing a ring of steel about you and sending my angels to protect you

“I say unto you I shall bring greatness into this group. I am setting this group in place from this night forth; and I say unto you I shall protect and I shall place a ring of steel around you.  I will press you forward into the hard places but no one will be able to come against you because of the ring of steel.   So I say unto you never fear, never hold back because I have placed that ring of steel around you so keep pressing forward because the enemy has had so much in the last season but I say unto you now is My time for My people to advance, to advance and to advance!” saith the Lord of Hosts.


“And I say unto you I will give you the strength I will give you the ability, I will put words in your mouth when you need them I say unto you I will make people drop in front of you who would try to come and hurt or harm or try to stop that which you are doing.   I say unto you do not fear from this night forward because I am putting a boldness in each one of the five of you and I say unto you that you can stand in front of a bull and it will not come running!  I say unto you it will start to move backwards”, saith the Lord.


“I say unto you do not fear anything, because My angels are guarding you, My angels are with you and My angels are carrying My fire”, saith the Lord.  “My fire is going with them and they are all going with you; so do not hold back in anything in these days but move forward, and advance into exactly the call that you’ve been placed in at this time and this season  For I am going to open the doors that have been locked before for you; no matter what you’ve tried to do in the past it has not fully come into place but I say unto you no more just a part happening” saith the Lord.


“Now all things that you go for, will happen!  I say I will open those double doors, I will swing them open; and you will move forward and move through those doors and you will do the plans that I have purposed, the plans that I’ve laid before you, the things that I have called you to.  I say I am now bringing them all together as one portion”, saith the Lord.


“And now begin to advance and take hold; just as the Israeli army is advancing against the enemy now.  Where the enemy has tried to hold each one of you that are here tonight, I say no longer! No longer!  And I say now is your time to advance so rise up my daughters and my men” saith the Lord, “and move forward in that which I am placing in all of your hearts to do” saith the Lord of Hosts.

  • Ernie Simms (House of Reuben)


Ernie Simms: Advance! I shall Protect You and Place a Ring of Steel Around You

More Recent Posts

23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

08Apr 24

House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..! …Please See Other Platform Links;  

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

In this Kairos Time of Divine Convergence, there is a powerful shift taking place in the realm of the Spirit. There is a gathering of the Great Eagles, Eagles that…

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

Words Of Life

The Wild Ox and The Eagle

In this Kairos Time of Divine Convergence, there is a powerful shift taking place in the realm of the Spirit.

There is a gathering of the Great Eagles, Eagles that are no longer confined to the Nest of Limitation and stagnation, Eagles that will soar upon the high places, carrying the very essence of His Glory.  No longer will our Gatherings be confined to mundane religious rituals and empty man made traditions that are stifled of Life and Freedom.  Gone are the days of holy huddles and cultish cliques, where fragile egos are inflated, and false and strange fires are fueled.  These things are coming to an end — and a New Wineskin is emerging!

I hear The Spirit say, ”Watch — as a Divine Convergence and Holy Convocations begin to rise up within the Nations, for there is a new move of My Spirit that will not be like anything seen before.  These gatherings will be fueled by a deep hunger for Truth and Authenticity. The Great Eagles of My Kingdom will come together in Unity, in oneness of Heart and Spirit — none seeking to be greater than the other — but in shared Vision and Purpose to see the release and advancement of My Kingdom to the ends of the Earth.  I say, Watch! As the New and Ancient Ways collide!  Watch! As the Living Keys stand before the Living Door in 2024 — for there is a turning, turning and a supernatural merging, for a Divine Convergence is taking place  Watch! For out of the ancient foundations will come New and Greater manifestations and demonstrations of Divine Revelation, Anointing and Power for the days ahead.

I say, brace! Brace, for a collision of the New and Ancient Ways.  No longer will My People settle for the comfort of their own nests — isolated and secluded.  For 2024 will be the birthing of Holy Habitations and Convocations that will become the launching pad for New Kingdom Assignments and Supernatural Alignments.  Watch — as new Networks begin to emerge. New Kingdom Collaborations and a Supernatural Cross Pollination between Nations will take place, for the Restoration and Reformation of Nations.  Listen and pay attention! For at the sound of My Roar, My great Eagles will rise and soar — carrying My Glory to the ends of the Earth!”

I see in The Spirit, a wild Ox and Mighty Eagle coming together as one, and I hear these Words, “Watch! For these are the days of the Double Portion Anointing and Grace!  I say, these are the days of Divine Separation and Distinction. These are the days to Stay Watching, Waiting and Listening for New and Ancient Mantles are now falling!  Look! For the Mantle of the Wild Ox and the Great Eagle is being released, and the Yoking of the Two will bring to birth a new Apostolic and Prophetic Movement on the Earth — for Heaven is releasing a Fresh Fire for greater Sight, and Fresh Oil for The Spirit of Might.  For the Might and Strength of the Wild Ox and the Sight and Power of the Great Eagle shall emerge — as the Kairos and Chronos converge!”

I hear these Words, ”It’s time to Pioneer — to break new ground — to rebuild and to rise up stronger!  For this is a ‘History-makers Anointing’ that is being released upon The Nations of the earth!”  Friends, get ready! For this Divine Convergence is a call to Action.  It is a summons for God’s People to rise up and fully embrace their Divine Destinies.  There is a Supernatural commissioning for the Great Eagles in this Hour to Rise, Shine and Soar at the Sound of the Lions Roar — to rise up higher to new heights — to break free from the limitations of the past Seasons — and to passionately pursue the plans God has for them.  In this season of Divine Convergence where the New and Ancient Ways are coming together, expect the unexpected!

Stir up a readiness for the suddenlies, for Miracles will abound, Wonders will astound, as the Glory of The LORD begins to manifest in unprecedented ways.  Boundaries will be reordered — chains will be shattered — as the Great Eagles boldly advance into new territories.  I hear The Spirit say, ”So, Arise .and Gather together in Faith and Obedience — and Watch, as Holy Habitations and Divine Convocations are birthed, for a new day is dawning and new highways are forming in The Realm of the Spirit!  Again I say, Watch! For a Divine collision of the New and Ancient Ways will release a tidal wave of My Glory, bringing forth Supernatural Transformation and Kingdom Reformation in The Nations of the Earth.  The Hour of Divine Convergence is here — for My Kingdom Rule and Reign will be established through My Rising Remnant on Earth as it is in Heaven!”


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A Collision of New and Ancient Ways ~by Veronika West (

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

More Recent Posts

23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

08Apr 24

House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..! …Please See Other Platform Links;  

Face to Face With God

Face to Face With God

I was woken with these three questions on my heart… Will you be My Paneh (face) carrier? Will you carry My presence everywhere you go? Are you willing to only…

Face to Face With God

Words Of Life

Pamim El Panim - Exodus 33:11 Face to Face with God
I was woken with these three questions on my heart…
Will you be My Paneh (face) carrier?
Will you carry My presence everywhere you go?
Are you willing to only be My (Panim El Panim), the Face to Face carrier of who I AM?
As I heard these questions being asked, I looked at myself and said ‘I’m not ready, I’m not the one, choose someone else?
NO! I heard straight back in my spirit, NO! I have chosen you, to be to one who reveals MY Face to those around you, to see through you MY Manifest Glory and Face.
I said, wait a minute Lord, I, I, I, can’t !   I’m not prepared, I’m not clean, I’ve got this wrong with me, I’ve got that wrong with me, I’ve, I’ve, I’ve….
I heard Father speak to me and say, even before the world was formed, I chose you, even before you where born I called you, and even before you said your first word, I ordained you to carry My Panim/My Faces. Take the time to dwell with Me says the Father, as I gaze lovingly into your eyes, and converse with your heart and spirit, revealing My thoughts, and My intents that I have for you, walking hand in hand with Me.  I created you from a blank canvas, you are My masterpiece and Who I AM, to your sphere of influence.  Many are called but few are chosen, you have not chosen yourself, but I have chosen you. To show forth and reveal My glorious manifest FACE.
Where there have been platform ministries and platform performances, they will become redundant and done away with. The only ministry will be those who minister before Me night and day, not thinking of themselves but giving and bringing glory to My name.
I will no longer have My hand of blessing upon individuals or ministries in the days that lie ahead, as it is not about self-promotion or self-ambitions, for I AM a Jealous God and will have not other’s before ME.  For I AM raising up a generation who are CARRIERS of MY FACE to the faceless and to the voiceless in this generation, Revealing who the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob really is, and was, and will be; for I never change.  For it is those who seek Me out, and are found looking into My Face, who Behold Me, having NO AGENDA of their own, but are wholly separated unto ME.
Let My beautiful Bride arise today, may she walk, having eyes only for her beloved, having ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying for this season, and causing the righteousness of the Father to be seen.  As the angel of the Lord stood before me with a clear golden like goblet, with liquid pure and holy fire coming from it, I heard the word of the angel of the Lord say this, “ Are you prepared, and are you willing to drink of this cup.”
Wow!!! That stopped me in my tracks, as I pondered what would be the outcome of the act. Would I die? Would I be consumed by the fire? Would this be my last breath?
So many questions that had no answers for me. What seemed like ages went past, I answered the angel of the Lord with a “yes”. He handed me the golden clear bowl with fire coming from it, I could feel the intensity of the fire as I  took the bowl, putting it to my lips, I slowly began to drink the liquid.  As I did, a feeling of being cleansed from the inside out, of wrong thoughts and motives that I had, being replaced with pure unadulterated love.  I began to speak love, talk love, and act love out, like a little child full of the joy of the Father, trusting totally in Him for help, strength, direction, and words to say.  Wow!! There was no pressure, no stress, no feelings the I needed to perform or be someone that I wasn’t. Just being me, was pleasing to the Father, as I communed with Him as I walked, ate, worked, drove, and slept.
And then I heard Fathers voice speaking to me, “Son, that is who I’ve called you to be, a reflection of My Face to those around you.”  WOW, I’m still getting my head around that statement from Father, and probably will for ages to come….
Victor Mitchell – Ireland’s Destiny Hub

Face to Face With God

More Recent Posts

23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

08Apr 24

House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..! …Please See Other Platform Links;  

Veronika West: “Wielding the Weapon of Supernatural Wisdom”

Veronika West: “Wielding the Weapon of Supernatural Wisdom”

Veronika West, Ireland Nov 29, 2023 – Prophetic word from November 17, 2023:  I heard the Spirit say, “Wielding the weapon of ‘Supernatural Wisdom’ will expose the enemy’s weaknesses!” On…

Veronika West: “Wielding the Weapon of Supernatural Wisdom”

Words Of Life

The Bride shall tread on the head of the serpent
Veronika West, Ireland
Nov 29, 2023
Prophetic word from November 17, 2023:  I heard the Spirit say,
Wielding the weapon of ‘Supernatural Wisdom’ will expose the enemy’s weaknesses!
On hearing these words, I saw the Spirit of Wisdom being released to the Body of Christ as a mighty weapon that will expose the weaknesses in what the enemy is seeking to build and establish in this hour.  The Spirit of Wisdom will bring a supernatural impartation of divine strategy to succeed and to overcome every scheme of the enemy in the days ahead, and many of you will begin to receive fresh blueprints and new direction from Heaven.  I see satan strategically targeting spiritual foundations, causing many Believers to walk in fear, doubt and unbelief. But the Spirit of Wisdom is now empowering and enabling many—through divine insight and revelation—to topple the evil schemes of the enemy so that the house of your life will be strong, secure and unshakable in the seasons ahead.
Advancement and a Greater Level of Discernment
I prophesy that you are moving and advancing quickly into the fullness of your mandate and destiny. You are rapidly gaining ground in this next season. The Spirit of Wisdom will expose every hidden assignment and snare of the enemy that has been orchestrated against your advancement.
Get ready! A greater level of the gift of discernment is giving you the advantage over your adversaries and enabling you to prepare ahead of time, so nothing catches you unaware or unprepared. You will not be caught off guard, but you will move with greater precision and supernatural accuracy.
Look Up, Step Forward in Faith, and Open Your Mouth Wide!
Look up! Do not look back, for that will become the trap that is designed to entangle your feet and delay your breakthrough!  Watch! Fear not! For as you step forward in faith, the path ahead of you will become fully illuminated by the light and glory of His countenance that is now rising upon you!
Open your mouth wide, for the words you speak in this season will carry a greater weight of His glory upon them. Like a wrecking ball, the power of your words will break open new highways and supply lines for the provision of your Kingdom vision and mandate, and the spoken word that proceeds from your mouth will become as a mighty battle-ax that will slay the enemies who contend and war against your God-given authority and anointing.
Watch Out for Demonic Mirages and Counterfeit Spirits
Watch, for demonic mirages and counterfeit spirits will masquerade as the real, for satan is the great pretender and the master of manipulation and disguise. In this next season, we will see the release of masquerading spirits and demonic entities trying to emerge from past seasons.  Even generational familiar spirits will seek to draw many into a web of lies that will look for the power of agreement with which to give them legal access to devour our promised inheritance.  Even though satan may appear to be gaining ground, and his agenda will be seen (in the natural) to be moving forward with great power and acceleration, Fear not! Guard your heart!
Lean not on your own understanding!
Resist the lies and lures of the enemy, and decree that every demonic structure and stronghold of darkness will be overturned and overthrown! Decree that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will raise up a standard against him, causing him to be toppled over and trampled underfoot.
The Heel-Crushing Anointing of the Bride…
..”Watch, for the heel-crushing anointing of the Bride is coming down upon the serpent’s head in this hour”!  I prophesy that you will become strong, steadfast and immovable in the face of opposition—even in persecution—in the days ahead! You will run with greater intentionality, zeal and vision, empowered by the weapons of wisdom, knowledge and the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord! You will pursue, overtake and recover all, in Jesus’ name!
The Appointed Time of Recompense and Restoration: Release the Sound of Thanksgiving and Victory!
I heard the Spirit say, “Fear not! For you have been hidden in Christ! Under the covering of My wings, you are made invisible to the wiles of the wicked one.  “Watch! For you are now being equipped and empowered by My Spirit of Wisdom to take ground and to recover all that has been lost and stolen in past seasons! I say, this is an appointed time of recompense and restoration, for payback in full is here,” says God.  “Watch as the Spirit of Wisdom instructs and redirects you to take strategic action against every scheme and hidden plan of the enemy, for I AM realigning and reordering the steps of many in this hour. I AM moving many into a place of greater empowerment and divine enabling that will give them the assurance of My divine intervention, deliverance and victory over their enemies.  “Watch as the wind of My Spirit begins to move you forward, propelling you into the place of My perfect will for your life; for the plans and purposes I have for you are now being made manifest in the ‘midst’ of you.  “I tell you, begin now to release a sound of thanksgiving and victory. And that which the devourer meant for your destruction—and even death to your dreams and destiny—I AM now turning, turning, turning, and working, working, working all things for your good, and for My glory on the earth!”
Veronika West ; Ireland’s Destiny Hub

Veronika West: “Wielding the Weapon of Supernatural Wisdom”

More Recent Posts

23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

08Apr 24

House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..! …Please See Other Platform Links;  

Satan’s Assignment In This Hour

Satan’s Assignment In This Hour

Warning! – A word of the Lord from Veronika West 20/11/2023 – Warning — Satan’s Assignment In this hour — To Divide God’s People and to Stop them possessing the…

Satan’s Assignment In This Hour

Words Of Life

The Enemies Lies

Warning! – A word of the Lord from Veronika West 20/11/2023

Warning — Satan’s Assignment In this hour — To Divide God’s People and to Stop them possessing the Great promise that has been reserved and preserved for them to Inherit!

In the realm of Spiritual Warfare, a battle is constantly being fought between the spiritual forces of good and evil, Light and darkness, Truth and deception….

One of the key strategies employed by the enemy, Satan, in this hour is to divide and conquer.  Satan understands the power, strength and great blessing and reward found in Unity, and thus, his assignment is to break the bonds that hold God’s People together!

From the very beginning, Satan has been at work trying to create division among God’s People.  In the Garden of Eden, he successfully planted doubt in Eve’s mind, causing her to question God’s instructions.  This demonic assignment of division, ultimately led to the fall of humanity and the separation from God’s perfect Plan, Peace and Presence.  Throughout history, we can observe Satan’s handiwork in dividing God’s people. From the division of the Israelites during the time of the judges to the numerous denominational splits in Christianity, the enemy has successfully created rifts and disagreements among believers since the beginning of time.

One of the primary weapons Satan uses to divide God’s People is deception.  He employs lies and distortions to twist the truth and create confusion and double mindedness. By sowing seeds of doubt and miscommunication, he is able to create disunity and discord among God’s People.  This disunity weakens The Body and hinders its ability to fulfill its God-given Promise and Purpose.

Another tool Satan uses is the sin of pride.  By fueling pride and self-centeredness, he encourages individuals to prioritize their own agendas and desires rather than seeking the greater good for The Body of Christ.  This self-centeredness and navel gazing behaviour only breeds greater division and animosity, as believers become solely focused on their own interests, rather than the Unity of The Body for Kingdom Advancement.  Hence, this is why many believers keep going round and round the same mountain! Their wilderness experience is never ending, and the breakthrough they long for is further delayed and derailed!

Furthermore, Satan will always try to instigate conflicts and disagreements within The Body.  He manipulates circumstances and magnifies minor differences, causing many to turn against one another.  Satan knows that a house divided against itself cannot stand (Matthew 12:22-28), and therefore he seeks to weaken and disarm the body by breeding division and strife.

However, despite Satan’s relentless efforts, those who have the Gift of Discernment and are walking in the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding are not without Hope or Direction!  The Bible encourages believers to be Alert, Awake and Aware of Satan’s relentless schemes to divide and isolate and to stand firm in Unity and in One Accord. (Romans 15:6).  In Ephesians 4:3, the apostle Paul urges believers to, “make every effort to keep the Unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”  This will require HumilityLove, and an unwavering Commitment to put aside our personal differences and self seeking agendas for the greater good of God’s Kingdom!

Blessings to you all.

Satan’s Assignment In This Hour

More Recent Posts

23Apr 24

House of Zebulun; WE HEAR!!!

 ‘The 7000’…Brings a Now Word for the Hour; WE HEAR!! ..By William Abraham

08Apr 24

House of Zebulun; The Ram Encounter..! …Please See Other Platform Links;