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Body of Chains..!

Body of Chains..!

..BODY OF CHAINS….! Prophesied By; Victor Mitchell  ..On the 7th of December 2019, I was given a picture which I struggled to understand and draw…And it was not until the…

Body of Chains..!

Words Of Life


Prophesied By; Victor Mitchell 

..On the 7th of December 2019, I was given a picture which I struggled to understand and draw…And it was not until the 13th of December 2019,..that I felt able to draw the picture,…but I wasn’t yet given permission to share it until now…

…The picture that I saw, was of an outline of a Body that did not have any distinctive features on it,…like a mouth, ears, eyes, nose, hair, fingers, or toes…

..But what I saw began to appear from the walls and the ground,…I saw chains and boxes which were attached to other chains….; And I saw that the chains were extremely rusty and coated in slime…

…Now If you were to try and pull on the chains, the rust would cut and lacerate your hands or if you grabbed the chains covered in slime, you would slip and injure yourself…

…I saw that there were eight chains and there were eight boxes,…and attached to the chains were padlocks that secured the chains that were wrapped around the body of a person…

…I saw that the first chain was wrapped around the head, the second was wrapped around the throat, the third chain was wrapped around the chest,

the fourth was wrapped around the left arm, the fifth chain was wrapped around the right arm, the sixth chain was wrapped around the reproductive organs,

the seventh chain was wrapped around the left leg, and finally the eighth chain was wrapped around the right leg…

…Chains came out of the walls and the floor to stop, restrict, and hinder any movement…

…And as I looked at the Body it was very dull, I could only see a glimmer of light coming from it, because of all the chains that surrounded and overwhelmed the Body…

…I noticed that the boxes were different shapes and sizes,…and quite heavy and dark in appearance. Some of the boxes were hanging off chains and creaked as they moved, while others were rooted or cemented to the ground so that they were immovable and could not be shifted by any means…

..The boxes tightened on the chains which in turn,…tightened on the Body causing blindness, hearing loss, paralysis, loss of power which restricted movement and the inability to function as the Body had been created and designed to operate…

…The walls which where once bright and colourful were now dirty, damaged, and cracked,…and seeing only just a residue of what the walls were before,..caused a deep sadness,…and a moaning that could not be suppressed…

…And then,…I heard a Voice of many Waters saying to the person that was bound with chains, boxes, and padlocks,…

…”It is Time, It is time, time to Arise, time to stand, time to see, time to speak, time to shout, time to rejoice, time to dance, and time to sing.”…

…And as those words reverberated in the atmosphere,…I looked and saw the Body which was bound up with chains,…begin to shake and move and vibrate in response to the Words that were being spoken by the Voice that was behind me…

…I watched as each chain began to shake and rattle,..and constrict in contradiction to the Word spoken by the Voice of many Waters…

…Then,…like a cloud in the air that suddenly disappeared,…so too,…did the first chain disappear on the left leg,,…this caused great movement,…and almost at once after the first chain vanished,…so the chain on the right leg that was restricted was loosed,…and then another chain,…and then the box, and padlock disintegrated before my eyes.

…Movement and dancing began to be Restored to the legs,…and as the legs moved and danced there came a greater freedom and liberty (Galatians 5.1),.

…but I watched as chains on the other areas of the Body tightened even more,…which caused even more limited breathing and less upper body movement than before…

…However,…this was only for a fleeting moment,…as I watched and listened as the feet began to tap out in Morse code the Words… “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed”…

…I listened,…this became the anthem of the Body that had been restricted, limited, and suppressed…

…”For every place that the soul of your foot shall tread upon, I have given to you”…(Joshua 1.3)

…I heard the Lord saying that,…that He is giving back the Authority to the Body…to the Bride of Christ,…and that as His Sons and Daughters walk and live out their lives on the Earth,…they are walking out the fulfilment of His Word in these times and in these places…

..Then I saw more chains breaking off and falling away from the reproductive organs,..the box came later as there seemed to be so much resistance to any movement..!

…Where like begets like….; If you sow an apple seed you expect to reap apples and not oranges,…so it is with the Lord that as you learn to disciple and mentor those who come and seek you out,…the Lord is beginning to replicate His Bride throughout the Nations,..Tribes and Families throughout the lands and Nations of the earth….

These Sons and Daughters will not be classed as clones of man or woman,…because they belong to Yahweh, and they have become Lovers and true Worshipers of Yahweh,…who are sold out for Him and what His Word says…!

…They are radical enough to believe what He has inspired His Prophets and other men of God to write in His word….; I see that there will be many doers of His word,…and not only those who merely hear His Word….

…For Father God has been grounding and proving His word in the hearts of His loved Ones,…those who are sold out to and for a Living God….

…I Watched as the next chain to begin to shake and rattle was a thin but heavy chain that was wrapped around the chest,…where the lungs and heart were positioned,…; I was shown that the heavy chain had been wrapped around the heart and lungs several times,…as if it had been woven through the heart and lungs….

…And I saw that the box had adhered to the walls of the heart and lungs so that each time there was a breath for air,..or the heart beat there was intense pain…

…And I heard the Lord say,…that He is reaching down into the very painful and restrictive traditions and religions and regimes,…that have placed and set demonic strongholds over lands,..Nations Peoples and Tribes which have been acted upon through Blood Covenants that enticed demonic strongholds to set up their Rule in which to Reign…

…I Hear the Cry,…”No more, No more, No more, for it is this people and this Generation that is causing the Blood Covenants to be torn up and dis-annulled through a People that Cry out to their God, that Humble themselves, and turn from their wickedness and Pray…that is the Key,…that is the Answer, that is the Passion that has been placed within their hearts…

…The Body Cry’s out, “Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven”…and they are prepared to back up their prayers…by their lives being placed on the Altar of God,…“living sacrifices,..Holy and acceptable unto God.”

…These are the History Makers, these are the Life changers, these are the Government Leaders, these are the Educational Leaders these are the Policy Makers, these are the Ones who have said…’YES at any cost, see Your Will be Done and Come on Earth”.

…And as the heavy chains break and fall off the chest,..there will be a freshness of New life come into the Body and also into the Heart,…so that the years of apathy, anger,…bitterness, criticism, envy, hatred, resentment and selfishness will be fully exposed,…what was done in secret will be openly revealed,…; the good,…the bad and ungodly acts of Individuals, Families, Communities, Religions, and Nations.

…Nothing will be hidden, nothing will be held back,…; But there is an Abundance of Grace for the Body to turn from their Ways and to follow Yahweh’s guidance…


…And then I looked and saw the chain that was twisted and ensnared around the neck begin to shake,..and then stop, the Chain began to pull the other chains tighter and tighter as if to try to kill the Body through suffocation…

…The chain pulled until the Body had almost passed out or fainted,..but then I heard the Voice that had spoken to the Body before and it spoke again in a whisper,…and the chains exploded into thousands and thousands of pieces…

…And from where the Body had turned blue,…due to lack of Oxygen, there came a huge intake of air into the lungs,…and the heartbeat grew stronger and stronger,…and blood rushed through the body bringing vital oxygen and blood to the rest of the Body.

…And the enemy cried out, “If only I could stop their voice,…I could win,…I could control them,…I could make them Slaves”…

…But the Voice thundered out saying,…

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,

because the Lord has Anointed me to bring good News to the poor,..He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison doors to those who are bound.

to proclaim the Year of the Lord’s favour..And the day of vengeance of our God….to grant to those who mourn in Zion-

to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, that they might be called Oaks of Righteousness,

the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified”…!

…I saw as the chain around the neck breaking apart so that the tongue that had been stopped and wedged closed,…became loose again and as the tongue began to put words together and release the Word of the Lord in Homes,…Communities and Nations,…

…There was a change taking place in the mouth so that the language and speech was not of this world,…which is corrupt,…vile and discouraging, but the Words that came forth where Transforming, Life giving, Life breathing Words which originated in heaven,…; Only now was the Body able to see that Words are powerful,..that life and death are in the power of the tongue.

…It is When we seek the Lord with a humble heart,..calling on Father God,..that we become immersed in His will,…and our Will then lines up with His will on earth as it is in heaven….; And when our heart is free there comes an Abundance of the goodness of the Lord out of our mouths…

…Then finally the chain that surrounded the head, looked as if it was broken into pieces, but I saw that it was an illusion,…the enemy trying to bring a false sense of freedom and liberty…

…The Body’s Brain and its ability to think and understand with wisdom had been corrupted by many counterfeit voices,…and instead of listening to the One True Voice of the Father….the Body had become deceived through false and mistaken teaching that was now accepted as the Truth.

…Now when Gods Word comes to the Body, it has no angles or strange thinking or wrong interpretation,…when the Body comes under subjection the Father,…it allows Him free and unlimited and unrestricted access to every area of the Body,…; The Body starts moving and pulsating vibrantly,…filled with fresh revelation and insight of who the Father is and what He has accomplished,…; THE BODY OF CHRIST…; The Victorious Ones,…

…With all the chains now gone from the Body,…there is a fire and a glow of the Holy Spirit that emerges to flow freely and unhindered….; That causes Life and fullness,..Joy and laughter to be seen and heard through the Body rather than railings, and back-biting…; Finally People seeing for the first time how the Body of Christ flows without any distractions taking place…

…Now with the eight chains, the eight boxes and the eight padlocks being dissolved…

…I hear the Lord saying,..for New and Coming year ahead..;

…”RESURRECTION and REGENERATION with ELOHIM ADONI YESHUAH”..; The Lord God Almighty is causing the past boxes of life’s issues,…difficulties and emotional illnesses to be broken off,…no longer being influential and overpowering over His Body.

…GOD IS BREAKING EVERY CHAIN;…that tries to tear down, break up and destroy: …And so it will also be,..for every RELIGIOUS MOULD that people have been placed in,..; THE CAPTIVES ARE BEING SET FREE…

…There is Coming to the Body of Christ,..; Resurrection Enablement, Life giving Power, and Freedom,…Which has no limits, barriers, restrictions, or hindrances…

…The Body is being Resurrected back to what was in the garden….; Face to face Communion with the Father,…so that the Body will only do what it sees the Father do,; Nothing added…Nothing taken away…!

..Then…REGENERATION comes, that every thought is renewed, refreshed, and reinvigorated through the Ruach breath of the Holy Spirit,…breathing on the Body to bring Life and fulfilment…; Resurrecting that which has been dead and regenerating the life of the body to function fully,…untainted by tradition, religion, knowledge, man’s wisdom, intelligence, and education.

…Allowing free flow Access from heaven to earth to the Glory of God..; That Jesus would be lifted and highly exulted overall, to the Glory of the Father that is full of Grace and Truth..!

Prophesied By; Victor Mitchell

Body of Chains..!

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Two Nations — Two Altars and the Prayer of Daniel That Prevails..!

Two Nations — Two Altars and the Prayer of Daniel That Prevails..!

Urgent Prophetic Warning: Veronika West “Two Nations — Two Altars and the prayer of Daniel that prevails!” …So, at 5:55 the morning, I was awoken suddenly, and on waking, I…

Two Nations — Two Altars and the Prayer of Daniel That Prevails..!

Words Of Life

“Two Nations — Two Altars and the prayer of Daniel that prevails!”

…So, at 5:55 the morning, I was awoken suddenly, and on waking, I found myself praying very loudly in The Spirit.

I heard — and then saw — a News Headline: “Breaking News: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dead!”

I immediately sat up in bed and began to pray fervently for Benjamin Netanyahu — but then I felt an urgency to pray for President Donald J. Trump, as if the safety and destiny of both men were intertwined.

Now as I prayed for the Divine Protection and Preservation over the one, I knew by The Spirit that I was interceding for the other — and visa versa!

As I prayed, suddenly I could see myself being taking by The Spirit of Revelation. I was being led deeper and being taken higher into The Realms of The Spirit.

I was being taken through the door of Revelation Four.

Now, as my spirit entered into this deeper and higher dimension, I knew by The Spirit of Revelation I was now in The Realm of The Spirit where the Destiny of Nations were being warred and contended for — and as I was given permission to see into this place, I heard the sound of a Lion’s Roar that thundered across the Heavens and that shook the earth below — and then I heard the high pitched cry of The Eagle.

As The Roar of the Lion thundered and The Cry of the Eagle filled the atmosphere, suddenly I saw the figure of a man standing in the distance, and as I was given permission to draw a little closer, suddenly I saw two Altars, and The Lion of Judah came upon the first Altar, and then The Great Eagle came to rest upon the second Altar.

And as I was given permission to see, I was given understanding by The Spirit of Revelation that I was looking at The Altar of The Nation of Israel, and I was looking at The Altar of The Nation of America!

My eyes were immediately drawn back to the figure of a man that was before me, and I could see the man kneeling down before the two Altars, and in the place of deep and travailing intercession, the voice and cry of the man echoed across the ages — his Cry for Destiny of The Nation of America, and for the Destiny of The Nation of Israel filled the deeper realms of The Spirit.

As he cried out,..The Lion of Judah roared and The Great Eagle cried and the Voice of the man, The Roar of The Lion and The Cry of The Eagle could be heard in unison!

Suddenly I was given permission to draw a little closer and I heard these Words, ”Listen! For the Prayers and Petitions of Daniel echo through the ages to call forth and to send forth the Angel Armies of The Order of The Archangel Micheal to War, and to Prevail against the Princes of the Kingdoms of Persia and Greece!”

..As I heard those Words, I was given understanding that the man kneeling before the two Altars — one being The Altar of The Nation of Israel and the other The Altar of The Nation of America — was the Prophet Daniel.

It was Daniel who was crying and travailing for the destiny of the two Nations!

Suddenly I was taken higher, and I saw a great and terrifying battle taking place over the two Nations — a battle between the kingdoms of darkness and The Kingdom of Light.

And then I heard these Words, ”The clashing of kingdoms is taking place over the Destiny of Nations in The Valley of Decision — but fear not — for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come because of your words.”

As I heard those Words, I saw The Archangel Micheal with a drawn sword, standing before the man and between the two Altars — standing before Daniel — who was kneeling before the two Altars.

Then suddenly I heard again The Roar of The Lion of Judah, and I heard The Cry of The Great Eagle — and suddenly I saw The LORD of Heaven’s Armies — Jehovah Sabaoth — going forth upon The Nation of Israel and The Nation of America!

I suddenly came out of the Vision and I heard The Spirit say, ”The prayer of Daniel nine shall be the stitch in time that saves Nations from Judgement, and the prayer that brings Nations into a time of birthing on the earth!”

“After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”
Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald. Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads. And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices. Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle. The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying:
“Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!”

Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying: “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they [h]exist and were created.” ”
Revelation 4:1-11

“And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made confession, and said, “O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him, and with those who keep His commandments, we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments. Neither have we heeded Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings and our princes, to our fathers and all the people of the land. O Lord, righteousness belongs to You, but to us shame of face, as it is this day — to the men of Judah, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, those near and those far off in all the countries to which You have driven them, because of the unfaithfulness which they have committed against You.

O Lord, to us belongs shame of face, to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, because we have sinned against You. To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against Him. We have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to walk in His laws, which He set before us by His servants the prophets. Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, and has departed so as not to obey Your voice; therefore the curse and the oath written in the Law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against Him. And He has confirmed His words, which He spoke against us and against our judges who judged us, by bringing upon us a great disaster; for under the whole heaven such has never been done as what has been done to Jerusalem.

As it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come upon us; yet we have not made our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities and understand Your truth. Therefore the Lord has kept the disaster in mind, and brought it upon us; for the Lord our God is righteous in all the works which He does, though we have not obeyed His voice. And now, O Lord our God, who brought Your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and made Yourself a name, as it is this day — we have sinned, we have done wickedly!

O Lord, according to all Your righteousness, I pray, let Your anger and Your fury be turned away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy mountain; because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and Your people are a reproach to all those around us. Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your servant, and his supplications, and for the Lord’s sake cause Your face to shine on Your sanctuary, which is desolate. O my God, incline Your ear and hear; open Your eyes and see our desolations, and the city which is called by Your name; for we do not present our supplications before You because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great mercies. O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my God, for Your city and Your people are called by Your name.” ”
Daniel 9:4-19


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Two Nations — Two Altars and the Prayer of Daniel That Prevails..!

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Two Dreams; Dreams that Confirm Global Prophetic Movements

Two Dreams; Dreams that Confirm Global Prophetic Movements

TWO DREAMS; Jan Smith. ..In the first dream I saw a needle and thread….It instantly reminded me of Veronika’s Word a Stitch in Time saves 9, and also the gift…

Two Dreams; Dreams that Confirm Global Prophetic Movements

Words Of Life

TWO DREAMS; Jan Smith.

..In the first dream I saw a needle and thread….It instantly reminded me of Veronika’s Word a Stitch in Time saves 9, and also the gift that has been received from Oregon. (See picture of posted Gift from Oregon)..

..The needle was gold in colour and sat on a purple square velvet cushion like a royal possession. The thread in it was red.

It then started to sew and it appeared to be sewing a circle which I thought was odd.

…The stitching was not neat it was a stitch here and there in horizontal and vertical lines but it made up a circle.

..Then I saw another circle and another until it made up an Olympic symbol of 5 circles intertwined. The circles were made up of different colours, purple, red, yellow, blue and white.

I felt like it was 5 different Nations that God is sewing together in an Olympic form. (5) is the number of Gods Grace…And the stitches represented the different people and characters and gifting and that’s why they were all different….I felt like it was Sheep Nations were being sewn together.

The Second Dream was very short…

…I saw the giant Angel from Revelation,…It has one foot in the Sea and it brought the other foot down in China.

…China came crashing down and the effects of it rippled out into the rest of the world.

Prophetic Interpretation…

The dream speaking to the Stitch in Time Saves Nine (9) is extremely significant for the hour,…the number (9) speaks prophetically to Judgement and Birthing…there are some numbers that have double meanings…(9) is one of those numbers. There is a simultaneous move of God both of Judgement and Birthing….Judgement against the Kingdoms of this World,..but also and even more sobering Judgement that is coming to the Church House. We see Gods Judgment coming against False Idols,..Idol Worship and Religious Structures and Systems,..God is cleaning House; My Fathers House shall be a House of Prayer..

Birthing – God is Birthing a New thing; Behold I do a New Thing..Do you see it….Its also speaks to Sheep Nations emerging,…Nations in The Valley of Decision…

..The Needle and Thread speak to WORD AND SPIRIT – What good is the needle without the thread and the thread without the needle,…; What good is My Word without My Spirit and Spirit without My Word…- The New Move of God is a Move of Word and Spirit coming together in Might and in Power….- The Wheel within the Wheel – Ezekiels Wheel speaks of this New Move of the Spirit that is coming to SEW – TO RESTORE NATIONS…; We have Entered into a Season of Divine Reversals,..RESTORATION and Kingdom Reformation – (This is where the 12 House Template has been birthed from; Wheel within the Wheel – A New Move of Word and Spirit being made Manifest through the Mandates of the 12 Tribes)..,!

THE THREAD – Speaks to PRAYER…A Prayer in Time Saves a Nation from Judgement…A Prayer in Time brings a Nation to Birthing – See Daniel 9 – DANIEL GIVES THE BLUEPRINT FOR THE 11th Hour,..Daniel 9 is the Template for the Prayer of Revival for Nations.

…( PURPLE – Kingship – Authority of the Key of the House of David)

The Circle…- the Circles speak prophetically to TIME (Clock)….- to a COMPASS (Divine Direction and Repostioning – Jesus our True North)…to a WHEEL – A New Movement of Word and Spirit…to a PORTAL (Year of the Open DOOR)…Doors are Portals…

The Olympic Circles – This Speaks to NATIONS as you have rightly shared,..but it also Speaks DIVINE CONVERGENCE,..KINGDOM COLLABORATION AND SUPERNATURAL WEAVING TOGETHER…

..Olympic speaks; TO THE RACE WE ARE RUNNING,….”Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the RACE God has set before us”..!!


…- We have Entered into a Time the 11th Hour we must Cry out for the FINISHERS ANOINTING AND A SECOND WIND OF THE SPIRIT THAT WE MAY FINISH OUR RACE WELL..! The Days ahead will require THE SPIRIT AND POWER OF ELIJAH…(Seven Spirits of God – Seven Colours of the Rainbow)

…Colours…”purple, red, yellow, blue and white”.,,

Purple – Royalty and Kingship Anointing/ Identity of Sonship

Red – The Blood,..Redemption,…Red Horse one of the Four Horseman – Book of Revelation…; Prophetically we have entered into the Hour and Era where a manifestation of the Four Horsemen will begin to emerge on a Global front…War Bloodshed,..Judgement Wrath

(Palestine – Red White Black and Green)…- Beast is Rising in the East…; War and Rumours of War.

White; Glory and Salvation and Purity – God is Cleaning and purifying His House and His Bride is being made Ready.

-Glory is Coming upon Nations

-Great Harvest of Souls

Yellow – Speaks Olive oil is naturally a yellow hue and was used in making Anointing oil (See Exodus 30:22-25)

-Fire is multicolored containing the color of yellow. It can also Speak to (Purification – Power of God), like orange and red.

Yellow ; light…

Although Light is actually white unless specifically noted as different. This makes verses like John 8:12 clearer.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

  • Some Colours like Numbers can have a dual meaning depending on its vision or dream context.

Blue – We see the color blue all over scripture much like red and purple…Blue is widely understood to represent the heavenly realm and the presence of God (the precious Holy Spirit as well).


Again certain types of blue and some even venture near purple…The blue hue of indigo is found in the King – Kingship Sonship and Royal Identity..!

Five (5) Yes Speaks to GRACE …in this context I Believe it’s Speaking to GRACE AND THE REFORMATION OF THE FIVE-FOLD MINISTRIES…The Prophetic Hour is one of Restoration and Reformation of Nations that is Coming through the AUTHORITY OF THE KEY OF DAVID THAT SITS UPON THE SHOULDERS – FIVEFOLD.


…I have prophesied much into China check them out if you have time,…; Interestingly this is the CHINESE YEAR OF THE RED DRAGON – This is Prophetically significant for the Hour especially when we look at what’s happening on a Global scale – Wars Erupting…Leviathan Rising – The Dragon Circling at a TIME OF BIRTHING OF SHEEP NATIONS – See Revelation 12;

..China is on the Prophetic Calendar of God in a very significant Way in this Hour,..China will dominate headlines…and “WATCH AND PRAY FOR TAIWAN”…- I prophesied about this last Year and the dangers of Taiwan.

..China – I prophesied in December about this Year being the Year of RED,..God instructed me to paint my prayer shed CEDAR RED….- Two days after that prophecy,…IRAN FIRED MISSILES IN THE RED SEA….



A Prophetic Word for Jan…and Concerning the House of Naphtali and those that will Align with this House…

..I think it’s time for me to begin to bring some of these poignant Prophetic Words through our Main Hub it will bring light to what is happening on a global and regional level. Many Prophetic Words are being brought to the fore in this hour.

..Jan your dream is powerful and confirms many of these Global Prophetic Movements..,

..Jan I see a Joseph Mantle coming to rest upon you for the Days ahead,…a Dreamers Mantle is coming upon many in this hour,…The Joseph’s are Rising…be aware of your dreams and write them down….

..This House of Glistening Words…; Naphtali received a special anointing for communication. They understood that clear communication was vital for the tribes to take ground….

..I hear the Father say over this House..”Watch For I am releasing NOW the Hinds Feet Anointing for the High Places over this House,…and you shall walk upon the High places and you shall bring forth the glistening words of My Spirit,..Words of Wisdom,..Knowledge and Building”…!!

I decree this House shall be known as the House of the High Places;

…Habakkuk 3:19 says, “The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.” Those who trust in God walk, not in the valleys, but upon the tops of the mountains.

..”The land of Naphtali with Zebulon comes down to the Sea of Galilee area and would have included Capernaum. Isaiah prophesied of this area to declare that those who lived in this region would “See a great light!” Isaiah 9:1-2.

It’s interesting to note..that the land of Naphtali produced Prophets who magnified God’s precepts and truths, such as Deborah the Prophet, who produced Vision and victory for her people by calling them back to God’s precepts and back to true worship….

-I prophesy this shall be said of those that Align with this House…A HOUSE OF LIGHT,..VISION,..REVELATION AND WRESTLING (Warring) FOR THE BLESSING as Jacob did.
Interpretation By; Veronika West

Two Dreams; Dreams that Confirm Global Prophetic Movements

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Prophets of Purity Must Rise and Go Higher in this Hour

Prophets of Purity Must Rise and Go Higher in this Hour

..A Word to the Prophets;…Please don’t use your prophetic platform as a way to give voice to your flesh and then vent about things you don’t agree with,…and then put…”Thus…

Prophets of Purity Must Rise and Go Higher in this Hour

Words Of Life

..A Word to the Prophets;…Please don’t use your prophetic platform as a way to give voice to your flesh and then vent about things you don’t agree with,…and then put…”Thus Saith the Lord”…at the end…; Prophetic platforms must not become a Cowards Castle..; True Prophesy demands Purity…; True Prophesy must Only Speak for God..#Prophets Must Go Higher..!

…Come on Prophets,…it is time to Rise above the temptation to use our platforms for personal gain or to promote our own agendas…

…We have been entrusted with a sacred gift, a weighty Office…the ability to hear from God and to speak on His behalf…the Office of Prophet comes with great accountability and responsibility…

Let us not succumb to the allure of venting our frustrations or using our Prophetic Voices to push our own biases and personal prejudice.

..Instead, let us seek Purity above all in our Prophetic utterances. Every word we speak must be carefully filtered through the lens of God’s truth and love….

Our duty as Prophets is to accurately convey the messages of the God to those who have ears to hear, NOT to satisfy our own desires or opinions.

…We must be bold and courageous, speaking only what God has truly spoken to us. The phrase “Thus Saith the Lord” should never be taken lightly or used flippantly….IT IS TIME FOR THE PROPHETS TO WALK IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD…

…Prophetic platforms should not be used as a shield, a place to hide from criticism or avoid accountability. We must be willing to stand behind every word we deliver, knowing that we speak for the Almighty. Our integrity and humility must shine through in every prophecy we proclaim is from God.

As Prophets, we are called to a higher standard.

…Our mission is to align ourselves with the divine plan and carry out God’s will on earth.

..With this comes the responsibility to continuously seek spiritual growth, to refine our discernment, and to humbly submit ourselves to the authority of God.

So, fellow prophets, let us remember our sacred calling. Let us strive for Greater Purity in our Prophetic voices, for it is only through pure prophecy that we can truly serve as vessels for God’s messages.

…May we go higher, reaching new heights in our connection with the Father and in our commitment to speaking only what God wants to be spoken…!


Prophets of Purity Must Rise and Go Higher in this Hour

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…Seeds that Decree a Thing!

May 24, 2024 Veronika West Gold Keys; Healing Leaves and Gold Coins; Seeds that Decree a thing and It Shall…

22May 24

Tsunami Passover – Dream!

…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

Chameleon Snakes: Unmasking the Spirit of Deception..!

Chameleon Snakes: Unmasking the Spirit of Deception..!

As I woke up this morning, I was immediately taken in the Spirit, up over the land of Ireland… …I looked down over the land, and it was covered with…

Chameleon Snakes: Unmasking the Spirit of Deception..!

Words Of Life

As I woke up this morning, I was immediately taken in the Spirit, up over the land of Ireland…

…I looked down over the land, and it was covered with snakes that changed colour and shape.

…Then the vision began to expand from Ireland to Scotland, Wales, and England, then to Europe, then to the United States of America, and to Africa and the rest of the world…

These snakes spread into all the corners of Society, as I focused on the snakes, I saw big ones, small ones, thick ones, thin ones, vipers, constrictors, rattle snakes, poisonous ones, camouflaged ones, and they were moving and shifting from place to place, multiplying, and spreading out whichever way they went…

But what shocked me was, they began shedding their skins,..and I heard words thunder out across the Heavens, “Watch out for these Chameleon Snakes.”..

…I saw that the snakes changed their colour, and even adapted their shape to suit the environment that they moved in and out of, having influence over all their spoil.

When someone got a little bit above themselves, or didn’t keep to the agenda, there was a snake assigned to either bite, stun, squeeze, paralyse, or hypnotise them, from speaking or voicing their opinions, hence they were kept in check and controlled…

These chameleon snakes or chameleon Spirits, felt safe, hidden, secure, camouflaged, blending into the background of life, yet in plain sight, where they do the most harm, seizing on those opportunities that arise, biting their prey, lulling them into a false sense of security, to pleasing their master Satan…

..He comes as an angel of light, he changes strategies, lulling to sleep the children of the Lord. He is the head chameleon snake, who demands complete obedience to his ways alone. His cohorts of demonic snakes only further his goal, by influencing Presidents, Dictators, Kings, Queens, Emperors,  Prime Ministers, Governors, Mayors, Politicians, Church leaders, decision makers and any other Leader who tries to lead people into a Godly direction.

..These chameleon spirits will do anything to bring about wreck and ruin, forcing their mandate, whether subvertly, gently, or in your face because they don’t care for you as individuals, they see you as pawns or puppets serving the purpose of their master Satan.

Then saw these demonic snakes infiltrated all classes of society, rich, poor, young  old, north, south, pro-abortion pro-life, pro-government,..anarchist, hillbilly, or redneck, pro this pro that, these chameleon spirits are behind everything that is before you..

These snakes that I saw, were going in a directional stream, they had an agenda, being coordinated, with orders coming from one place to bring dis-order and dis-unity into the thoughts and lives of the peoples who live in Continents, Nations, Islands, Principalities, Dominions and in all the neighbourhoods on earth.

Bringing wave after wave of turmoil, through Stock Market hypes and shocking failures, through wars, through trade embargoes, where foods products go through the roof, price rises for water, electricity, oil, and gas continue to sky rocket with no one able to control these hikes, through hates crimes, and gender correctness, through mistrust and misuse of funds, promoting their master’s agenda in government, in politics and people’s lives, to force Yahweh’s creation to promote his ultimate goals.

…Father says, “I am coming to reveal the dodgy and underhanded deals, the illegal bribes, the back handers, the ropy handshakes, the influential power structures of corrupt political and dictatorial government’s and public figures, no one will be left untouched by Yahweh’s Revelations as HE uncovers those who dress up like sheep, but are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing.

..They will do anything to further their public image, they have conspired and joined themselves with these demonic spirits, nothing will be to deprave, for nothing which is done in secret will be hidden no longer, says the Lord.”

“Remember what I have spoken in My Word”,..says the LORD,…”that I will come first to My House and bring judgment, will I not come and clean up My own Body, the Bride of Christ, My Ecclesia?”…

1 Peter 4:17 “For it is time for Judgment to begin with the Household of God:”

..”For that which has been planned and circulated and schemed behind closed doors is being exposed and revealed, and brought into the Light”, says the Father.

…”Those things which have healthy structures and sound teachings will be revealed as the lusts and desires of the demonic spirits. For the sole purpose of these people, they want to increase their own wealth, their own knowledge and wisdom, leading them far astray from the destiny and purpose of the LORD…

..”For I AM opening up the doorways,…(the Daleth is the 4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet),…in this Season that have been hidden and overgrown, misrepresented, and misinformed…Know that My Word says in Matthew 24:24 ‘For false Christ’s and false prophets will Arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect”..

..I began to see that these demonic chameleon snakes, who arrogantly hiss, and rule and reign in the demonic realm, blending into the backgrounds of people’s lives who have their influence, being taken for granted..

They ply their trades with ingenious and devious ways in which they communicate to people, Governments, and Nations, putting these individuals over a barrel, and causing them to depend on them for new fresh wisdom, which are lies, manipulation and coercion, a mixed concoction of self, self, self, to get what they want no matter the cost no matter the amount of lies said to try and cover up…

..This is opposite of what the Ecclesia is all about, the Body of Christ, called to walk out in the power and majesty of the Ruach Holy Spirit, we are Called and Chosen to yield and allow Him to have His way our lives.

As believers of Jesus Christ, follow His teachings depend on His Words that speaks life, freedom, and deliverance to us as individuals, to walk in the Authority of Christ…Enabling us as His children to walk uprightly, with Integrity in our Lands, and Nations where the Lord has placed us to dwell…

…You have been Chosen by the Lord, not because of your good looks, or your intellect, or your bubbling personality, but simply because you have humbled yourself, and have come to that place of need. You have asked Yeshua HaMoschiach to become your Lord and Saviour.

..In 1 Corinthians 1:27 “But God has chosen the foolish things of this world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of this world to shame the things which are strong”…

..The systems of this world want to control, separate, divide, and conquer, each one has as its focal point a Chameleon Spirit behind each one, stirring these demonically motivated spirits, that cause mindsets comparisons, striving, envy, lusts, hatred and bitterness and lack, to be better than the next person and on it goes, with its whirlwind of chaos, looseness, depravity and failure ever present at the heels of Nations.

Yeshua speaking in Luke 4:18-21 says it like this, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor: He hath sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at LIBERY them that are bruised, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

Wow! Yeshua, Jesus, has come to set you free….Hallelujah!

..The enemy comes to entangle you, trip you up, cloud your mind, distort your Calling, and your Destiny…

Remember, Yeshua HaMoschiach has set you FREE…!

…Yes it was for, “FREEDOM that Christ set you free” Galatians 5:1,..Whom the Son sets free is free indeed”…

…Let that sink into your heart today, marinate in those words, not with your Mind but with a contrite heart,…Stop and ponder what it means to “be free in CHRIST” not looking or walking again after your old ways or thoughts, having your focus and attention fixed on Jesus,..

•He is your source of help

•He is your wisdom

•He is your strength for the days that you live in…

Ask for Wisdom, Ask for Understanding, and while we are here Ask Jesus for His Discernment, so that you can look to Jesus the Author and finisher of your faith,..

…He is the Aleph and Tav, the Beginning, the strength, the Chief of our lives, and the End of everything that we do,..

…He’s the Mark, a Sign, and the Seal of the Covenant…

…The Fathers fulfils All of His Covenants,…He is the same yesterday, today, and forever He never changes,..that is your focus and purpose…

…Those Chameleon Spirits are out there doing their utmost to change this way and that, changing their yes to no, and their no to yes, bringing confusion, doubt, and turmoil…; James 4:3 “You ask and do not receive, because to ask with the wrong motives, so that you may spend it on pleasures.”

…Ask for the Lord for the deep secrets to be revealed, and the Mysteries of the deep shall be seen of the Lord…For in the days that are ahead, where these demonic snakes seep into every nook and cranny of human life….Its time to roll up your sleeves and be ready to deal with the slime and gunge that this demonic world will try and throw at you,..the LORD will be your Light, and as you lean into HIM,…He will be the One who brings Revelation,..Discernment and Answers for the days that you live in…

..Get ready, for the Father to bring forth His Light, shine on these, that the seals that have been sealed up for such a time as this are broken Open and revealed to the Children of the LORD…

…Have your hearts Consecrated and Holy, come before the Lord, with broken and contrite hearts, as He opens and reveals what is, and what was, and what is about to take place on the earth…

..It is time for the Clarion Call of the Lord to be sounded from the rooftops, workplaces, valleys, and mountain tops, stand strong in the Might of the Lord, being clothed with His majesty, to Advance the Kingdom of heaven on the earth.

..Begin to Reclaim which has been eroded, take back that which has been watered down and diluted…

Stand upon The WORD, who became flesh, and dwelt among you, let the LIGHT of Jesus shine through you to reveal the hidden things of the enemy and those Chameleon snakes, who attempt to pervert the course of Righteousness and Justice…

Stand and Reclaim, Take back what the enemy has stolen,…Occupy till the LORD comes, Let Him Rule and Reign in Righteousness in and through you as His vessel on the earth today…

..”Be filled with His Love and Grace, having no agenda’s or plans except for Yeshua, and allow His discernment to freely flow through you to see, as you partner with Him”, says the Lord.

…Whom the Son sets FREE is free indeed,…that is your Mark, which is the Seal of His New Covenant, with which He has sealed you coming from the Father.

…When the enemy comes knocking at your door…Remember,..You are Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by the BLOOD of YESHUA HAMOSCHIACH..!

Chameleon Snakes: Unmasking the Spirit of Deception..!

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…Seeds that Decree a Thing!

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…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

Crossing Over: A Call for Unity and Revival in My Church…!

Crossing Over: A Call for Unity and Revival in My Church…!

…”It’s Time for My Church to come together as one Body…no more division as it’s time to cross over to the Promise Land,..that I promised your Ancestors… ..Behold I am…

Crossing Over: A Call for Unity and Revival in My Church…!

Words Of Life

…”It’s Time for My Church to come together as one Body…no more division as it’s time to cross over to the Promise Land,..that I promised your Ancestors…

..Behold I am doing a New thing amongst you My people the Harvest is ripe but My people need to be ready to receive what I have for them,..cultivate your hearts and Be ready to receive all that I have for you”..!

….We are in very dark times on the earth Satan has embarked on building a mighty army around you to protect what he has built on these lands….

..The Spirit says,…”So there will be a mighty resistance,..just as there was in days of old,..the Seven Nations who were oppressing you thought they had the Victory over My people…but I saith the Lord…”Moved ahead of you and Decreed the Victory!…

…Its time to cross over the Jordan My people,…I will lead you as I did with Joshua,…the path will be cleared of all the evil that stands against My people…

..For I have promised to take you to the land flowing with milk and honey, when you Cross over to Take the land there will be no need for MANA from Me, once you have tasted the fruit of the New land,..My Provision that sustained you through the wilderness will not be needed anymore…

..Stay Strong in Mind and Spirit My people for Who is with you, bigger than who is against you,..Have No fear, I am walking beside you My chosen people…

…Yes!…Behold I am doing a New thing on these lands the Winds of change have arrived Be Ready My people, I am clearing the airways for my sheep to hear My voice…

..People who do not know me shall be drawn to the Churches, I am turning their hearts and minds towards Me,…My Salvation is Close, they shall Cry out to Me at the Altars Repenting of their sins and defiance that they had shown against Me will be removed…

..I am doing a Mighty thing on these Celtic shores..the Wells have been uncapped and My spirit shall spring forth on these lands,…the Harvest is ripe My people….

…Harvesters it’s Time to Harvest, they will be Ready for My Glory to fall on these lands, to purify this Nation of the evil and wickedness that has entrapped my people…

…Wells of Revival shall burst forth on these lands,..the Churches won’t be able to meet the full need as so many people will be drawn to Me…

…There will be stadiums filled with people who are ready to hear My Word and Truth preached to them and vipers that have had an entry point into My house will be removed…

…The good news of My Gospel shall be preached by my disciples…I am raising up radical endtime preachers to show people the way to Repentance and Freedom of oppression that stands had entrapped them…

…The kingdom of BAAL will be defeated on these lands and his tower of BABEL will crash to the ground I will expose all that is evil on this Nation there will be no place for them to hide,…

…I am clearing out My house of what is unholy,…there will be a New Birth of My Church in times ahead…People have put themselves on a pedestal raising up themselves instead of serving me in my kingdom”…saith the Lord.

Prophesy By; Kirk Woodside

Crossing Over: A Call for Unity and Revival in My Church…!

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…Seeds that Decree a Thing!

May 24, 2024 Veronika West Gold Keys; Healing Leaves and Gold Coins; Seeds that Decree a thing and It Shall…

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…I had a dream Thursday 16 May 2024 during the 8th day of Ireland Destiny Hub's 21 day "May Day"…

Watch! Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision; By Veronika West

Watch! Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision; By Veronika West

Date; 25th January…; “Watch! Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision! For a Counterfeit Substitute will Rise to Please and Appease the Fearful in the…

Watch! Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision; By Veronika West

Words Of Life

Date; 25th January…; “Watch! Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision!

For a Counterfeit Substitute will Rise to Please and Appease the Fearful in the Days of Famine and War!”

So Friends, the following Word is the Part 2 of the Word I released three days ago: Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion!

Two days ago during a time of Prayer, The LORD quickened to me Exodus 32 ”The Golden Calf”. (Please read below for context).

Now, as the Spirit of Revelation began to speak, I saw a Scrollbeing unraveled, that continued to reveal more about the Prophetic Timeline that Nations have now entered into concerning the Rise and Fall of Economic and Financial Systems and Structures in The Nations.

Note: I have prophesied again and again that Nations have now Entered into a Second Exodus. (I prophesied this concerning the Nation of Israel as well)
I have also prophesied about a ‘Second Circumcision’!

Today I was in a Meeting with some Leaders, when the Spirit of Revelation began to unravel more of the Scroll as we spoke.

I pray that what I share, you are able to keep track with what God is unraveling to us — for the Future — and how we are to be Rightly Aligned.

The way in which this Word is written is very different to how I would usually present a Word — but I want to honour the way in which the Scroll was unsealed and revealed.

This is what was written upon the scroll…

“Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in the Valley of Decision!

Watch! For a Counterfeit Substitute will rise to please and appease the fearful in the Days of Famine and War — but I say, the Door of Revelation Four stands open before Nations in The Valley of Decision!

I say, “Come up here!” Come up higher and enter in — and eat of the Scrolls — and you shall see of My Hidden Secrets and Mysteries!”

Then I heard The Spirit say again, ”Watch! For Golden Calf Altars of Aaron will Rise in the Valley of Decision — to please and appease the people!

Yes! Watch — for Altars of Aaron will rise offering a substitute to a people who are crying out for a Deliverer (a Moses) and a way of escape!

Watch and Pray! For the Golden Calf Altars of Aaron will rise that will produce a Counterfeit in exchange for the Real!”

Then God showed me Nations in The Valley of Decision, and I saw Spiritual Aarons (weak and compromised Leaders in The Church, who have a Call to the Mountain of Business — and even some to the Mountain of Government) who will rise, offering a way of escape to many who have come into agreement with the spirit of fear of the greater shaking that is coming to The Nations of the earth.

I saw so clearly that the fearful, will seek after a substitute for Moses — who has ascended the mountain.

This is where the Rise of the Altars of Arron will begin to take place — and so many spiritual Arrons will rise and call for many to bring their Gold and Silver (many will look to their own resources — and even seek for answers and solutions through Counterfeit Systems and Financial Structures) in order to access God’s Provision and Preservation!

Important Prophetic Note

When the people asked Aaron to fashion for them a ‘god,’ in their hearts they were not looking to serve another god — but rather they were looking for a ‘substitute’ — for an alternative way to have access to God, in the absence of Moses.

This was when Aaron told them to bring their gold and silver etc — and a Golden Calf comes forth.

The people became impatient and frustrated and then came into agreement with the spirit of fear, while waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain.

They looked for a way to access God without Moses, and so Aaron created a substitute.

The Rise of The Golden Calf

Watch! For a Counterfeit System will rise that will promise a way of escape — and even access to God and His Provision and Preservation when the shaking comes!

But watch — for it will bring a curse of destruction and not the blessing of real Kingdom Wealth through inheritance!

We must become aware of the rise of “The Golden Calf of Aaron” in the midst of the greater shakings that are coming, because a substitute will promise a way of escape — but it will be a trap — and many will miss out on “the real” that’s being prepared and mantled, and on its way down the mountain, and so, much will be lost!

Moses’ Ascent Upon the Mountain

Moses’ ascent upon the mountains exposes their hearts and reveals their weaknesses.

I hear The Spirit say, ”Watch! For I AM removing My Moses, My Josephs, My Davids from in the midst of them, for I AM taking My Deliverers up the Mountain for an encounter with My Glory — and My Deliverers will come down the Mountain, Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah, carrying an End-time Template written on the tablets of their hearts for future generations!”

I see on The Scroll, that God is: “Taking many Out — to bring them Back in!”

Moses ascends (We have entered into a Time and Season of Ascension) the Governmental Mountain of The LORD. It is The Meeting Place, to Receive the Template of the Future — for future generations.

Moses in effect, enters into the Door of Revelation Four, where He encounters The Glory and is Mantled for Mass Destruction of the Golden Calf Altars of Aaron that are rising, and the Idols that sit upon them.

The Ecclesia must now ascend the Governmental Mountain of The LORD, to be Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah for Rebuilding and Restoration of Righteous Altars and for the destruction of the demonic altars of Baal.

There is a Call to enter into the Door of Revelation Four to Receive the Scrolls of the Future — to have The Finger of God write the Future Template upon the tablets of our hearts, for future generations!

Moses’ Ascension and Return

I hear these Words, ”The Ascending Ones, will carry with them the Secret and Hidden Mysteries of God written upon their hearts, and they will possess the Key of the House of David, that will open doors no man can shut — and shut doors, no man can open!”

Watch! For The Remnant must ascend the Governmental Mountain of The LORD, to be Mantled with the Spirit and Power of Elijah for the days ahead.

It’s time to raise up Righteous Altars that Will Counter the Demonic Power of the Golden Calf Altars of Arron and the Idols that Sit upon it!”

Idols that sit upon Aaron’s Altar:

  • The three-fold demonic cord — Jezebel, Delilah and Athelia.
  • The lullaby of Delilah — that has lulled many into a deep sleep.
  • The ruling principality of The Philistines.
  • The ruling principality of Herod.

These Idols are the Ruling Powers and Principalities that sit upon the Altar of Baal, and rule over Regions, Territories and Nations.

In a recent encounter, I was standing on a great Ship. I knew the Ship spoke of The Nations, and the Ship was being violently tossed to and fro upon the high seas.

I knew again by revelation, that a greater shaking, turmoil and trouble was before The Nations, and as I stood upon the deck of the Ship, a thick and heavy Fog began to rise from the depths of the sea.

The first thing I noticed about the Fog, was a foul smell — a putrid odour — that immediately began to fill my nostrils.

The Fog also brought with it a strange heaviness, and the smell that filled my nostrils translated into a bitter taste in my mouth.

The Fog was heavy and thick — so thick that it soon became impossible to see anything before me!

I knew by revelation, that the rising Fog was powerfully demonic and designed to bring blindness, confusion, depression, disorientation, fear, intimidation and heavy demonic oppression over The Nations!

…When Suddenly,..I heard The Spirit say, ”Come up here! Come up higher! Now Prophesy to the Four Winds!”

Now, as soon as I began to rise up higher above the thick Fog, I heard The Spirit say again, ”Come up here! Come up higher! Now Prophesy to the Four Winds!”

As I heard those Words, I saw four Cherubim (Angels) come up and go forth upon The Nations, and I saw their faces — the face of the Ox, the Lion, the Eagle, and the face of a Man.

Then I heard The Spirit say, ”Now Prophesy a Mighty Manifestation of the Four Faces of God into the Nations of the Earth!

Prophesy to the Four Winds!

Prophesy a Manifestation of the Four Faces over the Nations of the Earth!

Watch — as the Winds of the Eagle brings forth Revelation, and the Mysteries of My Grace.

Watch — as the Winds of the Lion brings forth the Roar of Judah to awaken the deep sleepers.

Watch — as the Mighty Winds of the Ox brings forth Strength and Power to Prevail and to Rebuild the Righteous Altars in The Valley of Decision!

And Watch — as the Winds of the Man, brings forth Light in the midst of deep darkness, to expose and uncover what’s been hidden!”

Then I heard The Spirit say, “Now, prophesy a Manifestation of the Release of the Kingship Anointing and Authority on the Earth.

Through the Face of The Lion — prophesy the Rise of Kings on the Earth! Prophesy the Reformation of the Five-fold Ministries!

I say, Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Nature and Glory of God through the Face of The Eagle!

Prophesy the rise of The Fathers — that the hearts of Prodigal Nations will be turned back in true Repentance!

Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Nature and Glory of God, that brings Revelation and Wisdom concerning True Identity!

Again I say — Prophesy a Manifestation of Strength, Power and Humility of the Mantle of the Ox.

Prophesy the Rise of a Royal Priesthood for the Rebuilding and Restoration of Righteous Altars that will counter the power of the altars of Baal, and the Idols that sit upon them.

Prophesy a continual presenting of your bodies as living sacrifices upon the Righteous Altars that are now rising.

Son of man, Prophesy a Manifestation of the Divine Humanity of Christ in the midst of The Nations.

Prophesy! Arise! Shine! For My Glory has risen upon you!

Prophesy a Manifestation of Light in the darkness — Divine Revelation and Wisdom, supernatural signs wonders and miracles on the Earth.

Beloved, listen. For it’s not enough to ascend the Mountain — but My Prophets must prophesy to the Four Winds.

Prophesy to the Breath!

My Prophets must Decree at The Gates and Declare a Mighty Manifestation of the Four Faces within the Four Winds, to lift and shift the demonic Fog that has blinded The Nations and lulled many into a Deep Sleep!” says the Spirit of God.

Prophetic Notes

  • Prophesy to the Four Winds of the Four Faces: Wheel within a wheel.
  • Prophesy a Manifestation of the Four faces in the Nations of the earth.
  • Face of The Lion — Lion — The King — Mantle of Kingship — The Lion speaks to Royalty…Genesis 49, Jacob/ Israel describes his 4th son, Judah, as a “lion’s cub,” and the tribal symbol of Judah is a lion.…; The Road of Royalty carries the sound of the roar/ Sound of Distinction that breaks the power and Influence of Delilah’s Lullaby and the demonic distortion that has brought blindness through deception, over The Nations.
  • Face of The Eagle — Eagle — Mantle of Fatherhood — The Eagle (Son of God) Revelation; soaring in the Spirit, God’s protecting care: Access to the deeper things of God, hidden mysteries of His Glory and Grace; divine Gifts, prophetic gifts, Eagles Wings that bring forth swiftness of Divine operations in the Earth

“As an eagle stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, He spread His wings to catch them; He carried them on His pinions,” Deuteronomy 32:11

  • Face of the Ox — Mantle of Priesthood ; The Ox (Humility)…The Ox is a creature of great Power, yet humbly submits to the authority that tames and directs it. The Suffering Servant: Sacrifice, sin bearer, burden bearer; firmness, endurance, strength. Harvest — Ox —- Priesthood — Righteous Altars are built and established with the Priesthood Mantle.
  • Face of the MAN — The Prophet ; The Man (Humanity) The Human Face of God in Jesus: God with us; Intelligence, wisdom, compassion, empathy. Divine intercession….

“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the FACE of Jesus Christ,” 2 Corinthians 4:6

More Prophetic Notes:

Elijah built an Altar to shift the Baal culture of the prophets of Baal influence that was over the Land, Air and Waters.

The Ecclesia must ascend the Mountain, to be mantled with The Spirit and Power of Elijah and begin to legislate on the earth…

Part 1: SEE LINK;…

…“Switzerland and the Raising of a New Gold Standard“…!

Watch! Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision; By Veronika West

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Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion”…; By Veronika West

Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion”…; By Veronika West

…So recently Apostle Chuck Pierce came to visit, and towards the end of the meeting, a young woman from Switzerland 🇨🇭 was given liberty to share something with those who…

Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion”…; By Veronika West

Words Of Life

…So recently Apostle Chuck Pierce came to visit, and towards the end of the meeting, a young woman from Switzerland 🇨🇭 was given liberty to share something with those who were gathered in the meeting.

In her hand she held three (3) Envelopes which contained shredded Swiss Bank Notes, and she declared that The Nation of Switzerland 🇨🇭 would no longer rely upon the god of Mamanon (my interpretation of her words) — but that the Nation would turn to God.

It was a short and rather simple Prophetic Declaration — but you could feel a tangible sense of Spirit of The Fear of The LORD on everything that was being released.

Now, after the meeting and my return home, I felt to go into my Prayer Hut and Pray, as I felt that there was something of “Unfinished Business” in the realm of The Spirit.

So, as I went into an extended time of Prayer, The Spirit began to speak these Words to me, “Watch! For I AM raising up a new Gold Standard in The Nations at this time!”

Then I hear the Words, ”Babylon versus Zion!…

…Watch! For a Divine Dismantling of Economic Structures that are rooted in Babylonian Financial Systems will take place in the days ahead.

For I will deal a death blow to the debauchery and decadence of Sodom and Gomorrah, and My Governing Hand will move to uproot and tear down the altars of Baal.

I tell you, it’s Time for The Tower of Babel to begin to fall, in the year of The Open Door….

Yes! For I AM raising up a New Gold Standard in The Nations, that will bring forth New Currencies and New Economic structures, that will bring to birth a great transfer of wealth from the hands of the wicked — into the storehouses of the Righteous.

I say, watch The Nation of Switzerland 🇨🇭, for a global Economic Earthquake is coming that will cause a mighty ripple effect across The Nations, which will cause deep fractures in the foundations of many Nations.

Again I say, I will deal a death blow to the defiled Altars of Baal and The Tower of Babel will surely fall!

I say, it’s Time to take back The Gates! Take back The Gates — for I shall build and establish a New Financial Zion in its place!” says The Spirit of God

Then The LORD quickened to me the following;

“And The LORD came down to see the city and The Tower, which the children of Adam were building…….” Genesis 11:5

I knew by The Spirit that the Voice that was declaring these things to me, was the Voice of the Righteous Judge of Heaven.

This was the Sound of Justice and Judgment rising over the Nations from The Court Room of Heaven!

Friends, get ready, for the days ahead will be as I have prophesied many times in past months, ”Days known as the Best and Worst of Times!”

Watch! For the Fat Ones will Come forth in a time of Great Famine.” (For more on this see here)

I submit prophetically, we will see the Rise of a New Gold Standard in The Nations.

We must take note of the Words; “Babylon vs Zion”! A Divine Confrontation will take place as two Altars Rise.

“Listen! For The Sound of the Clashing of the Swords of Titans (Babylon vs Zion) will reverberate across the Nations.

A sound will rise that will signal a divine dismantling of Economic structures and institutions that are deeply rooted in Babylonian Financial systems.

….I say, Brace! Brace! For The LORD is going to deal a sudden death blow to the debauchery and decadence of Sodom and Gomorrah in the coming days — and His Governmental Hand will move in swiftly to uproot and tear down the altars of Baal.

We will see, ”The Tower of Babel” — which we know symbolises, human pride, arrogance, stiff-necked and Rebellious Leaders — and even Nations — that will start to crack and crumble in the Year of the Open Door.

….Pay Attention! For the Voice of The Seven Spirits is speaking a Word of ‘Governmental Establishment’ of a New Gold Standard in the Earth realm, that will birth new types of Currencies — and even reshape the Financial and Economic landscape of many Nations!

I believe prophetically, that this Promised Transformation within Nations in the coming decade, will bring about a Great Transfer of Wealth from the hands of the wicked — into the storehouses of the Righteous.

The Nation of Switzerland is being highlighted in this hour. Switzerland will become as a focal point for a Global Economic Earthquake that will send powerful ripples across Nations.

When this Economic Earthquake takes place, it will cause deep fractures in the foundations of many Nations and a Divine Dismantling is beginning to take place!

In the days ahead, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation will continue to emphasise the coming destruction of the defiled altars of Baal, the inevitable fall of the Tower of Babel — and the Rebuilding of Righteous Altars In their place!

”Watch! For a New Financial Zion will be built and established in the days to come.”

Wake Up! For there is a Clarion Call being made in this Season of Divine Restore, to take back The Gates and Reclaim what rightfully belongs to The LORD!

The above verse Genesis 11:5 — I Prophesy, Nations have entered into the 11th hour!

This Verse is of poignant prophetic significance and importance,

“And The LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of Adam were building…..” Genesis 11:5-9 see full verses below.

This powerful verse also serves as a stark reminder in this hour, that God Examines the hearts and motives behind what is being constructed.

…The Father never judges based on the size of our Churches, or our gatherings, but He weighs each individual and Nation in the balance.

The Spirit of The LORD is urging His people in this hour, to remember that He will share His Glory with no man!

The Tower of Babel may have appeared impressive — but when God came down — He saw the true condition of their hearts.

Therefore, it is essential that both individuals and Nations, are not found wanting in this critical hour!

The Eyes of The LORD is Watching, Examining, and Evaluating Everything that is being built in this hour…

So, let Purity and Righteousness guide our actions, our motives, and all our endeavors in order to Rightly Align with God’s divine purposes in the coming days!

“But The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And The LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So The LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there The LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there The LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.” Genesis 11:5-9

Blessings to you all.

~ by Veronika West

See Link;

Switzerland and the Raising of a New Gold Standard;



Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion”…; By Veronika West

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A Warrior Kneeling Before an Altar

Taking Back The Gates: A Prophetic Strategy for the Battle Over Nations…!

January 19, 2024….; Taking Back The Gates: A Prophetic Strategy for the Battle Over Nations”… …See Link; ….So, on the morning of the 21 of October 2023, I awoke…

Taking Back The Gates: A Prophetic Strategy for the Battle Over Nations…!

Words Of Life

A Warrior Kneeling Before an Altar

January 19, 2024….; Taking Back The Gates: A Prophetic Strategy for the Battle Over Nations”…

…See Link;

….So, on the morning of the 21 of October 2023, I awoke to The LORD speaking to me, and I heard Him say,  ”Daughter, it’s time to take back The Gates!”

Later that day I sent out a Message to a number of leaders saying the following;  ”It’s time to take back The Gates!”

…Then I heard the sound of the Shofar blowing, and The LORD began to speak to me about the ruling power and principality of the Philistine Spirit is rising in our Nation(s) and The LORD spoke to me about The Mantle of David, and the mocking spirit of the Philistine over our Nation(s).

At this time, like Goliath who had taunted The Nation of Israel, the streets of London and those of many other Nations, have been filled with the sound of “the Islamic prayer call”.

I saw by The Spirit, that this sound is the same sound of the mocking Philistine spirit of Goliath, that now seeks to intimidate and dominate the airwaves over our Nation(s).

But then I saw in The Realm of The Spirit, The Ecclesia rising and ’going to The Gates’ of The Nations to blow the Shofar — to release The Sound of Heaven — at The Gates and over The Land — which will silence and establish the sound of Victory over the airwaves and over The Nation!.

…On the 17th of January 2024, we had a timely visit from Chuck Pierce who shared on “The Decade of Pey” — the decade of the mouth — and the great importance of our Decree in the days ahead.

”Decree a thing and it shall be established for you!”  Job 22:28

In prayerful reflection of what was shared at the meeting, I came home and The LORD began to speak to me again about The Gates, and He showed me a violent battle for The Glory unfolding at The Gates of Nations.

Now, as I began to pray and incline my ear to His Voice, suddenly I heard The Spirit say,  ”Gateways are the mouth of Regions, Territories and Nations!

I say, release the sound of The Roar from The Gateways!  Let The Sound go forth from the mouth of Regions Territories and Nations, and My Word and My Will,. will be built and established in the days ahead!

Again I say, at the sound of The Roar, My Great Eagles will rise and soar, and at the sound of The Roar of the Lion of Judah, the foundations of Nations will be shaken and shifted!

Look up!  For a line shall be stretched forth upon The Nations!

See!  For The Angels of Zechariah are on the move, measuring the length and breadth of the boundary lines of  Nations!   (Zechariah 1:12-17)

Yes!  Angelic Surveyors with the Measuring Rod in their hands are moving to measure the future Destiny of Cities, Regions, Territories and Nations in this hour.

For I tell you, a Divine Realignment and a reordering of The Boundary Lines of Nations is now taking place, for I AM taking Nations back to my original intent, for prodigal Nations shall turn and return to their Covenant Foundations.

Listen!  For the sound at The Gates will bring forth a Divine Distinction in The Valley of Decision — for a Divine Separation of what is Holy and Mine — and what is profane and defiled in now taking place!

For Goat and Sheep Nations are emerging — and two Altars are rising.  The Altar of Baal and the Altar of Elijah shall rise, and The Whirlwind of The Seven Spirits shall move upon The Valley of Nations, to gather up and to scatter abroad.

Watch! — as swords fall and sickles fly — for Judgement and Harvest have come to Nations on The Threshing Floor — for Wheat and Tares have come to full maturity!

I say, Stay Watching and Waiting!  For a Double Mantle will fall, and I shall Anoint, for a second time.

An Anointing, One Thousand times greater, shall be released upon My Ecclesia — even as it came upon Samson for a second time, even as it came upon Elisha.

I tell you, Get Ready!  For a One Thousand (1000) times greater Anointing is coming upon My Ecclesia!  A Double-portion Anointing of The Spirit and Power of Elijah is coming in The Whirlwind of My Seven Spirits!

…Have I not said, Nations have now entered into a Second Exodus, and Second Circumcision?

…Watch..!…The Blood!  The Blood!  For the hour of a Second Passover is here!

The hour of Five-Fold Reformation is here, and My Five-Fold will move in the Governmental Power and Authority of The Key of The House of David — for the eyes that were gouged out, are now being fully restored!

Look!  For my 11th hour Prophets are rising with Fourth Dimensions of sight and vision!

Enter in!  For The Door of Revelation Four stands open before The Nations!

I say come up here!  Come up higher!  And The Glory that departed — and the hair that was pulled out — will return!

…Look!  For a Rainbow Whirlwind of My Seven Spirits is coming upon the head once again, My Plumbline Apostles shall arise — as My Covenant speaks a higher thing!

Yes!  My Covenant shall speak of true identity and sonship.

Listen!  It’s time to release a Battle Cry!  It’s time to take War stance, for a Battle for My Glory is unfolding at The Gate!

A Divine Confrontation is taking place with the ruling spirit of the Philistines — a war over the ancient wells — a mighty contending for Revival and for The Birthright and The Destiny of Nations!

For I tell you, surely The Ancient Wells that were stopped up by the Philistines shall be uncapped, and the stranglehold of the three-fold cord of Jezebel, Anthelia and Delilah shall be broken over The Nations, and the spirit of Herod that rises at a time of birthing, shall be cast down.

See!  For a John-the-Baptist Mantle is now coming upon the sons at The Gate to prepare a Highway for The Glory to come, and The Mantle of Might — My Seven-Fold Spirit that came upon Samson for a second time, is now coming upon My Ecclesia to push down the ivory pillars — to tear down the Babylonian structures and systems of religion and finance, that rule over the seven spheres of culture!” says The Spirit of God.

••NOTE; Prophetic Strategy for the Days Ahead…

…God gave me some Prophetic Strategies for the decade ahead…

In 2022, God began to speak to be about the battle for The Birthright and The Destiny of Nations.

He spoke about the War to come over Kingdom Inheritance, and then in 2023, He spoke specifically to me about a “Staking Anointing” of 2 Samuel 20:23,  “And Joab was over all the army of Israel; Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the Cherethites and the Pelethites.”

And He said to me,  ”I will release Keys in 23, for Doors in 24.”

This a prophetic strategy of; the Staking Anointing of 2 Samuel 20:23 that would come upon the sons who were mantled with might to fight against the giants in our land of promise.

This Staking Anointing would cause our heels to become like sharpened stakes that would be driven into the ground, and the sons, His double-trouble maker prophets would dig their heels in deeper to defend their lentil field (the birthright and kingdom inheritance) against the stronghold of the Philistines.

As this War over Kingdom Inheritance was waged and won, there would come as a great reward — a Wealth Transfer — from the hands of the wicked into the storehouses of the righteous.

…Then towards the end of 2023…God began to give me yet again another prophetic strategy, and it comes from, 2 Samuel 24, and I heard The Spirit say,  ”It’s time to build Altars on The Threshing Floor!

I say, in the days ahead, do not consider your strength in the number of your fighting men — or on the authority of the one who sits in the highest offices of earthly Governments — and do not count on the power of your chariots or horses — for the battle is The LORD’s!”

Altars speak to true Repentance and Living Sacrifices.

Nations now on The Threshing Floor (The Valley of Decision),  the winnowing winds of The Spirit are now blowing forth upon The Nations, bringing forth Divine Separation and a great Harvest!

A great returning Restoration and Reformation is now beginning to take place in The Nations!

…See Prophetic links that parallel;












Taking Back The Gates: A Prophetic Strategy for the Battle Over Nations…!

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Words Of Life

The honey bee restores



…I Heard the Spirit say two days ago,…


Here is a Recent Word I Released that Speaks to the Prophetic Season we are now Entering into…

“The Gold Signet Ring of The Kingship Anointing”…; ← The Gold Signet Ring of The Kingship Anointing

..Living Keys, standing before Ancient Living Doors, wearing the Gold Signet Ring of The Kingship Anointing!”

While ministering recently at Prophetic Summit in the Month of October 23, I saw Keys being released for Doors in 2024….

…And Part of my Prophetic Message at the summit was about: “Its time to strike The Mantle on The Waters!”

…See HKP Word: “Back to The Future! — Seven Arrows of Isaiah 60:18”…Back to The Future! — Seven Arrows of Isaiah 60:18

The Mantle spoke of The Authority of The Key of The House of David…

…But — I saw that because of a distortion of identity that many were carrying and accepted over their lives — they did not receive Keys!

Again, The Keys speak of the Power and the Authority of The Key of The House of David.

But what was amazing about The Keys I saw being released, was that they were “Living Keys” — that had seven (7) eyes and the Living Keys were looking for hearts that were waiting and watching. (I know it sounds strange…)

The Living Keys with seven eyes, spoke of the eyes of The Seven Spirits of God, (Isaiah 11 and The Book of Revelation).

The Living Keys were looking for those who were rightly aligned and positioned, like Elisha, who was waiting and watching when the Double-portion Mantle fell.

I saw some in the room who had Crowns on their heads, while others also had Crowns over their heads — but the Crowns were not sitting upon their heads!

I saw Living Keys that were looking for those who were wearing their Crowns. This spoke of an Established Identity — those who were watching waiting and ready to walk in the fullness — or the full manifestation — of The Kingship Anointing of Elijah.

What God showed me was that when we walk in an Established Identity, the weight of The Crown of Kingship is able to be carried.

The Crown is very weighty, hence, the Weight of Kingship can only rest upon the heads of those walking in “True Sonship”.

Sonship speaks of maturity — servant kings — total surrender, and humility and obedience!

When The Key/ Mantle falls, the sons become “The Living Keys”. We become The Living Keys, which causes The Doors before us to open and shut.

Ha! We are Living Keys, standing before Living Doors!

The Living Doors are ancient and The Living Doors recognise the sons — The Living Keys — and they open wide!

Everything is Spiritual, and in The Realm of The Spirit, everything is alive. (He is The Door!)

But in The Realm of The Spirit, there are many doors within “The Door”!

One level of Glory — to the next level of Glory.

Our Ascension/ Authority determines our level of access to the deeper Realms of Glory and Revelation!

There are levels and dimensions of walking in True Sonship. The manifestation of The Authority of True Sonship is determined by our level of Consecration and Separation unto God. What we behold — we become!

Many did not receive The Keys that were being released — hence, many were not yet qualified to carry the Weight of The Authority/ Key/ Mantle.

The greater level and dimension of Authority of “The Living Key — The Power of The Seven Spirits,” is determined by the measure of Surrender, Purity and full Maturity of True Sonship. (I hope this makes sense.)

Many are still as children/ babes… and in the process of becoming mature sons, who can carry The Weight of The Authority of The Living Keys.

While we all may qualify to carry The Authority of The Key — and even stand before The Living Doors — not all will be willing to walk The Path of Consecration, that is required to qualify to carry The Weight of The Key — and become a Living Key!

While I believe this speaks prophetically to individuals at this time, it also speaks to the land — to The North.

I heard recently, ”My Ecclesia has now come into a season of Royal Coronation. I say, “Cast your Crown,” and you shall become My Gold Signet Ring upon My Finger!”

I saw The Ecclesia in this land being Crowned (walking in a powerful manifestation of True Kingdom Identity) and as The Crown was placed upon the head of The Ecclesia (The Head — North) I saw the hand of The Ecclesia (The Five-fold) cast The Royal Crown at His Feet.

As The Crown was cast down, I saw a Divine Exchange take place, and a Gold Signet Ring fell upon the hand of The Five Fold!

This speaks of Kingship Identity and Authority!

We are becoming as Living Keys that wear The Gold Signet Ring of True Kingship, mandated for Kingdom Restoration and Reformation in The Nation(s)!


Veronika West


…See Link; THE DOOR OF GREAT RESTORE,..HONEY BEES ARE COMING; The Door of Great Restore in 2024!




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