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Crossing Over: A Call for Unity and Revival in My Church…!

…”It’s Time for My Church to come together as one Body…no more division as it’s time to cross over to the Promise Land,..that I promised your Ancestors…

..Behold I am doing a New thing amongst you My people the Harvest is ripe but My people need to be ready to receive what I have for them,..cultivate your hearts and Be ready to receive all that I have for you”..!

….We are in very dark times on the earth Satan has embarked on building a mighty army around you to protect what he has built on these lands….

..The Spirit says,…”So there will be a mighty resistance,..just as there was in days of old,..the Seven Nations who were oppressing you thought they had the Victory over My people…but I saith the Lord…”Moved ahead of you and Decreed the Victory!…

…Its time to cross over the Jordan My people,…I will lead you as I did with Joshua,…the path will be cleared of all the evil that stands against My people…

..For I have promised to take you to the land flowing with milk and honey, when you Cross over to Take the land there will be no need for MANA from Me, once you have tasted the fruit of the New land,..My Provision that sustained you through the wilderness will not be needed anymore…

..Stay Strong in Mind and Spirit My people for Who is with you, bigger than who is against you,..Have No fear, I am walking beside you My chosen people…

…Yes!…Behold I am doing a New thing on these lands the Winds of change have arrived Be Ready My people, I am clearing the airways for my sheep to hear My voice…

..People who do not know me shall be drawn to the Churches, I am turning their hearts and minds towards Me,…My Salvation is Close, they shall Cry out to Me at the Altars Repenting of their sins and defiance that they had shown against Me will be removed…

..I am doing a Mighty thing on these Celtic shores..the Wells have been uncapped and My spirit shall spring forth on these lands,…the Harvest is ripe My people….

…Harvesters it’s Time to Harvest, they will be Ready for My Glory to fall on these lands, to purify this Nation of the evil and wickedness that has entrapped my people…

…Wells of Revival shall burst forth on these lands,..the Churches won’t be able to meet the full need as so many people will be drawn to Me…

…There will be stadiums filled with people who are ready to hear My Word and Truth preached to them and vipers that have had an entry point into My house will be removed…

…The good news of My Gospel shall be preached by my disciples…I am raising up radical endtime preachers to show people the way to Repentance and Freedom of oppression that stands had entrapped them…

…The kingdom of BAAL will be defeated on these lands and his tower of BABEL will crash to the ground I will expose all that is evil on this Nation there will be no place for them to hide,…

…I am clearing out My house of what is unholy,…there will be a New Birth of My Church in times ahead…People have put themselves on a pedestal raising up themselves instead of serving me in my kingdom”…saith the Lord.

Prophesy By; Kirk Woodside

Crossing Over: A Call for Unity and Revival in My Church…!

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