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Devotional Day 18…”Entering the Presence of the Lord: A Journey of Worship and Adoration”…

…”Entering the Presence of the Lord: A Journey of Worship and Adoration”…

Psalm 95:1-2,6

“O come, let us sing for joy to the LORD,

Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our Salvation.

Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving,

Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.

Come let us worship and bow down.

Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.”

…Reading this Psalm reminds me of the first time I met Dr David Blomgren, from Oregon USA. It was 1979 he had just flown for nine hours on a plane to Dublin, and then been driven for three hours by car from Dublin to Derry.

He arrived at the meeting at ten past seven, and proceeded to speak on the “Song of the Lord” (which is now available in book form) for three hours; it blew me out of the water, around the skies and back down into my chair!

My mind had been dissected, exploded, and then put back together again with an understanding of worship and the types and ways to come before the LORD, that it is still so real in my life to this day.

Seven types of worship!  Seven forms of coming before the LORD of heaven and earth!

….Wow that was all new to me, way back then, and yet I am still only touching the surface of it.

When we rise up in the morning, I love to worship the Lord, as my wife Roz points out to me, I am not a quiet person to pray with….I love to express my love to Jesus, in all of its facets, shades and twists, in my highs and in my lows, still giving Thanks and Praise to my Lord.

Over the years as Dr Blomgren came over from the USA, my friendship with him grew, he would often ask how did I do, or did I leave something out, to which I replied,…”no not at all”….Abba has revealed to you a wee bit more of how we are to enter Papa God’s gates,…a smile would come from him, such a humble and gentle man yet full of the Spirit of the Living God.

Abba Father wants us today to follow what this Psalm 95 is about, entering into and coming before the Panim/Face of the Lord.

…Totally Abandoned in Thankfulness, Praise, Adoration, and Worship, coming before the Lord Most High, into The Holy of Holies.

Oh! I do not do this, I cannot sing, I cannot, my voice is not nice, Abba did not tell us to sing in tune, he said “MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE” that includes everybody in the world, do not you. Satan who was the lead worshipper in heaven, allowed pride to enter his life and wanted, “to be like the Most High” found in Isaiah 14, and Ezekial 28.

…Today Worship is so selfish and me orientated as to, hey look at me, I’m strutting my stuff, and I demand reverence, we can see this happening in concerts, gigs, and music festivals, where people are just living for the moment, that experience, that last high was great, can’t wait for the next one and so on and so on it goes.

We are told to simply COME before the Lord with our Praise, no one else is, we have an audience with The One, the King of king and the Lord of lords.

…Sing your love songs to Him, give your praise firstly to Him, be unashamed of how to come before Him, Father has eyes only for you, do not look to See if this one is looking, or if that one is raising their hands, Abba Father is only interested in YOU.

Written By; Victor Mitchell

Devotional Day 18…”Entering the Presence of the Lord: A Journey of Worship and Adoration”…

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