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Devotional Day 24…A Bumpy Car Ride…; By Linda Gardener

…Sometimes life can be a bit of a rollercoaster with trials coming one after the other…

I tend to look at challenges in life as tests in how I face them,…I can either face them with a Christ like perspective or in a fleshly way…

…I don’t like going around a mountain more than once….I prefer to take the mountain down as quickly as possible.

So I often look at challenges like a lesson..; What can I learn?..Where can I improve?….How do I normally tackle this problem?…And,…Am I trying to control a situation and not allow God to move?

..At one stage I remember saying to God,…

..”Come on just let’s get these lessons out of the way, I can learn quickly”..!

…Well He gave me a dream,..where I was in my car and I had no control of my car (the Holy Spirit was in control)…and my car was flying over bumps in the road,…but my car was being damaged as it was going too fast over the bumps.

…That made me sit up!…

…We can ask to learn quickly,…but then most likely, it will be a more painful journey.

After the dream I repented for wanting to rush ahead, and in doing so potentially missing what God was trying to show me…

If we make room for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in His timing,..He can then refine and transform us into New Wineskins so we are able to carry the New Wine He wants to give us…

To have a Christ like Character that produces the Fruits of the spirit is a life long  journey,…and a process which we all start when we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in our daily walk with Him…

…It’s not easy…but isn’t it amazing how we have this beautiful Friend in Jesus that we can go to through all the ups and downs in life…Who we can snuggle into for Comfort and Rest during the trials in life,…and He will Counsel us as we move forward…

…May our walk be in sync with Him and His perfect timing…It wont be through striving and performance that we will overcome the mountains,…but it will be through Resting totally in Him,..and allowing Him to guide us in unconditional Love.

…The learning is in the journey not the destination…!

Let His Spirit in us…Rise up,..Empowering us to overcome the flesh and soulish parts as we Rest in Him.

..”For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.  Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified”..Rom.8.29-30..!


Written By Linda Gardener

Devotional Day 24…A Bumpy Car Ride…; By Linda Gardener

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