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Devotional Day 26; A Call to Purity…the Foundation on which True Power Rests

…In a world consumed by fame and personal gain, many leaders have fallen into the trap of idolatry. Their obsession with their own platform has overshadowed their true calling.

…Instead of seeking God’s Will and remaining faithful to their purpose, they have become captivated by the allure of popularity and success…

In the age of social media, leaders are tempted to cater to the desires and demands of the masses rather than staying true to their convictions. They are more concerned with gaining followers and likes than with honoring God and spreading His message.

This obsession with numbers and validation has blinded them to the true purpose of their leadership…

Furthermore, many leaders have formed alliances and partnerships based on opportunities for personal gain rather than seeking God-ordained connections.

..They prioritize worldly success over divine guidance, compromising their integrity and diluting the impact they could have had.

…They have lost sight of the fact that true Power and Infuence comes from the secret place, from Intimacy with God and Obedience to His Word….

Amidst this prevailing idolatry, I believe that God desires to break these chains that bind His leaders. He longs to give His chosen ones godly influence and global impact.

However, before this can happen, they must be purified and remain focused on their assignments without wavering…

The Lord is calling His people to maintain purity in their hearts and actions.

…He beckons us to seek Him wholeheartedly, to surrender our desires for personal gain and instead be driven by a desire to fulfill His will.

…It is in this pure devotion and unwavering focus that we will find the grace to discern the real from the fake, the genuine from the counterfeit…

Jesus Himself said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). It is in the purity of heart and devotion to God that we will truly encounter Him and experience His presence.

…When we rid ourselves of idols and distractions, we will gain clarity and insight to discern His voice amidst the noise of the world….

May God, in His infinite love and mercy, break the chains of idolatry that have ensnared so many leaders.

May He grant them the wisdom and discernment to distinguish between their true calling and the allure of personal gain.

May He purify their hearts and empower them to remain focused on their assignments, shining His light in a world that desperately needs it. And may we all learn from their example, seeking purity in our hearts.

..For this is the foundation on which True Power Rests..!

…Blessed are the PURE in heart, for they shall SEE God (Mt. 5:8)

..”Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in his holy place? “He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.”..Psalms 24:3-4

Written By; Veronika West


Devotional Day 26; A Call to Purity…the Foundation on which True Power Rests

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