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Devotional Day 28; “Embracing Our God-Given Authority: Binding and Loosing for Spiritual Victory”..!

…Just as we wake up each morning and brush our teeth to maintain oral hygiene, we must seek to maintain our spiritual hygiene,..and keep ourselves and our surroundings free from the influence of evil.

…As we know…Everything is Spiritual,…and so we must recognise that we are in an ongoing Spiritual battle that requires vigilance, persistence, and unwavering faith in the power of Jesus’ name.

Furthermore, we must learn how to effectively Bind the works of darkness, and loose what is bound in Heaven….this means releasing the power and blessings of heaven into our lives and circumstances daily….

..As Born Again, Spirit filled Believers,..We have been given the Authority to loose healing, deliverance, prosperity, joy, peace, and every good thing that God has promised us. It is not enough to just bind the enemy and his Kingdom; we must also loose the blessings and breakthroughs that God desires for us…

…When we exercise our God given Authority to bind and loose, we must be careful to align ourselves first with God’s plans and purposes…that We may become conduits of His power and vessels of His Glory.

…Our prayers are powerful weapons that demolish strongholds and set captives free….We are Anointed to be Agents of Change, influencing the spiritual atmosphere wherever we go…

..However, it is important to remember that binding and loosing are not magical formulas or superstitious rituals,…but they are Supernatural Empowerments demonstrated through our faith and total reliance on the Authority of Jesus Christ…

…We must always approach binding and loosing with great Wisdom and humility, always seeking the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit as we align our prayers and proclamations with God’s Will..

…Friends,…As Sons and Daughters of the King of Kings, we have been given all Power and Authority to bind demonic powers and attacks,…; We have been entrusted with the Keys of the Kingdom of heaven and we have the power through Christ to exercise Spiritual Authority over the enemy…

…See Isaiah 22:22..”He shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open. I will give him the key to the house of David—the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them”..!

..Through Binding, we can arrest,..take captive and restrain the works of darkness, putting a halt to the destructive activities of the enemy in our Regions,..Communities and Nations…

…Simultaneously, we have the privilege to loose the blessings and breakthroughs of heaven into our lives and the lives of others…

Today,..Let us embrace our God given Authority, let us use our spiritual weapons, and prevail in the Name of Jesus, bringing Glory to God and ushering in His kingdom on earth…

…And finally, As Warriors,..Let us maintain the primary posture which is to submit to God and resist the Devil…and In light of the Cross our spiritual warfare must consist of holding onto our secure Salvation, Standing firm in our faith in the finished work of the Cross, Preaching the Gospel of Christ, and Praying without ceasing…!

Written By; Andrew West

Devotional Day 28; “Embracing Our God-Given Authority: Binding and Loosing for Spiritual Victory”..!

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