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Devotional Day 29; Let Go And Let God Do A New Thing..

…This is a season of divine shifts and changes orchestrated by God Himself. He is taking you out of your comfort zone and catapulting you into new places of influence and impact,…

…Just as in the natural, we can have sweeping changes and life redirections happen,…in the spiritual realm,…God is Anointing you with fresh oil for the next season of your life. 

…This fresh Mantling will equip you with everything you need to fulfill His purpose for you.

..But before stepping into the New, God is going to address some areas of spiritual fatigue and even past traumas, areas that have brought depletion and weariness, these areas He wants to bring Healing and Refreshment to your soul today,..

…Allow Him to uncover any hidden wounds or burdens that may be hindering your progress and receive the rest and restoration that only He can provide…

..In this season, God is taking many Back to the future,…God will have us look back in order to bring closure and healing,..that we may step forward into the future that He has for us,..without restraints and limitations of the past. 

…This is not a coincidence, but rather God is orchestrating a divine Reset in your life. 

…It is His way of tying up loose ends and bringing completion to certain aspects of our life. Let’s Embrace these moments with a grateful hearts, knowing that God is closing doors to make way for new beginnings.

…Additionally, God may be prompting some to end unhealthy alignments and connections that have been allowing negativity and toxicity into our lives…

…Trust in His guidance and have the courage to sever ties that are holding you back from walking fully in His plan and purpose for you.

..It’s time to stand firm and confront these attacks head-on. God will provide the strength and courage you need to overcome and bring closure to these battles…

…There will also be powerful confrontations with bullying situations, where God will shut the door for good. No longer will you tolerate mistreatment or injustice. God is your vindicator, and your Mighty Deliverer…

…He will bring healing and restoration to moments of dishonor and betrayal. Trust in Him to bring justice and closure to these painful experiences…

…God may also ask you to change your plans and align them with His purposes. Surrender your own ideas and desires to Him, and trust that His way is higher and better than anything you could imagine.

…In this season, you will enter a new rest that surpasses the busyness and chaos of your previous season. Slow down and allow yourself to find a new rhythm in the Spirit. Embrace the peace and stillness that comes from surrendering to God’s timing and direction.

..Prepare yourself for a space of creative freedom that you haven’t felt in years. God is unlocking new levels of creativity within you, and He wants to use your gifts and talents to bring glory to His name.

…If you have been feeling stuck or uncertain about the next steps in your life, rest assured that God will bring clarity and direction. He will bring all the pieces together and guide you towards the path He has prepared for you.

…Seek His instructions and listen for His voice amidst the confusion. He will speak clearly and provide the guidance you need to move forward.

…This is also a time of fresh baptism of fire and intimacy with the Lord. Allow His presence to fill you and empower you for the journey ahead. Embrace the deepening intimacy with Him and allow it to transform your life.

…Dream again and envision the future that God has for you. He wants to give you a renewed vision and ignite passion within your heart. Trust in His faithfulness to restore the years that the enemy has stolen, especially in the areas of health, joy, and finances.

…Be open to speaking a new language, carrying new themes, and delivering new messages that God is preparing for you. He is equipping you with fresh insights and revelations to impact the lives of those around you.

…Embrace this season of divine shifts and changes, knowing that God is with you every step of the way. He has equipped you with everything you need to fulfill His purpose for your life. Trust in His guidance, lean on His strength, and embrace the new season He has prepared for you…!

Devotional Day 29; Let Go And Let God Do A New Thing..

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