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Devotional Day 30; “Calling for Alignment and Willingness”…

…My Beloved I Ask for your heart,..I Ask for your Willingness and Availability to be a partaker of My Glory and Power in this hour,..there is much work to do and the Time is short,..

..My Sons and Daughters Can I rely on you to Align and position yourself in the secret place in this season?,..that I may release to you the power and Authority of the Mantles that are waiting for their moment of manifestation in the earth realm!,…

…Can I depend on you to Carry and Steward well My Gifting’s and My Anointing with humility,..and honour for the Advancement of My Kingdom in the Earth?..

..Will you choose this day, lay down anything that restricts My hand and Spirit moving upon you?,..for the flesh wars against the Spirit,.. and the carnal nature is always at enmity with My Spirit…

…Just Ask and I will help you and empower you to overcome evil,..Do not be discouraged or distracted by the relentless onslaughts of the enemy that seek to derail your destiny,..

..Ha!!..for Satan fears the day that you relinquish all to Me in exchange for My Wonder Working Power….to Perform greater exploits…

..Beloved,..I Tell you,..these are Critical Times,..Days that demand a rapid and unparalleled response in the Place of strategic Warfare and Intercession,..

..Therefore,..It’s vital that you Incline your ear to the Cry of My Heart,..I have need of you,..without your Help My Hands are tied,..for truly I tell you,..My Spirit is hindered and hampered by a Spectator mindset in My Church,..

..Passivity,..Complacency,..Insecurity and Envy have disqualified many from being used as My chosen instruments in this hour for greater Kingdom Impact and Influence..

..Do you realise that My Spirit cannot Move in the presence of Competition and Strife,..for when the Spirit of Rebellion and Independence are in operation within the Body, it causes chaos..and confusion,..and great damage, leads to delays and further destruction…and the devourer has permission to take more ground and he increases in power and demonic possession in the earth realm,…

…So Be Watchful,..Diligent and Vigilant,..Resist the Spirit of Slumber that comes in this hour to lull many into a deep sleep,…Do not turn to the right or to the left,..STAY AWAKE,..AND ALERT,..BE LASER FOCUSED,..Be intentional..for these are the Days for a Glorious Unveiling and a greater Revealing of the Riches of My unlimited Resources and Supernatural Supply,..

..Have I not promised Provision for the Vision?,..Surely you know that My Storehouse’s are always full and My Angelic Armies are at your full disposal to bring you into the fullness of your Destiny,..for My Breakthrough Angels stand Ready to Come and to Go at your Command,..

…Only one Word needs to be spoken and they are dispatched to go ahead of you to prepare a place for you,..with Swords,..battle axes and battering Rams in their hands…nothing and no one can stand in their way,..even Steal Doors and Iron Gates cannot hold them back,…

..Why do you doubt My Power?,..Why are you so double minded?,..Why do you reason with your own understanding and look to your own strength and human abilities?…

…Beloved,..It’s not by might,..nor by Power but by My Spirit, I have Called you and Anointed you to pursue,..overtake and recover all,..surely you cannot begin to even comprehend the vastness of My Love for you..or the riches of My Glory that I have made available to you,..

…I have not left you as helpless orphans,..alone and on your own,..but I have grafted you in,..I Call you My Own, move out,..and move beyond the shallows and into the deeper places,…and you will discover that My Strong arm will carry you,..and My Righteous Right hand will deliver you,…you will never need to fear the unknown for My Goodness and Faithfulness will be the substance that keeps you from ever sinking,..

..I Say to you,..Now Embrace the New and Narrow Way ahead, not Fear the frailties and weaknesses you see in yourself,..for I will use them to drive you into My Spirit of Might and Power,..

…Beloved,..I will use your weaknesses to demonstrate My Strength,..and I will show the World what I can do,..and what can be accomplished through a yielded and surrendered vessel,..My Grace revealed through you will confound the arrogant and the confront the prideful,…So Give Me all of your Heart,..Soul,..Mind and Strength and I will give you All of Mine”…!!

Devotional Day 30; “Calling for Alignment and Willingness”…

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