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Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

The Wild Ox and The Eagle

In this Kairos Time of Divine Convergence, there is a powerful shift taking place in the realm of the Spirit.

There is a gathering of the Great Eagles, Eagles that are no longer confined to the Nest of Limitation and stagnation, Eagles that will soar upon the high places, carrying the very essence of His Glory.  No longer will our Gatherings be confined to mundane religious rituals and empty man made traditions that are stifled of Life and Freedom.  Gone are the days of holy huddles and cultish cliques, where fragile egos are inflated, and false and strange fires are fueled.  These things are coming to an end — and a New Wineskin is emerging!

I hear The Spirit say, ”Watch — as a Divine Convergence and Holy Convocations begin to rise up within the Nations, for there is a new move of My Spirit that will not be like anything seen before.  These gatherings will be fueled by a deep hunger for Truth and Authenticity. The Great Eagles of My Kingdom will come together in Unity, in oneness of Heart and Spirit — none seeking to be greater than the other — but in shared Vision and Purpose to see the release and advancement of My Kingdom to the ends of the Earth.  I say, Watch! As the New and Ancient Ways collide!  Watch! As the Living Keys stand before the Living Door in 2024 — for there is a turning, turning and a supernatural merging, for a Divine Convergence is taking place  Watch! For out of the ancient foundations will come New and Greater manifestations and demonstrations of Divine Revelation, Anointing and Power for the days ahead.

I say, brace! Brace, for a collision of the New and Ancient Ways.  No longer will My People settle for the comfort of their own nests — isolated and secluded.  For 2024 will be the birthing of Holy Habitations and Convocations that will become the launching pad for New Kingdom Assignments and Supernatural Alignments.  Watch — as new Networks begin to emerge. New Kingdom Collaborations and a Supernatural Cross Pollination between Nations will take place, for the Restoration and Reformation of Nations.  Listen and pay attention! For at the sound of My Roar, My great Eagles will rise and soar — carrying My Glory to the ends of the Earth!”

I see in The Spirit, a wild Ox and Mighty Eagle coming together as one, and I hear these Words, “Watch! For these are the days of the Double Portion Anointing and Grace!  I say, these are the days of Divine Separation and Distinction. These are the days to Stay Watching, Waiting and Listening for New and Ancient Mantles are now falling!  Look! For the Mantle of the Wild Ox and the Great Eagle is being released, and the Yoking of the Two will bring to birth a new Apostolic and Prophetic Movement on the Earth — for Heaven is releasing a Fresh Fire for greater Sight, and Fresh Oil for The Spirit of Might.  For the Might and Strength of the Wild Ox and the Sight and Power of the Great Eagle shall emerge — as the Kairos and Chronos converge!”

I hear these Words, ”It’s time to Pioneer — to break new ground — to rebuild and to rise up stronger!  For this is a ‘History-makers Anointing’ that is being released upon The Nations of the earth!”  Friends, get ready! For this Divine Convergence is a call to Action.  It is a summons for God’s People to rise up and fully embrace their Divine Destinies.  There is a Supernatural commissioning for the Great Eagles in this Hour to Rise, Shine and Soar at the Sound of the Lions Roar — to rise up higher to new heights — to break free from the limitations of the past Seasons — and to passionately pursue the plans God has for them.  In this season of Divine Convergence where the New and Ancient Ways are coming together, expect the unexpected!

Stir up a readiness for the suddenlies, for Miracles will abound, Wonders will astound, as the Glory of The LORD begins to manifest in unprecedented ways.  Boundaries will be reordered — chains will be shattered — as the Great Eagles boldly advance into new territories.  I hear The Spirit say, ”So, Arise .and Gather together in Faith and Obedience — and Watch, as Holy Habitations and Divine Convocations are birthed, for a new day is dawning and new highways are forming in The Realm of the Spirit!  Again I say, Watch! For a Divine collision of the New and Ancient Ways will release a tidal wave of My Glory, bringing forth Supernatural Transformation and Kingdom Reformation in The Nations of the Earth.  The Hour of Divine Convergence is here — for My Kingdom Rule and Reign will be established through My Rising Remnant on Earth as it is in Heaven!”


Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

A Collision of New and Ancient Ways ~by Veronika West (

Veronika West: Divine Convergence — The Wild Ox and Eagle Mantle and a Collision of New and Ancient Ways

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