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Exciting Days Ahead for Ireland’s Destiny Hub

Mournes with Twelve Baskets of Bread
Mournes with Twelve Baskets of Bread
I saw 12 baskets of Bread
Mournes with Twelve Baskets of Bread

”The Convergence of Spiritual Houses: Rebuilding Altars, Uncapping Wells, Establishing Tables of Reconciliation, and Commissioning the Saints to Go into All Nations!”

In the last few months, God has been downloading to us the next phase of the blueprint for Ireland’s Destiny Hub in this Nation, and many of you who faithfully follow our journey will know that the Mandate of Ireland’s Destiny Hub is to Rebuild and Restore the Broken-down Altars — and to Cry for the Uncapping of the Wells of Revival in The Nations. (See links below.)

In recent weeks, God has given us some very challenging — yet exciting — new blueprints for how we are to advance in the days ahead.  For the sake of time I can’t share everything publicly yet, as some of what God is still unfolding is sensitive and must be covered and saturated in Prayer, as we know the enemy seeks to destroy the seed before its even had time to take root, and so we must guard our hearts with whom we share God’s secrets with.

Delilah’s assignment was successful, because Samson was unwise and unguarded with God’s mysteries.  What I can share at this point, is that God has given us a powerful blueprint for Building and Establishing 12 Prayer and Worship Altars — Spiritual Houses (built on the foundation scripture of 1 Peter 2:5“you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. ” 1 Peter 2:5

These 12 Altars/ Spiritual Houses of Living Stones, will Prophetically reflect and parallel with the unique grace and Mandates of each of The 12 Tribes.  When God instructed Elijah to rebuild the Altar, he gathered 12 Stones and built an Altar, he prepared the sacrifice and then the Fire fell.  The Fire purified the land and brought the Nation back into Alignment with Heaven, and it turned the hearts of the prodigal Nation back to God.  The Fire not only purged and purified the hearts of the people, but through true repentance, it brought a Nation to the place of Birthing (Elijah goes up to the Mountain and puts his head between his knees).  The Rebuilding of the Altar and the falling of the Fire was the catalyst for the Abundance of Rain — the Rain that would bring Restoration and a Divine Reversal of the curse… (More on this in coming days…)

Back to the blueprint. In recent months, we have two Prayer and Worship Altars that have already started to emerge, and that are beginning to grow and increase, and these two Tribal Houses will be called The House of The Tribe of Judah, and The House of The Tribe of Issachar.  The first two Stones are now clearly coming together.

I will now share the following with you, a powerful Dream with an Interpretation that God has given to me.

Dream (5th August 2023).

So, I had a powerful Dream last night, where I was literally standing in the midst of one of the Tribal Houses, and I saw that each House had a specific fragrance — an incense that rose up before The Throne — a fragrance unique to the Tribe.  I suddenly saw that there was a specific Grace that was upon each House/ Tribe that spoke to RestorationReformation and Transformation.  A Cry of Repentance was at the heart of each House — and a Cry for The Fire.  Each House was a Keeper of The Flame — living sacrifices upon the Altar. Then I heard sounds — Songs — and each House had unique Songs and Sounds. Each one had a Battle Cry for this Nation and The Nations.

Then I saw 12 Angels assigned to the 12 Houses. These Angels carried Golden Scrolls, and the scrolls contained the secrets — the hidden mysteries of God.  The scrolls contained specific Prayer and Worship Strategies and Revelation for the Days ahead.  Each House possessed a unique Mandate/ Mission — each one walking in their unique purpose and function.  I saw a coming together of the Stones/ Tribes over this land, and as the Fire fell, the Fire was carried to The Nations.  In the Dream I kept hearing the Words, “A Divine Convergence that brings forth Divine Intervention and Cultural Transformation!”

Suddenly the Dream shifts. I found myself standing on a mountain in this land.  I believe it was the Mourne Mountains, and I saw 12 Houses suddenly become 12 Baskets — 12 Baskets that were overflowing with bread — and I heard these words, ”Multiplication, Overflow and Supernatural Outpouring!”  Suddenly a Banqueting Table was rolled out across the land, and I heard these Words, ”Table of Reconciliation!”

But then suddenly, I saw the Baskets tipping out and over upon the Banqueting Table, but what came out of the Baskets shocked me — it was not Bread — but Scrolls! And I heard, ”Living Bread!”  Then suddenly, 12 Gates appeared before the Banqueting Table, and I watched as Nations from all four corners of the Earth, began to come to the Table to eat.

But then, I saw a great Wheel appear in the Heavens above the 12 Open Gates, and I saw within The Wheel, the Four Faces of God.  But then suddenly, I saw the Banqueting Table rise up higher above the landscape and the Banqueting Table became an Altar, and I watched as the Wheel began to move across the Altar.  The great Wheel moved with such power and acceleration across the landscape of The Nation, and as the great Wheel moved, suddenly Fire began to come forth from within the great Wheel, setting the Altar, the Scrolls and the people, aflame!


I believe, as these 12 Houses emerge, there will be a convergence of the unique Graces and Mantles of each Tribe in operation.  The convergence of the Living Stones, coming together in Unity of heart and vision and purpose, brings the Government of Heaven into the earth realm… ”Let Your Kingdom come let Your Will be done!”  The Rebuilding and Restoration of the broken-down Altars has never been so clear in its Call — the Cry of my heart for the past year — as we have gathered at The Hub has been, “Father, what does that look like?” as Father continues to impart more Revelation to us.  I believe it will come with strategies for mobilisation and implementation.

The Rebuilding of The Altar in this land will impact Nations.  God has given us a Template for Cultural Transformation and Restoration, because at the very heart is Repentance and a Returning — and in the Returning — we see the heart of Nations being restored, and the connection between heaven and earth coming back into divine alignment.We know this is what Elijah did, in God calling him to rebuild The Altar — what was out of alignment and disconnected in the realm of The Spirit.  The coming together of the 12 Stones of the Altar would now reconnect the Land through the Restoration of Tribes which brought them back into alignment with their Covenant Foundations!The Altar repaired the connection — which transformed a Culture!

We see that after The Fire fell, Elijah would call for the killing all the Baal prophets.  Ha! The Prophetic symbolism is so clear! This Showdown on Mount Carmel is truly jaw dropping, the killing of the Baal prophets.  I believe this speaks to the demonic atmosphere and Culture being shifted and transformed. The demonic influence of the prophets of Baal was completely dealt with, the land was being totally healed, and the people restored back to the heart of The Father.

In recent days, God spoke to me in a prayer meeting about “The Keepers of Flame 1916… A Righteous Revolution Rising.”  This Word also speaks powerfully to these emerging Spiritual Houses, as The Living Sacrifices… we are called to become The Keepers of The Flame upon The Altar!  I believe that as we gather together strategically across the landscape of this land, carrying and fulfilling the specific mandate that pertains to each Tribe, there will be in effect Altars being built and established and Wells being uncapped, and the powers that rule over these regions will begin to loose their legal right to govern.  We will become Houses that Keep the Flame burning, Keepers of the Flame, Living Sacrifices upon the Altar.

More Interpretation: God is having us build and establish Tables of Reconciliation in The Nations…  In the Dream, I believe The 12 Baskets are powerful, because it speaks to the Breaking of the Bread and the feeding of the 5000 and more.  Besides the powerful revelation of The Living Bread being poured out upon The Table, and all Nations coming to eat of the Living Revelation, and to take that back to their respective Nations.  More simply maybe — even more powerfully in some ways — I believe it speaks to bringing the little we have, offering it up in Thanksgiving, to be broken and it supernaturally multiplied in the hands of Jesus.The little given in Faith (mustard seed) will bring Supernatural Multiplication and Outpouring.

The Dream speaks to many levels of Manifestation — the Wheel coming upon the Banqueting Table that becomes an Altar is fascinating.  The Table of Reconciliation becomes the place of total Surrender to God and one another — the place of Thanksgiving.  Breaking and Sacrifice, becomes the place of Fire, Healing and Restoration.  Prophetically, God had Elijah not only rebuild and restore the Altar but build a Table of Reconciliation in the presence of his enemies. That Table — where the Fire would fall upon the Ox/ Sacrifice — a Table that brought Divine Reconciliation between Heaven and the Earthly realm.  When the Fire fell, God Reconciled The Books of a Nation — and Judgment fell — and God Purified the land — which prepared the land for The Rains of Restoration to fall upon the Nation!  So, we are building Altars across this land and abroad — but we are also building and establishing Tables of Reconciliation.

This is why its a North – South move of God. A Move that will bring Reconciliation and Restoration to many other Nations.  This is where “The Goshen Revelation” comes into play (and parallels). God is calling for the building and establishment of Tables of Reconciliation for The Nations!  He calls us to come to The Table of Reconciliation, to feast and to be filled with Fires of His Glory…

I’m reminded of the powerful Word God gave me: “The Fatted Calf has been prepared for Prodigal Nations that will Turn and Return”… (“Let My People Go!” A Spiritual Showdown!)  The Banqueting Table/ Altar has been set the Fatted Calf/ His Promise of Restoration has been prepared for Nations that will return.  I hear Him say, “I call you, My Remnant to Repair, Rebuild and Restore Altars and to prepare the sacrifice that My Fire May fall.  I call you to Build Me Tables of Reconciliation, where the Living Bread and the New Wine of My Spirit can be poured out upon the Nations!”

Homes will become Altars and Tables of ReconciliationI believe in many ways, it’s why God is having us start in The Home!  Homes are becoming Altars again. The Prophetic significance of Passover is showing up again.  Goshens, places of Sanctuary and Provision are being prepared. The Prodigals will return!

It’s the Spirit of Elijah coming in the Whirlwind into our Homes — to turn the hearts of the Children back to the Fathers, and the hearts of the Fathers back to the children.  The establishment of these Prayer/ Worship Altars — and Tables of Reconciliation — will bring the family structures back into divine alignment with God’s Plan.  Altars — becoming Tables of Sacrifice and Fire — sacrificial Banqueting in the presence of our enemies — Banqueting Tables filled with scrolls of Living Revelation for Nations to come and feast upon.  The Altars of Consecration and deeper Intimacy, where He entrusts us with The Secrets and hidden mysteries — the Altar/ Tables of Consecration, where our appetites are ignited and changed and our Spiritual Capacity is enlarged and increased, that we may become carriers of the Fire and Glory to The Nations.  This is why God has been dealing with defiled Tables and distorted Identity and Vision.

God must deal first with the tables of Jezebel and Ahab,..and He must deal with mixture and contaminated wells.  I believe that as God is empowering us to build and establish these Spiritual Houses, so that the defiled tables of Baal worship will be overturned, and the Wells of Revival, unstopped and unblocked!

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

Exciting Days Ahead for Ireland’s Destiny Hub

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