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Governmental Authority in Ireland

I was taken up in the spirit above Ireland and I saw an ancient altar called a Dolmen in the middle of the land, and I saw twelve hands reaching to the handle of the sword, then coming together as one in unity harmony and strength. 

As these twelve hands joined together, I was reminded of Psalm 133, “How good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity, there YHWH commands the blessing.” Then I saw a long sharp double-edged sword going down from them. 

The sword glistened in the radiating light of the presence of YHWH. I looked closer at the face of the blade and I saw seven keys engraved upon it; each key was different and unique and unlocked different mountains of influence and power. 

Surrounding the guard of the sword, was a crown of thorns, which was covered in blood, yet there was a kingly and priestly authority upon it. Humility and grace flowed through it, allowing the LOVE of the CHRIST to be seen; and become the main thrust of all that would take place both now and in the future. 

The twelve hands that came together brought unity, authority and oneness of mind, birthing, true repentance, through the piercing LOVE that radiated from the crown of thorns hanging on the guard of the sword. 

I saw a stone being taken from below the throne of YHWH and placed on the index finger of one of the hands. As the ring was placed on the finger, flashes of lightening and a rumble of thunder echoed throughout the land. The sounds that I heard where declarations that words cannot appropriate at this time. 

This is the mark and seal of the covenant that Elohim Adonai, has bestowed upon His chosen; His called out ones.  The coloured stone was an emerald from the throne of Yahweh, the ring depicting His favour, power, authority, and marking His covenant, that He has placed upon the Bride, to live out – establishing His governmental authority over Ireland.

I looked closer on the guard of the sword and saw six pearls (three on each side of the guard) and there was a further six pearls on the back. These twelve pearls brought forth the manifold grace and mercy of the Lord, bringing to reality of the governmental power and authority of the divine influence and balance that is needed as and when this sword is wielded and used, this in turns bring with it a holy and righteous judgment, discerning correction and revealing direction that is truly godly and righteous.

I saw the angel of the Lord take the sword in his hands and pick up a stone that was around the throne and set it in place in the centre of the guard; an oval green chalcedony stone that established and brought into alignment the power and strength of the sovereign Lord. This set in place the 5-fold offices, to build up, encourage, and edify the body of Christ in Ireland. The alignment of revelation and the revealing of the Sword of the Lord began the establishing of the Ox and Stallion partnership, working together for the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven.

 And the sword was held in place by the God ordained twelve hands, weaving and supporting, building up and edifying the Bride of Christ to be raised up in the land. 

The sword descended straight down through the heavens to the earth directly through the heartland of Ireland.  As the sword came down a dolmen appeared, an ancient altar or Ebenezer once used to signify God’s faithfulness by the ancestors of old that inhabited the land. 

The sword went straight through the ancient dolmen altar, as a keyhole opened before it and the sword went through the dolmen and into the land. 

Click, click, click, resounded as the sword went into the ground, through a divine keyhole, which opened up a supernatural portal of divine exchange and transformation for those who have been called and ordained to understand the times and seasons in which they are walking. They listen and incline their ears and hearts to the heartbeat of the Father to be instructed by Him. 

As I saw the sword being pushed into this ancient altar, and the thud, thud, thud as the sword was driven into the land, there began a rumbling and a creaking and a crashing as the deep and hidden ancient wells were unlocked. The wells had been hidden in plain sight, overlooked and pushed to one-side, rendered useless and not fit for purpose, because people thought they were less important than they had realised. As the sword went further into the ground on the third thud, BOOM!!!!!! 

It released the whirlwind breath of the Holy Spirit, it came out from the twelve hands that were in unity, releasing and establishing Yahweh’s sovereign power and authority, through His divinely orchestrated government. As the sword impregnated the ancient altar, springs of worship, thanksgiving, and praise came forth with one heart, one soul, and one mind, that drew the peoples closer to Yahweh. 

As the whirlwind of the Holy Spirit fell upon the altar, I saw it gain momentum, cohesion, focus, and empowerment. Out of the keyhole, where the sword had pierced the altar, began to flow four streams of anointing which were being released into the land.  Each stream was different, each stream was unique yet essential to go into the four provinces of the land: to the north, Ulster; to the south, Munster; to the east, Leinster; and to the west, Connaught. This brought a returning, a reconciling, a repairing, and restoring of the land and peoples to what they were called to be. Those who would carry and host the face to face presence of Yeshua Hamaschiah in and throughout the land. 

There began an unfolding and an unfurling of the scrolls that have been held back from the ancient times, until now!  I heard a voice in the heavens declare, “now shall the eyes of the world turn their attention on My Land, this emerald isle, as My saints and scholars arise, taking their place, I AM releasing the wells of Knowledge and Wisdom, Justice, Understanding and Discernment, bringing with it the revelation of YHWH’s divine order, restoration and restitution that once flowed freely through the peoples of the land.”

“For I have put My signet ring of sonship on Ireland, to bring the sons and daughters from near and from far to see My Paneh (face), turning from their own desires and pleasures, turning from their transgressions and wrong doings, and making YHWH the one and true Lord in their lives and communities.” 

“Divine order breaking out in the land because of the heart of the people returned to the ways of their ancestors, seeking Yahweh with all their heart, soul, and mind. Bringing restoration and healing to families and communities through the power of the Cross. For these are days that I AM causing My Spirit to ARISE upon the hearts and lives of those unknown men and women across Ireland to arise with one voice, one heart, one soul, and one mind, returning to the ancient ways of their forefathers as they sought the Lord their God with ALL their heart, might and strength. Causing the prodigals that have been scattered to the ends of the earth to return to their homeland.” 

“I AM causing the entrepreneurs, the financiers, and go getters, and those who need somewhere to belong to embrace the Love of the Father, as I pour forth favour and blessings in their midst.” 

As this was all taking place I saw governmental Keys being engraved into the blade of the sword. Seven Spirits of Isaish 14:1-2 of Rest, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, and the Fear of the Lord, releasing the blueprints and plans that open up the doors of  undiscovered, lifechanging, characteristics, and revelations that are God ordained, God  directed, and God orchestrated through the Holy Spirit. 

These seven Keys caused divine interpretation and revelation to become relevant to the Bride of Christ, bringing forth a wisdom and a knowledge that the world was lacking. Multitudes will come from far off lands, to come and dwell in Ireland. 

Divine portals and an open heaven are surrounding this land. As the Seven Spirits and Seven Keys were released over the land, light beamed forth from the Sword for those seeking a divine help and justice that has been lacking in the nation (and nations), becoming a beacon and place of hope, rest, and security.

Then I saw twelve altars being established throughout the length and breadth of the land around the coasts, causing Yahweh’s governmental authority to rest upon the land, with men and women being raised up for such a time as this. Empowered by love and motivated by grace, urged on by mercy, and established in hearts that have yielded themselves to the Lord of Heaven and earth, godly Justice was released!


Then I saw the twelve altars become twelve thrones, that surrounded the island of Ireland, and I heard a voice like the voice of many waters say to me, “son of man, NOW is the time for the sons of man to accept their rightful place in the land.”

“I AM, The Lord God Almighty, who has called you to this land, the land of Ireland, from the day that I formed you and created you to be able speak and bring forth My Word, with influence, into the lands of the earth, I have placed favour upon you and have caused you to be pleasing in the sight of men wherever you go. In these days I AM releasing the scrolls of destiny, fulfilment, and restoration, for you are, My HEPHZIBAH for MY DELIGHT is in you” says the Lord.

“For even though you are small in number, I have put MY SEAL and AUTHORITY upon you, for this very purpose, to bring MY PURPOSE, PLANS, AND DESTINY to the nations, restoring the old ways those ancient ways of early fathers, that brought MY WORDS of life, hope and destiny into the very rooms of the chiefs and clans in Ireland. That now they would see and take note that YAHWEH has placed His Divine favour upon this land, for reconciliation, reformation, and restoration as a template for the nations of the world to come and seek you out, for wisdom and counsel.”

Then I saw the twelve thrones and altars being set ablaze with the fire of the LORD, and it caused a setting apart and holiness to emanate from their midst as they gave glory and honour to the one and only true living God. The mark on their foreheads was one of ‘HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD.’ 

The peoples began to come before these altar-thrones that burned continually, and nothing could extinguish them, or put them out. Pure and holy fire, that was a sweet-smelling fragrance before the Lord of lords, and King of kings. As people yielded themselves and placed themselves upon the altar of YHWH’s Righteousness, they became living sacrifices holy and acceptable to the Father. 

The land and people began to be brought into alignment with the true calling of the nation. There arose teachers who were restorers of the ways of the Lord, repairers of the broken, healers of the deaf, and dumb, shining Light into lives and bringing forth the fullness of life in Christ Jesus.

And then I saw the Hebrew letter Daleth ד  appear in front of the burning altars, these daleths were shimmering and shining as they glistened and radiated from the presence of the fires that were before them, these daleths ד are the doorways and portals from heaven to earth, where people come and enter into His presence. These doorways had become overgrown, neglected and forgotten. Other lures and attractions had captivated the minds and hearts of the people to serve the motives and desires of the Enemy. I saw that the god of this world had enticed the peoples away through abusive ways and false teachings, hardening their hearts and searing their consciences to believe the lies they were being told.

“My portals are opening up the WORD of revelation and insight to those who seek ME. There will come a Holy Fear on those who seek ME and allow My life-giving presence to change and transform them into trees of righteousness, reconcilers, and repairers of the broken-down altars, and bring restoration to communities, the nation, and nations that come seeking MY FACE.” 


Victor and Roz Mitchell

Governmental Authority in Ireland

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