Do Teaching By; Konrad and Sandy Weinert
Do Teaching By; Konrad and Sandy Weinert
…Lord Jesus, you are the Light of the world. We do not preach ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord,…
…Purified Vessels are Rising that will carry a profound weight of the Glory that will demand attention—not for personal glory,…
“Warriors! Be alert! The Great Purge has begun!” Now I heard those Words boom over and into my spirit in…
….” ..So this morning I heard the Spirit of Revelation say,… ..”Daughter…Pay Attention…For Daniel 7…9…10 and 11..and Isaiah 11 and…
..This evening, as I was meditating and waiting on the Lord regarding the unfolding events in the natural realm,……
…During a conversation this morning,..the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying….”TELL MY PEOPLE…THE CURRENCY IS MY PRESENCE, NOT SILVER…
..”..I heard those words a few weeks ago and again today,…; On the 31st of December 2024…I was sitting with…
This Word was received on the morning of the 13th January 2025. I heard The Spirit say, ”Ireland, my ‘Eye-land’…