…The Person of the Holy Spirit; By Konrad and Sandy Weinert
…The Person of the Holy Spirit; By Konrad and Sandy Weinert
…So Today, I heard the Spirit say something rather strange: “Daughter,…Beware of Fast Fires.” …I was then lead to…
…Lord Jesus, you are the Light of the world. We do not preach ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord,…
…Purified Vessels are Rising that will carry a profound weight of the Glory that will demand attention—not for personal glory,…
“Warriors! Be alert! The Great Purge has begun!” Now I heard those Words boom over and into my spirit in…
….” ..So this morning I heard the Spirit of Revelation say,… ..”Daughter…Pay Attention…For Daniel 7…9…10 and 11..and Isaiah 11 and…
..This evening, as I was meditating and waiting on the Lord regarding the unfolding events in the natural realm,……
…During a conversation this morning,..the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying….”TELL MY PEOPLE…THE CURRENCY IS MY PRESENCE, NOT SILVER…
..”..I heard those words a few weeks ago and again today,…; On the 31st of December 2024…I was sitting with…