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House Of Benjamin; The Valiant Man…

…The Launch of House Benjamin;…We are excited to Launch; The House Of Benjamin in the first Month of this New Year;…

…So Over the last few months Konrad and Sandy have been diligently Seeking the Lord,…and they have submitted to me in the last few weeks that they believe God has impressed upon their hearts to help Build and Establish House of Benjamin within IDH…; We have met with Konrad and Sandy to discuss what the Lord has put on their hearts,..and truly believe that the Father has given them a real burden to see Revival in this Nation,..and to see the Family of God Built up,..Encouraged and well Equipped for the days ahead,…

..Konrad in Pastoral and operates in the Office of a Pastor/Teacher and also has a strong Evangelicalist Anointing upon his life,..Konrad has a burning desire to see Souls Saved and liberated and to see the Body of Christ come to full Maturity. Sandy carries a Watchman’s Mantle and is gifted in the area of Prophecy,..Sandy has a heart to see people Healed and Restored…both Konrad and Sandy are Kingdom Builders…and we honour and recognise who they are in the Body of Christ…

…So we are delighted to Welcome Konrad and Sandy on Board House of Benjamin,..and we look forward to having them help us take the first steps in building and Establishing the House of Benjamin,…We are excited and expectant of what God will do in our midst,…as we continue to Trust Him to move us forward with the Call to Rebuild and Restore the Broken down Altars in our Beloved Nation….

…Just A little Background;
..The Tribe of Benjamin…was Known as the “Builder”…Kingdom Builders…; Benjamin means “son of the right hand”…we know Prophetically that the “Right Hand” is always significant, as it speaks to Authority and Power…hence the Builder,..builds with Authority and Power…

…Benjamin’s Name is “Building Block,..the Builder of Buildings or the Builder of a House”..!

…So Benjamin does not refer to the House or Structure,..but rather to the ‘Builder of the Family who lives in the House’…

…Therefore,..The Unique Mandate of the Tribe of Benjamin is founded on Eph 4…”For the Equipping of the Saints for the Work of Service, the BUILDING UP of the Body of Christ”…

There is much more we will learn about the Tribe of Benjamin in the days ahead, and how when the Unique Identity and Mandate of this Tribe is fully Restored and takes its Rightful place within the Body, the Family of God is Rebuilt,..Recommissioned,..Restored and Reformed…!

Konrad and Sandy will be running their first On-line Bible Study this coming Thursday; See Details below to send Konrad and Sandy an Email to let them know you will be joining them,…Email;

See An Intro; THE VALIANT MAN; We will look at Three Main Parts;…

…Our Bible Study Introduction;
A. Focus on God’s Valiant Man
B. Principles from the Word of God
C. Purpose of the Valiant Man

II. Contents of the Bible Study;
A. The Creator and His Plan
B. The Power of God’s Word
C. God’s Purpose Revealed in His Word
D. God is the God of Order
E. God is the God of Eternal Purpose
F. God’s Ultimate Creation
G. Sons Brought to Glory
H. God’s Strategy for Success
I. Male and Female Made He Them
J. God’s Creation Preserved to be Presented

III. The Current State of the World;
A. Selfish lusts and drive for power
B. Resulting destruction in the world
C. Departure from God’s standards and principles

IV. God’s Ideal Man;
A. Distinct gender identity
B. Different roles and responsibilities for men and women
C. Restoring men to God’s ideal
D. Discovering God’s requirements for men
E. Believing in God’s Word and diligently studying scripture

V. The Impact of Sin;
A. Sin diverting attention and values from God
B. Focus on self-image and worldly success
C. Pride of life governing man’s heart
D. Satan’s deception and distraction

VI. Real Men;
A. Discipline and pursuit of God’s purpose
B. Seeking to bring glory to the Creator
C. Establishing lives in God’s order and plan
D. Attracting God’s good pleasure

VII. Conclusion; Prayer

…A Zoom Bible Study of the Principles from the Word of God Governing the footsteps of God’s Valiant Men..

Time: 7:30pm (GMT, UTC+0), beginning 1 February 2024, DV.

Who should attend: While this Teaching is geared more towards Men at this time…We Welcome You ALL…(whether single men/ladies or married/if married, then please invite your wife to attend too).

Zoom details: Meeting ID: 931 965 8080 Passcode: Psalm63

There is no need to have your video on. Just sit back, relax, and let the Lord speak to your heart. It’s optional to have a pen and notebook at hand for the study…

…We are looking forward to Meeting some of you and Sharing the Word together and Hearing what God is saying to His Bride in this highly strategic Season…

Blessings In Him

Konrad And Sandy..!

House Of Benjamin; The Valiant Man…

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