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House of Dan – Victor Mitchell : The Broken Goblet

Image of goblet repaired with gold representing the 12 Tribes
Image of goblet repaired with gold representing the 12 Tribes
Broken Goblet painted by Victor Mitchell
Image of goblet repaired with gold representing the 12 Tribes

Yahweh speaks through our senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing, and taste; they all come together in our minds and understandings that brings some kind of picture, a sense, or a feeling that Yahweh speaks to each of us as individuals.  When you take time with Yahweh, ponder, and meditate upon Him and His word, revelation, insight, and discernment begins to be revealed. Yahweh speaks to us differently, for we are a peculiar people, and a royal priest hood and a holy nation. 1 Peter 2:8-9. 

Some receive visions and dreams, some have feelings, and some get words, and many more. So, Yahweh speaks differently to each one of us, we do not have a monopoly on just hearing from Him, as if everyone else is wrong. Yahweh asks Jeremiah, “son of man, what do you see?” Jeremiah 1:11 & 13,  “you have seen well” said Yahweh. 

Take 5 minutes and ask Father God to show you what He is speaking to you about this goblet, write it down, and after 5 minutes, be ready to share what Yahweh has given you, remember this it short and to the point, God showed me this, this, and this. S.S.S. Short, sharp, and straight to the point.  Some might just see a coloured goblet; while others might see something else. 

The way I would describe it is this, you have a large gemstone ring in your hand, you see it from one perspective, yet others see it from a quite different angle, so they get a different angle of view and perspective. So that together we all bring a fuller picture.  It is also a bit like the Havurah, when Jewish people come together to discuss Torah, they may all have different mind sets and points of view, but they all have something to bring to the table.  The word was never meant to be studied in isolation.  

Please do not be intimidated by this exercise, it is intended to open your mind and understanding to how prophetic artisan’s flow and function.  Imagine you have before you a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  It is great when ALL the pieces are there, BUT when there are some missing pieces, it can be difficult to view the complete picture, no matter how big or how small you think your thought, feeling, idea, or word might be, you and I are the puzzle in YHWH’s hands.  So, if you do not show up with your one word or thought, and someone else does the same, the now disjointed picture is hard and difficult to look at.  It says in 1 Corinthians 14:26 “I say, therefore. My brethren, that whenever you gather, whoever among you has a Psalm, let him speak, or whoever has a teaching, or whoever has a revelation. Or whoever has a language, or whoever has a translation, let ALL things be done for edification.”  This is like when we prophesy, it is in part, why? Because we as individuals at this moment in time can only see part of the puzzle.  We need the rest of the Body or Tribes coming together as one voice, one heart, and one mind for the purposes and destiny that Yahweh has placed upon us.  We must all function the way Yahweh has called us to operate!  If you are a door knocker, do not try to be the letter box, if you are a keyhole, do not try to be the door hinge, be WHO you are called to be in the Body and Bride of Yeshua Hamaschiah. 


What the Lord spoke to me regarding this painting. 

The enemy declares that you are fragile, easily  broken, and continually weak.   He laughs, he mocks, he grinds his teeth at you and  causes a doublemindedness to be released through his mocking and his taunts, as he causes the spirit of the MAGPIE to be released. Grabbing the light that is in us and trying to suppress and hide it do that it becomes non-effective.   The broken goblet, which was once useful, is now a pile of rubbish, the enemy scoffs and taunts you right into your face, that you are a pile of unwanted rubbish, he certainly does not mince his words. Ready to be taken away, not fit for purpose, discarded and ready to be thrown on the scrapheap of life as a failure, screaming his words, “you’re a failure, you’re a mistake, you’re useless, you’re weak, you’re hopeless”, and on and on and on he goes, it seems to be never ending, but why?  He doesn’t want you to come into the destiny, calling, and purpose that Yahweh has called you to live out, he fears who you are, and what you will become, so the devil; your enemy tries anything and everything at his disposal to stop you from fulfilling your GOD GIVEN DESTINY.  

The broken glass pieces serrated, cut, damage, and hurt when we try to pick them up; yet left in this state they are fit for nothing.  In Japan there is a method called Kintsugi, it translates – joining with gold. When something that was precious was broken, in Japan, the people would take the broken pieces to a goldsmith and ask him to guild it back up to its former state using precious metal. This practice started around the 15th century. Kintsugi is the general concept of highlighting or emphasizing imperfections, visualizing mends, and seams as an additive or an area to celebrate or focus on, rather than the absence of or missing pieces.  No matter how broken you are, God is eager to do His Kintsugi work in you. Let Him bring His wholeness in you through you turning to Him in repentance and faith. 

Yahweh takes our brokenness which our enemy taunts and derides us with, and with HIS precious Glory and Majesty and the BLOOD of YESHUA HAMASHIACH, Yahweh gives us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that we might be trees of righteousness the planting of Yahweh.  The MAGPIE hates anything that is shiny, or anything that reflects light. It will go around and gather up anything that is shiny, not because it likes or loves the shiny stuff, but it is frightened of and terrified of the LIGHT, being reflected from these objects. The devil hates vigorously the LIGHT; the True LIGHT of Yeshua, shining and flowing through our lives, and will try and try and try to dull our light, cover, or even try and snuff our light out.


There are twelve pieces of broken glass, which speaks of the twelve tribes of Israel, assorted colours, different shapes. When Canaan was divided amongst the tribes, some got big portions, some got small portions, some got mountains, some got plains, but they all had to enter the land, and possess it to claim their inheritance. The gold that surrounded them was the unity of having the same father, and they were all brothers.  The gold that surrounds each piece of broken glass is uniquely formed, around each piece of broken glass, covering over the rough and sharp edges that could slice and cut. The gold brings protection and togetherness and a oneness, divided yet one. As the gold is offered up to each piece of glass the gold overlaps the edges to bring a strength and dependence on each other. Even though each piece of glass is different in dimensions, shape, and colour; when they come together there comes a diversity and multi-faceted layers of strength, harmony, unity, and oneness. 

When the goblet is made as one and all the pieces are fixed into place by the gold, you are able to see all the colours shining beautifully, but then it is raised up the YHWH’s LIGHT that shines upon it and through it, were before there were 12 different coloured glass pieces, now with Yahweh’s radiance shining through they all become clear and transparent, able to see what is contained within the goblet, ha “taste and see that Yawheh is good.” Psalm 34:8   Yahweh Adonai, holds everything together and through the gold of His Glory brings forth HIS splendour and majesty through this broken vessel, we are the broken vessel, that He uses, to manifest His truth through. 


House of Dan – Victor Mitchell : The Broken Goblet

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