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House of Simeon Devotional Day 10 : Your Calling by Chris G Bennett

I imagined a lookout on one of Nelson’s ships, with telescope to his eye, shouting a warning to those on deck below...

I noticed a post on Facebook today asking about the scripture which set the calling of God on your life.

I’m sure you will have had many verses of scripture which mean so much for you. I have very distinct memories of two which stood out for me. When I was a new Christian, the Lord began to highlight scripture for me. One stood out like it was carved in stone before me. “ For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 This confirmed my faith to me in a way no-one had been able to do. It set my faith on solid ground. Yet there was a far greater confirmation still to come.

As I read my bible one morning, about 50 years ago now, that’s 12 years after I received the Lord as my saviour, I heard the Lord, for the first time that I remember, say to me, “Look at Ezekiel 33!” I was surprised, but I thumbed my way to the right place, and in verse 7, I read these words, “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me.” Ezekiel 33.7.

I had no idea what a ‘watchman’ was at the time. I imagined either an older guy, sat by an open fire outside, guarding the gates to the camp. It was either that, or I imagined a lookout on one of Nelson’s ships, with telescope to his eye, shouting a warning to those on deck below. Actually, not bad analogies either of them, but I had no knowledge of a watchman being a prophet! I didn’t even understand prophecy then. Yet it was in this way that the Lord turned my thinking towards the calling He had for me. The rest is history, as they say! God has spoken to me like this, through His Word, only one other time, but that was even more personal. Yet the message each time has been very personal and very clear – even if I didn’t understand at first.

So, what was/is your calling from God? How did He make it known to you? Did He take you to scripture and highlight verses to you that encouraged you to stop, think, pray, and maybe act upon that word? Are you still acting on that Word, or has it slipped into history? Maybe the time is now for you to go back to the Lord and ask Him – “Is this still my calling Lord?” Or is He pointing you in a different direction today? Is your old assignment completed? Is it time to review your calling with the Lord?

With me, I was bumbling along in 1995, wondering what my calling was! I’d long ago forgotten about the watchman thing! Then the Lord shocked me into reality. I got a phone call from a recently acquired friend. “Hey Chris, the Lord just told me to call you and to offer to teach you all I know about prophecy! Are you up for that?” He was an established prophet, and I knew that he was ‘right’ for the task. It took me about a second to ask for more details. The rest is history – I sat under him for a total of 15 years before the Lord called me to my present ministry assignment.

Has or is the Lord calling you to a specific calling? Have to answered Him? Is what you’re doing for Him, what He wants you doing today? Has your old assignment finished? Is it on going? I feel it’s time for all of us to reassess our calling. It may be perfect – right on the path the Lord wants for you. Or He may be nudging you gently, maybe not so gently, towards your own end-time calling! Holy Spirit is telling me this is a call to two or three people reading this post to come before Him again in order to listen to His voice! If you have doubts about what you think you may be hearing, then ask someone you trust to pray with you, and counsel you if needed. There’s no shame in questioning and asking for clarity. We’re all here to help.


House of Simeon Devotional Day 10 : Your Calling by Chris G Bennett

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