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House of Simeon Devotional Day 11 : The Army Of The Lord

I saw warriors rising as from the valley of dry bones
Recently I saw the film Spartacus on tv and what I saw were hundreds of slaves that had been crucified all hanging either side of a long road. I saw them all dressed in pyjamas. They were all people who had died falling asleep in Christ ( in my vision) I saw Jesus walk down the road between them and breathe on them and they came back to life, like Aslan breathing on the statues and they came back to life, or like Ezekiel 37 when breath was breathed into the dry bones.
 I then saw that Spartacus himself had a Bride and child and they had been captured. He didn’t know where they were or if they were safe. They were both released and free; but as they were leaving they saw him hanging on the cross. They went over to him and told him that they were free and a peace came over him knowing that they were safe and he then died.
I ‘just’ felt it was so powerful in that that was Jesus on the cross for our freedom and once he had taken all the sin on him to set us (his Bride and child) free when he died.
This morning I also saw lots of us begin to take up our shields – the shields of Faith, speaking forth the word; and swords to join the army of the Lord.  The word may offend and be unpalatable to some, but we must pick up our tools and join the rest of God’s army without fear.  Revelation 10:9-11

“And I went to the angel and said, “Give me the small scroll.”  “Take it and eat it,” he said. “It will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.  So I took the small scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it; and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned bitter.  And they told me, “You must prophesy again about many peoples and nations and tongues and kings”.

House of Simeon Devotional Day 11 : The Army Of The Lord

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