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House of Simeon Devotional Day 13 : The Importance Of A Governing Word by Angela Meers

Angela's mood board
Angela's mood board
My Governing Word Reminder Board for 2024
Angela's mood board

Hello Ireland Destiny Hub!

It is my joy to bring to you this prophetic devotional for the month of January. Every year for the past few years, God has given us at FireHouse an individual word or phrase that helps us steer the ship of ministry into the year. I would like to take the time now to illuminate the steps you can take to also hear from God and receive a governing word that you can take into your year personally.

Why a Governing Word?  A prophetic governing word does a few things to help anchor you in the way that God wants you
to go during a certain season.
• It can assist in making choices
• It can help you understand how to weather the storms or difficulties of the year
• It can establish you in a place of peace when things don’t go as planned
• It can act as prayer points during individual or corporate prayer meetings

Notice that I use the phrase “prophetic governing” word. That is because this carries with it the idea that it establishes leadership or governance over what you put your hand to. Sometimes prophetic words come about as we serve Jesus. Sometimes prophetic words come about in deep intercession and waiting on God. But a prophetic governing word helps you with leadership decisions for your own life, or the ministries you serve.

Examples of a Governing Word:
This year, the governing word for FireHouse is ABIDE. This word came out of my study from John 15, when the Lord showed me what happens AFTER we are pruned.  Last year, the governing word that God gave me for myself individually was INSIGHT. I admit, when He gave it to me, I was surprised! But I looked up the definition of the word and that definition really spoke to me. Sure enough, the word INSIGHT really governed my decisions last year.

How to Get a Governing Word for Yourself in 2024

1. Start by getting yourself into a time with Jesus. Whether that is worship, praying in tongues, silence and solitude – whatever you do to place yourself at the feet of Jesus in the Spirit realm.

2. Now, ask for your word! Jesus knows that we need the encouragement that the governing word will bring us for 2024. We know that when we ask, He answers as a good Father.  Here is a prayer that can you pray:

God the Father, Jesus the Son, and Precious Holy Spirit: I thank you that you are capable of giving me a word to govern my steps in the coming year. I ask that you will make it clear to me that you are choosing this governing word to direct my year. I ask that you would help me hear you correctly.  Amen.

3. Now, as you go about your Bible reading, or prayer, be ready to hear from the Lord what your governing word is for the year. It may pop up in conversation with others, or it may just rest in your spirit quietly. The point here is to TURN ON YOUR AWARENESS. Part of praying in faith means that we know that God hears and answers us. So be prepared to receive your answer!

4. If you do not have a word within three days, repeat the above steps. God WILL answer you!

What to Do with your Governing Word

Each person is different but I like to use the Canva ( graphic design creator to create a desktop image for my computer. Then, all year long I have the images and words that are guiding my year up on my desktop computer. You can do the same for your phone! Here is my image for 2024:

If this is an art project that doesn’t suit your fancy, then I recommend putting your word:

• On a post it on your bathroom mirror

• Print it out on your computer and put it on your refrigerator

• Write it at the beginning of your prayer journal

• Or do a crochet pillow, paint a picture, or any matter of art-related way to keep that word before you for 2024

This is instruction that God gave Habakkuk as well when He told that prophet to “Write the vision, and make it plain…” (Hab 2:2). When we keep our governing word before us it will be an ongoing reminder for the year that God is designing our steps.  I would love to hear your testimonies or see the pictures you create! You can show them off at my social media page on Facebook at Angela M. Meer.

God bless you IDH!

House of Simeon Devotional Day 13 : The Importance Of A Governing Word by Angela Meers

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