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House of Simeon Devotional Day 15 : Be Still and KNOW That I Am God by Chris G Bennett

Psalm 46:10

Editor’s note… Yesterday (Day 14) Una and John spoke on Psalm 46:10 “Be still…and know that I am God”.  You might wonder if Chris’ word today resulted in some way from yesterday’s devotional – it did not!  Chris emailed this word to us almost a week ago – but due to us endeavouring to honour everyone who has submitted in date order, both devotionals were received several days ago!  God’s timing is perfect and when He speaks the prophets hear…

A brief encouragement to tarry in the Lords presence. “I just want you to be still”, says the Lord,

..As in, Be still, and know that I am God! When you are not still, you are doing. When you are not still, you are moving. When you are not still, you are not listening, you are not quiet, you are too busy to focus upon Me!”, says God.

In this season, the Lord is calling all His people to come quietly into His presence. He is calling us to slip behind the veil and into His presence. Then just like Mary, we can sit at His feet and listen while He speaks to us…

In Jeremiah 33:3, the Word of God says, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” He calls us now to call to Him and then just listen as He answers us.

At this time, the Lord is preparing us for great spiritual warfare. It has already started of course, but in this coming season, it will reach a great crescendo of unprecedented proportions.

…The enemy will war on us both individually and corporately trying to confuse and deflect us.

..But the Lord calls us to come into His Presence – away from the noise of battle – in order for Him to give us His battle plans, and His directions so that we may be, and remain, Victorious.

So, the Lord is calling His prophets, His intercessors, and all who will stand with Him against the hordes of hell, “Come to Me. Rest in Me.”,…

He says, “Let Me give you My words of encouragement and warfare. Let me anoint you for the battles that lie ahead. Let me show you My plans and together we shall stand and defeat all of Satan’s plans and tactics.” “COME TO ME. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.….

How else will you be able to receive My peace that passes all understanding? How else will you preserve your energy for those battles which lie ahead?

This coming season is one of heavy spiritual warfare. COME TO ME. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.” CGB

House of Simeon Devotional Day 15 : Be Still and KNOW That I Am God by Chris G Bennett

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