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House of Simeon Devotional Day 6 : ‘Trust, Height and Perspective’ by Olly Gardner

AI generated man standing on cliff looking down into a valley with mountains on either side
AI generated man standing on cliff looking down into a valley with mountains on either side
A new perspective
AI generated man standing on cliff looking down into a valley with mountains on either side

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones



A friend requested prayer for her child who needed extra support in school and these were my thoughts as I prayed over the situation. I feel as I revisit my journal that it is for everyone – myself included!


We’re all in the same system. We all transact in a system that is not Godly. By handing EVERYTHING to God (which is hard to do. I get that) and saying it’s Your will for this situation not mine is freeing, not because we’re moving the responsibility off ourselves and on Him but we allow Him to actually work in our lives.

Yes we are stuck saying we need these grades, this amount of money to live on etc  but by handing it over He can work and put us in the places that He needs us to be in.



Our heads are mostly on ground level. I know as I’m battling at work against something that is so insignificant in the kingdom that it’s almost laughable. It wastes and consumes my time at work whilst I should be praying for the things that God had put on my heart to pray for.



To try and take ourselves higher and see form His perspective is also not an easy thing to do. As we have to lift ourselves out of what we know and have comfort in, to a place of looking at the bigger picture. Really everything we do should be to advance his kingdom and not build our own. As we know, there are many different ways that we can do that



This is not a pointy finger or to be condemning, at anyone and I include myself in this too. It’s a journey that we are all on. If anything be honest with yourself and see the strongholds that you didn’t know were still there and are holding on to.

We (as we know) are meant to be in the world but not of it.


Totally trust in Him today and each new day. 


House of Simeon Devotional Day 6 : ‘Trust, Height and Perspective’ by Olly Gardner

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