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My Fire Heals and Makes New

Christine Black:

“I’m coming soon, I am coming soon, I’m coming soon and it’s time I’m coming – I’m coming soon!   Prepare the way, prepare the way, prepare the way, for My people!   Prepare the way for the coming of the Lord, prepare the way for the cleansing purging fire to sweep through this land prepare the way prepare the way.  Do not turn to the right or to the left, do not turn to the right or the left.  Always look to me, always look to Me, look to Me, look to My throne, look to my word, look to Me look to the truth for I am the way the truth and the life and no man come to me except by Me! No man, no man”.

” Prepare the way, prepare the way, the time is short, the time is short, you say yes Lord the days are evil, the days are evil; but I say I am coming! I am coming soon! I’m coming with My fire I am coming to purge I am coming to cleanse!  I am coming to heal, I am coming to restore I am coming to make all things new that this land will shine!  This land will shine as a light!   Like a gem in in My hand, like a gem; a bright gem in My hand this land will shine! It will shine with My glory it will shine with My presence it will shine with My presence so I’m coming and I’m taking back I’m taking back and restoring everything.  I’m taking back what has been stolen from My Kingdom!  I’m taking back I’m bringing reversal I’m bringing a reversal to the tide of wickedness and the tide of darkness that has swept across this land; I’m bringing a reversal!  A reversal, a reversal! And it will be swept back, it will be swept back for I am reversing what the enemy has planned for this land and I’m bringing a new thing a glorious thing, a glorious thing that will shine brightly amongst the nations it will shine brightly as never before; so do not fear do not be concerned do not be afraid for I’m coming and My fire will burn, My fire will burn; it will burn in the hearts of My people, it will burn in the hearts of My people; fire and zeal and passion!  The passion; passion for Me but it will also burn and destroy that which is not of Me it will consume for I am a consuming fire.  I am a consuming fire and it will destroy that which is not of Me!  It will destroy, it will purge, it will cleanse and it will heal!  It will heal, for My fire heals; My fire heals and makes new and makes all things beautiful in their time and it will be beautiful in its time.  I promise I’ve said I’ve spoken to the hearts of My people over the years and I am coming and now is the time, now is the time to prepare the way, now is the time to make ready, now is the time to make ready!  Hallelujah!”

House of Judah


Wednesday 13th December, 2023

My Fire Heals and Makes New

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