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My People I Will Protect You

Word of the Lord from Kirk Woodside – House of Judah 15th November 2023

“My people I will protect you from the evil that is all around you; I will protect you, for My shield is around you at this time.  My people just stay firm, stay strong, walk closely with Me.  Don’t let any interference come in from the walk you have with Me!  What purposes and plans I have for us going forward; just yield all of yourselves! Leave all down at my altar and I will guide and position you where I need you to be.  This time is a dark time but My light is going to come and shine bright over this nation.  I’m going to raise up this nation as a mighty remnant army.  The 5-fold is going to come into this nation – the 5-fold is going to come out of Ireland’s Destiny Hub that is going to raise up the prodigal sons and raise up the young people training them up and equipping the Saints for such a time as this.  There is an acceleration of evil that is coming at this time, but I say My goodness and  My grace are going to come and fall on these lands and purify this nation! To cleanse what Satan has distorted in the minds of My children.  I feel for My children, the young generations that are coming through such a time as this that they need to be brought out of the darkness into My glorious light.  My light is going to fall bright and shine right through the darkness on this land” says the Lord.

Again, for Israel, I felt the anguish the Lord has for His people as well as here; and all around the nations of the world.  I felt so much anguish and the pain. He feels the suffering of His people and He is going to restore. He is going to restore what the locusts have eaten, the Lord is going to take back what the enemy has stolen and He is going to break the strongholds of these islands.  “The darkness has been over this long for too long,” says the Lord “I’m going to clear the darkness and the evil will be exposed.  What has been hidden within the darkness I’m going to expose in my bright light.  They are going to pay for what they have done to my Church and My people” says the Lord.

My People I Will Protect You

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