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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Call to Purity..!

                  A Call to Purity; Power Rests on Purity..

..Today…Let’s Search our hearts for any impurities or sinful desires that may be lingering in our hearts. Confess them to God and ask for His forgiveness…

..The pure in heart will SEE Him (Mt. 5:8).

…Surrender any lingering bitterness, anger, or unforgiveness towards God and others…Ask Him to help you release these negative emotions and replace them with love and forgiveness…

..Meditate on the Purity of Jesus’ heart and His perfect Obedience to God. Ask Him to help you imitate His purity and Obedience in your own life….; “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1).

..Seek accountability from a trusted friend or mentor…Share with them your desire to purify your heart and ask for their support and prayer…

..Spend time in silence and solitude, allowing God to speak to your heart. Listen for His guidance and direction as you seek to realign your emotions and desires with the Holy Spirit and His Will…

..Learn to Memorise and meditate on Scriptures that speak about Purity of heart, such as Psalm 51:10 and Psalm 119:9. Let these verses serve as a reminder and encouragement in your pursuit of clean hands and a pure heart.

..Cultivate a habit of gratitude and thanksgiving. Thank God for His work in your heart and for the blessings He has bestowed upon you. Gratitude helps to shift our focus away from selfish desires and towards God’s goodness…

..Serve others selflessly, seek opportunities to bless and encourage those around you…

…By putting others’ needs before your own, you further align your desires with the Holy Spirit and foster purity of heart…

..Guard your heart against worldly influences that may lead to impurity. Be mindful of what comes through the media, conversations, and activities you engage in, making sure they are uplifting and in line with God’s truth and Righteous standards.

..Develop a consistent prayer and study routine, dedicating regular time to seek God’s Presence and Wisdom.

…Allow the Word of God to penetrate your heart and transform your desires and emotions…

…Finally, remember that purifying your heart is not a one-time event, but a lifelong journey. Be patient and trust in God’s Grace and power to continue purifying your heart as you seek to live a life that pleases Him…!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit; A Call to Purity..!

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