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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..A Call to Watchfulness and Prayer..!

..Overcoming Curses and Idolatry: A Call to Watchfulness and Prayer..! 

..Come as we delve into Numbers 22-25 and 31,…; Here we are reminded of the importance of being watchful against word curses and idolatry.

…The story of Balaam and Balak serves as a cautionary tale, revealing the potential dangers that lie outside the camp.

…Just as Balaam was enticed by the offer of wealth and power from Balak, we too must be cautious of the seducing spirits that may attempt to lead us astray…

Today in prayer, We will Seek the Lord for deliverance from any and all spiritual influence from seducing spirits.

…Let us Ask Him to strengthen and sharpen our discernment and grant us the wisdom to identify and resist any deceptive influence.

…The enemy may attempt to curse us through the words or actions of those outside the camp,..but with God’s divine protection, we can overcome and rise above any such attacks…

Isaiah 54;17…”No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their vindication is from Me,” declares the LORD”..! 

However, we know that it is not only external influences that can pose a threat…; But Within the camp, the consequences of idolatry and immorality can be severe..

…The story of Israel’s sin with the Moabite women, resulted in a plague that claimed the lives of many, this serves as a sobering reminder to us all….; Let this story serve as a catalyst to us all for the need of self-examination in the light of the Gospel.

…Today…we will take time to reflect on our own personal lives asking Holy Spirit to help us identify any areas of idolatry or immorality that may be creeping in….Perhaps there are pursuits, possessions, or even some relationships that have taken precedence over our devotion to the Lord.

…Let’s be quick to Acknowledge any potential idols that have taken the place of God and let us seek the Lord’s guidance and wisdom on how to let go of them…

…This may be a difficult process,…but let’s remember that God only requires us to leave behind what is ultimately hindering our spiritual growth and a closer and more intimate relationship with Him.

…In prayer, we must surrender any idols that have taken our focus and total reliance on the Lord,..; We can Ask Him to completely detach us from all of them.

…Friend,..Trust that He knows what is best for you and that His plans will always far surpass any temporary pleasures or ungodly attachments..

..As we engage in this battle against generational curses and idolatry,…We must remember to lean on and look to God alone for the Victory to be made manifest.

..Lastly,..As we Pray fervently,..Seeking His strength and guidance every step of the way…we choose to Trust that through His power we can overcome any and every spiritual attack and be set free from the stronghold of idols…

…Be vigilant to Guard your heart and mind against the temptations that lurk both outside and within the camp…; Remain steadfast and watchful, recognising that the enemy seeks to derail our journey of faith….; But take comfort in knowing that with God by our side, we have the power and Authority to resist and conquer the assignments of the enemy.

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..A Call to Watchfulness and Prayer..!

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