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Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Advancing Towards Breakthrough and Great Reward…!

Advancing Towards Breakthrough and Great Reward…!

As we continue on our Prophetic Focus of Body,..Soul and Spirit, let’s take a few moments to reflect on the powerful message of Love found in Romans 8…

…Thank God for Adopting you into His Family and for the Restoration and Redemption that comes through the power of His Grace and Love..

..Allow this truth to fill your heart with gratitude and encouragement as you press on towards the breakthroughs and greater advancements that He has in store for you…

…In Isaiah 58:5-12, we are reminded of the Power and importance of Fasting with a purpose…

…When we Fast, we are declaring our total dependence on God. We are saying, “Lord, I am willing to lay aside my own desires and seek Your will above all else.”

…It is in this posture of Humility and Surrender that we find true Freedom from the chains that bind us…

…Whether it be a fast from certain foods, social media, or any other distraction that hinders your time and connection with God, trust in His leading and Obey with a willing heart…

…Declare with Faith and Authority that any obstacles hindering your progress will be cut off, and that a season of new growth and advancement will now spring forth…

…Trust that God has the Power to remove any barriers and bring forth fruitfulness in every area of your life…

..Be Bold!…And Call forth Supernatural Healings to break-Out…Ask God to release His Healing Power into any areas of brokenness or sickness in your life….

…Declare that breakthrough and complete Restoration and Divine Recovery are yours in Jesus’ name…

…Believe that as you Pray,..Healing will be made manifest in miraculous ways in the midst of you…

..Take Heart Mighty Warrior,…Our journey towards breakthrough, may come with temptations,..set backs and unexpected attacks from the enemy,..; But Do Not Fear,…”If God is for us, who can ever be against us?…Rom 8:31..

…Now Ask God to cover you with His Wings and to set a guard behind you,..protecting you from any schemes or distractions that may try to hinder your progress…

…Psalms 91…Declares..”Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty…I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, God, in whom I trust.”…!

…Seek God’s Wisdom to rectify problems in order to move forward speedily without any more delays or unnecessary detours…

…Ask God for the Discernment to identify areas that have hindered your ability to move forward in the past,..; Trust that He will guide you and provide the necessary steps to enable you to overcome any obstacles standing in your way…

..Friend At the end of the day,..Invite God into the details of your accomplishments and achievements thus far….; Ask Him to help you adjust any areas that may need refining or redirection…!

Prayer;…Father do not let my Faith subside to accept defeat during times of challenge, but let me keep confessing Your Word until I triumph to testify to your Goodness…Amen!

Prophetic Focus For Body,..Soul and Spirit;..Advancing Towards Breakthrough and Great Reward…!

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